I have to take Dad’s Place – 4

Hello Everyone, I am niyar Borah back with my love life with my mom. Thanks for your valuable feedbacks and so much of love. If anyone missed my previous experiences then go through them first to better understand my life.

I have to take Dad's Place 3

The night when mom revealed creepiest secrets of my Dad and aunt, sufferings of my mom, it lead me into tears. I am trying to wipe mom's tears and make her comfortable but inside I am crying more than her. I am not unhappy about Dad being Bisexual, I respect everybody's sexual orientation but one can't make another person life miserable due to his personal pleasure. How can he done that much harsh thing with mom. If he has no love for mom then why he forced her to elope with him. It's not acceptable to me and I made my mind to confronts him.
Life goes on like a routine, One fine morning mom waked me up and gave me a kiss on my forehead. She was holding my head and guiding it towards her breasts. She pressed my head tightly. She was wearing a light pink lace bra with same colour panties. Her hairs are draped in a towel and I can smell fragrance of her shampoo. I hold her tightly with both my arms and pressed my face in between her chest. This was a divine moment, like eternity. Then she said to me.

Mom: Honey, can I ask you one favour?
With my face in-between her breasts I uttered.
Me: Give me your Command, My Lady. You are my Queen, I am at your service.

She giggled at my words and kissed my forehead. She was blushing and her chick became red.
Mom: Honey, from some days I am thinking……………. You & me already married, our love is blossoming and its increasing day by day. I love you more than myself and can't think about a life without you and I know you love me more than yourself too. So, I am thinking about guiding our love towards a stable future.
I interrupted her words, Her words her making me confused.
Me: Swapna, What are you trying to say? Please say it directly naa.
Mom: I am thinking about………………. You and Me can plan…………….
She paused her words then kept silent for some time. The suspense is killing me. What she is trying to say……..Is she trying to separate herself from me? Is she planning to leave me? Her words made me completely blank.
Me: Babe, please complete your words. Otherwise I am having a heart attack. Please cut short this suspense. Mom, what are you planning with me. Are you going to leave……..
She put her palm my lips and cut short my words.
Mom: Honey I am not leaving you…………. Don't even think of it. You are my soul. I am planning to settle our life………… and I need a big favour from you.

Is she trying to ask me to marry another girl? What the meaning of settling in life. There was many questions and I don't have answers ………its full of suspense.

Me: Swapna, Are you trying to ask me to marry another girl? If so, Its not going to happen.
Mom pushed me on bed lightly and jumped on me.
Mom: You are such an idiot, Your wife is asking you to settle down on life…..giving you so much of hints still you are not getting her. You are so innocent, That's what I love about you…….. you are totally a momma boy.
I hugged her and kissed on lips.
Me: Please, Swapna tell me what you want. I am not getting your hint.
She looked at my eyes and smiled.
Mom: I want a baby from you…….. I want to feel like again. I want the pleasure of raising my baby with my husband by my side. You have given me every pleasure a woman needed in life. Please fulfil my this dream also.
I remain spell bounded to her words.
Mom: I know this is a big favour to ask. Our married life is just started and I am asking you for a baby. I know its early but I am old, With every passing days I am growing older. Please do me this favour. I promise, I will try my best to be best mommy and I will not ignore you after childbirth. I will balance between my duties.

