The Seduction of a Loyal Wife and Husband

My name is Mike and I have an addiction. My addiction is the female body and all its attributes. A woman's body is the most amazing piece of artwork ever made. One day I can be a tit man and the next an ass man. It always depends on the woman who I'm talking to or the woman who I intend on seducing. Keep in mind that the woman has no idea at the time that I'm going to fuck her. To her, it just happens. My favorites are the ones with small & big asses with prominent hips.

My addiction to the female form has laid the foundation for my most cherished hobby. I love to seduce women. Not just any woman. My desire is to seduce another man's innocent, almost virginal wife who was married just within the past year. These girls have only experimented with sex with their new husbands. Usually just after or not long before they said “I do.”

Sex is exciting to the young wife because she saved herself for the man of her dreams. She is so excited to start on her journey and can't wait to please her new . More often than not, the man learns about sex by watching porn. These guys rarely learn about the seduction aspect of sex and they don't yet know about the art of mental and physical foreplay. They still believe sex with a woman is all and pussy. I have no problem with this because it's usually their wife that I end up taking to bed.

The woman on the other hand, is hoping her knight in shining armor will teach her how to be worldly. She reads the romance novels and expects him to sweep her off her feet and to teach her all about sex along with how to please him. The sad part is that the wife doesn't realize that sex should be about her pleasures as well.

Call me a callous womanizer all you want but a woman wants to be seduced, in fact she craves it. She loves being told how or how beautiful she is. When her need isn't satisfied, she becomes vulnerable and ripe for the picking. Another guy tells her how good she looks in a certain style dress and she will wear dresses that are similar.

When a man tells a woman her perfume is intoxicating, she will make sure she walks by him when she wears the scent. Notice a woman's beautiful eyes and she will spend double the time making her eyes sparkle. Comment on how sexy her legs are and watch how short her skirts become and how often she wears stockings with high heels. Her husband notices as first and thinks it's all for him when in fact she is on the verge of giving herself to another, at least for an hour. The danger starts when the husband stops noticing her beauty and takes it for granted.

My hobby is basically satisfying the woman's needs and urges. The picture of my success is having a married woman lying naked in my bed. This same woman's sexy bra and panties that her husband bought her are usually scattered onto the floor with the rest of her clothes. Success is having her legs splayed open with my cum leaking out of her red, gaping pussy. The same pussy that belongs to another man, or did an hour ago.

I especially get off fucking a married woman in her own marriage bed. The same bed where her beloved makes love to her. It turns me on when my cum is leaking out of her unprotected, married pussy soiling her own sheets where her husband will be sleeping in just a few hours. I don't mean to cuckold the guy. The urge must come from the caveman days when a guy took what he couldn't have as his own.

A married woman who has been seduced can never forget the feeling of her lover's hands on her body, especially when she gave herself to him in her own bed. Her memories resurface every time her husband makes love to her in that very spot. She is usually ashamed for her indiscretions but that doesn't stop her from masturbating to our coupling when the urge arises.

She will frequently tell herself that she will not continue with the lecherous affair but her body's overpowering sexual urges will eventually betray her. Her only hope is for her mind to become stronger than her body's sexual demands. By the time this happens, her body has already been thoroughly soiled and used many times as her body gets permeated by my DNA through the walls of her pussy.

I enjoy turning women into nymphomaniacs. One woman in particular is my own wife, Kim. She was a very naive girl until just a few years after we married. Little by little I seduced her to the point where she is now a “hotwife.” She enjoys sex with other men with my approval, permission and encouragement.

Kim knows that I seduce and fuck other women. In fact, she is the one who encouraged me to try and bed a certain young, married girl herself. She met Melissa while shopping. Kim said Melissa would be a perfect fit for my perversion. “I can't even imagine Melissa having sex other than in the position with the lights off,” she told me.

Kim also knows I have an infatuation with petite girls with a fine ass. Melissa was a perfect target for me on that description alone. Incredibly enough, it is Kim who has taught me the most on how to take advantage of other women more effectively and completely than I ever could have done on my own. She has even helped with a few seductions.

Married only seven months, Melissa worked at a mall near where I worked. She wasn't the stereotypical beautiful, tall, voluptuous babe with 32DD breasts. Personally, I like the women whose breasts will still be above the waist line in 30 years. Melissa was the pretty girl next door. The shy, innocent looking gal that had the look of lust in her eyes that she didn't even know she had. I'm sure even the most ethical man has taken a second look into those eyes and had his mind stray.

Melissa is a petite brunette with brown eyes and pure white skin that is soft and supple. She is about 5'2″ with a small set of breasts just large enough to fill a man's hands fully. Melissa's nipples are soft, pink and suckable just like her lips, both sets. That ass is easily her best feature, round and firm to fill a pair of jeans to perfection. Her hips are perfect for grabbing ahold of when driving into her from behind. Melissa married just after her 19th birthday. Little did she know that not long after turning 20, she would be an adulteress.

Her husband was a very conservative man who was just two years older than his Melissa. He also didn't have much in the way of sexual education. He was very dedicated to Melissa, loving her so much that he would never think of cheating on her. Unfortunately for Melissa, he did not want to try new things in the bedroom out of fear that she would think him a pervert. I challenged Kim to put his fidelity to the test at the same time I was trying to get into Melissa's panties.

Melissa and I hit it off right away with me gaining her trust over a 3-month period. We became friends and soon she was telling me things that a woman should never tell another man. If a guy is smart, he will listen to a woman who opens up to him. Listen to her carefully, she is literally telling a man how to seduce her.

Since I worked nearby, I would make a point to see Melissa often if only by waving to her on the way to my destination. When I would go in to visit, I would compliment her dress and looks. Once I even asked her if men often made passes at her. She responded, “no they didn't.” I told her most women don't realize how good they actually look.

“Forgive me for saying. As delicious as you look on a daily basis, especially when you wear jeans, I'm betting guys follow you to your car and you don't even know it.” She just laughed it off. But the seed was planted.

After about a week, I asked Melissa again if she noticed guys watching her or had she been hit on by anybody. Her eyes got wide. “Yes! Oh my goodness,” she said laughing. Right after I had left on the prior visit she started noticing guys doing just that. She noticed they would in fact hang around her area where she was working. Melissa caught many of them turning their heads as soon as she looked in their direction which confirmed that they were in fact checking her out.

“I have a confession,” she said. “I actually kept moving to different areas just to see if a few would follow me and they did!!”

Laughing with her I asked how it made her feel. She shrugged it off saying that they probably had nothing better to look at. I also noticed that she was wearing tight clothing and she had been taking more time with her makeup, not that she needed any. She always looked fantastic in jeans with her peach shaped ass and thigh gap. She said one guy even asked her out. He apologized when she told him she was married.

I wanted to find the guys and thank them for helping me to seduce her. Fact was, one of the guys was a good friend who I've shared a wife or two with. He's helped me out a few times and I've rewarded him with a piece of the action on occasion. I doubt that Melissa would get that wild but who knows. It's the innocent ones who surprise you the most.

Patience is everything, so after another month of chatting with her and getting to know her, I finally made my first move. I knew that Melissa took her lunch at a certain time each day. Around that time, I went in and mentioned that I was meeting someone for lunch but they had to change plans. Since she was about to take her lunch break anyways, she offered to keep me company. After eating with Melissa it became easy to make lunch “dates” a habit.

My goal was to make her feel even more at ease talking to another man. Especially about taboo subjects without her husband's knowledge.

The more time together we spent, the more she trusted me. She would tell me about how often her husband, Kevin would travel. After a while it seemed as if he had little time for his newly wedded wife. It's amazing what another woman will tell you when they feel that you are not a threat. Warning to the men reading this. If you're not listening to her, someone else is.

Little did Kevin know that his sweet, innocent wife was confiding in another man who had impure thoughts surging through his mind about his lovely wife. With my encouragement, she started confiding in me, telling me some of her more intimate secrets. Many topics were about her sex life and how she was not getting the sex she had hoped for when they married. You can't just fuck like rabbits right out of the honeymoon guys and then leave your sex hungry wife for a week at a time. Her hormones may eventually start to fend for themselves and find new avenues for relief.

A woman's sexual urges are sometimes so strong that she may find herself falling into the arms of another man to satisfy her yearnings. Many times she doesn't even notice anything is happening until she wakes up and realizes that she isn't in her own bed and the man beside her isn't her husband. By then she's already been soiled.

From what Melissa was telling me, she had a sex drive that was burning a hole into her panties and she needed to explore her curiosities. Kim would always know when Melissa and I would have our sexual conversations because I would ravage her when I got home. “What's wrong Mike, Melissa turn you on today? When are you going to sink this big cock between her married legs?”

I found out that Melissa was practically a virgin when she married, being deflowered when she was 18 by her now husband. They still didn't have much sex before they married. When they finally did take their vows, the sex was good but not as good as she expected.

