The Seduction of a Loyal Wife and Husband

My name is Mike and I have an addiction. My addiction is the female body and all its attributes. A woman’s body is the most amazing piece of artwork ever made. One day I can be a tit man and the next an ass man. It always depends on the woman who I’m talking to or the woman who I intend on seducing. Keep in mind that the woman has no idea at the time that I’m going to her. To her, it just happens. My favorites are the ones with small & big asses with prominent hips.

My addiction to the female form has laid the foundation for my most cherished hobby. I love to seduce women. Not just any woman. My desire is to seduce another man’s innocent, almost virginal who was married just within the past year. These girls have only experimented with sex with their new husbands. Usually just after or not long before they said “I do.”

Sex is exciting to the young wife because she saved herself for the man of her dreams. She is so excited to start on her journey and can’t wait to please her new . More often than not, the man learns about sex by watching porn. These guys rarely learn about the seduction aspect of sex and they don’t yet know about the art of mental and physical foreplay. They still believe sex with a woman is all and pussy. I have no problem with this because it’s usually their wife that I end up taking to bed.

The woman on the other hand, is hoping her knight in shining armor will teach her how to be worldly. She reads the romance novels and expects him to sweep her off her feet and to teach her all about sex along with how to please him. The sad part is that the wife doesn’t realize that sex should be about her pleasures as well.

Call me a callous womanizer all you want but a woman wants to be seduced, in fact she craves it. She loves being told how or how beautiful she is. When her need isn’t satisfied, she becomes vulnerable and ripe for the picking. Another guy tells her how good she looks in a certain style dress and she will wear dresses that are similar.

When a man tells a woman her perfume is intoxicating, she will make sure she walks by him when she wears the scent. Notice a woman’s beautiful eyes and she will spend double the time making her eyes sparkle. Comment on how sexy her legs are and watch how short her skirts become and how often she wears stockings with high heels. Her husband notices as first and thinks it’s all for him when in fact she is on the verge of giving herself to another, at least for an hour. The danger starts when the husband stops noticing her beauty and takes it for granted.

My hobby is basically satisfying the woman’s needs and urges. The picture of my success is having a married woman lying naked in my bed. This same woman’s sexy bra and panties that her husband bought her are usually scattered onto the floor with the rest of her clothes. Success is having her legs splayed open with my cum leaking out of her red, gaping pussy. The same pussy that belongs to another man, or did an hour ago.

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