Canadian wife gets San Francisco creampie

“What do you think of him, Connie?” I whispered. I nodded in the direction of a muscular, somewhat intimidating looking, black man sitting up at the bar. My wife and I were sitting in a little neighborhood tavern near our hotel looking for a likely candidate. We'd been fantasizing about having a with another man for years and we'd finally gotten up the courage to try to go through with it.

Connie glanced over her shoulder and turned to me with a look of disbelief. “He's really cute Mark …but he's far too young. For Pete's sakes, he's only in his twenties! He'd never be interested in a middle aged woman like me!”

“Oh yeah?” I continued quietly. “Well that's not stopping him from checking you out. When you got up to go to the washroom he watched you every step of the way!”

“Oh go on Mark!” she blushed. “You're just teasing me!”

“No I'm not… Go play some music on that old Wurlitzer over there and you'll see what I'm talking about.”

“Okay, I'll just do that,”

Connie stood up and smoothed down her dress then, putting a little extra wiggle in her walk made her way over to the ancient jukebox in the corner. As she passed the bar, she surprised me by giving the kid a sultry ‘I'd like to you,' kind of look as she brushed past him. When she got to the jukebox she made a point of bending over and displaying her ass as she dropped in some money and punched in a few tunes. After making her selection, she returned to our table, smiling at me as the kid turned around on his barstool to watch her

“Mark, you're right!” Connie whispered with a pleased smile as she sat down. “He ‘is' looking at me, and he's gorgeous! Do you really think he would want me?”

“Of course he would! The kid's obviously got the hots for you! I bet he'd be easy to talk into a little fun if we could only figure out a way to meet him. I don't even begin to know how to tell him I'd like him to fuck you.”

My name's Mark Hargrove. Let me tell you how we got to this point. I'm fifty years old, with sandy, thinning hair, and a bit of a beer gut, so I'm just kind of average in the looks department but I think I really lucked out when I married Connie. Connie stands about five-four with shoulder length shiny black hair, and even after having two kids she has nice perky tits, great legs, and an ass that attracts men like a magnet. Tonight she was wearing a little black cocktail dress that was so tight it looked like it had been sprayed on, and on her legs she had on a pair of black stay ups and four inch heels. Maybe I'm a little biased, but for a woman in her forties Connie is one hell of a hot looking chick.

Anyways, Connie and I are Canadian, and we'd come to the states on a mini holiday from our home town of Victoria B.C. because we were in desperate need of a break from our routine at home.

Our town's not exactly known for its wild nightlife and we knew San Francisco had a reputation for being the kind of place you could let your hair down. The night we arrived I talked my wife into taking in a male strip show. Connie had never seen one before and it blew her away. She got the hots for the lead dancer, a good looking Rastafarian type with washboard abs. It must have been obvious to him because he'd picked her out of the crowd and done a strip tease just for her.

For whatever reason, the guy's performance had really brought out the slut in Connie. Later that evening, when we returned to our hotel, she practically raped me in the elevator on the way up to our room. Our marriage had gotten kinkier over the years to keep it interesting and our favorite fantasy was her having sex with another man while I watched, but until the striptease, it never occurred to us the guy could be black.

I guess the dance brought out her darkest desires, because when we went to bed she told me she'd have loved to fuck him. Hearing her admission turned me on as much as her, so I decided to change our fantasy into reality. Here we were, in a bar in a strange city where no one knew us, and we'd never have a better opportunity.

And I wasn't lying to Connie; the kid sitting there at the bar was obviously sexually attracted to her. He was perfect. He was young, fit, and black, and I was getting a raging hard-on imagining him with Connie so I decided to strike while the iron was hot.

“Listen Connie,” I whispered. ‘What the hell… If you're game I'm just gonna go ask him if he'd like to join us for a drink? What do you say? Are you ready for it?”

Connie blushed and turned an even deeper shade of red. I think when we fantasized about a threesome, neither one of us dreamed it would really happen. Now with an opportunity staring us right in the face we had to make a decision. My wife was tongue tied. She was in a dilemma. I knew she wanted to, but she would be breaking her marriage vows, so she had to make darn sure it was what I really wanted before committing herself.

