College Threesome, Three college friends get closer than ever

***My junior year in was a wild one all the way around, but one episode particularly stands out in my memory – my first .***

I had been Doug, a big, blonde, football player, for about a month. Though he wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box, he was handsome and popular, and fun in bed.

One evening, close to the end of term, I swung by his apartment to see if he wanted to go and grab something to eat. I was surprised when Doug's roommate, Warren, answered the door. He was hardly ever home.

Like Doug, Warren was tall, blonde and good looking, but where Doug was stocky, with a lineman's shoulders, Warren was slimmer. The differences didn't stop with their build.

Doug was a stereotypical jock: nice, not too bright, studying to be a gym teacher. He wore jeans and T-shirts every day, and appreciated greasy cheeseburgers and beer.

Warren, on the other hand, was studying to be a lawyer, and his tastes reflected it. He was always smooth and well-dressed. Tonight was no exception. When he answered the door he was barefoot in charcoal slacks and a silk shirt of a lighter gray.

Not for the first time I wondered how two such different individuals could be roommates and best friends.

“Is Doug here?” I asked.

“Yeah,” answered Warren. “But he's sleeping.”

“Ahh, crap. I wanted to know if he wanted to grab something to eat.”

“Why don't you come in and we'll see if we can wake him up.” Warren said. “Then we can all go grab something.”

“Sounds good,” I replied. The three of us went out together frequently, otherwise I would probably have never gotten to know Warren. He was perpetually busy with school.

I walked into to Doug's room and shook him by the shoulder. Warren stood watching from the doorway.

“Doug, Doug, wake up!” I said, eliciting nothing but a loud snore.

“No use, he's out.”

“Yeah.” I knew from experience that Doug was a sound sleeper.

“He was up late studying for finals.”

“Ahh, okay, well, tell him I stopped by would ‘ya?”

“Awww…don't run off,” Warren said. “I have some munchies around here somewhere, and some red wine. We can just hang out until Doug wakes up, then go to dinner.”

“Alright.” After all, I wasn't starving, and I didn't really have anywhere else to be on a Thursday night, except in my room studying.

“Have a seat,” Warren said, “and I'll get the wine.

I heard him in the kitchen as I walked back down the hall and took a seat on their gray sofa, slipping off my shoes. Warren soon returned with two glasses of wine and a plate of cheese and crackers.

“Here you go,” he said, handing me a glass of wine, and setting the plate down on the coffee table.

“Thanks,” I said, feeling a little awkward.

It occured to me that this was the first time Warren and I had ever been alone together, although we weren't really alone with Doug asleep in bed not more than ten feet away.

“This is awkward,” Warren said, as if he had read my mind.

“I was just thinking that,” I blurted. “I mean, for all the time we've spent together, I really don't know that much about you, Ren.”

“Well, at least you know enough to call me by my nickname. I hate my real name.”

“Actually, I really like your name. I ‘ve always been a huge Warren Zevon fan.”

He laughed, practically choking on his wine.

“Never heard THAT line before.”

“It's not a line, I think your name is sexy.”

I had to admit to myself that his name was not the only thing I was finding sexy about him at the moment. Laughter softened his usually serious mien, making him even more appealing than usual. I scooted closer to him on the couch, and to my surprise he didn't move away.

“I don't really know that much about you either, Jen,” he said. “Heh, how 'bout that, our names rhyme, Ren and Jen.”

“Sounds like a bad buddy comedy,” I quipped.

“Well, buddies should know more about each other,” he said, then proceeded to ask me about my classes, and my roommate, and before I knew it we were confidences as though we really were old buddies. An hour and a bottle of wine later I felt as though I had known Warren forever.

“Should I open another bottle of wine,” he asked, when the first was empty.

“Nah, I should try waking Doug up again.”

“Oh, don't do that just yet,” he said, moving closer to me. “Not before I've had a chance to do something I've been wanting to do for a long time.”

