Indian students rough sex in America

Hi friends, This is the real story and added some fantasy to make it more spicy to had enough for both men and women to get pleasure while reading, Readers this is just for pleasure just read and enjoy and leave it. And this an adult story is about sexual life if anybody doesn’t like … Read more

Get Caught while Masterbating (Neighbor)

My name is Ronak. I live in a very small house of two floors in Mumbai. I am a quit horny boy and very much additive towards sex. I always try to masturbate when I am alone at house. My neighbor and my family have a very good relationship. In my neighborhood there live a … Read more

Bangalore sexy story reader fucked hard

Hello, all readers of Indian Sex 4 Stories. Once again, this is Praveen from Bangalore. Today, I would like to describe the story that occurred recently. I had written my story on this site and I had received positive feedback from several readers on my email. One of them was Khushi. This story is dedicated … Read more

The morning after their first time

I awoke the next morning with a slight hint of guilt in my soul. My Sister Dana’s naked body lay next to me in bed. The previous night and into the early morning we had made passionate and lustful love three times in all. I must admit though that the Little Vicar was in no … Read more

First time sex with my hot girlfriend Anuja

Hello there, my name is Samarth. This is the story about my first sex experience with my girlfriend. Her name was Anuja. We were studying in a same college. She had crush on me from the beginning. At first we are just friends we go outside for little dates cause we both know we like … Read more

Bitch aunty part -1

Bitch aunty Hello there.This is my first time of story writing-Contain grammatical mistakesMy name is marx living with aunt ( mom’s sister )Her name is RiannaAge 43 Figure – busty milf with thick thigh and demonic assher husband is very busy in his work When I was in college 2nd yearI’m living with them because … Read more

Maid from Heaven – Part 15

Please read the previous part here ( Maid from Heaven – Part 14 ). Now let’s continue A few minutes later she patted Chetan signalling him to come to her. She said “Krishna my pussy is on fire, you know what you need to do”. I got between her legs pushing my cock inside and slowly … Read more

Maid from Heaven – Part 14

My sincere apologies for the delay in posting the continuation because I was held up finishing the “Living Again After Growing Old” series. Now let’s get back to this story. Please read the previous part here ( Maid from Heaven – Part 13 ). Now let’s continue Talking softly, I asked “do you want to do … Read more

A series of story how her hate turned to the evening she would never forget

Hi! This is Sarika. I’m writing this story about the guy I hated… made me go on knees for him. Currently in my master’s, I have a quite funky figure of 36,34,40, a bit bulged tummy. Adi, the guy who was the showstopper of my class, getting attention from each and every girl was quite … Read more

Roped In

She discovered the usefulness of her pretentious demeanor ever since an early age. Maybe it was the way she was destined to be or maybe it just was the simple way that the world works. Those who request often get what they want, while those who keep silent often miss such opportunities. Stephanie knew that … Read more

Priya’s sexual journey

Chapter 1: The Phone sex This is a real sex incident in the life of Priya, a divorce who is sex deprived, happened to found by her girl bestie Aishwarya and how it changed her life. Hi Guys this is my first story here which happened in my life recently. I’m Priya, aged 26 and … Read more

Cheating aunt smita (part 1)

Hi friends, Myself Mayur & this is my first story which is fictional and is filled with crazy sex stuff. I am 5 feet 6 inches tall, and a handsome guy (my aunt has told me this!) with a perfect athletic body and to compliment that, I have a 6 inches dick. So, let me … Read more

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