“Honey, I'm not going to pressure you.” I assured her. “I'll just invite him over for a drink and we'll see what happens, okay? I'd love to watch you do it, but it's all up to you!”

We sat there in silence, while Connie looked over at him and then back at me, then she arrived at a decision.

“Okay Mark, I'll do it… but if anything happens, I don't want you changing your mind on me and getting mad about it, all right?”

Now I was the one getting nervous. What if she was right? Maybe I would get mad, or jealous, or both. I wasn't really sure how I'd react. All I knew was I'd never5 been so fucking horny before so I forced myself to get up from my chair, and headed towards him. I got to the bar and sat beside him and said, “Excuse me,” in a shaky voice.

He turned towards me with a curious look and asked what was up. Ignoring my squirrelly feelings and hoping I didn't sound too stupid, I carried on with my plan.

“My wife and I are wondering if we can buy you a drink. You see, we've never been to San Francisco before. We're on holiday and we thought maybe you could tell us what sights we oughta see while we're here.”

He looked at me and then over at Connie. I think he sort of knew what we really wanted, but he was willing to go along with my little game. He made me sweat for it though, by pausing for a little while before he answered me.

“Hey man, I'd be happy to! That's really nice of you. My name's Paul Jefferson, and thanks, I'm having bourbon on the rocks. “. Where are you from?” he asked, his handshake was so strong I was worried he would break every bone in my hand.

“We're from Canada. Hey, that's quite a grip you've got there Paul! It's nice to meet you. I'm Mark Hargrove. Listen, why don't I get our drinks then we can go over and I'll introduce you to my wife.”

Now that I was sitting up there I could really see how big the kid was. “Jesus!” I thought to myself. “What am I doing? Do I really want him to fuck Connie? If his 's as big as the rest of him, won't she get hooked on it? But I'm a man, and my dick was making all my decisions for me so I signaled the bartender. I ordered another drink for Paul and a couple of beers for Connie and me and then we headed back to join her. My wife and Paul smiled warmly at each other as we sat down. Things were going much easier than I'd thought they would.

“Sweetheart, this is Paul Jefferson. Paul, meet my wife Connie.”

Paul looked Connie up and down like he was buying a brand new car. If he could have really undressed her with his eyes she'd be naked by now. He took her hand in his and made a big show of kissing it, and she blushed like mad. Knowing my wife, it was a pretty safe bet her panties were soaking wet by now.

“Hello Connie! Mark tells me you two are from out of town and need some advice on our fair city. What kind of things do you like to do? Is there anything in particular you'd like to see?”

The way Connie was looking at the kid I was afraid she was going to ask to see his cock right then and there. But she managed to control herself and asked some general questions about what there was to see. I felt like I was watching two animals in mating season sniffing each other out just before they began rutting. Paul was a real smooth operator. After a couple of bourbons he was whispering in Connie's ear and his hand was under her dress stroking the inside of her leg.

By now the people in the bar were starting to sit up and take notice, but Paul and Connie were so horny they were oblivious to it. Any pretence about looking around the city was long gone. I sat there feeling like I'd just fired up a big locomotive and got it running full bore before realizing there were no brakes.

“Hey you guys!” I whispered. “What do you say we take off and go back to our hotel? I'm sure it'd be a lot more comfortable.”

“Hey, that's a good idea,” Paul said. “But first I want to make sure I'm not misreading this. You're okay with me fucking your wife, right?”

My face turned bright red and I stared into my glass. Probably half the people in the bar knew by now what was taking place at our table, but I was so turned on I couldn't help myself. My wife was going to be fucked by him, come hell or high water. The whole thing seemed so surreal but my dick was so hard I could have hammered nails with it.

“I…I guess so, but it's really up to Connie,” I stammered.