“What's that,” I said, like an idiot.

“This,” he said, as he leaned in to brush his lips across mine.

I remember thinking, ‘It must be the wine'. Surely that was the only reason I was letting my boyfriend's best friend kiss me. Then I was done thinking altogether.

As his lips touched my mouth an electric jolt went through me and I leaned in to twine my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He responded by deepening the kiss, his tongue sliding smoothly into my warm and willing mouth. His arms went around me and we fell back on the sofa, our tongues twisting and writhing together.

He slid his hands along my back, nudging my T-shirt up, and pressing his palms against my bare skin. His hands were strong, and warm, and the mere touch of them had me wanting more. He pushed my shirt up around my armpits, then could go no further without breaking our kiss.

He sat up and looked me, asking with his eyes if I wanted to continue. I knew we should stop, but I couldn't help myself. I pulled my T-shirt up over my head and tossed it to the floor.

“That's not fair,” I said, sitting up as well.

“What's that?” he asked.

“Now I'm half naked, and you're still dressed. Let's fix that.”

Now it was my turn to press him back against the sofa pillows as I slowly unbuttoned his gray shirt. I peeled it back and trailed my fingers across the broad planes of his muscled chest. My hands slipped down to his waistband and unfastened that as well.

I barely brushed my hand across the bulge growing in his pants, and he moaned with desire. I slid my hands back up to his shoulders and pushed his shirt off. He slid his arms out, and it wound up next to my shirt on the floor.

Once again he pulled me into the circle of his arms, nibbling and licking along my neck, which soon had me panting and moaning. One hand brushed against my bare leg and then crept higher. He slid his hand underneath my skirt, his fingers brushing against the now-damp cotton of my panties.

I shivered at his touch and thrust my hips against his hand, craving his touch. He hooked a finger in the waistband of my panties and drew them down. I wiggled and squirmed as he tugged at my underwear, wanting them off.

My panties had no sooner hit the floor along with our other discarded clothing when I felt his fingers and lips on me once more. He licked the tops of my breasts still encased in their white cotton prison, while his hand stroked along my upper thigh.

“Take off your bra,” he whispered huskily.

I was more than happy to comply. I quickly reached behind me and released the clasps, allowing my bra to slide down my arms and onto the carpet. A rush of pleasure and pride went through me as he sucked in his breath and said, “You're so beautiful, Jen.”

I could feel myself blush. Doug was not exactly the most romantic guy, so it had been a while since I had been complimented like that. Of course, that hardly excused the fact that I was letting his roommate seduce me while he slept in the next room. I was feeling guilty, but all thoughts of guilt were swept away when Ren leaned forward and cupped my left breast with his free hand.

He bent his head to my bare breast, swirling his tongue around my sensitive nipple, teasing it to hardness. Then he sucked my nipple into his hot mouth, causing me to moan loudly.

“Shhh, we don't want to wake Doug up, now do we?”

I shook my head. No, I didn't want anything to stop what I was feeling right now. Doug was fun in bed, but his idea of foreplay was a few sloppy kisses and feeling my pussy to see if I was wet. Ren was taking his time arousing passions in me that I hadn't felt in a while. I didn't want him to stop, what I wanted was more!

He was happy to comply. He switched his attentions over to my other breast, licking and suckling it until it was hard. Meanwhile, his other hand had moved farther up my thigh, until his knuckles grazed gently across my pussy lips. I whimpered and wiggled against his hand, until he relented. Slowly, he ran one long finger along my cleft, then back again. Then he slipped his finger into my slit, probing deep within my sopping pussy.

I panted and bucked against his hand as he slid another finger into me, then began to slide both fingers in and out of my warm, wet cunt in a rhythmic assault. It felt so good, but it was hardly fair to poor Ren.

I shifted slightly on the couch, sliding closer to him and reached for his pants. The new angle allowed him to thrust his fingers even deeper into my swollen pussy. I finished unzipping his pants and slid my hand inside his boxers, feeling for his hard cock as he continued to with his fingers.