They were brought up believing that people should save themselves for when they exchanged rings. Therefore, their sexual knowledge and experience was limited. Sex was so…”clean” she would say. “I expected sex to be more dirty I guess,” Melissa said with a blush.

Melissa's luscious, naked body needed to be in my arms moaning my name while I shoved my cock deep into her wet, clenching pussy. I didn't want to keep her for my own, just borrow. I would never force a woman but Melissa was going to need a little extra motivation. Everything that she was going to do would have to be her choice. I was there to steer those choices in the direction where I wanted them to go.

Finally, during one of our lunches, she gave me the opening that I needed. Melissa asked me how to be a better wife and lover to her husband and how to gain more of his attention. I had told her that I had been very sexually active and had several lovers. I even took a chance by telling her that I had a few sexual relations with some married women.

With a big smile and a sly look she said, “Mike, am I to believe that you have sex with married women?”

“Yes Melissa, I've been known to.”

“Is this what you are trying to do with me? Are you trying to get me into bed with you?” She was grinning ear to ear challenging me to say it, so I did.

I took her hands in mine and said. “Melissa, you have no idea how attractive and sexy you are. You have a luscious body that any man would be ecstatic to hold against them. I can't deny that I personally would jump at the chance to have sex with you. I'll tell you a secret. I've had many dirty thoughts about you running through my mind,” I said smiling and giving her a wink. “If I was trying to get any woman into bed with me, especially a married woman, then you my dear Melissa, would be my first choice of wives to bed.”

I took a big chance confessing that to her and her response was thankfully what I had hoped for. She stared at me for what seemed like minutes before laughing and hitting me in my arm while obviously blushing. She was shifting in her seat and her nipples were becoming more obvious under her shirt and bra.

“Oh stop…You've been holding out Mike.” She refused to acknowledge what I said about having sex with her but I knew she was processing it subconsciously. “Tell me more about the wives who have thrown themselves at you.”

She was intrigued by my stories and surprisingly wanted to hear more. She was obviously getting aroused even though I refused to tell her too much, stating that I didn't want to disrespect anyone by kissing and telling but she wouldn't let me off the hook.

“But you did much more than just kissing right?”

“Bottom line is that some women, Melissa married or not, are just looking for some good, no strings sex. They know that I'm not trying to take anyone away from their spouse. I don't want to break up anybody's marriage or have an extended affair. I am even friends with some of the husbands whose wife I have had sex with.”

“Seriously?! Is that the only reason you are friends with the guys? I mean, so that you can stay close to his wife to get a quickie every once in a while? What are the women missing out on that you give them???”

“Hold on Melissa,” I said holding my hands up and laughing. She was like a school girl wanting all the dirty details. The last question was the real one she wanted an answer to. I had a feeling that she wanted to find out if she was missing the same thing as other women.

“Some of the wives yes. I admit that I still have sex with them but it's rarely for just a quickie as you say. They want to be satisfied for an hour, not just a few minutes. The euphoria lasts for days after the orgasms fade.” She covered her face with her hands and squealed but I kept going.

“To answer your last question Melissa, the women are missing out on passion. Many of their husbands make love to them and they really do sincerely enjoy the sex, but they need more.”

As if Melissa was trying to comprehend what I was saying she said, “so you really make love to other men's wives?”

Treading carefully I told her, “No, Melissa I don't make love to other men's wives.” I took her hands and leaned into her ear so I didn't have to say it too loud. “I fuck other men's wives.” As I said that, her eyes got big as saucers and her mouth dropped slightly open. She took several deep breaths then finally spoke.

“I'm sorry, I still don't understand. Why would anybody do that to their own spouse?” She said quietly with an honest look of confusion. Her neck and ears were flush with arousal so I asked point blank.

“Melissa do you occasionally want a man to ravish your luscious little body? Would you want him to royally fuck the living hell out you like you deserve to be fucked, or would you rather be made love to?” You don't have to answer the question, you've already told me what you want. The question needed to stay unanswered like an itch she couldn't reach.

I could smell her excitement by now and kept with the subject but changed it to something a bit less intrusive. “Have you ever had oral sex on him?”


“Kevin of course silly, who else would you have oral sex with, me?” I said while laughing and trying to lighten the mood.

“Oh yeah, of course,” she said with an uneasy laugh. Apparently, she had just recently learned about giving head and was curious. When she brought it up to Kevin, he told her that he would never degrade her in that fashion. She said it was disappointing that Kevin didn't want to try new things so she dropped it.

“He thinks me putting his penis in my mouth…”

“It's a cock, Melissa. A penis is too sterile and not very sexy. The first thing you need to do is talk more sexy with Kevin,” I said with a grin.

“Fine, he thinks any woman who takes a… cock into her mouth may as well be a common whore.”

“Are you kidding me?! Every single man I know would give anything to have your lips wrapped around his cock, Melissa. I know I would.”

“Oh my god I don't believe you just said that to me!” She was blushing again but couldn't let it go. “I want to do things for him. I just don't know how to please him that way. Kevin is so strait-laced. I don't believe I'm telling you this but I really do have the urge to be… naughty, but I don't know how.”

“Want to know what men really find sexy in a woman? It's when a woman truly enjoys herself during sex without trying to just please him.” Melissa had to get going but wanted to ask one more question.

“What you said before, about wanting to have sex with me…I mean if I wasn't married of course. Is that true or were you just saying that to tease me? I mean nothing like that would happen of course but it is nice knowing that someone thinks of me…that way.”

“I didn't mean to scare you and I certainly don't want to offend you but yes Melissa, I would love to have your thighs wrapped around my hips with me between them while I push myself inside of you. Oh, and I never said anything about you being married or not.” I could tell that what I said stunned her but fortunately we were already walking out to continue our day.

A week went by after my confession and I was worried that she may feel uneasy being around me after basically telling her that I wanted to fuck her. We got together and the subject didn't come up until later.

“Last week after our talk I was quite confused. I had no idea other guys felt that way about me.” She didn't mention what I had said which was good. I knew what she was really saying. “If I confess something to you, I can trust that you won't laugh or anything right? I can't believe I'm going to say this. If I confess something to you, I can trust that you won't laugh or anything right?” She didn't give me time to answer and just blurted it out. “I was very…I mean…extremely… turned on when I got home,” she blurted out while looking down and twisting her wedding ring. “So much so that I had to take care of myself… To get the dirty thoughts out of my mind, oh my goodness, there I said it.”

“You masturbated thinking about me? Well, well. It doesn't sound like it worked did it?” She seemed to need to talk so I just let her, not knowing if she was talking to me or to herself.

“When Kevin finally got home I was needing him so bad but he wasn't interested. He's getting ready to leave for out of town again and he's focused on that.” This was perfect I thought.

“Let me ask you some questions…” Melissa just looked into my eyes waiting…”How often do you have to masturbate to get the edge off?”

“Confession time again?” Melissa said. “Ok, I can do this.” Trying to regain her sassy posture. “Honestly I haven't masturbated since before I was married, even then it wasn't often. Lately? I've needed to do it almost every day I'm ashamed to say.” I had a growing bulge in my loins but I kept my composure.

“Do you orgasm when you masturbate?”

“Well that's the whole purpose now isn't it?” she said in a sarcastic voice.

“Okay smart aleck, do you orgasm when you have sex?” I was surprised when she gave me an open and straight answer.

“I used to but it's getting harder…that's why I've been touching…well you know.”

“Have you given Kevin head since we talked about it the other day?”

“As if that's any of your business. But since you told me how much guys like it, yes and no. I tried and I failed miserably. He still doesn't think his wife should be on her knees before him servicing him like a prostitute.”

“Why not? I'm pretty sure most husbands want their wife to act like a total slut for them when in bed. Think about it, if you're his slut, he won't have to go out to get one,” I said laughing. “Your goal Melissa should be to be his personal slut.” With a sideways grin I told her, “maybe someday I can teach you how?”

“C'mon Mike this is hard enough. Don't laugh, it's embarrassing,” she said. “The truth is… when I tried to suck him the few times that I tried, I would wonder what it would be like for him to shave down there.” She started laughing hard as if she couldn't get a picture out of her mind.

“Well that's pretty random, Melissa. It's called manscaping by the way,” I said with a smile. “If you ever want to see what it's all about, I'm willing to take one for the team and show you.” I smiled and waited for the slap that never came.

“OMG! I can't believe you suggested that!”

“Oh and Melissa, feel free to picture me again when you're masturbating tonight, I'll definitely be thinking of you.”

“Ooh you!! I knew I shouldn't have told you.” We had things to do so we said our goodbyes and left. Not before I gave her a hug that lasted a little longer than a friend's hug should have lasted, I admit. If she was going to masturbate, I wanted to be the one who she masturbated to.