“Hey man, its okay! Don't be embarrassed by it! I think it's really cool you're allowing your little woman to get some extra loving. She's lucky to have a husband that looks out for her needs. Isn't that right Connie?”

Connie looked over at me and blushed. I could see she was trying to appear ‘with it.'

“Yeah, I am lucky… Mark's a great guy. But he's right Paul. If it's okay with you, I think we should go back to the hotel.”

“Whatever you say, little lady. Lead the way.” Paul chuckled.

Connie finished her beer then took his hand and stood up. Paul gave her ass a little feel, nuzzling her neck as we left the bar. A few patrons gave me a sympathetic look as I followed behind, discreetly trying to tuck my hard on under my belt. Once we were out on the sidewalk Connie turned to me.

“Mark honey, would you go to the store and get something for us to drink while Paul and I go back to the hotel?”

“I…I suppose I…I could.”

I was the one who started the ball rolling so I could hardly say no. It seemed like the right thing to do. I picked up some bourbon and half a dozen beers and cooled my heels in a coffee shop to give them a little time, then headed on back to the hotel. When I got up to the room I was so excited my knees were shaking. I held my breath, slipped my key in the slot and opened the door.

The kid was lying back on the bed holding Connie by her hair as she sucked his enormous cock. Whenever I'd asked for a blowjob she'd always turned me down so this was a big surprise to me. The two of them were naked, except for Connie's high heels and Paul's white socks, which for reasons known only to him were still on his feet. I ripped off my shirt, stumbled out of my pants, and pulled a chair over beside the bed. I was so friggin horny I began to jack off.

“Oh man, you're a lucky guy Mark!” Paul gasped as he squeezed Connie's tits. “Your wife gives an outstanding blowjob!”

Connie's eyes looked up at him, smiling at his compliment. She gently hefted his tennis ball sized balls in the upturned palm of her hand as she sucked him off. Although I was insanely jealous I was so turned on I jerked myself off as I watched Paul fuck her mouth. His precum mixed with Connie's saliva and drooled from her crimson lips, hanging in ropy strands from her chin.

“Fuck Connie…take it easy or I'm gonna blow my load!!!” he croaked, kneading her tits as she lovingly licked the length of his cock.

Undeterred by his announcement she sped up her pace, feverishly milking his heavily veined ebony shaft. I'd drawn my chair up so close I could see perspiration beading up on Paul's forehead. Connie fingers flew up and down his cock in a blur, her wedding ring glinting in the darkened hotel room, underlining the salaciousness of her act. She suddenly stopped and pulled him out of her mouth with an audible pop.

“I want you to come, Paul!” she gurgled. “Come in my mouth while you fuck my face!! Come on Paul…fucking give it to me!!!”

I could smell Connie's arousal, and I'm sure he could too. The kid took her at her word, using her mouth like a cunt, fucking away at her until he suddenly let out a tortured cry. Connie gripped his dusky buttocks and sealed her lips around the head of his throbbing manhood, sucking on it with a vengeance. He roared and emptied his steaming load deep in her gullet.

Whimpering softly, Connie guzzled it down and when she was finally done, turned to me with a crazed look on her face, motioning for me to come close so she could suck me off as well. I felt angry but my cock was hard as iron and my emotions were all over the map. Some of Paul's cum had bubbled out of her mouth and was hanging precariously from her lower lip. Strangely, she'd never looked as sexy to me as she did at that moment.

I shoved my aching cock into my wife's frothing, well used mouth and she went to work on me like a woman possessed. Connie was so turned on from doing Paul she gave me an amazing blow job. It wasn't too long before I felt the pressure of a pending deep in my balls.

“Oh god, baby!” I gasped. “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Ahhggggh!!!!”

I blew my load into her mouth, taking us both by surprise then suddenly she started to moan and whimper. Paul had quickly recovered and come up behind her, ripped open the crotch of her sopping panties and pulled her back onto his monstrous dick.

“Oh gawddd!!! Oh holy fuck!!! Oh Jesusss…oh Jesusss.”

