The forgotten file

It had been almost a year since Mike had died, and Sue was quite relieved that the probate was finally completed. She was now a rich women, not that she wasn’t before it was just that now it was in her own right.

Twenty five years with Mike had not been plain sailing, he had been married to his company and although they had a massive house in the Hampshire green belt he had spent most of his working weeks here in his private apartment in London which meant any real loving sexual relationship had never really materialised.

Today she hoped was the last obstacle Sue had to endure, clearing and selling the apartment.

A task she hoped should have been made a lot easier by Mike’s partner David Dean. Last week David had promised to go to the apartment and clear all their company files and paperwork, Sue was relieved that David had been as good as his word.

The room Mike had used for his office looked completely empty, the long glass wall cupboard she remembered containing customers files and video cassettes had been removed completely. While the wall cupboard behind the desk stood open and empty save for a roll of thick padded blue plastic in the bottom corner.

Sue started her packing in the lounge, one or two ornaments she would be keeping, but most of the content would be staying for the next occupant. The bedroom was a little different all the bedding would need to be removed, Sue had already made arrangements for a local homeless charity to pick up everything, all she needed to do was pack it and move it all to the lobby.
It was while she was in the process of doing this that she opened the dressing table drawer, her heart sank what she recognised was one of the company folders and video’s that had been missed. She remembered seeing them in the glass cabinet dated and colour coded, but what she saw in the file wasn’t any business folder in fact it was truly amazing.

All it contained were photographs, some thirty or forty high definition photographs all large A4 shots, was this the same for all the other folders Sue thought. There staring back at her was her best friend and the of David Dean Mike’s partner. Sue didn’t realise her own breath was coming in gasps, this was a Pam she had never seen before, wearing enough make-up to sink a battle ship. A wide leather collar tight round her neck the words CUM SLUT embellished in silver lettering a chain led from each side of the collar leading to nipple rings large nipple rings that lifted Pam’s big tit from her tiny bra, her thighs wrapped in hold up stockings, and her feet in ridiculously high heels. Pam was lay on this very bed legs wide open everything on show including her broad smile, she moved from pose to pose always showing everything

Sue had to take a break she left the picture’s on the bed getting herself some iced water, sweat glistened brightly on her face and at the same time she realised her nipples were rock hard and her pussy was damp. Instead of the disgust that she thought she should feel it was total excitement tinged with disappointment that she had not known or been involved in anyway.

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