College tour ecstasy

Hi readers this is my second story on sex4stories. Hope you have enjoyed my first story entitled “My biology teacher asked my sperm”. , now without wasting time let's get into the story. Before getting in keep an useless cloth near you because I'm sure this story is gonna make your bottoms wet.

My name is Arjun. This incident happened to me during my tour when I was studying in third year. I was pursing B.E. Computer Science Engineering in a college in Tamil Nadu. As it was CSC Dept. our class has many gorgeous girls and the heroine of this story is Archana. She was a white and fair looking girl with descent sized breast and round & catchy ass. Every time she used to wear leggings to college which gave a marvelous attraction to her superficial ass & thighs.

She had a soft & calm character with a mesmerizing voice. From the very first day she was a friend of mine and we used to text and call me at free times. She was an open minded girl with a helping nature. I used to share my secrets to her and she would motivate me with her words whenever I'm emotionally broken. And one day she admitted that she has crush on me. Even after that we behaved like normal friends.

So our class has planned for an industrial visit and eventually it was our last college tour aka industrial visit in our academic life. So it was very well organized and we all enjoyed very well. It was a two day trip. The incident happened on the first day. After visiting the industry in the morning we went to Vagamon which was a hill station in Idukki district, Kerala.

There we took a resort nearby a beautiful lake. The climate was chill and at night we was partying a DJ night around a campfire. All the boys & girls were dancing around the fire. The DJ was happening on a small hill and there was a lake down the hill. Suddenly during the party I was very urgent to pee. I couldn't use the bathroom in our room as it was locked by the students before coming to the party. I had no idea. I drifted away from the dance party and went down the hill near the lake. It was very dark and there was lightning occasionally. I went near a bush and unzipped my shorts and started to pee. During that time I was enjoying the beautiful sight of the lake under the moonlight. Even after finishing I forget myself and was glancing at the scenic view.

Suddenly a lightning struck the sky and it was very bright everywhere for a couple of seconds. In that lightning I saw Archana nearby my bush where I was peeing. She was in a sitting position with nude bottom. I was shocked and said “Archana what are you doing her?”. She in her sitting position said that she also came here to pee. She had her panties and shorts on her shoulder. I could see her fleshy thigh and ass in the moonlight. We both still didn't come out of the shock of spotting each other. Again suddenly there was a huge lightning with thunderous noise. She got up and ran to me and hugged my chest as she was very afraid of lightning noise. She was only wearing a t-shirt and nothing under her hips. I was speechless at that moment and she was still hugging me. Again there was a lightning and it started to drizzle. Suddenly it began to rain heavily and I was confused what to do.

There was no shelter nearby and we are almost half a kilometer away from the rooms. We were at the middle of the forest. Luckily I saw a boat parked at the bank of the lake. We went inside the boat for shelter. It was very dark inside. We went inside and sat at the bench. I was in my t shirt and shorts & she was only wearing her t-shirt. She was holding her legs tight while sitting. I could see her public hair triangle. Then she placed her clothes on her lap covering the pussy hair. On seeing that I got boner and my breathe got heavier. She was very shy and her cheeks went red. I went and sat near to her. And looked at her eyes suddenly again a lightning struck and she hugged me. Then I too hugged her. I could smell her sweat which turned me further horny. Then she took her head back and we both were facing each other with a hug. I was watching her lips and couldn't control my temptation to kiss her. We both had a warm kiss. And slowly I started kissing her neck. Now she was also turned on and was enjoying my smooch on her neck. Now slowly I took my fingers to her pussy and fondling. She began to moan and twist her body.

Then I slowly started to smooch her breast and slowly to her tummy. She was at her height of happiness and was fondling my hair. Then I made her to like on the bench and went close to her pussy. Oh man! It's smell was inspiring me to lick her moist pussy. I took my tongue to the edge of her pussy. She was trembling with a moan and I began to lick her clit and sucked it. The more I suck the more I'm in love with it. Suddenly she released her cum and I drank it completely. Then I removed my shorts and took my erect dick out. I brought her pussy to the edge of the bench and lifted both her legs wide open. Slowly I inserted my penis into her pussy. It was very tight and she was screaming with pain. Then after few slow strokes she registered pleasure and I went as deep as possible. I was yet to come and asked weather should I pull out. She was absolutely enjoying my dick inside her and she said she wants me to cum inside and no matter if she gets . Then my dick began to pump huge loads of cum inside her. After that we both were tired and were taking rest lying aside.

Then the rain stopped and we both got dressed up and went to our rooms. Then after a two days she messaged me that she was pregnant and she's gonna take an i-pill to abort the fetus.

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