Mom gives her son a birthday Blowjob

Everyone in this story is at least eighteen years old.

Mom gives her son a

Beth walked into the kitchen desperately needing her morning coffee. She had been out late the night before and was struggling this morning. As she stepped into the room, she stopped suddenly, seeing her Lil sucking her David's cock. David sat in one of the kitchen chairs with his aunt kneeling on a seat cushion between his legs.

“What the fuck is this?” she asked.

Her aunt pulled off only long enough to reply. “Blowjob.”

“I know it's a fucking blowjob. Why are you blowing my brother?”

She pulled off again briefly. “Eighteenth birthday present,” she said then returned to her task.

“Oh, happy birthday, David,” his said, as she turned toward the coffee pot.

“Thanks,” David replied.

Beth poured her coffee then leaned back on the counter, taking a sip, as she watched them.

“Nice cock. I had no idea you were that big. Aunt Lil, can you take the whole thing?” Lil didn't reply. Instead, she went all the way to the base. “Not even a gag,” Beth commented. She heard the buzz of her 's alarm. “You might want to finish up. Mom will be here after she pees.”

Lil didn't change her pace at all and continued sucking her nephew. Sherry walked in a moment later and stopped dead in her tracks.

“What the hell are you doing?” Sherry screamed.

Lil raised off momentarily. “Blowjob,” she said, and began again.

“That's my son!”

“Yep,” was Lil's quick reply.

“Stop that, this instant.”

“Not done yet,” Lil mumbled.

“What do you mean, not done yet?”

“Mom, I think she wants him to cum first,” Beth told her.

Lil held up her thumb in agreement.

“Fucking whore,” Sherry said to her sister.

Lil held up her thumb again. Sherry walked over and got a cup of coffee then sat in the chair beside her son. She watched as her sister continued sucking her son's cock.

“This is too fucking weird,” Beth said aloud, then left the room.

When she returned about five minutes later for more coffee, her aunt was still at it.

“You still haven't cum? Damn, that must be a world record for a man,” Beth remarked.

She looked at her mother. Sherry was flushed with her eyes glued to her sister and son. Lil pulled off and began stroking her nephew's big cock.

“Nice one. Huh, Sherry?” Lil asked. Her sister nodded. “It's been a long time since you've tasted one. Why don't you take over?” Sherry just sat staring. Lil turned to her niece. “Beth, she really needs this. Help her over here.”

“What?” Beth asked, incredulously.

“Your mother needs cock. That's why she's been such a bitch for the last couple of years. Take her hand and lead her down here.”

“David's her son.”

“I'm aware of that. Beth, come on. If she resists, you don't have to force her.”

Beth set her cup on the counter and walked to her mother. Taking her hand, she said, “Come on, mom.”

Sherry stood, walked the two steps, and stopped. Beth put gentle pressure on her mother's shoulder and Sherry knelt next to her sister. As soon as Lil pointed her nephew's stiff cock at her, Sherry opened her mouth and leaned forward, taking the head inside.

“Holy fuck,” David whispered.

Sherry needed no more help. She took over the blowjob completely. Her strokes were long, slow, and deep, as she sucked her son. Beth was shocked as she watched her mother and brother. Sherry moaned as she enjoyed her first cock in two years.

“Your mother loves sucking cock. She always has. I think it runs in the family. She'll probably cum when he does. How about you?” Lil asked her niece.

“I like it too, but it doesn't make me cum,” Beth replied.

Beth continued watching as her brother's hands went to her mother's head, guiding her up and down on his cock.

“Soon,” David said, as he began to flush.

His mother quickened her pace on him as she also flushed. David moaned loudly as his first stream shot into his mother's mouth. He continued until he was empty. Sherry trembled as her own orgasm coursed through her.

“Oh, mom,” David said.

Sherry pulled off and reached up to her , pulling her close. She kissed her, sharing the gift that her son had just given her. Their tongues played together and shared it all before both swallowed. Lil took her sister's hand and helped her back to her chair.

Beth saw her brother's still hard cock and straddled him. She put his cock at her entrance then slowly lowered herself. Beth looked at her brother.

“Keep your mouth shut about this.”

