Son is reunited with his pampered, horny mom

Hayden wasn't sure it was her. The woman walking toward him in the crowded airport arrival lounge didn't look like the he remembered, or the one in the few pictures he'd kept hidden from his father over the years. The woman working her way through the crowd was looking straight at him as if she knew him, so thought it had to be her. But he must have changed as much as she did in the past ten years. Either way, he couldn't take his eyes off her. She was tall and blonde with a carefully pampered look that included what had to be a surgically enhanced pair of DD cup tits that were heaving as she walked, nearly falling out of the daringly low-cut dress she was wearing. The dress was indecently short, showing off smooth, slender legs. Her skin was evenly tanned and flawless, and she looked younger than the forty-two year old woman he was expecting to meet.

It couldn't have been Hayden's mother. She looked like an actress walking across a stage to accept a porn star award, except that she looked calm and measured her strides with easy grace. The eighteen year old started hoping it wasn't her. Then he wouldn't feel weird about getting a hard on for a woman who turned out to be his own mother because this woman looked to be a fully self-assured sex goddess.

Suddenly she was standing right in front of him, and he could barely make eye contact with her with those spectacular tits so well displayed.

“Hayden? My god, you're so grown up now,” she said with a subtle smile.


She looked a little awkward when he called her that, but he noticed she blushed a little bit too.

Hayden's father had passed away suddenly a few months before, and he wanted to live with his real mother instead of his stepmother. Cheryl had moved to the west coast and had just gone through her third divorce. Her second and third husbands had both been wealthy, and she was now very well off financially. Hayden's memories of her were very hazy, and since his father strictly limited any contact with her over the years it was almost like meeting a complete stranger. Except she was the hottest looking blonde he'd ever met in person. He even started to wonder if he was meeting the right woman.

“I'm so glad you're here,” she said a little bit formally.

She seemed totally self-assured. It was like she didn't even know that half her body was falling out of a dress that made her look like a stripper between shows. Hayden figured his mother must dress that way so often it didn't even faze her anymore. It was just normal for her. And it was much more normal for LA than back in Wilmington where he grew up.

“Yeah, uh, thanks for letting me come,” he told her.

She smiled again, just as subtle as the last one. “Well, I'm your mother. Where else would you go?”

“Yeah,” he nodded. “I guess.”

He started to wonder if he should have stayed with his stepmother, but then Cheryl just told him to follow her to the car. She turned and led the way toward the parking garage while Hayden walked beside her pulling his luggage along. It wasn't hard to keep up with her. She walked at a medium pace, with easy, confident strides, even in heels that looked like they had four inch spikes.

Mother or not, it was pretty much impossible not to keep checking out her smooth, evenly tanned legs as well those barely contained, world class tits that were just as evenly tanned and didn't show a hint of tan line anywhere. They didn't say anything on the way to the car, and Hayden was pretty sure his mother was well aware of the way he kept peeking at her body parts. He was curious about this woman who was his mother and who she was. But he'd also never seen a woman like her at all.

Hayden caught plenty of people looking at his mom on the way to the car, but not gawking in disbelief the way they would've back home. He was trying not to gawk, but he didn't think he was doing a very good job.

She led him to a brand new, black SUV with tinted windows. He put his luggage in the back and Cheryl drove to her house. They barely talked during the ride. It felt a little weird to Hayden. He wanted to get to know his mother but he didn't know where to start. Maybe she was just feeling the same way. It took a lot longer than he expected, but he was surprised to see the lavish, modern home on the hillside where it seemed like you could look out and see the entire world. Hayden liked the place immediately. He wasn't surprised when she led him inside and everything was bright and open, with large windows and more rooms than he could count right away. The furniture was sparse and all of it looked brand new, and it looked like nothing was out of place anywhere.

Cheryl led Hayden up a wide flight of stairs where there was a spacious living room almost as big as the one downstairs, and then a short hallway where there were two bedrooms and the biggest bathroom he'd ever seen. His mother opened the door to one of the bedrooms and told him it was his. It was much larger than he was used to. His mother stood in the doorway and calmly watched him check out his new room. It was a fabulous room, but nothing he'd seen since he got off the plane could compare to his mother's perfectly pampered and generously displayed body.

“It's really nice here,” he said, sitting down on the bed.

“I'm glad you like it.” There was that subtle smile again. “I hope you'll feel at home. After all, this is your home now and I'm your mother. It can be like a new life for both of us.”

“Sure,” Hayden agreed, already wondering what it was going to be like living with her.

A silent moment or two passed before Cheryl said anything more.

“Hayden, did your father say things about me? Things that weren't very nice?”

Hayden looked at her and felt himself blush. His father had said a lot of things about his mother, always using them as an excuse to keep the two of them from communicating. He knew his mother was already reading the look on his face. It was too late to think of a polite lie.

“What kinds of things did he say?” his mother asked calmly.

“I don't think I should repeat them.”

“It's okay,” she reassured him. “It's just us here talking. Mother and son, the way we've never had the chance. You can't tell me anything I haven't heard before, and besides, I want us to be able to talk to each other about anything. Once you get to know me you'll realize you can.”

Hayden stalled, thinking. But then he finally told his mother what she wanted to know.

“He called you some pretty bad names,” he said cautiously. His mother snickered briefly.

“I'll be he did. Such as?”

Hayden didn't want to say, but Cheryl pushed to hear more.

“Well, um, he called you a slut a lot. And a whore.”

