College Threesome, Three college friends get closer than ever

***My junior year in was a wild one all the way around, but one episode particularly stands out in my memory – my first .***

I had been Doug, a big, blonde, football player, for about a month. Though he wasn’t the sharpest crayon in the box, he was handsome and popular, and fun in bed.

One evening, close to the end of term, I swung by his apartment to see if he wanted to go and grab something to eat. I was surprised when Doug’s , Warren, answered the door. He was hardly ever home.

Like Doug, Warren was tall, blonde and good looking, but where Doug was stocky, with a lineman’s shoulders, Warren was slimmer. The differences didn’t stop with their build.

Doug was a stereotypical jock: nice, not too bright, studying to be a gym teacher. He wore jeans and T-shirts every day, and appreciated greasy cheeseburgers and beer.

Warren, on the other hand, was studying to be a lawyer, and his tastes reflected it. He was always smooth and well-dressed. Tonight was no exception. When he answered the door he was barefoot in charcoal slacks and a silk shirt of a lighter gray.

Not for the I wondered how two such different individuals could be roommates and best friends.

“Is Doug here?” I asked.

“Yeah,” answered Warren. “But he’s sleeping.”

“Ahh, crap. I wanted to know if he wanted to grab something to eat.”

“Why don’t you come in and we’ll see if we can wake him up.” Warren said. “Then we can all go grab something.”

“Sounds good,” I replied. The three of us went out together frequently, otherwise I would probably have never gotten to know Warren. He was perpetually busy with school.

I walked into to Doug’s room and shook him by the shoulder. Warren stood watching from the doorway.

“Doug, Doug, wake up!” I said, eliciting nothing but a loud snore.

“No use, he’s out.”

“Yeah.” I knew from experience that Doug was a sound sleeper.

“He was up late studying for finals.”

“Ahh, okay, well, tell him I stopped by would ‘ya?”

“Awww…don’t run off,” Warren said. “I have some munchies around here somewhere, and some red wine. We can just hang out until Doug wakes up, then go to dinner.”

“Alright.” After all, I wasn’t starving, and I didn’t really have anywhere else to be on a Thursday night, except in my room studying.

“Have a seat,” Warren said, “and I’ll get the wine.

I heard him in the kitchen as I walked back down the hall and took a seat on their gray sofa, slipping off my shoes. Warren soon returned with two glasses of wine and a plate of cheese and crackers.

“Here you go,” he said, handing me a glass of wine, and setting the plate down on the coffee table.

“Thanks,” I said, feeling a little awkward.

It occured to me that this was the first time Warren and I had ever been alone together, although we weren’t really alone with Doug asleep in bed not more than ten feet away.

“This is awkward,” Warren said, as if he had read my mind.

“I was just thinking that,” I blurted. “I mean, for all the time we’ve spent together, I really don’t know that much about you, Ren.”

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