The day finally arrived that Melissa told me about. Kevin was going out-of-town for ten days on business. I decided this was the week I was going to take Melissa into my bed and fuck her like she deserves. I told Kim my plans and she offered any help she could give. She even offered to keep Kevin occupied while I seduced his wife. Kevin planned on going to the city only 60 miles away leaving his sexually frustrated sexpot at home. I told Kim that it's almost not fair when the woman's own husband is the one who pushes his wife into my bed.

Kim said that it would be fun to go up to check the place out. Wolves don't always wear men's clothing. Sometimes they wear sexy dresses and perfume that arouses even the most loyal of men.

The day Kevin left didn't come fast enough. I wanted to get Melissa alone by causing a small “emergency.” This day was going the day that she puts that banging body to good use. Drugs are rarely, if ever, my first choice when seducing another man's wife. I rarely if ever need them. I certainly won't use anything stronger than a little weed. Something to loosen her up a little to make her more pliable is all I want. Hemp smoke has the habit of allowing a woman to loosen up for a short while before their lust kicks in and takes over. A girl needs to relax. Doing so, makes her mind pliable to her own needs and desires so she allows herself to do what she really wants instead of me convincing her to do what I want. There is a big difference.

Melissa was at work and was staying a little late the night in question. I faked that I had locked my keys in my car to see if I could get her car door open. Calling a tow service, I asked to get help with “my” door when in fact it was Melissa's car. Luckily for me, the mechanic was having a bad day and didn't ask many questions before jimmying the door open. All I needed to do was pop the hood and loosen Melissa's battery cable in her car, hoping that she wasn't car savvy.

About the time Melissa got off from work, I conveniently showed up and walked her to the disabled vehicle. After she was unable to start the car, I made a call to a friend and acted as if he was a mechanic. After the call, I told her that he wasn't able to get there for about an hour but he would get it going for her as a “favor for a friend.”

Re-connecting the cables without her knowledge, I offered her a ride to my place which was closer so she could be comfortable while she waited. If my plans worked out like I was hoping, the next time Melissa sat in her car, she would be sitting in her panties full of my cum.

When we arrived at my place, she was pretty stressed out so I burned some “incense” that I picked up. Fortunately, Melissa didn't know what the smell of the smoke was and didn't think anything of it. Little by little Melissa started to feel more relaxed but it was so subtle that she didn't notice until her clothes were already on my floor.

While sitting next to Melissa, I asked her to turn so I could massage her shoulders and neck to relax her even more. An old trick that seems to never get old and usually works. When I thought the timing was about right, I steered the conversation towards sex. I gradually roamed over her body with my hands touching her arms, legs, nape of her neck and her lower back. I even grazed lower to her ass just to see how responsive she was, there was no reaction.

Melissa just kept saying how good it felt as my hands roamed under her shirt to rub her skin on her back, barely below her jeans. “How has your sex life been lately? Is there anything I can help with? My offer is still open.”

“My sex life is none of your business, Mike.” Then she slipped and said, “Last time you had a suggestion I ended up sucking your cock instead of my husband's. I want to keep your face out of my bedroom if you don't mind.”

“So when you masturbate, do you imagine it's me you're sucking to push you over the edge?” She didn't stop me as I kissed her neck and slightly sucked the skin into my mouth. Melissa giggled a nervous giggle after hearing me and gave out a slight moan from the kiss.

“None of your business. Ohhhh, you shouldn't be doing that but it's nice. If you must know, Kevin actually let me suck him but only as a prelude to sex, and only once.” As I continued nibbling her neck softly, her head fell to the side. She let out a moan and told me not to do that. “You're being bad, are you trying to take advantage of me?”

“Of course I'm trying to take advantage of you, Melissa.” I said quietly and with a hint of sarcasm. “I've already told you what I wanted, remember? Don't worry, I won't do anything you don't want to do.” She only moaned again and mumbled some words I couldn't understand. “Do I have a nice cock?”

“How am I supposed to know, I've never seen you?”

“You said the last time I had a suggestion, you ended up sucking my cock didn't you?”

“That's not what I meant and you know it.” I could tell she was nervous.

I was now running my fingers through her hair as I massaging her scalp. It was hard for her to keep her eyes open with the sensuality of the moment. “You still haven't answered me, how is your sex life?”

“What sex life? I just told you I sucked him for only a minute before we had sex. That's the only time we've done it since I talked to you last. I'm feeling kinda funny and your hands are making me tingle all over, they feel so good on my scalp. I wish he was here now, I could sure use it.”

“Use what?”

“Kevin's cock. I'm feeling very unladylike at the moment and your hands are turning me on much more than what's appropriate.”

“Say the word and I'll stop Melissa. What are you going to do if we do stop, go home and masturbate again? There's nobody there to take care of you and you've already hinted that it's not working. I think you need more.”

“Yes…I mean no…oh I don't know. I'm just so… and I can't…not with another…Oh, I'm so confused.”

“Don't worry Melissa. Like I said, I won't do anything you don't want to do, and if you do want…Well, nobody ever needs to know. If you don't mind me saying, your lips look incredibly inviting right now.” I reached around and gently ran my finger over her wet, open lips and told her, “the only thing missing between these beautiful lips is my cock.”

“Don't say those things, it makes me even more nervous. I want Kevin so bad right now.”

“What would you do with him”?

“Make him take me home so he could make love to me.”

“What do you really want, Melissa. You can tell me.” My hands were moving down her sides very slowly as I gently stroked her. I reached around to her stomach and was getting dangerously close to her petite, heaving breasts.

Slowly I manipulated her body backwards into a position that no other man besides her husband should ever enjoy. She was leaning back into my chest with my arms around her, getting another step closer to her .

“Melissa, you know what you want him to do, say it.” My face was next to hers whispering into her ear and I could see down the front of her shirt, the view was spectacular.

“I want Kevin right now so he could make love to me. My body is burning up! I need a it so bad.” I then asked her if making love is really what she wanted.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you want to make love, Melissa?” Still whispering into her ear. “Or do you need to fuck!?” I purposely left Kevin's name out of the question hoping she knew that I had just suggested that I fuck her.

“Please, I want to…oh my god…”. I sucked her neck right below her ear which was obviously an erogenous zone. “I want to fffffuuuuuck…. ” She threw her head back and gave out a moan as if she had just had a mini orgasm.

Taking her hand, I guided it behind her until she was physically touching my cock through my pants. “Your husband's cock isn't here right now. Use mine to take care of you until you can have his. Remember, he didn't want to have sex with you this past week except for one time. A girl like you needs more sex than that don't you? Let me help take care of you, Melissa until he gets home.”

I was hoping to play on her feeling that this was all an erotic dream and that the cock she was actually touching was her husband's. Amazingly, she left her hand where I had put it. I then slowly unbuttoned her blouse without any resistance and gently stroked her bare skin of her stomach and ribs just below her delicious tits.

“What are you doing to me?”

Melissa didn't seem to be able to tell between a dream state and reality. Her state of arousal was making the decisions for her at this point. Her hand, which was still between us, started a massaging motion. I didn't want to break the mood as she seemed to be hypnotized by the feel of what was between us. We stayed like this for several minutes until her breasts were just too much to ignore.

I then cupped both of her small breasts through her bra as I kissed and nibbled on her neck, staying near the erogenous zone below her ear. “Ooooh that feels good…we should stop.” She put her other hand over mine sternly but didn't do anything to stop my ministrations so I continued manipulating her tits.

Gradually, I lowered her blouse off of her shoulders, slowly maneuvering her arms out of the sleeves until her blouse was off and between our bodies. Unfortunately this action made her lose contact with my cock, but a big line had been crossed.

“I can't, it's so naughty, I'm not supposed to be doing this.” Still she let me continue.

Gently I reached inside of her bra feeling the incredible softness of her succulent breasts. My fingers found her sensitive nipples making her suddenly jump and moan, probably from the realization that another man was skin to skin with an erogenous part of her body. Melissa stopped talking, not knowing what to say and just let me take her.

I undid her bra and slowly removed it, tossing it to the floor. I was only the second man ever to see the perfection of her youthful breasts in the flesh. Her tits were firm with pink aureoles capped with erect, hard as diamond nipples.

I gently pulled, tweaked and massaged her swollen, pink nipples making her eyes roll into the back of her head. She pushed her chest out while squirming in her seat, no doubt thoroughly moistening between her legs for her inevitable taking. After a few minutes of manipulating her breasts, I told her.

“Take what you want, use me any way you need, your husband isn't here to help with your needs and I will never tell him. You've been wanting to give your husband a blowjob and he hasn't let you. I'll let you practice on me, Melissa.”

Several seconds passed as she contemplated on what was going on and what I said. Her body was being uncovered and exposed to another man. The same man who was telling her to cheat on her husband with her mouth. Then, as if she could resist no more, Melissa turned her body and slithered to the floor onto her knees.

She reached for the waist of my shorts and pulled them down along with my boxers until they were at my ankles, I removed one foot so I could allow room for Melissa. I made sure she was the one doing most of the work so she would remember being the one undressing me. Lust had taken hold firmly and nothing was going to stop her now.