Cheryl responded with that coy smile of hers and calmly walked over to the bed and took a seat beside her son. She took one of his hands in both of hers and held it on her lap. The hem of her dress rode up so high that the back of his hand was touching her bare thigh. He'd never felt anything so smooth or warm in his life.

“Do you think those are bad things to be?” she asked him.

“I don't know,” he avoided answering.

“Did you believe your father when he said those things?”

“Not really,” Hayden replied. “I just figured he was really mad at you. He wouldn't let us talk to each other so I had to just imagine you most of the time.”

“I see. Am I anything like you imagined?” she asked.

“Kind of,” he admitted. “I mean, in my mind you were always really pretty and really nice.”

“Do you think I'm pretty, Hayden?”

He nodded silently.

“That's sweet. I'm glad you think so.”

“Do you think I look like a slut or a whore?”

Hayden nearly choked at the question, making his mother laugh.

“That's okay,” she told him. “Because I am a slut. I am a whore. Just like your father said. But that should never be a reason to keep us apart, don't you think?”

“No, definitely not.”

With one deep sigh, Cheryl's tits nearly broke free of her insanely low cut dress.

“I've always been a highly charged sexual creature,” she explained openly. “Your father could never satisfy me even in his dreams. No, one man could. And ever since I was your age I've been what people like to call a slut or a whore. A highly sexually active female. Society makes very unfair judgments about women like me. I wanted you to know that about your mother.”

“It's okay, Mom. I'm not like that.”

She smiled much more widely this time. “That makes me feel very proud of you, baby. I hope you know how terribly I've missed you all this time, and having you come home to me is the best possible thing that could ever happen.”

“I'm glad, Mom. I hated not being able to even talk to each other.”

“Me, too,” Cheryl agreed. “But I want you to know all these things because I don't want to hide anything from you. And I don't plan to change my lifestyle with you here because I don't think there's anything wrong with it. But you should know because you're probably going to see and hear some things you're not used to.”

“Okay, Mom.” He wasn't sure what else he should say. He was already wondering what kinds of things she thought he'd be seeing and hearing.

“You can ask me about any of it. And if you really want to you can even watch, as long as you're discreet. I'm not ashamed of who I am or the things I do, and I don't want you to be ashamed of me, either.”

“Oh, I wouldn't be. I promise.”

She smiled broadly again. “You should've been with me all along,” she said. Then she turned her body and gave him a hug. Her enormous tits were mashing against his body and he couldn't help but feel intense tingling in his crotch.

Cheryl finally let him go and stood up. “Well I'm sure you must be tired from your trip,” she told him. “I'll give you a chance to rest and unpack if you want to. There's no hurry, though. We have all the time in the world now.”

Hayden smiled at his beautiful mother. Then he gazed at her long legs as she left the room and closed the door behind her. The conversation had left him a little bit stunned. He was amazed at how bold and open his mother was, but he couldn't help admiring her for it. And now that she was gone, he took a moment to rub at the tingling cock she'd left him with. She was nothing like he expected, and he was upset with his father for talking about the way he always had. Even though it was like meeting her for the first time, Hayden decided he was just going to love and defend his mother with everything he had. His father had failed both of them, and they had a lot of lost time to make up for.

He expected to be getting a lot of erections over her. Who wouldn't? She was a sex goddess, and by her own admission a horny slut. Well, there were worse things to deal with, and he wouldn't have to look very far for the hottest stroke fantasies ever. Eventually, maybe he'd get lucky enough to find a girlfriend who reminded him of his mother.

Hayden was too keyed up to sleep, so he finally went into the bathroom and took a shower. The stall was huge, with a full, glass enclosure and hand held nozzle that he kept aiming at his cock, making it bigger and harder. He began stroking his rod, thinking of how his mother had looked when she met him at the airport, and of the way she'd admitted to being a slut. But then there was the way her amazing tits had felt when she hugged him. He was working his way toward a hard explosion when the door suddenly opened and Cheryl walked into the room carrying a stack of towels.

“Hey sweetie, I just wanted to make sure you had some clean…” Her voice trailed off when she looked through the glass and discovered her son with a very impressive hard on in his fist.

Hayden froze. He noticed his mother's eyes linger on his cock, which made his throbbing much much worse.

“Darling, we have no prudish attitudes in this house about our bodies or pleasuring ourselves, okay? You might just catch me at it sometime, and we're not going to go around pretending there's anything wrong with it. It's perfectly natural.”

“Uhh, sure, Mom. Yeah,” he stammered.

Now she gave him the coy smile again, and she took a moment to watch him as his hand began moving back and forth on his shaft again.

“That's a beautiful cock, sweetie,” she told him. “You should be very proud of it.”

“Uhh, thanks, Mom,” he croaked.

She finally turned to leave, but then stopped in the doorway. “When you finish, be a dear and make sure to rinse all your cum down the drain, okay?”

“Okay, Mom.”

Cheryl left the room without shutting the door. Hayden didn't know what came over him, but he pounded his throbbing cock like never before, spattering the glass with spunk. And just as his mother asked, he took the nozzle and rinsed his plentiful spooge down the drain.

The next few days were like a blur. Hayden and his mother spent almost every minute together. She took him shopping for new clothes at all the best malls, and showed him the sights in and around the city. They had dinners out at expensive restaurants where the waiters were on a first name basis with Cheryl, and other times where they ate together on the balcony. Cheryl was full of questions, and Hayden was ecstatic to finally get to know his mother. He was careful about asking her too many questions, though. He knew she wouldn't mind, but he still wasn't used to way she lived.