She moaned so loud at first I thought he was hurting her, but then she started to buck like a bronco, pleading with the kid to fuck her harder.

“You want harder? I'll give you harder, you horny cunt!” Paul assured her, smacking her ass loudly. The wet slupping sounds of Connie's sexing echoed in the hotel room.

“Oh god!” she sobbed. “Oh god Mark….It feels so fucking goood!!!!”

Paul chuckled in her ear. “You like that baby? You like my big in your married pussy?

“You bastard!” she panted. “Fuck meee!!!”

Paul pulled out of my wife and lay back on the bed with his upright cock pointing up at the ceiling. Her lipstick was smeared all over its head, making it appear even more menacing.

“Here you go baby… its all yours! Just squat over me and put it in!”

She grunted and ever so slowly eased herself down until he was buried halfway up inside her. My balls ached as I saw how tightly her cunt lips clung to his thick black pole. The look of intense concentration on Connie's face said it all. Although his cock was only halfway in, it was already reaching far deeper and filling her far more than mine ever could. She began to raise herself up and down in a frenzy of activity.

“Oh god…Oh godd…Oh goddd!!!”

My wife's tits swayed as the bedsprings squeaked away. Her nipples were puffy and swollen, her hair was badly mussed, and her eyes looked all wild and crazy. She was getting the fuck of a lifetime. Unbelievably, his whole length was now up inside her, and I knew from now on she'd be a size queen, craving big cocks on a regular basis. It gave me a perverse thrill to watch Connie feed her nipple to Paul's mouth as his hands squeezed her milky white ass. I knew my cuckolding had only just begun. Suddenly she screamed, and her ravenous pussy squirted all over his cock and balls.

“Oh fuck… Mark, I'm coming…and he's coming too!!! He's way up in my cunt!!!”

Connie shuddered as the two of them came together. After a long silent pause she eased herself off Paul with a big contented sigh, and lay there gasping. I sat feeling somewhat humbled as I watched a big glob of cum emerge from my wife's gaping cunt, and run down the crack of her ass. His cock had left her thoroughly stretched, and now her deed was done she looked a little embarrassed by her unbridled enthusiasm. Paul's voice broke the awkward silence.

“Man oh man, you're a fantastic piece of ass, Connie!!”

“Thank you kind sir,” she blushed. “You're not bad yourself!”

“But you know,” he said, to the two of us, “I think maybe I'd better leave you lovebirds alone for now!” He got a towel from the bathroom and wiped himself off, then pulled on his pants, and buttoned up his shirt.

“Maybe I'll call you tomorrow so we can get together and do this again!”

Connie and I were silent as he said his goodbyes and let himself out, discreetly leaving us to sort things out between the two of us. My wife lay on the rumpled sheets and held out her arms to me. Her hairy cunt and asshole were completely covered in cum.

“Are you okay with what I've done Mark?” she asked with a look of concern as I climbed on top of her. “You're not mad at me for liking it, are you? I do love you, you know.”

“I…I know you do. I love you too… look honey, I'm as guilty as you are…I wanted it to happen as much as you did!”

“Oh baby, he filled me with so much cum, and I'm feeling so horny! Will you kiss me down there? Please?”

Connie's fingers wound themselves into my hair, forcing my head downwards as I kissed my way down towards her hairy lower belly. She opened her legs and the scent of her freshly fucked cunt filled my nostrils. Connie moaned as she wrapped her legs around my head. I couldn't believe how excited she was. Holding on to her warm, wet ass, I smothered her cum filled cunt with kisses, and sucked on her swollen clitoris.

Oh yeah that feels so good! Oh…oh my fucking gawd!!! Oh Jesus, Mark…I'm gonna come again really soon!!” she cried. “Hurry…you'd better fuck me before I do!!!”

I can't even begin to describe the hot slippery feeling of fucking her steaming quim right after Paul had dumped his load in her but I knew we were both hooked. Fired up from our very first threesome, Connie and I fucked more that night than I would have ever thought humanly possible. The two of us eventually ran out of steam in the wee small hours of the morning and thoroughly sated, drifted off into dreamland.