I remained silent. From inside I am happy to know that mom want a child from me. She want our relationship to grow stronger to tease her I hide my excitement and acted calm.
Mom: Honey, Please fulfil my wish. I know you are young and you want to enjoy your love life. I assure you, I will not deprive you from sex. You will have ultimate pleasure by loving a pregnant wife. During pregnancy women get heavenly beauty, Her body became fuller, Her skin became brighter and glows. You will get ultimate happiness by fucking pregnant me. The moment you will hold your child on your hand, you will the happiest person. The Child will be half you and half me. Our love will get a physical form. Child will call you Papa and me Mommy.
She Looked at me and blinked her eyes in her trademark “accept my wish” manner. She knows I can't resist her no more. I gave her a smile of acceptance. She was so excited, She kissed my lips and put her tongue in my mouth and started to dig her nails on my back. I sucked her tongue…….she always taste good. Her right hand probed my short and held my dick. She was stroking it slowly and tenderly. Her strokes are slow and long.
Mom: I am the happiest girl in this world. You are my dream man. You fulfil all my wishes. I want to promise you one thing……… From today you can use my any hole you want. I know you love to fuck my butt and I denied you many time. From today I completely surrender myself to you. You can fulfil your Kinkiest and dirtiest desire with me. Just one thing, Don't try share me with anyone like your father. I can be your Hottest, Dirtiest and kinkiest wife you can imagine.
Me: Mom, I am so happy today. Finally you asked me about this. Having a child with you is my ultimate dream. I am so excited. I want a copy of you…… A junior swapna from you.

Mom looked at me with artificial sadness and punched my chest. She was making a sad face although I can sense her smiling eyes.
Mom: Why Junior Swapna?……Why not a junior Niyar.
I hold her face by chin and deep looking into her eyes I said to her
Me: I Love this pretty girl…… I love you. You are an wonderful lady. I want a junior pretty lady as my daughter.
Mom laid her face on my chest and patting her right palm on my left shoulder said to me
Mom: Honey…..why you appreciate my beauty so much. I am happy that you find me desirable, Beautiful.
Me: Swapna, You have heavenly beauty….but I love you as person more. I love your inner self.
Mom: Now someone is trying to flatter his old wife.
She teased me.
Me: Mom, you are not old. You are mature. Your beauty can surpass young girls. Only blinds will not appreciate this beautiful lady. I am happy that this beautiful lady belongs to me.
Mom: Oh…honey. You always make me feel loved and wanted. In your arms I feel like a Queen.
Me: That's what husbands are for. To make their lady feel like Queen.
I slowly grabbed her in my arms and tried to smooch her but she pushed me aside and ran away.
Me: Swapna, What happened? Why you left me.
Mom: My dear hubby, Get ready for office. You can love me whole night. We will play test match today.
I just smiled to mom's words. Her excitement for today's night made me happy.
In this new office, People are not so friendlier. Everybody tries to create hurdles for everyone. Boss is a divorced woman in her mid thirties. She is a headache for everyone. She seems to be unhappy with life and gaining no success in dating. Her sexual frustration turned her into an ill mannered person. As I am new to this office, her behaviour is bitchier towards me. Every day she tries to put me into tasks near impossible. As usual she called me into her cabin.
Me: May I come in Madam.
Boss: Come…Come… don't keep me waiting.
Me: You asked me to come to your cabin………….
Boss: No…No.. I ordered you to come to my cabin.
Me: Sorry, My Mistake.
Boss: Don't Be sorry, You men always think about women as inferior to you. So, don't be sorry. As I am inferior woman I can wait my lord
I just remain silent, I can return the favour but that will ruin my professional life.
Boss: Hey you, Filthy pig…. Don't remain silent. Answer me, why you men think us women to be inferior to you. We are not toys to through after use.

I remained silent but my mind is not calm. In my whole life I respected women, A woman sacrificed her whole life to make my life brighter and I always respect her as my goddess. She is most important in my life…… more important than my own life. After some time, boss became calm and asked me to complete site works. In evening, She came to me somewhat embarrassed and asked me to meet her after office. She was not looking to my eyes.

After office I came to her cabin. She gave me a smile but it seems she was embarrassed due to some action. She asked me to seat down, First time in this office she asked me to sit.