Then one morning he found Cheryl in the kitchen still in her satin bathrobe. It was the first time she hadn't been perfectly made up and dressed like a knockout by that hour of the day. The blonde smiled when she saw the curious look on her son's face.

“This is the day for my weekly massage,” she explained. “I have a wonderfully talented girl who comes every week, and today I paid her for a double session so you could have one, too.”

“Wow, that sounds great, Mom.”

“It's perfectly natural to get a little excited from the massage,” she explained further. “So if you go getting one of your lovely erections there's nothing to be ashamed of. Mika is used to that. Besides, she always gives me a happy ending massage, and if you want one like that you just tell her. When you see her I think you'll want that. Do you know what a happy ending is, sweetie?”

“Uh, yeah, Mom.”

“Good. You're gonna feel so good afterwards.”

About an hour later, a young, Asian woman arrived at the house lugging a folding massage table and a bag full of lotions and oils. Cheryl introduced Hayden to Mika by name, not bothering to mention that he was her son. Mika nodded and smiled, briefly shaking hands with Hayden and nodding matter-of-factly when Cheryl told her they both wanted happy endings today. She hadn't bothered to double check and ask her son if that's what he wanted, but Hayden realized she knew he wanted that even before he did.

Being a beautiful day, Mika set her table up on the balcony where they had total privacy. She was a petit girl who was stronger than she looked. Hayden thought she was beautiful enough to be a model, and he couldn't look away when she stripped down to nothing but a tiny, white pair of thong panties. Her tits were perky B cups, with large nipples that were already swollen. Hayden felt awkward, wondering if he should leave the ladies on their own, but Cheryl told him she'd love to have him stay nearby.

“You should get undressed so you're ready for your massage when it's your turn,” his mother told him. Then she took off her robe, revealing that she was completely naked underneath. Her pussy was smooth as silk, without a hair in sight, and Cheryl showed no sign of self-consciousness as she strode naked in front of her son, tits heaving wildly, as she went to the table and lay down on her stomach. Her face was turned toward Hayden, where he was sitting on a cushioned, patio love seat.

Before Mika got started, Cheryl reminded her son to take off his and be ready for his turn. He was already getting hard. After what happened in the shower a few days before, he didn't mind his mother seeing him with a boner, but Mika was a different story. Then he reminded himself that Mika was only wearing those panties that barely covered her pussy and did nothing to cover her tight little ass.

Hayden stood up and took off his shorts and T shirt, sitting back down naked, with a semi-erect cock between his legs. Cheryl smiled her coy smile and stared directly at her son's cock while Mika began the massage at her feet. A dreamy looking cast came over the blonde's expression while the smaller, younger woman began oiling up her legs.

Hayden's cock quickly inflated to full size as he watched Mika's deft hands manipulate his mother's exposed flesh. The masseuse wasn't shy about spreading and kneading Cheryl's ass cheeks, exposing the woman's tight ring even to her son as she worked. Cheryl sighed with pleasure, keeping her eyes on her son's cock the entire time.

“It's okay if you want to touch it, darling,” the blonde said. “Just don't cum, though. Let Mika take care of that for you. You won't believe how good she is at that.”

Hayden didn't need to be told twice. He gripped his enormous, throbbing cock and slowly stroked his shaft while he watched the agile Asian woman work over his mother's upper thighs and ass. She continued up Cheryl's back and shoulders, until she finally told the blonde to roll over.

Hayden was transfixed by the sight of his mother's perfect tits and insanely smooth looking pussy. She was still looking at him, but while Mika began on her legs, Cheryl started breathing more deeply. The smaller woman was soon massaging her firm, heavy tits. She spent a long time on them, drumming her fingers over Cheryl's swollen nipples.

Then the blonde spread her legs in anticipation, knowing Mika was already moving to her side. The younger woman's strong hands kneaded Cheryl's thighs, finally beginning to make fluttering strokes over the woman's fully exposed pussy lips.

Cheryl smiled at her son and sighed with pleasure. Hayden gazed in awe as Mika worked over his mother's pussy with fleet fingers, stroking her slit and drumming her hardened clit. His cock was throbbing like mad and he wanted to cum desperately, but he remembered his mother's advice.

Hayden watched speechlessly as Mika carefully pushed a pair of fingers into his mother's sodden pussy hole. Working the blonde's clit at the same time, she massaged Cheryl's G spot. Cheryl clutched at the sides of the table and rocked her hips, gasping loudly as the climax over her glorious body, her tits heaving to and fro.

Cheryl came so hard that Hayden almost felt like Mika was making him cum, too. He wanted to cum at the same time as his mother, but he held himself off.

After a moment to recover, Cheryl got off the table and told Hayden to take her place. He got onto the table while his mother took his place on the love seat, sitting with her smooth legs parted widely.

Hayden lay on the table with his hard cock trapped under his body. He faced his mother the same way she had faced him. Seeing her spread so openly, so hot and beautiful, so carefree, made the throbbing in his cock worse than ever. Then Mika started massaging him, following the same circuit up the back of his body that she had with his mother. He was amazed at good it felt to have Mika's hands manipulate his ass, and when it was finally time to roll onto his back his cock was marble hard and throbbing like mad.