My shaft shot up from my shorts brazenly slapping her in the chin. Now it was my turn to be stunned. Melissa felt my cock slap her and instead of backing up she moved forward. Without touching me with her hands, she rubbed her cheeks, chin, forehead and lips on my shaft as if rubbing her face on a soft blanket. Her eyes were barely open as she finally wrapped her small fingers around her desire. Melissa continued to rub the head along her face as if worshiping her first extramarital cock. She then paid close attention to my smooth and fully loaded, cum filled balls.

“I shouldn't be here, doing this,” she said, but again did nothing to stop herself. “Ever since you mentioned how much a man enjoys a woman's mouth I've been wanting to do this to him. Please forgive me.”

“Now is your chance to do what you have been craving to do Melissa. Take me into your mouth and show me what you want to do with your husband. Consider it practice before trying it out on him again. Don't worry, I have a feeling he will be more accepting next time you want to please him.”

Melissa gently cupped my balls and quietly whispering under her breath, “Soft, so nice. They do look delicious. Your cock seems to need some attention.” That's when she looked into my eyes with a mischievous grin and engulfed my cock into her mouth. “Oh shit Melissa,” as I inhaled deeply. “I think you've been lying to me. Your mouth feels incredible. So soft and so wet, perfect. That's it, suck my cock like you've been craving.”

Her enthusiasm was intense. She would suck my cock head then gently swirl her tongue around the crown as if memorizing the feel, the texture and the firmness. She would then lick her way down the shaft with the flat of her tongue leaving her saliva in its wake. After sucking me for a good fifteen minutes, I went as far as to teach her how to suck my balls so she wouldn't hurt “her husband” in her enthusiasm. My cock was getting to the point of no return quickly and her passionate sexual moans weren't helping.

Pulling my cock out of her mouth she continued squeezing and stroking me until I had a good amount of pre-cum running down the head. Then Melissa did another first, she rubbed the leaking tip on her lips as if she were applying lip gloss to her lips. Then in a move that I certainly didn't expect, she closed her eyes and slowly licked her lips all around, lapping and tasting the pre-cum as if it were the most delicious treat she had ever tasted.

As much as I wanted to spoil Melissa's throat with my seed, I needed to last longer and I didn't want to chance waking her up from her fantasy. Pulling her up, I placed both her legs on each side of mine and had her straddle my hips. It was hard not to just throw her down and ravish her, especially with her tender nipples staring into a drooling mouth. God knows she would not have stopped me.

With her chin in the crook of my finger I told her, “Melissa, anything you don't want to do, just say so. I will give you every opportunity to say no. All I ask is that you pause after each request before doing anything.” She stared into my eyes, her own eyes filled with lust.

“I want to see how you kiss Kevin before you two have sex. Show me the passion you two have with each other when making out when you are aroused like you are now. You are aroused right Melissa?”

“More aroused than I have ever been I'm ashamed to say.”

“Don't be ashamed, Melissa. Let yourself go and learn to enjoy yourself. Remember, you're doing this to show me how I can help you find ways to get the attention you deserve from your husband. I want to taste your lips and see how delicious you are.”

Melissa didn't speak a word and just stared for a good ten seconds. I could see her wheels turning trying to decide if this was wrong or right. I was hoping that she was thinking, “it's only a kiss. Why not get another man's opinion, maybe, just maybe it will help.” She then closed her eyes as her mouth dropped open just a little. She tilted her head waiting for her first kiss out of wedlock. I almost laughed at how cute she was but held back. I knew she was fragile right now and I didn't want to break the spell.

“No Melissa, I want you to kiss Kevin. Show me how YOU kiss him, not the other way around. Show me your passion.” I wanted Melissa to remember that it was she that took the initiative to join her lips with another man's. A kiss is arguably so much more intimate between husband and wife.

I felt that a married woman's lips meshing with another man's, who's not her husband, is way more taboo and crosses the marriage line differently than sex or a blowjob. Spouses will sometimes forgive their other half's indiscretion for giving their body away once before they will forgive an old fashion make out session. Sex is only sex they say, but the kiss is never just a kiss, it's a bond.

Melissa looked at me and stared for a moment longer, her mind in a fog trying to decide where she should draw the line between learning how to please her husband and committing adultery. Then, she did it. She kissed me. Her lips were soft and full of lust.

The moment her lips touched mine I felt her melt in my arms. She then fell into the kiss committing fully to the moment. As Melissa crossed over the tipping point, her tongue pushed into my mouth forcing her way past my lips. Man this woman could kiss! She wasn't the only one getting lost in the heat of passion.

Our tongues intertwined passionately, dancing together for what must have been a good fifteen minutes or more. Tongues pushing and shoving past each other, licking and sliding together in the throes of intimacy. We were both moaning along with each other as we passionately mated with our mouths. I wondered when the last time she actually kissed her husband like this was. Melissa shared the heat of passion with me that she should only show her own husband, the same husband who was miles away fighting temptations of his own.


The guys had all watched Kim as she entered the bar, just as they watched every female who crossed their paths. Several of the men approached Kim hoping to find his latest conquest. They of course, wanted Kim to fall all over their smooth one liners and obvious innuendos. A few even bought her drinks she didn't want just to see if she would feel obligated to join them, which she didn't. What they were hoping for, was to take Kim up to their room so they could fuck her like the studs that they imagined they were. It's ironic that the only guy that looked as if he wasn't hunting for a score was Kevin.

Unbeknownst to him, Kevin was the one who was being hunted. Kim was going to offer him a choice that even the strongest man could hardly refuse. He could stay loyal to his wife who was currently in another man's arms contemplating her sexually deprived body's lust vs her own loyalty. Or he could join his wife and allow himself to be seduced into Kim's adulteress trap.

Finally after being shot down by every woman they approached, the hunters searching to tag an unsuspecting vixen got tired of the lack of action and left to find another hunting ground. Fortunately, Kevin stayed behind leaving him unprotected from the huntress.

“Want a blowjob?”

“Excuse me?”

“OH! I'm so sorry! I meant the drink.” Kim said acting embarrassed. “A couple of your buddies thought it would be funny if they bought me a couple of shots called a blowjob. I'm certain they wanted me to drink them both down one after another, and I don't mean the drink.” She said with a wink. “As much as I do love blowjobs, the guys weren't my type. So do you want one?”

“We're still talking about the drink right?”

“If that's what you prefer.”

“No thanks, I'll have to pass… on the drink of course. I'm Kevin, and you are…”

“I'm Kim and I didn't mean to shock you. It's probably not every day that a woman asks to give you a blowjob, drink or otherwise. Actually I'm surprised they didn't buy me a threesome, those are pretty good too. The drinks of course.”

They hit it off right away so after some small talk, they took the drinks and sat down at a table. They chatted and did some harmless flirting, or so Kevin thought, for a good thirty minutes before Kim got a text. When she opened it she gasped. It was a picture of Melissa, Kevin's wife. She was down on her knees with a cock shoved half way down her throat. Her left hand was wrapped around her husband's shaft near the balls. Melissa's wedding ring glistened from the saliva leaking from her cheating mouth.

The text read, “She's going to dehydrate me with this mouth, can't wait to get inside her pussy.”

Kim gave a quick response. “You cad! Lol. I'll catch up to you soon, with mine now. Apparently he thinks his wife is pure as snow, if I don't respond later, you'll know why;). Ttyl.”

After the initial shock wore off, she turned the conversation with Kevin towards sex. Kim had no intention of letting her husband beat her, especially at this game. She reached across the table and played with Kevin's wedding ring while stroking his arm and asked, “Is this why you didn't join your buddies? You're handsome enough to get a woman into bed with you for the night if you wanted to. Or let me guess… your wife is upstairs in your room right now waiting to give you that blowjob that I was offering you? If so, I'm jealous,” Kim said with a shy grin.

Cough, cough….”Um… WOW you sure know how to put it out there. No, she's at home 60 miles away probably reading a book while curled up with some hot chocolate. Besides I would never let her do such a degrading thing.”

“Degrading? What's so degrading about giving your sex partner pleasure? Sex isn't always about what you want. The best sex is when you do something that makes the other person lose all control. I personally love giving head, there's nothing like the feel of a man's cock growing in my mouth while my tongue swirls around the crown driving him crazy.” If Kim was trying to get a response, it worked. Kevin was squirming in his seat trying to adjust himself without being too obvious.

“I, I…don't know, sorry, I didn't mean to insult you.”

“You didn't. I just enjoy pleasing a man. You're not denying your lil ‘ole wifey something that she wants are you? Tsk, tsk. Shame on you.”

“Most girls give head willingly and enjoy it thoroughly. Besides I've never heard a man complain. Especially when you finally shoot your hot cum into my…I mean their mouth.” Gulping down the last of the “blowjob” drinks, she continued. “I do love to swallow.” Kim said with a wink. “And the drinks aren't so bad either.”

