Indian students rough sex in America

Hi friends, This is the real story and added some fantasy to make it more spicy to had enough for both men and women to get pleasure while reading, Readers this is just for pleasure just read and enjoy and leave it. And this an adult story is about sexual life if anybody doesn’t like … Read more

The morning after their first time

I awoke the next morning with a slight hint of guilt in my soul. My Sister Dana’s naked body lay next to me in bed. The previous night and into the early morning we had made passionate and lustful love three times in all. I must admit though that the Little Vicar was in no … Read more

Seduction of married woman in train

Hi Sex4stories readers, I am Rocky, from Bangalore and I am an average-looking guy. Working for a private company. It’s one of my real-life sex experiences with a married stranger on the train, and this is my first story and real-time experience that I’m sharing here. Let me start. This incident happened three years ago. … Read more

Surprise sex

This had happened few years back when I got my first job in Bangalore I was travelling in train . i was 24 years with good body and fair skin.i met I guy who was about 45 years old he was from Bangalore. We had talk in train .I told him I am going for … Read more

Intimated with elder sister in manali – part 1

Hi everyone I’m the new on this site I would like to share my story with you guys how I enjoyed in manali with my virgin elder sister. So I’ll be narrating this story in hinglish because my English is not so good. So this incident happened few months back in 2023. I tell you … Read more

My travelling in train

Hi Readers Iam Raju.Venus Iam from Bangalore,Now Iam 38 years old, Iam Handsome Iam very happy to share my train travelling stories,I used to travel sometime from Bangalore to Chennai,l always love to taste the pussy very much,my thirst and hunger on this Earth is only one,to lick and suck the pussy,my desire is to … Read more

Love after marriage 2

This is viplav again. In the previous story you Love after marriage read how I got married to my childhood friend. How we watched my mom and dad having sex after we arrived home. Let’s come to story now. Janvi hugged me. She said I was scared. I said nothing will happen baby. We started kissing. … Read more

Fucking my girlfriend cum junior in office in train

Hello again friends, Thanks for the beautiful response to my earlier story. In this story I will tell you how me and my girlfriend suma had sex for the first time in train. Getting into the story, Suma aged 22 joined as a junior in my office under me. she was a little plump and … Read more

Mom fuck by my friend sai

Hii friend I m abhi kumar from kolkata…I m new hear …plz co operator I do silly mistake … But my content will make u cum. This story is about my mom bandana. This is a story how I help my friend fuck my mom. Mom is not very fair in colour but she is … Read more

Train molestation turns into enjoyment

I was taking a train ride to one of the south Indian cities. It was for my school holidays, I was doing my +1 at that time. It was a night train, with the final destination expected to be arrived at in the morning. My destination station was not the last stop. I had caught … Read more

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