Cheryl had that dreamy look on her face again, and she reached for her pussy with one hand and started to stroke her slit while Mika massaged the front of her son's hard, young body. Hayden gazed at his mother, transfixed by the sight of her fingers drumming and raking over her obviously wet slit. Her pussy looked perfect, and it was hard to believe she was spreading it open for him to admire while the younger woman ran her oily hands all over his naked body. He tried to ignore the intense throbbing of his cock. It was the first time he'd ever gone this long without making himself cum and his whole body just felt so good.

Hayden's mother started to focus her efforts on her clit, rubbing that swollen pearl firmly while the pleasure she was feeling was all over her pretty face. Her immense tits waggled enticingly as she massaged her nub. Every time Hayden looked at his mother's face she was either looking at his big, fully exposed hard on or looking back at his face with a look of ecstatic happiness in her eyes.

Mika then took a moment to smear oil over her perky tits, then she leaned over and started dragging them back and forth across Hayden's cock. Her nipples were big and hard and they felt so good scraping across his skin. She spent several minutes massaging his cock and the area all around it with her tits, then she straightened back up and took his red hot shaft into her hand. Hayden felt himself gasp with pleasure, and he hear his mother do the same thing while slipping two of her fingers from her other hand into her pussy hole.

Now Cheryl was sliding her fingers in and out of her hole while rubbing her clit with the other hand. Hayden wasn't sure if he should believe what he was seeing.

Mika began stroking his cock with a firm grip. She caressed his balls with the other hand for a moment or two, but then used that hand to encircle the base of his shaft tightly. She gripped the root of his organ tightly like a cock ring while her other hand was gliding up and down his shank with corkscrewing strokes.

Hayden had never felt anything like this before, and the combination of pleasure and pressure was building inside him like a pressure cooker. His mother was smiling back at him. Her two handed assault on her own pussy and clit never let up and she was clearly well on her way to the peak of her own pleasure. Yet she was gazing back at her son with gleaming excitement in her eyes. He knew she understood what he was feeling. She was excited to see him experience such intense pleasure for the first time.

Mika kept gripping Hayden's thick shaft and stroking with her top hand until the pressure in his balls was building to a level he'd never felt before. Suddenly, the petite Asian eased the pressure of her grip with the bottom hand, allowing the teenager's spunk to go shooting up through his rod in a head-spinning explosion of spurting cum.

“Ohhhh fuck!” Hayden cried out. His cum was spurting straight up in the air, farther than he'd ever squirted before. His shooting cum was landing all over his body and some even landed on Mika's tits.

“Oh yes!” his mother cried out as she furiously pumped her pussy, bringing herself to a simultaneous orgasm with her son. Her eyes were glazed with lust and excitement as she watched her son's cock erupt and spatter both his own and her masseuse's bodies.

Hayden needed some time to recover from cumming so hard. Knowing his mother had cum along with him had only made his climax more intense. He was still feeling a little dazed when he finally got off the table. Mika had already toweled his cum off her tits and was getting dressed, although he and his mother were in no hurry to put any clothes on.

Cheryl got up and handed Mika an envelope full of cash.

“Same time next week?” she asked the younger woman. “A double session for both of us?”

Mika smiled and nodded. Hayden wondered if she'd figured out she'd just given happy ending massages to a mother and her son. Either way, if the masseuse was going to come back and do this every week she was bound to learn the truth sooner or later. Hayden realized he didn't mind. Maybe he even wanted the younger woman to know. He felt proud of his bold, adventurous mother. And on top of that, she was the most overtly sexual animal he'd ever known in his life.

After Mika left, Hayden and Cheryl sat naked on the balcony, sunning themselves for a while. Even though they'd been naked around each other a few times in the past few days since Hayden got there, it was the first time they'd hung out together completely in the nude. But considering the audacious way Cheryl always dressed, the woman's body held no mysteries for her admiring son. Yet he still loved seeing her naked. Being naked together. They'd both had incredibly good orgasms and now the sun felt so good on the bare bodies. Hayden loved his mother even more naked. It just felt like they were completely open to each other. He'd never felt so comfortable with anyone in his life. It was then that he realized he felt happy. Happy to be reunited with his mother, and happy that they could be so open and at ease with each other.

“I could tell you enjoyed your massage,” Cheryl pointed out with her coy smile.

Hayden was beginning to smile the same way, subtle but so suggestive.

“It was fantastic,” he said. “I'm glad we could do that together.”

“Oh, baby, that means so much to me. I've never shared that with anyone else, and you'll be the only one I ever do.”

Hayden felt good about that. He wanted to have something with his beautiful mother that no one else did.

“You should shave that body, though,” she suggested. “Trust me, everything will feel so much better. If you want, I could even take you to the spa where I get my regular waxes.”

“Doesn't that hurt?” Hayden asked, although he was truly interested. His mother had yet to steer him wrong.

“Everyone has a different threshold,” she told him. “But it's worth it. How about just trying it once? Then, if you don't like you don't have to go back.”

Hayden smiled at his mother again. He was willing to try anything.

It was only the next day that Cheryl got Hayden an appointment at the spa where she got her waxing done and arranged for him to get the male version of a Brazilian wax. It wasn't as painful as Hayden expected, except maybe around his balls, but later on he felt it was worth it.

The morning after his wax, Hayden got up and went out naked onto the smaller, second-floor balcony. He loved the way his newly smooth body felt, and he wanted to get an all-over, line-free tan like his mother had. It felt so good to feel free to go out naked whenever the mood struck him, and he was quickly developing a huge liking for lying out nude in the sun. He was also excited by how pleased his mother was with his new appearance. She hadn't been at all shy about telling him how good he looked when she went into the bathroom while he was showering. It made him feel bolder and more confident.