Kim slid her shoe off and reached for Kevin under the table. When she got between his legs, her foot rubbed his cock making him almost jump out of his skin. “So Kevin, do you find me attractive? What if I told you that all you had to do was invite me up to your room. I just told you how much I enjoy and it feels like you could use a release. I mean, you do find me attractive, don't you?”

“Oh god. I uh…” Kevin was having a hard time concentrating. “Of course you're attractive, very much so in fact. It's just that…I can't, I'm married. I see you have a wedding ring on also and well…your husband…”

“Oh don't worry about him. My husband and I have an understanding. He can seduce whomever he wants and I can do whatever I please with men whom I find attractive. Fact is, he probably has some naive young woman slobbering all over his cock at this very moment. Who knows, you might even know the little slut he's taking advantage of tonight. (If he only knew) He likes going after the young, married ones. What did you say your wife was doing again Kevin?”

“Um, you sure don't pull any punches do you? Melissa's just not that kind of girl.”

Kim gave him a glaring look. “And what kind of girl is that Kevin? A girl like me? Someone who loves sex and is willing to go get it? You do realize that a stud and a slut are just promiscuous people right? Just because she's a woman doesn't mean she doesn't have strong urges. I'd bet you real money that her loins burn for variety at times and if she's not getting it from you… Then who?”

Kevin was embarrassed thinking that he insulted Kim but she was glad he said something so she could use it against his naive attitude towards women.

“Melissa right? She hasn't shown any desires that you're denying her? You just told me that you don't let her suck your cock. Poor girl. You really have no way of knowing if your good and proper wife is drooling all over a guy's big cock at this very moment do you? You should be careful what you withhold from her, a woman has a way of getting what she wants no matter what. Sorry if I'm being too blunt… Think about it this way, the harder you push her away, the easier it is for another guy to pull her in, literally.”

“Tell me Kevin, has your wife changed lately or is she the same girl you married?”

“She's pretty much the same girl thank you.” Kevin's stomach was churning, he was remembering when he brushed off Melissa's advances before he left town, he was just so busy. She was especially amorous the whole week before he left. Fortunately, Kim's foot was distracting him from thinking too much about it. Married or not, he wanted nothing more to take Kim to his room and fuck her, a thought he had never had with another woman before now.

“Tell you what Kevin, my foot is sensing that you want to take me up to your room. I'll show you what you are missing. After I'm done with you, you'll be begging for her to suck you off. She'll have no idea that you learned about it from another woman.”

“On the other hand if she is sucking another man's cock, without your knowledge, then she probably already knows how to do it and is wanting to do it for you. But hey, if you insist that you're saving her innocence by pushing her away that's your prerogative. Just don't push too hard, she may land on another man's dick. A woman's hormones usually find a way to get what they want.”

“By the way, you say you've never let your wife Melissa suck your cock. Does that also mean that you've never tasted that sweet pussy? Oh my, my.” Kevin started to say something but stopped, obviously not wanting to dig himself any deeper. “You really are missing out. C'mon take me upstairs. By the way, how long have you been married?”

“Just over eleven months,” Kevin said. Kim jumped out of the booth grabbing Kevin's arm. “Oooh a virgin, we're going to have some fun tonight.” Kevin had nearly forgotten that he had sent Melissa a text thirty minutes ago and had not received and answer yet. She usually gets back right away. He had figured (hoped) that she just went to bed early, but now his mind was reeling with other thoughts.

Kim gave Kevin the works. Both were still dressed with Kevin's pants on the floor. One foot was still inside a pant leg along with his shoe. Kim was eager to show Kevin what it was like to get a real blowjob. Sucking his cock slowly, making sure to touch every nerve. She licked his balls and suckled them into her mouth making him moan with more pleasure than he ever remembered having without being inside of his wife's pussy. Kevin tried to warn her a few times that he was going to cum but she just told him to relax and let it happen.

“Don't you dare pull out, I want it all in my belly.” Kim stroked his cock and massaged his balls as she rubbed Kevin's cock head around her lips and face. “Besides, I don't want to swallow it for you, I'm doing it for me.” Kim stopped for a moment to take a hair band from her wrist. She then took her hair and made it into a ponytail to keep it out of her face for when Kevin blew his load. Kim took his cock back into her mouth and seriously sucked Kevin's cock forcing him to shoot into her mouth only a minute later.

Kevin couldn't comprehend why a woman would want to taste his semen but the feeling Kim was giving him was just too good to resist. When the first surge came, Kevin thought his insides were coming out with his sperm. He had never felt a more intense orgasm in his life.

Kim felt the first rope of cum hit her in the back of her throat and had to swallow several times to keep Kevin's seed from spilling out from her mouth. Rope after rope shot down Kim's throat sending Kevin to places he had never been before. Blood rushed to his head as he almost passed out from the experience.

“Jeeeezus…!! I never knew that a woman's throat could feel so good.” When Kevin's orgasm finally subsided, his mind finally cleared and became more coherent to what was happening.

Kevin had just received an incredible blowjob for the first time in his life and the woman on her knees in front of him seemed to enjoy it almost as much as he did. Then a startling realization came back to him about Melissa and her sexual appetite as of late. He wondered if she had in fact been trying to get his attention and wondered who if anyone had been flirting with her.

Kevin got a sick feeling when thinking that maybe he did brush his wife off once too often. His hope was that he didn't send her off into another man's arms. His feelings of sexual curiosity soon started to return as his thoughts again turned to this mystery woman who had just swallowed his soul.

“Kim, that was incredible! I never thought that a woman's mouth could do that. I've never done that before.” Kevin started to pull his pants up so he could leave. “Where are you going stud? This is your room remember?” Kim said with a giggle.

“If you would rather be alone, I'll put my clothes back on and leave. I'm sure you're right about your wife, Kevin. She's probably home reading a book, all alone, wrapped in a nice comfy blanket. Your sweet, innocent angel is probably too prim and proper to have her legs wrapped around another man as he slides his cock inside of her. Now the way I see it is, you can stew about what may or may not be getting inside your wife tonight, or…”

Kevin was thinking about his wife so much that he didn't notice that Kim's shirt was on the floor and she was now slipping her skirt down her hips. “So what do you think Kevin?” As she stood before him completely naked. “Do my clothes look better on me? Or would you rather they stay on your floor?”

Kim took Kevin's hand and lead him as if he was hypnotized. “Let's take a shower together so you can recuperate, that was quite the load you gave me. After we get clean, we can get dirty all over again.”

Kevin and Kim took a long, hot shower together. They made out like teenagers while touching each others bodies. Kim stroked his cock and guided his fingers inside of her pussy, showing him how she liked to be fingered. When Kim sucked Kevin's cock some more, it made him wonder why he would ever push Melissa away. After getting Kevin to the brink again, she paused for a few minutes to let him calm down. She then turned her ass to present herself to Kevin's cock.

“I'll swallow another load later if you like. Right now I want you to show me how you fuck your wife. I'll even let you pretend you're fucking your sweet girl while you pound me if you like. Or you can pretend you're the stranger who's cock is probably buried inside of her virginal pussy right now.” Kim was giving Kevin a devilish, knowing grin while wiggling her ass against Kevin's cock. Kim's comment hit him right in the gut but he was too focused on taking what he wanted to let his jealousy at what might be take over.

“But I don't have a condom.”

Kim laughed and told him, “Well… I can wait for you to go downstairs to get some or you can call and ask some of your buddies. I'm pretty sure they haven't used any tonight with the lines they were using on me. Your choice Kev.” Kevin looked at the beautiful ass facing him as Kim leaned over in the shower. A moment later, he couldn't take it anymore and lined up his cock with his first extramarital pussy.

Kevin rubbed his cock head up and down her slit pushing Kim's labia apart. He then pushed inside of her pussy, bareback. Kevin no longer cared if it was right or wrong. He grabbed Kim's hips and thrust balls deep and started fucking her as if she was a “paid for whore.”


While Kevin was busy succumbing to another woman's seduction, Melissa was being the aggressor by pushing my head into the couch as she drove her tongue down my throat. We were making out like passionate lovers. My arms were wrapped around her body feeling her ass with one hand while the other manipulated her breast. I was finally able to pull Melissa off of me so I could take her very hard nipples into my mouth. They were absolutely delicious. She let out another moan as she held my head to her chest, enjoying the stimulation. I sucked half of her breast into my mouth as I flicked her nipples with my tongue.

“We so shouldn't be doing this. Oh god, this is so wrong… don't stop, just like that. Flick my nipple with your tongue.” Little by little the hemp was wearing off making her think she was in control but Melissa was struggling with reality of what she wanted. Should she stay loyal or succumb to her demons.