We slept like babies, waking at eleven the next day. After a leisurely brunch in our hotel we set off to see the city. We did all the usual tourist stuff. We walked across the Golden Gate Bridge, then we rode a cable car up to the Castro district and gawked at all the gay guys. From there we went on to Haight Ashbury and then down to the waterfront, where we had some great seafood in a funky little oyster bar.

After we'd eaten, we took a cab back to our hotel. It's funny, but we'd avoided talking about what had happened with Paul. It was all so new to us I guess we were just too embarrassed, but Connie had been obviously thinking about him, because the first thing she did when we got to our room was to check the phone. When she saw the little red light flashing her eyes lit up. I knew what that meant. It meant she could hardly wait to get fucked again.

“Mark, if that's a message from Paul, we don't have to phone him back,” Connie said, trying to hide her enthusiasm for my sake. “If you want, we can just make it a one time thing. I mean, now that we know what it's like, we don't really have to do it again. What do you think?”

“Yeah, I guess you're right Connie.” I teased. “Let's not return his call. I kind of wanted to take in a movie tonight.”

Poor Connie did her best to hide her disappointment.

“Connie, I'm pulling your leg… I thought last night was the hottest thing I'd ever seen! I'm gonna leave it up to you, but honey, whatever you want to do, I'll be fine with it.”

Connie looked relieved. “You dirty son of a bitch. I didn't know you were putting me on. “So it would be okay with you if I fucked Paul again?” You won't think I'm being cheap and slutty if I want more?”

“Well, to be honest Connie, I kind of get off on you being cheap and slutty! Heck it's a little late to be getting second thoughts. Just admit you liked it. Go on, pick up the phone and see what he has to say…It's obvious you want to!!”

“I love you Mark! As long as you're sure about it. Last night was really good!”

Still trying not to appear too eager, my wife reached for the phone. I sat waiting patiently while Connie listened to the message. It was a long one, and there was no need for her to tell me it was Paul. By the time she hung up the phone she was practically glowing. She looked at me excitedly.

“Paul wants us to come to a party!”

“What kind of a party honey? What time, and where is it?”

“Somewhere in the Fillmore district, wherever that is. Paul said it's at his place. He said we'd never find it on our own so if we want to go, we're to meet him at a place called the Sheba lounge at nine thirty tonight. All the cabbies know where Sheba's is and his house is near there. We'll have a couple of drinks first, and then we'll head over to the party. He said he thinks we're really cool, and he knows his friends will like us. Says there'll be lots of good music, and loads of food. It sounds really neat! Can we go Mark? Please?”

“Gee I don't know Connie. I thought he'd say he wanted to come over here again. Last night was one thing, but what do we really know about this guy? What if him and his friends turn out to be some kind of axe murderers or something?”

“You mean its okay to fuck him, but it's not okay to party with him?” Connie pouted. “Come on Mark! Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds? If he didn't attack us yesterday, he sure as heck won't be doing it at a party! Don't you think if he was dangerous, he would have done something last night, for Pete's sake?”

Connie had me there. The kid could have easily overpowered me if he'd wanted to, and if he'd given off any dangerous vibes I never would have let her fuck him. What the hell, why not, I thought. We hadn't been to a party in ages. It would probably be good for us to mix with some younger people for a change. Besides, maybe after the party Paul would come back to the hotel and fuck her again.

“Okay sweetheart, I guess you're right. We can go…Call him back and let him know we'll be there. I just hope we're not the only white people there though, or we'll stick out like a pair of sore thumbs.”

“You don't have to worry about that, honey. Paul's message said there was going to be some other cool white couples there too. I think it sounds like a lot of fun. And you never know,” she said with a little smile as she dialed his number. “He just might want to come back with us to the hotel afterwards for a nightcap.”


