Mom became fitness freak to fucking freak – Part 4

Hi All. I am KKD. Next day morning when I went to institution they said like they are going to start extra curricular activities and expecting every one to participate. Based on your performance we will divide you into different categories. We will be giving you three attempts to achieve if you desired to go into any particular category.

There are three categories sports, athletes and cadet. Events that we need to complete to enter into each category is we need to run 3 rounds on the run track which is 500 meters long to enter into sports, 5 to be an athelete and 7 rounds to be cadet. Also need to do some physical exercises if required to filter the people if we are getting more people than we expected in each category.

Evening after coming to the home I said same to mom and dad they said to try for cadet position. So that you can be a preferred candidate for government job in future. My dad asked when the events are going to happen. I replied on coming Sunday. Ok then I will come with you to institution on the day if events.

I am doing my regular mastrubation in my room by watching porn videos in the computer. After two days my dad said like we need to place computer in the hall. They moved it hall now. Even I am not having chance to watch pron videos as well now. I am very much disappointed. I am mastrubating whenever I am feeling horny in my room and sometimes in the . I am feeling bored and not able to see my and anot able to watch porn videos on the computer.

Next day my dad came from office and said he need to go to training camp for next three months to get trained on the computers because they are going to implement computers in their office. I need to be there by next Wednesday. The training camp is more than 100 kilometres from my home. It is not possible to travel up and down daily. So he decided to stay there and come to every week or every 15 days based on the time he will be getting from the training.

I didn't understand how to feel for that. If my dad go to camp then only mom and me will be there in the house. If I try to seduce mom I already received very good beating from when I tried at bathroom room. Even I am not having a chance to see or hear the sexy things from my mom and dad bedroom. I gave an expression like smiling on my face and looking at my dad in a situation not understand how to react for that.

On Sunday me and my dad went to the institute to participate in the events. I started running and not able to complete even 2 rounds of running. They disqualified me for that day and asked me to participate in the next event which will happen in next week. My dad is very disappointed with my performance.

Me and dad went to the home. He is very angry on me and started to scold me.

He is shouting at me like not even having stamina to run 3 rounds in the ground and just quitted for 2 rounds. Even you are not fatty to say that you are fat and unable to run.

Mom came in hurry and asked what happened.

Dad explained to her what has happened and she said I know the reason for that. It is due to low amount of energy in the . He just need some proteins and vitamins to gain the energy and made dad to calm down. Bring what ever food you need to gain energy and proteins to him. He should complete the events by the next week. Mom said she will take care of that and I went into my room.

Mom brought different types of veg and non veg foods to feed me to gain energy. After sometime in the day she called me

Mom: The main reason for having the low energy is due to your mastrubation. I had seen many times in your shorts having sperm stains on them. It will consume a lot of energy to do it. You should stop doing mastrubation.
Me: Mom it is the only relaxation for me to get a good sleep in the night. If I didn't mastrubate I can't sleep properly.
Mom: Even though you should control your self atleast till you complete your events.
Me: So, after events can I mastrubate again.
Mom: That is completely based on your requirement. I recommend to you to stop mastrubating. You can't complete your events if you didn't stop mastrubating within this less time even by taking high amount of protein and energy foods.

By saying that she went away from me. I too thought to control myself atleast for these few days without mastrubating. Next day morning my dad woke me up and took me to the terrace and asked me to do some exercises which are asked by organizers to participants in the events. He asked me to do them fast and more count than which they actually required. I did all of them and my dad said that I am able to do all the excercises but only thing is not able to run. You have practice on that.

Next day morning he took me to the nearby park and thaught me all the techniques to run easy, fast and flexible and while coming back he said from tomorrow on you need to come with mom for jogging and he is going to start to the training camp today night itself. I said ok. In the evening my dad started to traing camp. On that night I went to just to check whether she opened window or not and to try my luck that I can see anything special like my mom mastrubating or see her naked on the bed. The window is opened and she is very careless of her dress and her position when compared to daily how sleeps with my dad. She is occupying almost 70% of the bed only for her and sleeping a side. I can view her from backside. What a curvy structure she is having. When I am seeing she spread one leg straight and another bend a side and she is showing position as asking me to fuck her pussy from backside. She is very hot. I got horny and got erected but I am intended to control my self. Suddenly she turned her a side and now she is facing towards window if she open her eyes. So I went away from there to my room.

