Indian students rough sex in America

Hi friends, This is the real story and added some fantasy to make it more spicy to had enough for both men and women to get pleasure while reading, Readers this is just for pleasure just read and enjoy and leave it. And this an adult story is about sexual life if anybody doesn’t like … Read more

A father resists his daughter’s temptation while snowed in

I woke up to someone bouncing painfully onto my legs and feet.  “Get up, sleepy head! It’s snowing outside!” said a sweet cheery voice. I slowly opened my eyes as the bouncing continued. My daughter Kali was rising high above me with a huge smile on her face. “Aren’t you a bit old to be … Read more

I licked my mom boobs to cure her pain

Hi, I am your Sundar. This story is written for my readers. This story is the story of his life. So I write as I write this story. I am Darshan, 27 years old boy living in Perth, Australia. This incident happened nine years ago when I was in India. Initially I felt shy to … Read more

Mousy mom submits to son, Then sets up her friend to fall

Mousy mom submits to son, then sets up her friend to fall My name is Sylvia. I live in New York state, in Westchester County. I am a 42 year old divorcee. Four years ago, my ex-husband, Alan, had began an affair with his secretary who was ten years younger than me. It was one … Read more

Moupriya fulfil her submissive fantasy with a Dom man in newyork along his hubby – Part2

Hi friends, this is the second part of Moupriya fulfil her submissive fantasy with a Dom man in newyork along his hubby Part2 in this story you will come to know what happend on next day if u have not yet read the 1st part then go threw that then read this part. Then next … Read more

Moupriya fulfil her submissive fantasy with a Dom man in newyork along his hubby

Hi, I am Moupriya Sen., If you think you like this sex story then please please do reply to me, give your comments. Am a married lady of 29 years old. My hubby Manoj Sen. is of 35 years working in an MNC in Mumbai We are very friendly, frank, open-minded, love to make friends … Read more

Indian Married Couple fulfilled their submissive fantasy in New York

Indian Married Couple fulfilled their submissive fantasy in New York HI I am moupriya sen married 29 years old married last 2 years ago my hubby Manoj sen is of 32 years work In a mnc company we are from Chandigarh. This is a real story of us we was gone to usa New York … Read more

Indian Couple Submissive Fantasy In USA With An Unknown Stranger Man

Indian Coupple Submissive Fantasy In USA With An Unknown Stranger Man HI I am mouprIya sen married 29 years old married last 4 years ago my hubby manoj sen Is of 32 years work In a mnc company we are from MumbaI. This story Is up to we was gone to usa new York for … Read more