I couldn't hold out any longer and needed a release badly myself. She had me wound up so much that my cock was either going to shoot into her pussy or her mouth. I pulled away from her succulent tits and gently guided her head back down to my cock. She filled her mouth again without any hesitation on her part knowing that her mouth would soon be spoiled.

Every fiber in Melissa's being needed the experience of sucking a man's cock and making him cum. She knew right away she was going to swallow my load. Melissa was ravenous as she attacked me, shoving as much into her throat as she could on every push. Her cheeks would hollow out when she was pulling my cock out of her mouth only to push back in again. Just listening to her moans as she sucked was enough to shorten my journey to depositing my seed into her belly.

Every few minutes she would pull my cock out to slather my balls with her tongue. She then took my balls, sucking them into her mouth one at a time before swallowing my shaft down her throat yet again.

I maneuvered her so I was able to push her pants along with her panties down past her hips and barely over her thighs. Her panties were soaking wet leaving a slick trail of her juice on her inner thighs as I attempted to rid her of them. The smell of her pheromones filling the air was intoxicating, even more than the smoke which was still lingering in the air but had started to dissipate.

“Your mouth is going to make me cum in just a few seconds Melissa. Are you ready to have your first taste of a man's cum? That's what a slut would do, take every drop into her mouth and swallow it.” Just as I could speak no more, she sucked harder, as if that was even possible. She then let out a much louder gurgling moan. “Mmmmhmm.” telling me that she was ready.

“Here it comes. Ohhhh yesssssssssssssss, FUCK!! Swallow it!! YES, yes, yes that's it, oh my god…” The first shot of cum hit the back of her throat making her gag and making her eyes roll into her head. To Melissa's credit she kept sucking and stroking my cock using both of her hands, determined to follow through with her desire. The look on her face was incredible. She stroked my cock like a pro while slobbering, sucking and devouring her first meal of man protein she had ever had.

Melissa seemed delirious as she made obscene sucking sounds with her mouth along with a sexual growl that I had never heard before. A small bit of white showed at the edge of her mouth but as I watched, her tongue soon swept it up and into her mouth again. The rest went down her throat and into her belly. She must have had to swallow three times to get it all and never missed a drop. If she was going to be promiscuous this one time, she was going to do it right.

My own orgasm finally subsided and Melissa's pace slowed considerably. Her eyes were closed but her look was as if she was memorizing and recording every feeling her body was experiencing. She squeezed the last bit of cum out of my cock and rubbed the final drops into her lips before sensually licking it off with her tongue, that alone made me twitch again. When Melissa was finally satisfied that she had taken it all, she started sucking again.

“Melissa,” I said, “damn! If your own husband doesn't let you be his cock sucking slut, you can be mine.” She wasn't sure why, but she felt pride well up inside of her on how well she performed her first oral sex act. I finally had to nudge her mouth away telling her, “Ok, Melissa that's enough, I'm getting too sensitive. Don't worry, you can have as much of my cock as you want tonight, just give me a few minutes to recover.”

I thought Melissa would start feeling guilty as soon as she gulped the final drop down. Instead it seemed to spur her on, making her even more curious. Her hand never left my cock and she continued caressing my smooth balls as if she had never held a pair before.

“I've done this quite a few times actually,” Melissa said. “This is the just the first time it wasn't in my imagination. Oh and yes…The answer to your question earlier,” she whispered. “Yes I imagined your cock while I masturbated.” I thought of what to say but had no words.

After a few more minutes of silence, she noticed my cock filling with blood again. She looked at me as if asking if she could continue. I nodded my head and she put me back inside of her mouth, knowing that we were not done. I hadn't penetrated her pussy yet and there was no doubt she knew what was about to happen.

“How did you like your first cum drink, Melissa?”

In between sucking she spoke. “I think I loved what just happened, but I'm still confused.” “Slurp.” “I never thought another man could turn me on so much. This still doesn't feel real. I can't believe “mmmm” I'm doing this…slurp…because, I mean I really hadn't even had a cock in my mouth until a few weeks ago even though I was always curious.”

“Lick.” “But Kev…What I've done, oh my god. What I'm doing. Mmmm. It's so wrong.” Melissa stopped sucking and licking for a full minute so I just let her take it all in. I wasn't her husband but she wasn't going to let go of her first cock outside of her marriage. She wasn't trying to convince herself to stop, she was trying to push herself to continue.

“I feel like such a slut right now.” Whispering in a little girl's voice below her breath so I could hardly hear. “Kevin my love please help me, I can't stop myself from wanting more. Oh god, I just cheated on you, please forgive me.” All the while stroking my shaft. Then Melissa made her decision that her body truly wanted to make. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said…

“I need more, I need you to take me.”

I sat her next to me on the couch and slid my hand down her inner thigh. The closer to her center I moved, the hotter her skin became. Finding her entrance, I slid my middle finger between her engorged lips. The sounds of wetness her pussy made as I violated her most intimate parts was obscene. Her pussy juices made sloshing sounds on my wet fingers as I moved.

She looked as if she was going to blast off again so I stopped and pulled my fingers out causing her to moan. I had to finally taste her so I stuck my fingers into my mouth licking her pussy juices off then I kissed her. Melissa seemed to have no problem kissing her juices from my tongue so I dipped my fingers into her cunt again getting more juice.

Placing my fingers in front of her face, I watched as she licked them and sucked her juice off. This was my first taste of her married pussy and I was definitely going to have to eat her as a meal someday, but for now I was focused on the task at hand, getting Melissa to fuck me.

“Mike, I know what decision I'm making. Will you make love to me. My body is on fire. I've never felt this way before.” Melissa pleaded, “Please I have to have you inside of me!” I knew that she wasn't totally aware but who was I to argue. When you're as aroused as much as Melissa was, your decision making skills are extremely limited.

“That's music to my ears Melissa but to answer your question, no I will not make love to you.” She had a look of surprise on her face. “Making love is for you and your husband to do when you're together. I am not your husband.”

“Tell me what you really want, Melissa…You know what it is…”

“I…(whispering)Kev…I mean…Mike, Please fuck me. I don't want to cheat on my husband more than I have but I need to know what it feels like when a man really… fucks me.”

“Mmm, very good Melissa. Yes I'll fuck you. You'll know the difference when we're done. Now let's get you undressed completely.” I had her stand so I could help her out of her last remnants of decency. Finally, I tossed her still damp panties to the floor with her bra and the rest of her virtue. She crossed an arm over her breasts and tried to cover the V between her legs as she attempted to hold on to the last sliver of honor.

I reached for her body and turned her away from me so I could stare at her peach shaped ass. The sight was almost too much to take but I refrained from just throwing her down and taking her. Instead, I ran my hands up her legs and over her curved hips all the way to her shoulders. Goosebumps rose on her skin as I gently used my finger nails to slide down her back slowly, until I was at her hips again.

Holding her, she moaned as I kissed and ran my tongue over the dimples just above her ass. It was hard but I resisted touching the sweet smelling flower between her legs. I didn't want to stimulate her pussy too much until my cock was about to penetrate her. I could swear that a drop of her juices was about to drip out from her pussy.

“Show me.” I said. She looked at me for a moment with a questioning glance until she understood. Melissa stepped back and timidly dropped her arms showing me the full stature of her now naked body. The body she was giving to me fully. Looking straight through her thigh gap, I could see her glistening skin. Her pussy was definitely dripping female cum and it was making her inner thighs wet. I told her to look into the mirror that was to her side so she could watch herself giving her body to another man.

“Watch yourself as you straddle my hips. I'm not going to fuck you just yet, Melissa. Don't worry though, I'll be buried inside of you soon enough.” I could barely hear a small involuntary moan come from her lips.

She watched as she slowly took the few steps towards me. She then did what I asked but not before looking down at my hard cock. The cock that would soon be buried inside her boiling, drenched and very married pussy. She steadied herself on my shoulders as one leg, then the other straddled my hips.

Looking into her eyes I told her. “There will be no turning back Melissa. Once you slide another man inside of your pussy you can never take it back.” She was seemingly determined as she nodded her head with understanding. I wasn't 100% sure she knew what she was doing but I certainly wasn't going to bring her out of her deep state of arousal.

Melissa looked at herself knowing but maybe not realizing, that she was about to betray her wedding vows. Her brain was unable to process all of the new emotions that were coursing through her mind. I finally slid a finger into her dripping pussy and swirled it around, man she was tight! I could feel it grip me as she throbbed inside. If she was anything like Kim, her pussy only gets tighter the more aroused she gets.

“Only a slut would fuck another man while her husband is away from home, Melissa.” I brought her forward to pull her tits into my mouth, sucking one nipple then the other. She moaned and watched in the mirror as I manipulated her body with my hands.

I licked and felt her supple breasts and squeezed her firm ass, savoring the feeling of young, fresh meat as every touch, every lick made her eroticism go deeper. She had never been so aroused in her life. Every moan was intense as she tried to keep her composure.