“Count on it,” he replied smiling.

Sherry watched for a few minutes as her daughter slid up and down on her son's cock, then looked over at her sister who was sitting down with her cup of coffee.

“You're an evil bitch,” Sherry told her.

“Bull shit. You needed dick and I got you one.”

“It was my son.”

“He's still your son. I not only got you a dick, I got you a big one that's readily available anytime you want it,” her sister replied. Lil turned to her niece. “I hope you're good and wet. This is going to take a while. He's already cum twice in the last half hour.”

“That's not a problem. I haven't been fucked in a long time either,” Beth replied. “Have you fucked him? His cock feels fantastic.”

“Not yet, but he's at the top of my to do list,” Lil replied.

“Mine too,” her mother added. “David, you're okay with this?”

“Mom, this is better than any fantasy I've ever dreamed up.”

“Well, happy birthday. I was going to bake you a cake. We'll be too busy fucking for that. I'll pick one up at the store,” his mother told him.

“Just put icing on your pussy and teach him how to lick it off. Until this morning, he was a virgin,” his aunt told her sister.

“I got your cherry?” his sister asked.

“You did.”

“I'm honored to be your first,” Beth told him. She increased her pace and soon flushed. “Oh, fuck! I'm cumming,” she said, as her body tightened, and she pulled him hard into her. Beth relaxed a moment later.

“Get up. Let a real woman finish him off,” her mother instructed.

Beth stood on shaky legs and her mother stepped up. She straddled her son and sat on his cock. Beth had used an up and down movement. His mother slid front to back on him. She unfastened her robe and exposed her chest.

“Here's your breakfast,” she told him grinning.

David wasted no time using his hands and mouth on them. Both neared quickly and when his mother's pussy clamped on him in orgasm, he filled her. They were still for a moment before she lifted off, then knelt cleaning him off with her tongue.

David had tucked his shorts behind him in the chair. He reached behind him to put on. His mother grabbed them and flung them across the room.

“When you go outside, or we have company you can wear pants. Otherwise, I want this treasure in full view. When you get hard, I want to know so I can rectify it. Understood?”

“Understood,” her son agreed.

“Good. Go shower while I fix breakfast,” she instructed.

David left the room as his mother grabbed the dish towel and cleaned herself off. She looked at her sister.

“While I cook, you can tell me how you set this up,” she said grinning.

Sherry began getting things out for breakfast.

“A couple of weeks ago, I asked David what he wanted for his birthday. Jokingly, he said he wanted to lose his virginity. We got to talking very frankly about things we'd never discussed before. You, Beth, and I are his biggest fantasies.

“I knew you needed dick and decided I'd get him going like I did this morning then let you take over. Beth was an added surprise. I didn't expect her to be here.

“When Beth's alarm went off this morning, I thought it was yours and started sucking him. He came before I even got past the head. Fortunately, he stayed hard. Then Beth walked in. I didn't want to risk him going soft, so I kept going. That's where you came in. The rest you know.”

“So, I wasn't going to get any?” Beth asked.

“I didn't expect you to be here. It was a nice surprise.”

“Why are you here? You never come home on Friday nights,” her mother asked.

“I caught my boyfriend hitting on a girl in the bar. I dumped him. I'm glad I did now. David's dick is twice the size of his.”

“It's a great one. He's bigger than his father,” Lil commented.

Beth looked at her questioningly. “How do you happen to know how big dad's dick was?”

“Fucking blabber mouth,” Sherry said to her sister. “Beth, your dad's heart attack happened during a threesome with the Lil and me.”

“Don't kill David. I want some more of that,” Beth told them.

“More of what?” David asked, walking into the room naked.

“This,” she said, pulling his semi-hard cock into her mouth.

“Breakfast first,” her mother instructed.

“I do hope someone is going to teach me to eat pussy today,” he said.

“Your mom can demonstrate on me or Beth,” Lil suggested.

“Dammit, Lil. You've got a big mouth,” Sherry snapped.

“You eat pussy, mom?” Beth asked.

“I have a few times.”

“A few times, my ass. You were eating pussy long before you ever had a cock,” Lil laughed.