“The cabby let us off at the Sheba Lounge at around quarter to ten. My first impression of the club was that it was definitely hip, or whatever word they use nowadays. The place was nice and intimate, all done up in funky colors, with lots of wood and leather and big overstuffed chairs. It was elegant, but it felt real comfortable, like you were in someone's living room. If this was the kind of place Paul hung out in, I had to admit the kid had class.

I had to raise my voice to be heard above the piano player who was belting out a tune for the crowd. The hostess, a pretty black girl with legs that just wouldn't quit, smiled, acting like she'd been expecting us, when I told her we were meeting a Mr. Jefferson.

“Paul's in the bar. Would you follow me please,” she said, weaving her way through the crowded tables until we reached a second, equally inviting room. Paul was all dressed up in a stylish looking silk suit and sitting near a trendy looking gas fired fireplace. I was surprised to see another big black guy with him wearing casual slacks, a white cashmere turtleneck, and shades. Paul smiled when he saw us and waved us over.

“Hey man, glad you could make it… Hi Connie! I'd like you two to meet my friend Lionel. Lionel, this is Mark and his lovely wife Connie.”

“Hey… what's up,” Lionel grinned as he looked Connie up and down. “Look at you girl! Paul told me you were beautiful, but his description didn't do you justice! I've been hearing nothing but good things about you little lady!” Lionel was so big he made me nervous but Connie seemed quite taken by him. Paul stood up and Connie sat between him and Lionel, so I had to take the chair across the table. I sat watching helplessly as my wife lapped up all the attention the two men giving her. After we'd all had a couple of rounds of drinks, she was getting quite drunk and was laughing away at their jokes. At one point Lionel even squeezed Connie's upper thigh. I was beginning to get an uneasy feeling about where things might be headed, and I resolved to stop things before they got too far out of hand. Paul looked over at me and grinned.

“Hey Mark, chill out! you look far too serious! Is everything okay with you, buddy?”

“I'm fine Paul. I guess I'm just a little tired so I don't think Connie and I will be having a very late night tonight.”

“We've got just the thing to pick you up man. Lionel's got some real fine B.C. bud in the car that should make you feel right at home! What say we take off to the party and fire up a big blunt along the way?”

Perhaps Paul was right. Maybe I was getting too serious. I didn't want to spoil Connie's night out because she'd really been looking forward to the party. Maybe getting a little buzz on ‘would' put me more in the mood. I hadn't smoked any dope since way back in high school but I remembered music sounded really good when I was a little stoned. Besides, I was kind of flattered that Paul saw us as cool enough to share a joint with. I looked at my wife to see if she had any objection but she was nodding enthusiastically, which surprised me because as far as I knew she'd never done it before.

“Yeah okay, why not? That sounds like a good plan.”

“Good! Go get the car Lionel,” Paul smiled, “and we'll meet you out front.”


Paul, Connie, and I waited on the sidewalk until Lionel drove up in a newer model white Cadillac. We piled in the back and as soon as we'd settled in, Paul lit his blunt and passed it around. By my second toke I realized today's Marijuana was a lot stronger than what I was used to. I was just wasted, and I couldn't even begin to imagine how Connie was doing! At first I was contented enough to sit and listen to all the traffic noises, but Lionel put some mellow jazz in the car's c.d. player, and before I knew it I was lying flat on my back in a dreamlike state. As I stared up at the car ceiling, listening in fascination to every note my wife, Paul, and any troubles I had seemed millions of light years away. I must have drifted off because I didn't even notice the car had stopped until Paul was opening the car door.

“Hey you guys, what's happening? Are we there yet?” I giggled, suddenly aware that I had no idea where the hell we were supposed to be going.

My body felt like rubber and everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. It was hard but I managed to haul myself up in my seat. Paul and Lionel were already out of the car and holding Connie up, helping her to negotiate her way up the stairs of a big Victorian mansion. I stumbled out of the car and followed them as they went into the house.

When I stepped through the door the loud music and reefer smoke hit me like a shock wave. Someone handed me a drink and I wandered around in a dope induced haze looking for Connie and the two guys. I searched through a sea of black faces for what seemed like forever, and I was beginning to get worried when I saw a white couple sitting in a corner of the living room. I staggered towards them, hoping they might have noticed Connie.