Boss: I am sorry for everything…….. From your first day in this office I acted like a bitch with you. I insulted you many time but you always remained calm. How can you remain so calm? Men are not so calm creatures. How can you tolerate this much humiliation?
She looked to me for some answer. She was putting on an apologetic face.
Me: Ma'm, every person is not same. You had bad experience with men does not mean that every man is pervert, Criminal minded. I respect woman, I have a lovely goddess in my life. The angel that sacrificed everything for me. I know every woman has that angel hidden in them. I was sad with your behaviour but never fell disrespect for you.
Her eyes became bright….It somewhat moist. She gave me a smile full of happiness.
Boss: You are true Man……Kind, full of love, Charming, caring and truly loyal to “your angel”. Any girl will feel fortunate to have you as life partner. I am so sorry you had to see my frustration. It will not repeat again.
Me: Its alright madam……. I am fine with it.
Boss: wow…… You are a nice person. Thanks for everything and will you mind if I ask you out for coffee this evening.
Me: Sorry madam……..I has to refuse your proposal. I wish to spent this evening with you but “my angel” is waiting for me at home…… for dinner.
Boss: Oh…. Sorry. No problem. Can I come to your home to meet your angel?
Me: That's great ……. No problem from my side, Madam.
Boss: It's Naznin…………Naznin Sultana.
Me: Sorry?
Boss: Call me Naznin ……preferably Naz.
Me: ok…….. Thanks Naz.

She just smiled to me and took her bag and came with me. She came with me in my bike and asked her driver to follow.
Reaching home mom was waiting for me, Whole living room was full with sweet fragrances. She had lit some candles and the room looks like a romantic heaven. She hugged me and kissed me, she was not aware of Naznin.
Mom: I missed you so much, Whole day I was thinking about you. I love you hunny.
I was somewhat feeling awkward kissing mom in front of my boss but I did not wanted to reject mom's advances.
I hugged her tightly and pressed myself onto her. she closed her eyes and lifted her neck towards me. She loves to be kissed on neck. I kissed her neck and side of her ear. I soft moan released from her lips.
Me: I love you too babe, I love my beautiful, sexy lady.
Naznin knocked on door, we both looked at her. Shockingly, Mom was not surprised to find her. She just smiled to her and called her in. Naznin looked at me with a naughty smile. Mom asked us to sit and went to kitchen. Both of them were playing so calm, Mom looked so calm. I sensed some fishy about their behaviour.
Naznin looked to me in smile. She kept her bag on centre table. I was sitting opposite to her. She looked straight to my eyes.
Naznin: Niyar…….Who the hell is she? You wife? She looks a lot older to be your wife.
Me: Y….e…s……. She is……my mo…..wife Swapna. ………. I mean Swapnalekha Borah.
Naznin: But, She looks a lot older than you?
Me: Yes…… She is older than me. She was my senior in my college.
Naznin: Nice story……..But not enough to convince me.
I was silent……. M I caught red handed. Is she knows something of me?
Naznin: She was my senior in college……… and I don't think you are of my age.
Me: No Ma'm……. Sorry ma'm. She used to teach our school. That's how she is my Senior.
Naznin again smiled naughtily towards me and crossed her fingers.
Naznin: So you married your teacher……….. But what I know from past Swapna Ba (Elder Sister) has a son named Niyar.
Oh my god…..What the crap. She knows my mom and the fact that she has a son “Niyar”. I felt weak on my legs, my hands started to shake. It's like a panic attack. I smiled and acted clam.
Me: Yaa….. She has a son of my age and coincidently his name is Niyar too.
Naznin: So much of coincident naa……….. I know I know…..cooked up story with plenty of coincidence.
Naznin looked at me with stern eyes……cold graze. Its seems like her eyes are searching for truth in inside me. My whole body was shaking and it seems like my body temperature is decreasing.
Naznin: You should try in bollywood…………. You will be a star scriptwriter. Do I look like a fool to you?
Me: No…. Ma'm. Its true…..She was my school teacher. Is it crime to marry my teacher.
Naznin: Not Legally….. Morally you are corrupt to even think of it. BTW, admit the truth?
I looked straight in her eyes and saw a naughty smile in her eyes.
Me: What truth? I mean………… I have not lied to you.
Naznin: Yes, I know that but you are defiantly hiding something.
Me: what….no…not
Naznin: Say it darling…I want to hear from your mouth and for your kind information “ I know your little secret”.
What…….what secret, She knew it. How the hell on earth she knew it.
Me: What secret Naznin?
She smiled and looking into my eyes said
Naznin: Romance between you and your Mom.
Me: What………..How? I mean what the hell? What the rubbish you are speaking.
Naznin: Stop your acting darling……Your mom and I were friends in college. I am in contact with her always and I am the one who advised your Mother to accept you as her husband when you left home. I am the one who suggested her to be your wife. Your mother always loved you more than herself. Everyday she will call me and talk about you. When you reached teenage, She was madly in love with you. Daily she will ask me about suggestion to propose you but she was afraid. She was afraid that you will think low of her, You will lost respect for her. She was afraid to loss you. When you left home after your mother slapped you, she asked me to be your wife thinking that you love mature lady but I convinced her that you love her only. So, I know everything about you and your angel.