His shaft was long, and hard, and velvety smooth beneath my hand. Even though his fingers were working their magic on me quite effectively, I knew his cock would feel even better buried deep inside me, eventually. But right then I had other plans for his hard member.

I pulled away from him, dislodging his hand from beneath my skirt, and stood up next to the couch. I grabbed the belt loops of his slacks, and pulled him up to stand beside me. Then, I pushed his slacks and boxers off his hips, and down to his ankles. Finally, I pushed him back down on the couch in a seated position and knelt in front of him.

Tugging and pulling I got his pants and boxers the rest of the way off, and moved in closer, between his legs. He really was quite sexy with his long legs and rock-hard abs. His long, stiff cock stood out quite impressively from a nest of dark blonde hair. It was much longer than Doug's, but not as thick. It was somehow more refined, much like Ren himself. And I couldn't wait to taste it. I slid forward and lowered my head to his body.

I licked my lips, wetting them in anticipation, before placing my mouth on the engorged head of his cock. I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock, then licked around the ridge before locking my lips around him and sucking him deep into my throat.

He moaned and thrust his fingers into my hair, not pulling, just holding me. Encouraged, I slid my warm, wet mouth down around his shaft, trying to take as much of his cock as possible before sliding back up along the hard length of him.

I let his cock slide out of my mouth and once again flicked my tongue against the broad head, before sliding my mouth down on him once before. This time I swirled my tongue around as much as I could as I took him in my mouth.

Once again, he moaned and thrust his hands deeper into my hair. Without moving my head, I raised my eyes to look at him, and was pleased to find his head thrown back in ecstasy, his eyes closed tight. As I watched him, he sat up and looked at me. I could see the lust in his eyes as he watched me, watching him, but then his pupils grew wide with surprise.

He pushed me away from him, and it was then I realized that someone was in the room with us.

“Ahh, shit, Doug! This isn't what it looks like,” Ren said.

Crap! Doug!

“Really?” said a familiar voice behind me. “You mean my isn't sucking your dick?”

Ren stammered, “Ummm….uh…”

“That's too bad. She gives great head!”

“Excuse me?!” I turned to look at my boyfriend. He stood in the middle of the living room in nothing but his boxers, and it was painfully obvious that he had himself quite an erection. I turned back to Ren, who looked as stunned as I was.

“Did you just say what I think you said,” Ren asked.

“Do I need to say it slower? I thought you were the smart one, lawyer boy.” Doug chuckled.

Ren and I looked back at each other in shock.

“You mean to say you're okay with me sucking Ren's dick?”

“Sure, as long as I get to watch.”

Woah. This was a revelation. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that Doug would be the type of guy who would be okay with a situation like this. I would have thought he'd be jealous of Ren, and possessive of me, but apparently ol' meat-and-potatoes Doug had a wilder side too. One I had never seen before.

Apparently Ren hadn't known this about his roomie either. I was sure from the look on Ren's face that he and Doug had never “shared” a woman before. However, he looked like he was more than “up” for it. His erection had barely faltered, even with Doug standing there staring at us.

Doug walked over to the couch and sat on it. He didn't say another word, just looked at us expectantly. It was kinda weird, having an audience, but at the same time, it was strangely exhilirating and inspiring. I don't think I have ever sucked anyone as expertly as I did Ren. It was like I was performing for Doug, and it certainly seemed to turn him on as much as it did Ren.

In no time at all, Ren was ready to shoot his load. I looked up at him, loving the look on his face as threw his head back and started to cum. Movement out of the corner of my eye had me looking at Doug as well. He had his dick out, stroking it as I sucked his best friend off, and I have to admit it turned me on.

The thought of having two men watching me, lusting after me, touching me, was getting me even hotter and wetter than ever. When Ren finally shot his hot, sticky wad into my mouth, I slurped it down eagerly, feeling sexier and hornier than I ever had before.