Next day morning she came to wake me up and by that time my dick is fully erected like in a hunger to get mastrubated. My mom came and wake me up and noticed my dick under shorts nad asked me it seems your shorts are not having stains. Yes mom I am trying to control my self. She replied let us see how long you can control your self, come on get ready for jogging. She is wearing a t-shirt and a track pant for jogging. She is looking very hot in that because they are little bit tight when compared to other dresses she wears in the home.

I weared my t-shirt and shorts and started for jogging. When she is jogging her booty is moving up and down very sexy from behind and when I tried to run along with mom, her boobs are bouncing up and down. Who ever may be man going is starring at her atleast for a minute. She took me for jogging to a layout which is having good roads with no houses around and some people are coming there for jogging and walking in the morning.

We jogged for more than 2 kms even I don't know how we that much distance just by jogging. I simply followed my mom by seeing her back.

Mom: See we have ran 2 kms. So, now you can complete you base level of your events.
Me: Yeah mom, I too got confidence that I can complete it.

While coming back completely our t-shirts are wet due to sweat. My mom nipples are poking out from her bra and wet tight t-shirt. By seeing that it I want to bite her boobs and lick her nipples. I am starring at them and she is speaking something and I am not listening to her. Suddenly she stopped and looked at me and asked which juice you want. I am shocked and confused. But when I see around we are in front of a juice . I said any thing is fine for me. She ordered two juice and we drink it and she said to take some juice after workout or running. It will regain your calories and make you energetic. After that we went to home and I didn't get a chance to see her nude from many days. She is closing all the doors and windows. I too little bit distracted from that from last few days.

Next day also we went for jogging and everything thing is normal as yesterday and next day when we are jogging mom stepped into a pothole on the road. Immediately she fell down and not able to stand. I went to help her and kept my hand on her waist and another hand at her shoulders and lifted her up. When I am lifting her up I am feeling the soft and spongy body to my body. It is so nice. I thought it is very normal thing to fall and stand but she unable to stand properly. She is feeling a lot of pain in her feet.

Me: Mom, what happened are you fine?
Mom: No, it is paining a lot in the feet. Please look at that.
I took her to the near to the road and made her to sit and examining the feet. It is looking normal but it looks like it is a sprain.
Me: Let's got to the doctor.
Mom: First let's go to the home. Later you call doctor to home.

I lifted her up and we went to home and informed doctor. Doctor came and checked and confirmed that it is sprain which is severe. He said mom that he is got to twist the feet to the normal position. It will be paining, bare it for few minutes. He slowly moved her feet that and this way and suddenly he twisted it and side to make it normal. Mom shouted loudly in pain. He applied a sprain bandage and said she need someone help to stand and walk few days till she gets normal. I said I will take care of her. He given some medicines for five days and left.

Mom: Son, thanks for taking care of me.
Me: No problem mom. You sleep and take rest.
Mom: You are behaving very responsible.
Me: Thank you mom.

She slept with pain for sometime and I went to medical shop and bought medicines given by doctor and brought some breakfast as well. She had some breakfast and took medicine. There are some sedative tablets in medicine to reduce pain and get good sleep. She went into sleep after taking medicine. When she is sleeping she is not even moving aside. She is in deep sleep and left her without disturbing. Afternoon she woke up and asked me to help her to go to bathroom. I helped her till bathroom door and from there she went inside and warning meto don't enter or peep inside. I stayed at door and after sometime she came out and asked me to take her to kitchen to prepare some food. I helped her in the kitchen and she prepared some food quickly and went to her bedroom to sleep again.

When I am helping her to move, her boobs are touching to me and I am feeling her soft body on me all around. I am getting soo much horny by remembering that. She wokeup in the evening and sitting in the sofa and watching TV to spend time. After sometime we had food and going to bed.

Me: Mom, can I come and sleep in your room. If you need anything in the mid of the night and I don't want you to feel difficulty with your injure. I will help you with them.
Mom: Ok son. No problem. You can come and sleep in my room.

I felt happy for getting a chance to see my mom from very close when she was sleeping. We went into the room mom took her medicine and slept. Morning I noticed that she slept without any movement after taking the tablets. So she will be in same way now as well. I tried to wake her up after few minutes by calling her and holding her hand. She is in very deep sleep.