I was in shock to hear so much of truth, I can't believe her words but she said my life events correctly.
Me: Really, I can't believe you. Then why you behaved with me rudely.
Naznin: It was a test, swapna ba always said you are most caring, respectful and gentleman. So, I tested you.
Me: Okey…okey. Now its clear. So, you are the cupid behind our relationship.
Naznin: Yes, with pleasure but I am somewhat sad.
Me: Why that
Naznin: I was fool to deny your marriage proposal.
Me: That was my pleasure, that decision of you got me my angel.
She laughed at my words and I laughed to . It was a great relief for me, After so much of stress. Mom came and invited her for dinner. At dinner table both of them talked whole heartily. Naznin looked at mom's tattoo and asked her
Naznin: Swapna Ba, Nice tattoo. Your style changed so much. Your dressing and makeup sense also changed. Highlighted hairs, Tattoo, Nose piercing….. you looked like a young girls.
Mom: these are for him. I want to look good for him. I want him to be proud of me.
Me: Mom, I am always proud of you and for you are most beautiful lady in this world.
Mom blushed to my words, Naznin noticed her blushing.
Naznin: yeh allah, swapna Ba you are blushing. you two lovebirds are deep in love. I am very happy for you. Atlast you got your dream husband and dream lovelife.
Mom: Yes, I am lucky to have him as son………now as husband.
After dinner Naznin left for her home, mom asked her to visit regularly. I also requested that as mom was lonely all day.

I hugged her from behind and lifted her in my arms. I kissed her softly on lips and she parted her lips. It's a green signal from her. I carried her towards bedroom but she interrupted me
Mom: Hunny, I know how much you are inpatient to love me but mommy needs a shower. You go and wait for mommy. Mommy will join you.

Then she whispered in my ears “ Mommy has a surprise for you”.
Me: Okey Babe, I am waiting in bedroom……don't take to long.

I changed my cloths and waited on bed. Turned on the TV, Its playing “Tu Chale” song from the movie “I”. Then the bathroom door opened and mom came out. She was wearing a red babydoll nighty. The material was thin and transparent, I can clearly see the red lingerie she was wearing under it. She posed like a model and asked me
Mom: How do I look?
I remained spellbound, I was not finding any words to describe her beauty.
Me: Oh…….m…o…m
She came and kissed me at lips and inserted her tongue inside my mouth. Then she broke the kiss and said to me
Mom: Cat got your tongue.

Then she slowly came to me kissing me. Slowly rubbing her ups and downs to my body. Now her motherly behaviour has vanished, she was a wife who loves her husband. Today she started to take initiative. She bend over her head towards my dick and started to rub it over cloths. My dick responded to her touch and started growing.
Mom: Do you want mommy to suck your dick
She teased me with her smile. I tried to tease her back.
Me: No, I want my wife to suck my dick.
She laughed at my words and said
Mom: Okey, No problem. Changing to wife Mode.