The feel of the sun and air on his smooth body was enough to make his young cock begin to grow thick. He couldn't resist caressing his balls and growing shaft. He was hard before long, and couldn't keep from stroking his shaft. That's what he was doing when his mother came out with two cups of coffee.

Cheryl gazed at her son's aroused cock with her coy smile as she set Hayden's cup on the stand beside the chaise he was on, then she took hers and took a seat on a deck chair. She was wearing her usual, daringly short style of dress. Today it was a form-fitting sheath dress with spaghetti straps that left the size and shape of her braless tits fully accented.

Sometimes Hayden couldn't decide if he loved seeing his mother more in the slutty looking clothes she always dressed in or just completely naked. He hadn't seen her naked since Mika was there to massage them, and the sight would never leave his mind.

“You look like you're feeling good,” Cheryl said as she sipped her coffee, gazing at her son's cock over the rim of her cup.

“I feel great like this,” he replied, referring to how good his body felt after the wax. Keeping his cock in one hand, he reached for his coffee with the other.

“Well, you look fantastic, sweetie. And it makes your cock stand out so beautifully. You do have such a lovely cock.”

“Thanks, Mom. I'm really glad you like it.”

“You can keep stroking it, if you like, baby. I guess you already know I enjoy watching that.”

“I really liked watching you, too, Mom,” he said, thinking of the way she'd made herself cum at the same time Mika had made him cum so hard.

“I could tell, sweetheart. That made me feel so good. I know we're still kind of getting to know each other, but that made me feel so close to you.”

“Me, too,” he agreed.

“So you don't think it's weird that your mother thinks you have a beautiful cock?” she asked, looking as if she already knew the answer.

“No, Mom. I really like that you do. I mean, I think your body is amazing, too, so I wouldn't want that to be weird for you, either.”

“I think it's the sweetest thing in the world, baby,” she said.

Then his mother suddenly excused herself and went inside. She went into her bedroom and returned just a moment later with a small bottle of lube, which she set beside Hayden's coffee cup.

“There,” she said. “I think you'll find that oil just perfect for stroking that beautiful cock.”

Hayden wished she would just stroke it for him. After all, they were already far more sexual with each other than “normal” mothers and sons. But maybe she just felt like that would be going too far. He wanted her like crazy, but he couldn't help but understand her feelings. He thanked her for the lube and proceeded to drip some onto his hand, then smeared it all over his shaft and balls.

His heart started pumping faster when he saw the renewed interest in his mother's eyes. His cock was hard and glistening with a coat of oil, smoothing the glide of his stroking fist.

“I'd love to join you sunbathing,” she said, “but I've got a couple of appointments I have to get to. But how about something more to look at while you stroke?”

Hayden nodded and kept stroking his cock while his mother slipped the straps off her shoulders and pulled the top of her dress off her enormous tits. She smiled and played with her nipples while she watched her son stroke his magnificent rod.

“You really like my tits, don't you, baby?” she asked none too coyly. “I could tell when I picked you up at the airport.”

Hayden smiled back at her. A few days ago he would've been embarrassed, but life was rapidly changing in the most unexpected ways.

“Who wouldn't like those tits, Mom? They're amazing,” he told her.

Cheryl's smile told him how pleased she was with his compliment. “Enjoy them as much as you want, baby,” she said.

Hayden kept stroking his cock and watching his pampered looking mother fondle and play with her exposed tits. He wanted to feel them more than anything in the world, but he also respected his mother's limits. Besides, it would be stupid to complain.

“I'm so proud of how big your cock is, darling,” she told him.

She went on to talk about his cock while he stroked it, her hands never once pausing in their grasping and groping of her tits. Hayden was throbbing wildly, and he never took his eyes off his mother as he fist-fucked his hot, thick stalk. But before too much longer he grunted and gasped with pleasure while climax exploded, his succulent cock spurting cum all over the front of his smooth body.

Afterwards, he lay back and caught his breath while his mother smiled and calmly rearranged her unwieldy tits back in her dress. She got up to go to her appointments, but as she passed Hayden, she paused and dipped her finger in one of the dollops of cum on his chest. She held the finger to her mouth and sucked the bit of spunk into her mouth.

“Mmmmm, you taste so good, too,” she told him proudly.

“I should be back in a few hours,” she added. “You can take the second car if you need to go anywhere. Oh, and later on a friend of mine will be coming to visit. A male friend. Just a casual friend, but we'll be visiting in my bedroom. I'll leave the door open for you if you want to watch us, but don't let him see you, okay? He knows you're my son so I wouldn't want it to be weird for him.” She paused a little dramatically. “But it wouldn't be weird for me. Not at all.”

“It's okay, Mom,” her son replied, wondering what his mother would be doing in her bedroom with her “friend”.

Cheryl had warned him he might be seeing some out of the ordinary things living under her roof, and now he imagined he was going to find out what she meant. As if the session with Mika hadn't been a big enough hint.

After she left, Hayden went into the bathroom and toweled the cum off his body. Then he pulled on a pair of shorts and went down to the small exercise room his mother had set up on the ground floor. After a good workout, he went back up and showered, getting dressed in a fresh pair of shorts and T shirt. He cracked open the new laptop she'd given him and went online to research colleges in the area. Once he started college it would be easier to meet girls he could do more with than his mother. Yet he didn't want to give up what they had. But if his mother could have friends with benefits, why shouldn't Hayden?