“Excuse me,” I said “I've lost sight of my wife. Have you seen her? She's got long dark brown hair and she's kind of short.”

“You mean the chick with the great ass that came in with Paul and Lionel?” The man grinned. “I think they all went upstairs. You look kinda tired man. I'll bet you've had some of that dynamite dope of Lionel's. Relax… she's in good hands, sit down and take a load off your feet.”

“Yeah okay,” I said, slumping into an empty easy chair. “I guess I am feeling a little tired.”

He was right, finding Connie could wait. My eyes were getting really heavy and my legs felt like lea. Before I knew it I'd drifted off, and when I came to I was all alone. I could have been out for ten minutes or two hours. The couple had disappeared and the room was empty. The man said Connie had gone upstairs so thinking that must be where everyone had gone, I hauled myself to my feet and made my way up the stairs.

I heard a murmur of voices coming from behind the first door I came to, so I quietly pushed it open. A large group of people was crowding around something going on in the middle of the room. I pushed my way forward to see what everyone was looking at, and lo and behold, there was Connie, fully naked and on her knees in front of Lionel who was sitting on a chair with his pants down around his ankles. The crowd was calling out encouragement as her head bobbed up and down on his immense cock.

Paralyzed by the dope, I stood watching helplessly as my wife lovingly licked and sucked Lionel's heavily veined, giant . Paul joined in and started playing with her tittys and she began to suck him off too. Someone moved in with a camera and began to take pictures and that made Connie even hornier. The strong dope and watching her communal cock sucking was turning me on, so I began to play with myself.

“Suck those cocks baby!” I cried. “Let yourself go!!!”

Connie went wild, alternating between the two of them, and Paul suddenly gave out a tortured cry. “Get ready, you little fucking slut… I'm gonna cum! Jesus, I'm gonna cum!!”

“Cum all over my face!!” Connie whimpered, sticking out her tongue as she jacked him off.

Paul grunted and cried, “Oh gawddd!!!” and his cock shot a big glob of cum that sailed through the air and hit Connie's tongue with such force I could tell it startled her. A second volley followed, landing on her forehead and nose with a splat. Meanwhile Lionel tore off his trousers and moved in behind her. He opened her swollen pussy for the crowd.

“Look at her!” he grinned. “She's all soaking wet and ready to go!”

“Fuck the bitch, Lionel!” someone called out. “Fuck her good!”

“Yeah!” another one cried. Feed that white pussy some big black snake!!”

Lionel grasped his massive drooling cock and teased Connie with it, sliding it slowly up and down the length of her slit.

“Tell everyone what you want baby! Are you horny for some young black dick up in your pussy?”

“Yesss… oh Jesus…yesss!!!” Connie begged.

Lionel pushed forward and everyone ooohed and aaahed as he slid all ten inches of his manhood into her then they became hushed as he bottomed out, pausing balls deep to let her savor his size. Connie whimpered as he began, her pussy squelching as he withdrew his cock then slid it back home again. He began to speed up and Connie, who was very close to coming, began to make little mewling sounds.

Watching her magnificent fucking made me forget all about the crowd. I began to masturbate with my precum slimed hand, trying to prolong my pleasure by holding back. Suddenly Lionel's buttocks tensed up. Connie looked over at me as he gripped her waist tight and drained his balls into her. She looked so small and helpless impaled on his big dick.

“Oh fuck Mark; his cock is creaming me!!! I'm coming baby!!! Oh god, I'm coming!!!”

“Good girl Connie!” I cried as I jacked off. “Let it go baby!” My balls tensed up and I let fly as I watched Connie surrender to a shuddering climax. My cum flew out the head of my dick and spattered the hardwood floor in front of me. When Lionel's spasms finished, he gently pulled out his spent but still huge penis.

“Man what a ride!” he gasped. “Who's next?”

The men rushed to line up and I realized I was in for a very long night.

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