“Lil, if I want to tell my children about my sexual history I will. I'd appreciate it if you'd just shut the hell up.”

“Mom, I've never been eaten by a woman. Will you eat me?” Beth asked, grinning.

Sherry laughed. “Yes, but I want it shaved bare first.”

“I'll shave this morning,” Beth chuckled. “Want David shaved too?”

Sherry thought for a minute. “Sure. Why not?”

“We can shave each other,” David offered.

“Me first. If you cut me, I'll lop your dick off,” Beth said.

“Like hell you will. I want that monster right where it is,” her mother replied. “Set the table. Breakfast is ready.”

They enjoyed a quiet breakfast, then David and his sister went to the bathroom to shave each other. Sherry and her sister were cleaning up the kitchen.

“Lil, I appreciate what you did this morning, but I really don't want the kids knowing about our wild youth.”

“I don't understand. Are you ashamed of what we did?”

“Ashamed? No, I don't regret a minute of it. There are some things a mother just doesn't tell her children.”

“You mean the videos mom and dad took with us and Tommy?”

“That's exactly what I mean. We had a ball. I enjoyed everything, but the less Beth and David know about that the better.”

“Sherry, they're on the internet. One of these days, if they watch porn, they're going to run across them.”

“I know that, but they're over twenty years old. I think most people would rather watch the hi-def stuff they post today than the old stuff.”

“What happens when they do find it?” Lil asked.

“I'll cross that bridge when I come to it,” Sherry replied.

“Suit yourself. You remember that when my ex found the videos it ruined the marriage. If I had told him upfront, it might not have done that.”

“Oh bull. You were fucking around. Getting caught was what ended your marriage. As far as an ex goes, we fucked mine to death. Please, just keep your mouth shut.”

“Fine, but I still think you should be open about it.”

“They're my kids, Lil. Please respect my wishes.”

“My lips are sealed. I'm going home. Have fun today.”

“I'm sure it'll be a day we'll all remember.”

They kissed goodbye and Lil left. Sherry went to the shower. While there, she checked her own patch and decided to do a bit of her own gardening. She preferred hair on mature women and left herself a small triangle.

David was rock hard the minute his sister had her clothes off and remained that way throughout their shaves. Beth, being the thoughtful sister she was, used her mouth to get him drained and soft again. Both walked naked into the living room and joined their mother a short time later.

“Mom, I think you're overdressed,” her son pointed out.

“How would you like me to dress?” she asked.

“Like we are. Think of all the laundry it'll save,” her daughter replied.

Sherry walked to her room and returned several minutes later. She wore only a tiny thong that covered her triangle.

“I figured you'd be hard after the shave,” she told her son.

“He was. I emptied his balls for him,” Beth replied.

“That's a figure of speech. You can't empty balls. They're solid,” Sherry pointed out.

“I emptied something. He gave me a mouthful.”

“That was the epididymis and vas deferens. It's where the sperm are stored.”

“Details, details. I sucked his cock, and he came in my mouth. Problem temporarily solved,” her daughter said.

“Mom, when are you going to teach me about eating pussy?” her son asked.

“Let's go to my room,” she replied. They walked to the master. “Beth, make yourself comfortable. You'll want to watch. David, pick a spot on one of the bottom corners where you can see.” Both did as she told them, and Sherry laid on the bed next to her daughter. She smiled, seeing her son's cock begin to swell. Sherry started out by kissing her daughter.

“Mom, I was talking about the other end,” her son said.

“If you want to learn about eating pussy, shut up and pay attention. You don't start at the pussy. Women require foreplay. You want them hot before ever touching the pussy. Trust me on this.”

David watched as his mother explored his sister with her body, hands, and mouth. It was at least fifteen minutes before she ever neared the pussy. Beth was squirming under her mother's touch long before that.

“David, lay here beside me so you can see everything.” David moved into position. She put her hand covering his sister's pussy. “When you get aroused, your dick gets engorged with blood. When a woman is aroused this whole area gets engorged. The clit, right here, is the female equivalent of the head of your cock. It's a real hot spot. Ignore it for now.”

“Ignore it? Fuck no! Lick it,” his sister begged.