Later on after Cheryl got back home, they had dinner together on the lower balcony. His mother asked if he wanted to suggest an outfit for her to wear for her friend's visit in another hour. He said he liked the purple dress she had on when she picked him up at the airport the other day.

“Your legs and tits look amazing in that dress,” he told her.

“Oh my, that's a very slutty outfit,” she snickered.

“All your outfits are slutty, Mom.”

“Why Hayden!” she exclaimed with mock exasperation. “Is that any way to talk to your mother?”

Hayden laughed. “It would be with an average mother, but my mother is way above average,” he said with a proud smile.

Cheryl sighed. “You're the best son any mother ever had.”

Hayden was falling more in love with his mother every day, and he was sure she felt the same way.

After dinner, she went upstairs and put on the dress he loved seeing her in. She found a pair of heels that matched, different from the ones she'd worn to the airport the other day. When her friend finally showed up an hour later, Hayden was out on the upper balcony with his laptop. Cheryl and her male visitor hung downstairs for a while. He could hear them talking while his mother opened a bottle of wine. After a couple of glasses each, they came upstairs.

Cheryl came out to the balcony with her friend and introduced him to Hayden.

“Nick, this is my son, Hayden.”

Hayden didn't bother getting up to shake hands. Nick gave him a perfunctory nod and greeting while Hayden gave the older man a much more thorough appraisal. The teen knew Nick had something else on his mind. He couldn't blame the guy, not when he was about to disappear into Cheryl's room with her. Nick was probably a little younger than Cheryl, but not by very much. He looked to be in pretty decent shape except for a slight paunch in front. He was good looking and wore his hair cropped short. And he seemed to be much too eager to fuck Cheryl to be worried about doing it with her son in the house.

Casting a knowing smile over her shoulder at her son, Cheryl led Nick back in and toward her room. Hayden watched them walk away, watching his mother's luscious legs as they propelled her down the hall. He closed his laptop and listened. From the balcony, all he could hear was the indistinct murmur of their voices talking quietly so he got up and padded quietly closer to his mother's carelessly open doorway.

Yet Hayden knew Cheryl's open door wasn't careless at all. He knew his mother was inviting her son to listen and even watch. Lingering near the door without trying to look in, he heard his mother ask Nick if his wife knew where he was.

Nick laughed. “Hell, no,” he replied. “If she knew I came over here on my own she'd probably call that divorce lawyer she thinks I don't know she's fucking.”

Cheryl snickered. “Well I guess we better not tell her, then. Now why don't you sit back and let me do the work?”

“Oh yeah,” Nick replied, half in a growl.

Hayden waited and listened. Nick started sighing deeply.

“Mmmm, that cock is getting hard so fast tonight,” his mother said. “You must really need it.”

“Fuck, yes, I need it bad,” the man groaned.

“Oh, I love how big and hard you get for me,” Cheryl said.

Hayden then chanced a quick look into his mother's bedroom doorway. The chair that was usually in the corner of the room near her computer table had been moved to the open area near the end of her bed. It was angled so Nick was facing the opposite corner and couldn't see the doorway. Meanwhile, while his mother was kneeling on the floor between Nick's feet, Hayden could see her clearly. He had an angled side view of Nick's naked body as he sat in the chair, and the man's fully aroused cock while his mother knelt on the carpet, stroking his shaft and fondling his balls with both of her hands. When she spotted her son looking in at them, that same, coy smile crossed her pretty lips but she didn't look at Hayden directly.

Hayden could tell his mother didn't want to draw Nick's attention to the doorway. He moved his body into the doorway so she could see him. Considering the way she had Nick distracted with her skillful attention to his excited cock it didn't seem like much a risk.

Cheryl was maddeningly patient in the way she stroked and caressed Nick's cock. Her hands looked just as skilled as Mika's, but her style was so different. She stroked Nick's cock with slow patience, thumbing the underside of the head and making him moan deeply. Hayden was amazed and his own cock was growing hot and hard in his shorts as he discovered his mother's avid love of cocks. The way she was handling Nick's cock looked like she was pleasing herself as much as him. But it was also just as clear that Cheryl was excited by having her son watch her.

Hayden pulled the band of his shorts down below his balls, exposing his impressively engorged cock to his kneeling mother as she deftly handled Nick's cock. He wanted her to see how she was affecting him, wrapping his hand around his thick, hard shaft and stroking it while she caressed and massaged the other man's cock.

“It's so hard, so nice. I love that cock,” Cheryl cooed sexily. A quick dart of her eyes toward Hayden told him she really meant those words for him.

Meanwhile, Nick was sighing with pleasure while Cheryl patiently worked over his shaft and balls with both of her hands. Part of Hayden felt jealous, but throbbing excitement in his swollen rod was also because he felt proud of her. She was sexy and so amazing, and her son was astonished by the way she had the other man under her sexual spell. For that matter, she had her son under her spell, too. Hayden wanted to be the one sitting in that chair feeling his mother's special attention to his aching cock. He was sure she must be wishing the same thing, but they were mother and son, after all. They couldn't possibly go that far.

Cheryl pulled her magnificent tits free from her open-front dress and wrapped them around Nick's cock. Nick groaned his approval.

“Oh yeah,” he told Hayden's mom, “stroke that cock with those , baby.”

