Maid from Heaven – Part 23

Please read the previous part here ( Maid from Heaven – Part 22 ). Now let’s continue

As soon as we got there he himself dropped his pyjamas and undies to his feet. I asked “papa, what about mummy”? He said “don’t worry about her, she is fast asleep. Now you hold it with both hands darling”.

I asked “papa how is that going to help me”? He said “hold me from behind and I will do the work so you will not get tired”. I followed his instructions and stood behind him with my hands under his armpits grabbing his stiff boner.

Papa started going to and fro with his waist as if simulating my hands. This position also resulted in my chest being hard pressed against his back. I was getting aroused again and was not sure where this was heading.

After a few minutes he said “Uma this is not helping, I am not getting the nice feeling and stimulation you gave me last time. Can we try something different if you don’t mind”?

I asked “now what do you have in mind papa”? He removed my hands and I came and stood next to him. He said “please don’t get me Uma, but there is one way in which I will get what I want and your hands will also not get tired”.

My curiosity was peaking as to what he had in mind, I asked “so what new idea do you have papa”? He held my waist turning me and made me lean against the wall.

Then he raised my kurta from behind and pushed his bare between my triangle. He said “Uma now just stand still with your thighs tightly closed and I will finish my business”.

While I was still dazed by his quick actions, he had already started humping me full speed. I was panicking because I too was already aroused and the he was giving me with his cock would surely make me soon and that would be embarrassment to the power of T for me.

He was holding my hips giving a super pleasurable pussy massage and my orgasm was quickly approaching. His thrusts were full of energy making me bounce on my toes even while standing.

I recollected his last time when he got me really tired with the hand job before he shot his load all over the place. So this being his second time, this would surely be equal to or longer than his first.

While I was lost in my thoughts, his hands crept up and cupped my boobs. While it felt good, I was scared it would accelerate my greatly. I removed his hands and said “papa I did not agree to this”.

He said “darling you are giving me so much pleasure which even my has never given to me till date. I am only trying to return the favor because I know you are also highly aroused by now”.

I said “papa please let us keep this limited to just doing what you need to relieve yourself. Don’t worry about me, I am only doing this to fill in for mummy”. He brought his hands back around my waist and a few more minutes later he raised the front of my kurta shooting his seeds all over your bathroom.

He even landed a few drops high on the walls. I thought to myself, how was I ever going to reach so far high and clean those stains. Papa thanked me profusely again and again and we got back to our work.

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