“Are you wanting to be a slut for me Melissa? Don't answer me with words. I only want action. I'm going to count to three so I need you to follow my instructions. When I say the number one, I want you to kiss me like we kissed before. Remember, I don't want a husband and wife kiss. I want you to kiss your lover. Are you ready?” She just stared at me with that same look of lust.

Looking directly into her eyes while rubbing her nipples between my fingers I said, “One…” She closed her eyes as she lowered her mouth to mine. Melissa willingly slithered her wet tongue into my mouth. I sucked on her tongue and ate out her mouth as if it were her pussy and I was savoring her taste. She was giving away her innocence one step at a time.

She kissed me like a crazed nymphomaniac for a full five minutes or more, I really wasn't counting. Reluctantly she finally let me edge her away, I noticed her breathing had become harder and more labored. She had a hard time pulling away which I found amusing and highly erotic.

“On two, I want you to sit down on my hard cock.” All of a sudden a look of slight panic showed on her face. Reality was trying to raise its ugly head. “Don't put it inside of you yet, I want you to just sit on me and glide your pussy back and forth from my balls to the head so it rubs your clit, do you understand? Just slide your pussy flat against my cock.”

“This will be the first time your pussy has ever touched another man's cock besides your husband's am I right?” She again nodded her head. “Your pussy is so wet right now so you won't have any problem sliding on me. Remember, I don't want you to put it inside of you, not yet anyways.” I was taking my time on purpose to make her practically explode. In my own state, I was hoping that I didn't shoot off as soon as her pussy touched me.

“Are you ready?” Her wet pussy hovered over my hard cock which was leaking large amounts of pre-cum. Her hips were unable to stay still and kept moving as if she was in a slow, sensual dance. She couldn't contain herself as she kept letting out short quiet moans of pleasure.

“Two.” She hesitated so I gave her hips a little pressure and down she went. She watched her reflexion as her body lowered itself. Melissa's mouth dropped and her eyes widened with a look of panic as if she was almost going to pass out. “Oh my god, oh my god…”

Melissa suddenly felt her blood engorged, dripping wet pussy lips touch another man's cock for the very first time since her husband took her virginity not long ago.

Melissa's labia easily spread over my swollen cock and I immediately could feel her juices as she started to slide up and down my shaft. Her hips undulated back and forth, easily gliding over me as her pussy left a coating of slippery, wet pussy juice on my shaft. She watched herself as she did things with me that she had never done with her own husband.

Melissa was so swollen that her lips hurt with pleasure. Back and forth she slid on me until she was lost in the lust yet again. She glided for several hot and intense minutes as her orgasm built up. When it finally did hit, it hit with a ferocity which she had never felt before.

“Fuuuuu…..” Melissa threw her head back and made the loudest and most guttural moan I had ever heard. Who knew she even had such an intensity bottled up inside of her. “I'm cummiiiiiing…OH MYGOOooood…..” Melissa went wild sliding on my shaft feeling every inch as she pushed down hard. I swore her lips were almost completely wrapped around my cock. I was suddenly sodden wet with her juices as it gushed out of her pussy to soak my cock, stomach and balls. She screamed so loud that I hoped the neighbors were away.

Melissa looked as if she were possessed. Her mouth was open wide but suddenly her voice went silent. Nothing escaped as if she were going through a silent scream. The climax peaked and rocked her body. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head until finally her voice returned. A deep guttural moan came from her lips again, a moan I was certain her husband had never heard. Minutes passed until her convulsions subsided. Finally, she sounded and looked almost…human.

Melissa was shocked at what had just happened and didn't know what to do next. “I'm so sorry, I think I peed on you. I'm so embarrassed.” I told her to relax and informed her that she just had her first orgasm.

“That was the hottest and most erotic thing I have ever witnessed Melissa.” She actually had tears streaming down her cheeks from the emotion of her release. “Melissa, that was incredible! You are learning so much. I'm so happy that so many of your first experiences are happening with me.” A woman's “firsts” should of course happen with her husband but Melissa wasn't feeling the shame or guilt as of yet. That will certainly happen later.

“In a minute, I want you to say what kind of girl you are acting like Melissa. Don't admit it just yet, I want you to prove it with one more act of depravity. I know you want to be a slut this one time and to let yourself do what your body wants instead of your mind.” The look of fear returned to her face once again as she realized what she was about to do. Melissa needed sex so bad and wanted to hurry up before she lost either her courage or her mind. Still, she didn't want to be the instigator.

“Please, won't you just fuck me? I need you to take me. Please don't ask me do this to Kevin. I need it so bad but I don't know if I can bare knowing that I was the one who fucked you. How would Kevin ever forgive me?” She felt that if I was the one who took her, she could maybe be exonerated from her act of infidelity, that I took advantage of her instead of her giving herself to me.

“No Melissa, you need this. I'm giving you the chance to take control of your own pleasure. Now… I want you to tell me what kind of girl fucks another man while her husband is out of town. When you say it, I want you to slide your slippery, married cunt down my shaft until my cock is buried deep inside your married little pussy. I don't even want to see an inch of my shaft, in fact my balls should be touching the inside of your pussy lips when you're seated properly.”

She gasped from my choice of words but I wanted her to feel it deep inside of her mind as well as her body. Melissa put her head on my shoulder and spoke but I could barely hear her words. Her body started to shake before I heard the one word of concern.


I knew she was just stalling so I acted as if I didn't hear her plea. On an earlier date she had told me she was taking birth control pills so I wasn't concerned with getting her pregnant. A condom could be flushed away with her infidelity and the memory of what she had done with another man. Melissa was thinking that a condom would be more sterile. The last thing I wanted was a clean fuck. I wanted her leaking her indiscretion for hours following our coupling.

Melissa's hips were still sliding back and forth although slowly while her pussy rubbed my aching cock, building herself to another inevitable orgasm. She finally rose and leaned back to grab my cock between her legs, pointing the tip at the opening of her pussy. Between our naked bodies, I could see the most erotic and my favorite view of all. Her hand was wrapped around my cock and her wedding ring was glistening from her juices. She was going to mount me with the hand that held her sacred ring.

Melissa started rubbing the head against her swollen opening, wetting it for her impending penetration. She knew what she had to do. I held her hips up and away so she couldn't just drop her pussy onto me. She wasn't able to just mount me to be done with the initial penetration like she would prefer.

“Ready, Melissa?” A pleading, nervous moan and a nod. “What kind of a girl fucks another man while her husband is away, Melissa? Who are you Melissa, tell me now and show me.”

“A slut, I'm a slut. Ooooh god I'm being such a slut.” She was whimpering now so I let go of her hips and allowed her body to drop onto me in one motion. My cock split her engorged pussy which yielded to another man's sex. Her juices splashed out against my balls adding to the soaking wetness that was already there. “Oh my god it's done. I don't believe I did it. I'm your slut now, please fuck me!” She demanded. Then she started moving.

“Oh my god……..” she screamed as she threw her head back and ground onto my dick. Back and forth, up and down, thrusting her pussy onto her new fuck toy. “So Goooood!” She started fucking me with an intensity that showed how much in heat she really was. Melissa couldn't stop herself from acting out in the lust of her own debauchery of giving herself to another man.

Closing her eyes tightly, she kept saying, “I'm a cheating slut, fuck me” over and over as if she was trying to reprimand herself for giving in to her own deviant desires. Melissa easily reached multiple orgasms screaming and moaning like a whore in heat. “I'm so sorry Kevin. I'm so sorry for being a slut. I need this so bad. Fuck me, fuck me!!” Then she yelled during yet another orgasm with an extramarital cock inside of her cunt, “RUIN MY SLUT PUSSY!…”

I was no longer in control. My body was being used like a piece of meat, as if it were her personal dildo. I didn't mind one bit. Her orgasms overlapped each other and just kept on cumming in huge crashing waves. Melissa fucked me hard, rising where my cock was almost out of her cunt and slamming back down again, splashing more juices onto our bodies.

I was in ecstasy. Her pussy was wrapped so tight around my cock. The walls of her cunt yielded each time she dropped down only to close tight when she rose. Each penetration gave her new emotions and desires which crashed through on every violation of her yearning pussy.

The couch beneath us was getting soaked from all of Melissa's bodily fluids that were being forced out of her throbbing cunt. Each time she rammed my cock back inside of her, another stream of her juices would splash out, soaking more of our surroundings. Every few minutes she would have yet another long drawn out, never ending orgasm.

Finally, Melissa was having the hot, intense and dirty sex she always thought she should be enjoying. She no longer wanted to make love, Melissa wanted to FUCK! The whole time Melissa kept her eyes closed and her head thrown back saying, “fuck me, fuck me,” over and over again as if she didn't want to wake up from her erotic dream/nightmare.

There was no way I could last any longer even if I wanted to. Her passion was just too much for me. I brought her head down so I could look into her glossed over eyes. With every ounce of strength I had left, I felt I had to say one last thing to complete her debauchery.