She is wearing nighty. I placed my hands on her boobs over the dress. She didn't responded. I kept my hands inside her nighty. She is not wearing anything inside. I can touch all over her bare boobs. I started squeezing them slowly. No response from my mom. I want to the boobs and lick her nipples. I took dare and moved her nighty little down from her shoulders to view her boobs completely. I started to squeeze them and lick her nipples and biting and chewing them. She strated to moan and give some movement in the body. Immediately I moved to my bed in a thought of she is awaken. She didn't wake up she just a side and slept. After sometime I again but this time it is difficult to reach them. She turning aside, if I try to squeeze she may wake up. Even though I tried to squeeze them by keeping hands from her waist. I can squeeze them and she didn't wake up. While squeezing like that my dick is poking to her ass. I wanted to see her pussy. I lifted her nighty up to the waist. Her pussy is lengthy and straight line and no labia of pussy are seeing outside. I wanted to open and see her inside. I inserted my fingers there to open it. It is red inside. I inserted on of my finger inside it is so hot. I moved it in and out. She is not responding. I inserted two fingers and moved them up and down. After moving them sometime I increased speed. She started to moaning and started to move her body like she is going to wake up. I immediately went back to my bed and slept. I didn't tried to do anything after that in that night and adjusted her dress and slept to make sure she didn't get any doubt on what I did.

Next day morning she wake up and able to walk but not perfectly.

Me: Mom, are you fine? You are able to walk on your own.
Mom: Yeah I am able to walk but still it is paining. Medicines may give me relief by tomorrow.
Me: Yeah mom. You will be fine soon.
Mom: Thank you. You get ready for your running practice.
Me: Yeah mom, I am going to start now.

That all day went normally. In the night after she slept I strated to squeeze her boobs and lick her again. But today I want to go to next level and fuck her. She is turning aside and sleeping. I pulled her nighty up to waist and opened her pussy. It is very hot and wet than yesterday. I inserted my fingers for sometime to check whether she will wake up on not. She didn't wake up. I inserted my dick inside her pussy and hold her boobs from waist from backside and started to fuck. I fucked her like that for more than 20 mins and released cum on her pussy. She didn't wakeup all the time when I am her and in between she moaned sometimes. I adjusted her dress and went back to sleep.

Next day morning

Mom: Hey wake up. Go for running. Your are having events today.
Me: Yeah mom, I remember. If I go for running now I will loose energy and can't run in events. I will directly go to the events.
Mom: I can't come with you today. You have to handle everything there.
Me: Sure mom, I will take care.
Mom: Remember you have to complete cadet level events. If not possible at least for athlete.

I don't know why from the time I fucked my mom last night I am feeling very energetic. I went to institution and participated in events. I am able to clear events only upto sports level. I ran 4 rounds and stopped on 5th round. So they disqualified me for athelete and cadet level. I went back to home.

Mom: How was your performance today?
Me: Not bad mom. I cleared sports level.
Mom: What not even athelete?
Me: Still there is one more chance next week. I will try on that.
Mom: Ok. Practice well for next week.

We had our dinner and went to sleep. I have fucked her as well. Today I fucked her on missionary position. In between she tried to move and pretended like waking up. But I didn't compromise to fuck her. Next day she is able to walk well but still she is having her sprain bandage to maintain grip to feet while walking.

Me: Mom you are walking good now. I think you have recovered.
Mom: Yeah, it is much better now. But I don't keep much strain on it.
Me: So you are good now. Shall I sleep with you or I need to move to my room.
Mom: Your wish. If you feel comfortable in your room you can move otherwise you can sleep with me.
Me: I have noticed that I am sleeping well in your room than in my room. I will sleep with you.
Mom: Ok. No problem.

All day went fine and in the night when we are going to sleep I noticed that she didn't taken medicine today.

Me: Mom, you didn't took your medicine today?
Mom: No, I am feeling better now.
Me: Even though you need to take it. Doctor given tablets to you for 5 days. Only 3 days completed. What if pain comes tomorrow again.
Mom: Ok calm down. I will take it. You are bothering more me about my health in voice pretending like to be angry.
Me: Not like that. I am intending you to completely recover from that injure.

She took her medicine and slept. I started my regular work. Day by day I am more arrogant to have sex with her. Today I have removed her nighty completely and fucked her completely naked. But I struggled alot while putting it back on to her body. I enjoyed her fully naked. Next day also I did same she didn't wake up. But she is moaning alot while fucking and pretending like to wake up. But she is not waking up. I am enjoying her sexy boobs and pussy completely naked on her bed with her soft moans during fucking her. I enjoyed it alot all the 4 days that I fucked without knowing to her.