“You like these tits, don't you?” Cheryl asked him, casting a quick glance at her son in the doorway.

“You know I do,” the man said.

Hayden stroked his cock and watched his mother massage Nick's cock with her tits. She held them in her hands and slid them up and down the man's rock solid shaft. After a while she reared back and went to work on his dick with her hands again. She held his shaft upright and leaned forward to slide her tongue up the underside, then letting it swirl around the flared ridge of the head. Nick moaned with pleasure and Cheryl then took his hard flesh into her mouth, patiently stroking and sucking him at the same time.

The hem of Cheryl's dress was riding up around her hips, exposing more of her legs and ass at the same time. Hayden was dying to see her directly from behind and stroke his cock as he admired his mother's asshole and smooth pussy slit. But her slow, patient sucking and stroking of Nick's cock kept him hard and stroking until precum was steadily dripping from his head. He lubed his shaft with his own goo, pleased to see his mother's eyes darting in his direction every chance she had.

Nick seemed to stay hard for a long time, and Hayden realized his mother's slow patience was her way of keeping the man on the edge and letting his pleasure build slowly but surely. She kept working his cock with her talented mouth and one hand while she slipped her other hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy while she continued sucking and stroking Nick. Hayden wished he had a better view of his mother's wet pussy, but it was so hot to watch her steal some pleasure for herself while working on pleasing the cock in her mouth.

Eventually Nick started to grunt and gasp. Cheryl seemed to know his reactions well. She barely changed the pace of her sucking and stroking, which made Nick groan even more deeply until he gasped and started to climax. Cheryl took some of his cum into her mouth, then pulled away and stroked the rest of his load onto her tits.

Hayden's cock was throbbing madly. He couldn't imagine how good it would feel to be on the receiving end of his mother's skillful attention. But after Nick finished cumming, Cheryl cast a quick look at her son and he knew he had to sneak away from her doorway before Nick saw him.

Hayden padded silently into his bedroom. Closing his door, he stripped naked and kept stroking his cock. He felt like pounding his rigid meat hard and fast, but he couldn't stop thinking about his mother's slow, patient way of milking Nick's cock to a hot, intense release.

Listening at his door, he could hear the murmur of voices from Cheryl's room, and within a few minutes Nick was heading out of the house. Hayden could hear his car start up and pull away. That's when he left his room again and went back to his mother's, just standing naked in her doorway again with his achingly swollen rod in his snug grip.

Cheryl was sitting in the same chair Nick had, but she'd moved it again to face the doorway directly. Hayden realized his mother had been expecting him to appear. Her lusciously big tits were still hanging out in the open, and her dress hem was up around her hips. Her slender legs were parted wide and exposing her silky wet slit. She was raking her fingers up and down her slit, and she smiled when her obviously aroused son appeared in her doorway. She watched Hayden stroke his cock while he watched her massage her pussy.

“I think you liked watching your mother suck her friend's cock and make him cum,” the blonde said.

“I did. And I know you could tell.”

“Yes, baby, I could tell.”

“And you liked having me watch,” Hayden added.

“I loved it, baby. I've never felt so close to anyone,” she said.

“Me neither,” he agreed.

“You don't think it's weird to have such a horny mother?”

“I love it, Mom. And I love you. I want you to be happy.”

“You make me happier than I've ever been before, my love. I can't help feeling this way around you.”

As if to emphasize her point, Cheryl spread her glistening, wet pussy open wide and fingered her hole for her son. Hayden's pulse raced at the sight.

“You're not the only one, Mom,” her son replied with a shaky voice.

She slide a finger up inside her pussy, slowly stroking it in and out. “Could you tell I was wishing Nick was you instead?” she asked.

Hayden nodded. “I was wishing I could be him, too,” he admitted. “Is he your boyfriend?”

“Oh god, no, baby. He's kind of an asshole, to be honest, but he has such a nice cock. I have a small group of friends like Nick. We just get together to take care of our mutual urges, that's all.”

“I don't think he deserves you, Mom. Dad didn't deserve you, either. You should have someone who loves you like I do.”

“I know, baby. But…I'm your mother. We've already broken so many rules.” She whimpered softly and dug her finger deeper. Hayden could tell she was reaching for her G spot.

Hayden walked into the room and stood directly in front of his mother's chair. He was close enough to reach out and touch her while his hand kept stroking his dick shaft. Her eyes were gleaming as she watched him stroke.

“We're not like other people, Mom,” he said. “We don't need to live by the same rules.”

Hayden could smell his mother's intense arousal. Her slip-sliding finger was beginning to make slicking noises as it pumped steadily in and out of her hole.

“Baby, think about what you're saying,” the blonde said, her eyes steadily trained on his throbbing cock and stroking fist.

“I know you want my cock,” he told her. “I know you like it better than your friend's. It's bigger and harder and much nicer and you know it. I can see it in the way you look at me.”

Hayden never imagined talking to his mother this way, but his desire for her was immense and pushing him to become the young man he knew he could be for her. He reached down for her free hand and brought it to his cock. She instantly curled her hand around his shaft and started stroking him.

“Oh, no,” she said breathily, despite her readiness to fondle her son's rock hard organ.

“Oh yes,” Hayden replied. “That's so good, Mom. And you know it's right. I don't even want to hear you say Nick's name anymore. I have a bigger, better cock for you anytime you need it.”

“Oh god, baby, I need it so much,” his mother mewled.