“Melissa, if you don't stop my dear slut, your cunt is going to be soiled by another man's sperm. Do you want me to shoot my cum inside of your pussy or do you want to pull out and I'll finish in your mouth again? Her jaws clenched and her eyes burned a hole in my own as she only fucked me harder, tears of immense pleasure still running down her cheeks.

“It's going to shoot right against your cervix, Melissa. I can feel it every time you ram yourself onto me.”

She looked at me with another moment of clarity and fear but Melissa wasn't in any better shape than I was. Neither one of us could have stopped ourselves even if we wanted. The look she gave was as if she had turned into a deviant slut getting what she finally needed. With another deep guttural moan she cried, “fuck me, fill me up, fill me with your cum. Oh my god give it all to me… Forgive me Kevin…”

“Ooooh fuck yes, here it cums!” I let loose with a huge orgasm of my own, shooting my seed deep into Melissa's previously monogamous pussy, coating her walls with a thick coating of sperm. Melissa didn't let up. This time she didn't just have a squirting orgasm, she gushed. Her juices poured down my leg and couch onto the floor beneath us. Finally after shaking like a rag doll for around two minutes, her orgasm started to subside.

I put my arms around my conquest as she collapsed against my chest. “Oh god I can feel you throbbing, that's so hot.” Picking her up, I flipped her onto her back and with our loins still joined we proceeded to kiss tenderly. Melissa wrapped her arms around my head and her legs around my hips as she pulled me in to her. “I need more, give me more, please don't stop.” We kissed for a good fifteen minutes like lovers.

I could tell she was trying to drift back into her dream world where she had no responsibility for what she had just let happen to her. My cock, which was still embedded inside of Melissa, miraculously started coming back to life again. Rising again so soon was usual for me after two orgasms but her pussy was still milking my cock and wouldn't allow me to deflate completely. It didn't hurt that I had taken a little blue pill when we arrived at my place.

“Oh yes, I can feel you getting hard again. Please give me more, I want more,” she mumbled. I couldn't pass up this opportunity so I begrudgingly pulled out of her milking pussy. “NOOO, put it back!” she demanded.

“You have an incredible pussy Melissa, I have no intention in staying out of it for long. Follow me to my bedroom. We can continue our affair in there.” She slowly followed me to the other room knowing that her pussy was going to get fucked more. As she walked, cum started running out of her pussy and I saw a drop hit the floor.

The couch seemed more distant and less real, this was another man's bed. The word “affair” that I spoke weighed heavily on her. In her worse nightmares she had never imagined going to another man's bed to commit adultery so willingly. She loved Kevin, but this was pure animalistic lust that she yearned for and she knew she had to have it again.

When she entered my bedroom, she again looked at me, her eyes asking me what I wanted. “Get in my bed, Melissa.” She moved to the bed and laid on her back, automatically spreading her married legs for me. I crawled between her thighs and told her “put it in.”

Keeping eye contact, she slowly wrapped her fingers around my shaft and guided me to her well used, overflowing pussy. Rubbing it between her blood engorged lips, she tried guiding me inside of her, lifting her hips to help. After only a moment, I felt her forcefully pull at my cock demanding that I enter her. When I didn't penetrate her fully, she wrapped both legs around my hips and grabbed my ass with both hands forcing me inside of her body. I heard her moan…”yessss”…completing her seduction to the fullest.

Melissa was fully aware but the hemp in her body was still keeping her in a light dream state where her actions didn't seem totally real. My cock started thrusting slowly in and out of her soaked pussy while holding her head so she would look me in the eyes. I wanted her to see who was fucking her, or more specifically who wasn't. We started to fuck each other harder and harder driving my bare, unprotected cock into her depths.

The look of panic would occasionally appear on Melissa's face as she kept fighting the demons within. I didn't bother being gentle. Melissa didn't want a man to make love to her so I was fucking her. I slammed into her body hard and fast, thrusting into her with all my might, occasionally hitting her cervix and getting a moan on each thrust. This time there was no pretense on my part. I was fucking the girl who I had been wanting to seduce for months. I was finally between her thighs and was giving her everything I had.

After several minutes of missionary sex I pulled out and turned her with her ass up and her head down. My cock easily split her pussy lips allowing me to penetrate her fully in one thrust. She just kept on moaning and pleading for more.

“Yes, oh my god I love it. Give it to me, please don't stop fucking me!”

Melissa's hips were perfect hand grips allowing me to pull her to me as hard as I wanted. My hand slid over her soft skin until my thumb found her other hidden treasure. I began slipping my thumb into her and almost continued until thinking, “I'll make this a goal for another time along with eating this pussy.”

I surprised myself by not exploding as soon as I saw her ass sticking up before me. It was a sight of near perfection and the main source of my obsession in mounting this vixen. “Kevin my boy,” I thought, “you are one hell of a lucky man. I hope you don't mind me borrowing this on occasion.”

My balls began to boil and I was starting to lose control. I turned her over one more time so I could finish with a grand finale. When I pulled out to turn her she gasped and moaned “No, please…” Lying on her back, Melissa bent easily as I pushed both of her legs into her chest. Her feet landed around my neck perfectly so I could hold her in place. I then penetrated her for the final lap. The only thing moving was my hips as they thrust forward into her depths. The bed helped out also by throwing her body back onto my cock.

Surprisingly I didn't last as long as I usually would. Her pussy by now was so incredibly tight that she was almost pushing me out on every thrust. There was no way I could stop myself from unloading everything I had inside of her. Melissa read the signals of what was about to happen when suddenly her eyes grew large and her mouth dropped as she had one final moment of total and complete clarity.

“No, please don't!” she shouted, just as I shot my load and ground my cock into her married, cheating pussy as deep as I could. The sperm violently slammed into her cunt successfully soiling Melissa's marriage vows and triggering a final orgasm that shook her to the core. I kept my cock lodged deep inside of her as I rode out her contractions until she finally came down. Right before passing out asleep, she blurted out one last concern.

“You're not my husband!!!…”

The insides of Melissa's walls were thoroughly saturated with ejaculate clear up to her uterus, My DNA already permeating the walls of her used and soiled pussy. Finally, after several minutes of reeling in the feel of her pussy muscles as they squeezed the final drops from me, my cock slipped out. Some but not all of my seed was pushed out of her cunt from the tightness of her vaginal muscles. Grabbing my cell phone, I sent Kim a video of my deposit leaking from Melissa's pussy as it soaked the sheets. I didn't get a response from Kim until much later, telling me that she was having fun herself.

When Melissa woke not long after, I had already put her panties on so they could trap the remaining cum inside of her body. The rest had leaked out down her ass and onto my bed. I called a buddy to give me a ride from her place so I could drive her home in her own car since she was in no condition to drive.

The drive to her house was very quiet as she contemplated on what had just happened. Melissa didn't know what to think. All she knew was that her nipples were still hard from arousal. Her pussy was still throbbing from the fucking that she just had with a man who wasn't her beloved husband. She could still feel my cock embedded deep inside of her. It didn't help that she could still feel the cum saturating her panties as it leaked from her pussy.

She felt incredibly slutty. Melissa's hair was messed up, her makeup was smeared, the shirt was half buttoned and her bra was in her purse.

Only 60 miles away, her supposedly loving and loyal husband, who was currently in bed with my wife having his own sexual dalliance, had no idea that his wife had already committed an act of betrayal to their wedding vows. How could she let this happen? Melissa had never in her dreams thought she would ever cheat on her husband but she could still taste the evidence on her tongue and feel it between her legs.

The throbbing between Melissa's legs wasn't going to go away overnight and no matter how long of a shower she took, soap could never wash away the memory of what she had done. Her husband was going to be gone for several more days and I wasn't finished with her yet.

While Melissa tried washing away her indiscretion after again masturbating to the feeling between her legs, I finally, I received a text back from Kim. “Hey sorry took so long. I've been busy;) I'll be staying the night. Don't worry I'll have company if you know what I mean. Luv you.. BTW, you better change the sheets by the time I get home. I take it she squirted…”

The End of Part 1

I hope you enjoyed the story. Here's an excerpt from part 2 which will be coming soon.

Kisses, Kara

After the two days had past, I was going to contact Melissa to ask if I could see her. Instead, I received a text telling me that we had to talk. She wanted to meet at her place so we could air things out. Apparently, she felt safer and in more control with wedding pictures of her and her husband surrounding her. She figured she would be able to keep her virtue intact and gain back some of her self respect.

Unfortunately for Melissa, letting the wolf into the sheep den was a bad idea. It wouldn't take much to get her on her back again. This time she was going to have a clear head the entire time I fucked her in her own marriage bed. Before I left her home, Melissa was going to be naked and spread eagle. My cum was going to be running out of her freshly fucked pussy, down her ass cheeks and down into her own sheets, soaking them with multiple loads of another man's sperm….

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