Next day night she is not having medicine to take. Dosage given by doctor is completed. She is sleep normally today. I am in full of horny to have sex with her. I know that definitely she will catch me if try to sex. I slept calm for sometime. Later I woke and saw she is sleeping cross to bed and almost nearby to me. She is in deep sleep. I intended to test her and called her she didn't respond. I tried to move her little to get more space. Even though she didn't responded. I thought those medicine is still working in her and started to press her boobs. She is calm and in deep sleep. I lifted her nighty up and tried to insert my dick in her pussy.

When I am going to start fucking her she moaned. I thought she is moaning as daily and she won't woke up that easy and started to fuck her. Within a few strokes of fucking she woke up. She is shocked and starring at me. I tried to continue fuck but she got anger and moved me aside and made me to lay on bed without moving and she came on to me and now I am ina position not able to move any where from there.

Mom: You stopped to mastrubate and started to fuck you mom in angry tone.
I understood that I can't escape from the situation and opened up.
Me: Yes I have started fucking you many days at bathroom.
Mom: On that day you fucked me without my knowledge. But this is so wrong doing this. I am your mom.
Me: From the day I saw you completely naked and fucking with dad I am not able to see you normally.
Mom: Even though it is not good to have sex with mom.
Me: I am unable to control my self after seeing you hot structure naked.
Mom: Shut up. You shouldn't fuck your mom. It is not at all good to have sex with mom.
Me: After seeing you completely naked and having sex with dad I am not able to see you like a mom. I have already fucked you at the bathroom. I have already fucked you completely naked on your bed.
Mom: What? You fucked me on this bed. When it happened.
Me: It is being happening from last four days.
Mom: You are fucking me when I am sleeping? Oh, that is the reason I am feeling like some one is trying to wake me up very forcefully from sleep. But I am unable to wake up. I thought it was a nightmare and didn't think about it much. So, you are the reason for all these.
Me: Yes, you are soo cooperative while you are sleeping.

She moved away from me in a shock. I have already seen you completely many times. I have mastrubated a lot of times and even mastrubated in your clothes. I have fucked you from the door. I have fucked you on your bed which is giving me more energy. It is working as a energy booster for me. I have cleared the events in the institution after having a very relaxed and pleasurized sex with you on this bed and I am feeling very happy to fuck on this bed all these days.
You are helping me alot by having sex to me mom. I want to fuck you. Mom said like I have understood you have already seen me naked and you have already fucked me and you are feeling very relaxed when you . Ok then fuck me and slept in the bed. I got shocked and surprised. I am starring at her bare boobs which are half visible from her loosen nighty on the top. I kept my hands on her sexy boobs and looking at her and started to squeeze them. She is not responding. I tried to take her boobs completely from her nighty. She is still calm. I understood that she is really accepted to have sex with me completely. I given a tight liplock to her for few minutes and when I am going take out my lips from her lips she started to respond back and she didn't leave me for 10 mins. I am feeling like not in control. She asked are you done. I again started to give liplock. This very tight and lustful than last time. We are having deep kisses for more than half an hour.

I tried to keep finger in her pussy over nighty. She is very much wet. I can feel it over the nighty it self and not able to control and pulled her nighty completely down and she is laying completely naked in front of me on the bed and starring at me. I slowly started to squeeze her boobs and licking them. She is moaning um,um…ah lick them. I am biting her nipples. She increased her moaning like Ah,Ah…Ah do it. I moved to her navel part and licking and kissing over there. She is in. Cloud nine and out of the world
She is squeezing pillows out of excitement. Then I turned her back and locking and smooching her ass. She is enjoying it. I inserted fingers in her pussy. It is so wet and hot. I made to and fro motion inside her pussy with fingers.

I lifted her both legs on top of me. Now she is facing towards bed and can see her nude and sexy back and pointed my dick to her pussy. I inserted dick into her. With one force it went completely inside and she moaned like Ah with huge sound. I slowly doing in and out motion and she is enjoying it. I increased speed gradually. Her booty is bouncing up and down. Ahh.. it is making me high. I am fucking her with full speed. I fuck her 10 mins in that position and turned her into missionary position. I started to fuck her and we are seeing each other deeply. When I am fucking she is moaning like um…ah, um…ah continuously. I am unable to control and kissed her on lips and squeezing her boobs. She is feeling very high with that and shouting to fuck, fuck…fuck. After fucking her for 20 mins in that position I released my sperm in her pussy and feel down on her and whispered I realeased my sperm in your pussy. It's ok. No problem. We slept all night naked. After we are having this fucking session daily in the night.

If any girls, aunties and women from Chennai are intrested to have sex you can mail me to [email protected] 100% privacy will be maintained.

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