Then she suddenly lowered my pants and my hard dick slapped her smiling face.
She began to lick my dick from root to tip. I was with closed eye as my dick was wet with her saliva. She left a soft moan. The she took my dick inside her small mouth and started to suck it as her tongue started to dance my dick.
Me: You are fantastic swapna, You are too good in bed. I am in heaven now.
She continued her fantastic blowjob and time to time her soft moans are audible.I got feel of orgasm building up inside me, Her blowjob was too good. I got hold of her head and pushed it towards my dick. I cummed in her mouth.
Me: I am cumming in your throat mom…… You are best.my princes.
She opened her mouth and it was full of my cum. Then she swallowed all of it.
Mom: You taste good. I can drink this all day.

Then she left for bathroom to clean her mouth and after some time came back. This time she she removed her babydoll dress. Her lace bra was fighting to hold her ample boobs. It looks like ready to explode. She came towards me and removed her bra and panty. Her body was glittering in dim light. Her body made me hard again and I am ready for round two. She kneeled on bed infront of me and looking in my eyes said
Mom: Hunny, Today I going to ride you.
She came top of me and parted her legs around my dick. As lust was growing, she put my dick inside her pussy.
Mom: Lets put it inside where you came from.
Her words are making me rock solid. Each and every words of her is like volts of electricity running in me. After putting my dick inside she said to me
Mom: Welcome Home Hunny.

With this she kissed my forehead. She started to up and down herself on my dick and its intense pleasure giving me shivering in my body.
Me: You are Best mom and best wife hunny. I love you. You are making me mad with your act hunny. I love you.
She looked deep into my eyes and said
Mom: I love you Niyar. My whole body and soul belongs to you. You are my everything. I am your slave…….Ready to service you. Hunny please suck my boobs. They are yours to play…..please kiss my nipple. Please shower your love to this slave.
I sucked her boobs as she was riding me hard. Her nipple was erect and when kissed she moaned. She increased her speed, Now literally she was jumping on my dick. She was looking like a tigress on fire. Slowly I started to stroke my dick upwards and she balanced her motion with my rhythm. With every stroke she was releasing ahhhh….oh god….oh god sound. I grabbed her in my arms and increased my speed. She was near her orgasm as she digged her nails in my shoulder. Then she released her liquid, She clamped her muscles and I continued to fuck her. She screamed violently and after some time her body became loose. Now, It is my time to fuck her hard. I came top of her and spread her legs. She was closing her eyes and feeling the intense pleasure I was giving her.

Me: I am going to fuck you like a little bitch now.
Mom opened her eyes, and said in soft voice.
Mom: Yes…. I am bitch. Fuck me. I am your bitch, your slave, your whore. Please fuck me.
Her words made my cock harder and with one stroke I am inside her pussy. A load scream released from her mouth. Tears rolled from her eyes. I was terrified looking at her tears. I asked her
Me: Hunny, What happed? Is anything wrong. Should I put it out?
Mom Controlled her tears and smiled to me
Mom: Nothing sweety….Continue fucking me. Just be gentle. I am not used to your dick completely till now. Keep fucking me. Give me your seed. Make me mother again.

I continued fucking her with long and hard strokes and series of moans were released from her mouth. After some time, I am in verge of cumming.

Me: Hunny, I am cumming.
She grabbed me tightly and whispered in my ear
Mom: Cum deep inside me sweety. You mom want to mother of your child. I want to be mother again. Please cum in me please.
Her words worked like magic and within seconds I released my cum inside her. She was grabbing me and after last drop of semen ejaculate she released me from her grip. She kissed my lips and we are locked in a deep liplock. Then she broked the kiss and said to me
Mom: Hunny, I can sense your cum going inside me. Your fertile seeds are inside me. I love you hunny.
Me: I love you too Babe.
She put her head on my chest and putting her arms around my shoulder she slept. So much of hard love making has made her tired. I also slept like that wishing good night to mom. In response mom just smiled in half sleep condition.

It is a segment of Part 4, Another segment of part 4 will be uploaded soon.
( Within a week)

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