Loss of virginity to buaa/ aunty

Hi guys I am Saurav I am from Ranchi living in Kolkata now. This story happened with me and my paternal aunty Maya. I met her first time when my grandfather died (my father’s maternal aunt’s husband). My father has to go somewhere so I have to attend the cremation and all those functions. That … Read more

Satisfied with Business women Madhuri

Satisfied with Business women Madhuri 36 years old business women how fulfill with her dreams and satisfaction with me During the last few days when I was out of service, one of my old clients called me and said that he needs your service urgently. I’m not doing it right now. But she said please … Read more

Sex with stranger (escort)

My name is Maddy, a decent looking gentleman. This happened during the first week of May 2023. I’m married and currently my wife is pregnant. I generally have sex with my wife weekly 3 or 4 times but currently I was sex starving as my wife is pregnant. I don’t know what to do and … Read more