Her usual air of confidence was changing to lustful need right before her son's eyes. She took her finger out of her pussy and started stroking and massaging her son with both hands, pleasing his sensitive shaft and caressing his balls at the same time. Just from watching, Hayden could tell his mother's loving touches were eager and firmer than what she'd given Nick.

He stood a while watching the blonde massage his cock, often looking up at him as she worked. Without a doubt, his mother was the hottest, most talented cock pleaser who'd ever held his rod in her hands. She was making him ache harder and harder by the second. He couldn't resist reaching for the back of her head and pulling her face toward his cock.

“Taste that cock, Mom,” he groaned. “Suck it.”

“Bad,” she cooed. “Ohhh, so bad.”

Then her tongue snaked out of her mouth and lapped all around her son's big shaft. She licked every inch of him, taking her time and clearly savoring the taste of his hot, swollen flesh. She licked and sucked the head, driving his pulse rate even higher while he cupped his smooth balls in her hand. Hayden groaned and began pushing deeper into his mother's mouth. His thrusts were easy but insistent. Cheryl looked up at him with surprise in her eyes. She was obviously used to taking control of things with her other men, but Hayden wasn't about to treat her like any of them. He was her son. What they had between them was too special for anyone else to understand.

Hayden was soon thrusting strong and steady into his mother's wet mouth while she closed her eyes, her expression practically rapturous. He was barely able to fathom what he was seeing, not to mention the incredible sensation of the woman's agile tongue swirling against his driving shaft. His hands went to her sumptuous tits, fondling and squeezing her smooth orbs while his cock delved between her moist lips.

After as long as he could take, he pulled his cock from the blonde's mouth and pushed her dress off her shoulders.

“Take it off, Mom,” he said. “I want you naked. Besides, that dress hardly covers anything anyway.”

Cheryl almost looked disoriented. Hayden realized she probably never let the other men tell her what to do, but she stood up and removed the dress that was barely covering her body. He took her by the hand and led her to her bed. She followed meekly and sat on the edge of the mattress.

“Good, Mom,” Hayden said, standing in front of her. “Now massage my cock with those amazing tits. I deserve it more than your other guys do.”

“Yes, baby, you do,” she replied.

Hayden pushed his cock between his mother's big globes and she pushed them together around his shaft, massaging his pole the way he wanted. He stood and watched her stroke his meat with her boobs, savoring the feel of her silky, warm skin along his. Precum was oozing heavily from his knob, wetting his mother's tan skin.

Eventually, Hayden leaned over and kissed her, pushing his tongue deeply into her mouth. His heart nearly exploded just being able to kiss his sexy mother like she was his, not to mention his wildly throbbing cock. He then got down on his knees so he could fondle her heavy tits and go back and forth, sucking each of her swollen nipples in turn. Her sighs and moans of pleasure only made him want to keep going for as long as he could. But at the same time, he reached between her thighs and started to finger her pussy with his right hand. Her moans immediately grew deeper, and within seconds she lay back against the bed and planted her feet on his shoulders, opening her pussy wider.

Hayden slid two fingers into his mother's fuckhole and began licking at her honey-slick sex lips, all around his thrusting fingers. Cheryl gasped and cried out her desire. Then Hayden swirled his tongue around her clit and sucked her pearl in between his lips, sucking and lapping at her pleasure node while his fingers thrust without stopping. He kept going until his mother rewarded him with two, hip-grinding orgasms almost one after the other.

When she caught her breath, Cheryl raised her head and looked at her son in amazement.

“Go sit on the chair, baby. Mama's got something special for you,” she said.

Hayden went to chair and sat. When his mother came to him and straddled him, he stretched his legs out and slid his ass to the edge of the seat, making it easier for her to reach down and grab his cock. She held his bone in place while she pressed the hot, wet lips of pussy to the head of his cock.

“Fuck, yes, Mom,” he groaned. “Ride that cock.”

“Ohhhhhh, fuck,” the woman moaned as she lowered her pussy onto her son's rigid prick.

Hayden groaned with pleasure as his mother's hot sheath began to swallow up every, throbbing inch of his huge cock. She sank down his shaft and began rising up down, milking him with her pussy. Her hips rolled erotically as she used her legs like springs and gave his pole a delirious cunt massage.

Hayden was soon grasping at his mother's enormous tits, kneading them and twisting on her rigid nipples while she rode his cock. After all the stimulation he'd had, Hayden didn't know how he could hold out much longer, but his mother seemed to know just how hard and fast to pump her pussy up and down that cock.

Cheryl was moaning deeply with pleasure. It was all over her face. Hayden was satisfied to realized she hadn't looked at Nick at all the same way. She began riding him faster, losing control of her measured strokes and milking her son's fat member for every ounce of friction she could feel.

She began gasping and crying out that his cock was making her cum again. Hayden felt the rippling clamp of his mother's inner sheath. The milking stroke of her sodden cunt was more than he could take any longer, and he finally thrust hard up into her body and pumped her deeply with hard spurts of own her own son's spunk.

Hayden's orgasm went on almost as long as his mother's and left her hole filled with hot cream.

Afterward, she dismounted him and they went to her bed where they lay down together and held each other. They kissed for a long time.

Later, they went downstairs and ate a late dinner together, both of them sitting naked at the table. They couldn't stop smiling at each other across the table. And as hard as Hayden's mother had made him cum, his cock was hard again before they finished their meal. They left their food half eaten on the table and Cheryl led her son back up to her bedroom by his cock.

They both knew Hayden had finally come home.

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