Sex wit junior nanyathara

Hi All, This Prasad and from Vijayawada doing job in and my age is 25 years, 6.4 feet and 7 inches tool.
I am very fan of I sex 4 stories reading from past 1Years and want share my experience.this is first story please forgive any mistakes.

Her name is Ika (name changed due to privacy reasons) this indicent happened was in 2017.she was my junior 1 year but than one year and her figure looks like actress nanyathara and big fan her ass teasing I like your ass more than you.she having bubble buttocks and thunder thighs
Coming to story I saw her roaming in college caridor in dept building enquiry about her then know her name we exchange sight views while passing opposite each other not even a single word talk to her completed 7 months. In the month of February college fest was going to conducted I purchased stall before one week to sell tokens
I got opportunity to talk with her take some deep breath meet her and asked please sell the tokens to other department she happily took the tokens and give a smile.

I took her number from college what's app group ping her I got immediately repalied from her I enquired about tokens and she said few tokens only sold contiuning with chat with her fewdays not any deeper.

In college fest games were conducted I was part in the cricket team by seeing her I missed Fielding and catches after she laughed at me after that I sent message about tokens and not even sold single.she sent a message to me your cricket skills are good and teasing me missing the balls and catches and smiling at emjos after few exchange the opinions.i sent a message
Me : your physique is too good
Ika. smile enjoy thanks I like your height
Me. Really?
Ika. I like your height I never seen before
Me. Thanks for that.
Ika. Hmm
Me. I like your back it's hot
Ika. Really smiling emoji
I got some courage to move next level and strated greet each other daily and talking on phone at night from 9:00Pm to 3:00AM every day talk about sexual fantasy and places.

I completed my MBA moved to Hyderabad we are touch in phone and got job after 5 months I ping her coming to Vijayawada and she also in Vijayawada in relative's house I asked about movie she said ok .we meet in a mall book a flop moive tickets were hardly 30 members in theatre.
First 10 mins movie completed she was adjusting her things .my hands are very big . I slowly touched her shoulder and put my hand inside press right bood it's very big and other hand pressing her navel part for sometime I am pressing very hardly .she said tit's paining but she likes it immediately I gave her liplock for 10 mins contiuning and pressing and pinching her buttocks very hardly. I opened the zip I took out 7 inches outside she touched my dick at that time I am heaven and pressing very hardly I said to her press slow da .

I am kissing her neck ,nose, lips and thunder thighs sucking boods vey hardly .I opened my shirt button first two
She kissing on my chest and neck.i kisssed each place on upper body of her. We lost the our senses immediately light on we came sense it's movie break we breathing very hardly and I bring the water bottle in canteen we drink the water water and light off slowly we strated kissing every time my in her body boods and buttocks.those Mango boods taste are awesome and she pressing my dick very hardly give a blowjob it's first experience it's haven to me.i pull down my seat give a kiss on his g spot and sucking with my tounge and give fingering for 20 mins and sucking and digging pussy with my fingers she got organism and went to bathroom and came back 5 mins and I strated pressing her buttocks and navel hardly she lost the energy want go and gave deep liplock moved out the mall. I reached the home she sent a message her body smell good asked which perfume do you use I said to her hugged and rub eachother right two mix one. She asked me we can do like this whole day I said to her cuddling can do fucking depends organism and our energy.i came to Hyderabad again do job I didn't message her due work pressure after few months I called her she said to me got engagement with other person . After that I went to depression for 1 week came back normal think life is fucking bitch. After sexual felling increased. Our relationship don't know even my and her friends we maintain that secret.she was enjoying family life.Looking for someone ladies and aunties for long term and one night stand depends on them.

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