“Ignore her too. This is where the foreplay got us. She's needy,” his mother chuckled. “We'll get back to the clit.”

Sherry went over the anatomy with her son and explained how it all interconnected. She demonstrated several approaches to the different parts using her mouth and tongue. Beth was moaning and squirming on the bed.

“Another important thing is not to forget your hands. Use them on her body. Caress her. Explore. Inside her pussy is the g-spot. It's about here,” she said, turning her palm up and inserting two fingers. Beth moaned loudly at the penetration. “Put two fingers in and look for a soft, rough spot.” David inserted two fingers and moved them as she had shown him.

“Oh, fuck!” Beth grunted.

“I think you found it. Rub softly and slowly with the fleshy part of your fingers. Good. Now watch as I tease her clit. Pay attention to its appearance.”

She slid her tongue over her daughter's hard swollen clit but avoided the area exposed by the hood. Beth's squirming increased a lot.

“What does it look like?”

“Dark red and hard.”

“Watch closely, in a moment it'll soften.”

Sherry teased the bare tip of the clit with her soft flat tongue. The clit did seem to go soft. When it did, Sherry sucked it into her mouth like a tiny cock. Beth grunted, her hips raised off the bed, and her body began to shake. She moaned spasmodically as her orgasm swept her away. Sherry gradually eased off as the orgasm faded away.

“That completes the beginners guide to cunnilingus,” she told her son, smiling with her pussy covered face.

“Beginners guide?” he asked.

“Oh, there's plenty more you can do with it. Master this. If you can do that, you'll be way ahead of most men.”

“Can I do you now?” he asked.

“If we can get your sister off the bed.”

“I may need help. That was the biggest orgasm ever,” Beth told them.

Her mother and brother grabbed her hands and pulled her to a sitting position. She rested there long enough to get her bearings then moved to one side of the bed where she could watch. Her mother took up her position on the bed and her brother crawled up beside her.

David followed his mother's instructions to the letter and had her squirming in no time. Her hips rocked looking for something to make contact with but found nothing. Beth moved lower to get a good look at her mother's hungry pussy. She could already see the moisture between her labia and her red swollen clit. Beth resisted the urge to kiss her there.

When David moved between his mother's legs her pelvis finally made contact and her clit brushed his nose. She moaned loudly.

“Do my clit. I need it,” she pleaded.

David ignored her and continued what he was doing. Sherry moaned loudly as the tip of his finger entered her ass.

“Oh, fuck! Yes, baby.”

Over the next minute or two he worked his finger fully inside. As it began moving in and out, two fingers entered her pussy. Her moans became continuous as she rocked on her son's fingers. David drew his tongue over her clit then began flicking it.

Sherry screamed as her son triggered her orgasm. Her entire body trembled as she clamped her legs together holding him to her. She bucked for about a minute before quickly relaxing her legs and pushing his head away.

“Too sensitive. Oh, mother of God. Are you sure you've never done that before?”

“Never, but I had a good teacher. I also watched a lot of porn.”

David slipped his hands under her butt and around to her hips. He grabbed hard and pulled her into her face. His tongue assaulted his mother's clit as she screamed “NO!!!”

That was followed by her second trembling orgasm. This time her legs even shook like she was having a seizure. She was holding her breath through the orgasm and soon collapsed. David raised and laid his head on her lower abdomen, grinning at his sister. It was several minutes before his mother moved.

“How did I do?”

“You don't need any more lessons,” she whimpered.

“Want another one?” he asked.

Sherry scrambled to the head of the bed and out of his reach.

“Scoot up on the bed and turn over. We can eat each other,” his sister suggested.

David did as she said, and she straddled his face. Beth bent forward and took her brother's cock into her mouth. After a few minutes, their mother moved between her son's legs and began tonguing and sucking his balls. both came a few minutes later. Beth shared her cum with her mother. All three were spent.

They went to their rooms and showered then had a light lunch.

“We need groceries. Anyone wanna go with me?” their mother asked. Both wanted to come along. “I may regret asking this, but what would you like to do this evening?”

“How about we watch the movies you and Aunt Lil made when you were in college?” her son asked.

“I'm going to kill her!” Sherry growled.

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