I got off my knees and sat on the sofa between Ren and Doug. Ren was slumped on the couch, his dick limp in his lap. Doug on the other hand was ready to go. He'd taken off his boxers, and sat there with a raging hard-on.

As I'd noticed before, Doug's cock was much shorter and thicker than Ren's. It was also much redder in color, and the large head was almost purple. I knew from experience how good it would feel buried deep in my pussy. They say great minds think alike, well, so did Doug and I.

“My turn!” he said, as he pulled me over on top of him.

Without any further foreplay, Doug flipped up my skirt, and wedged his legs between my knees, so that I straddled him. He put his hands on my hips, and pushed me down onto his waiting cock. My already slippery cunt closed around his dick as he began to thrust into me. I ground my clit down against his pelvis, rocking back and forth as he continued to pound into my pussy.

Meanwhile, Ren had finally come around, and was watching us from his position on the couch next to us. The couch was actually bouncing from the force of Doug's thrusting and Ren's limp dick shook with each bounce. Soon, though I noticed that it was bouncing less and less as Ren grew hard again. At one point he actually leaned over and rubbed my thigh with his hand. I knew he wanted to get back into the action, but I was on the verge of cumming, so I wasn't about to stop.

Finally, my body could stand it no longer. I felt my muscles tense up, and then I came in glorious, screaming relief. Doug continued to thrust into me, and I held onto his shoulders for dear life as I rode out my . Still, he showed no signs of coming, and to be honest, at that moment I didn't really want him to come inside me.

I liked Doug, he was my boyfriend after all, but I didn't love him. And, he had been inside me many times before. What I felt for Ren was different, special somehow. I knew that this might be the only time I ever had with him.

I couldn't imagine that these two guys would be willing to share me on a regular basis, and I also knew that what we did here tonight would change the for all three of us. At that moment, I wanted Ren to be the one to come inside my pussy. Poor Doug.

In one smooth movement I rose up on my knees, sliding my dripping pussy off of Doug's . He looked at me in shock and dismay.

“Man, Jen, I was so close,” he said almost angrily.

“Yeah, I know,” I replied, “but I have something else in mind. I don't want you to finish that quickly.”

He pouted for a second, but recovered swiftly. He licked his lips as he looked up at me, my cunt mere inches away from his still hard cock.

“What did you have in mind?” he asked.

I stood and held my hands out to both of the guys, pulling them up off the couch.

“Well, I want you both to me of course.”

Even though they must have known that was coming, they both looked surprised and happy, like they'd won the lottery. It felt good knowing that I had not one, but two men wanting to fuck me. And I knew just how I was gonna make it happen.

I took Ren by the arm and made him lay down on the carpet in the living room.

“Wait a minute,” Doug said, and disappeared down the hall. He was back in a minute with the comforter off his bed. He motioned to Ren to get up, which he did, then he threw the comforter down on the floor.

“That'll be a lot softer than the floor,” he said.

Ren got back down on the floor, laying on his back. I knelt beside him and took his cock in my hand. He was already growing hard under my hand, so I called Doug over as well.

When Ren was nice and hard, I straddled him, just as I had done with Doug earlier. He grabbed his cock and guided the tip of it between my wet cunt lips, then grabbed my hips and pulled me down on top of him.

God, he felt good as he slid into me. Doug was wide and filled my pussy nicely, but with Ren I could feel his longer length pushing at the back of my womb, thrusting nice and deep. We rocked back and forth together for a few minutes, while Doug knelt beside us watching. Finally, I figured it was about time for him to get into place as well.

I whispered to Ren to stop for a minute and explained what I wanted to happen next. Doug disappeared once more down the hall, this time reappearing with a small tube of KY Jelly. He knelt beside us once more so we could watch as he squeezed a small amount of clear jelly into his palm. He smeared the jelly all over the head of his cock, then moved into position behind me.

I laid down flat on Ren's chest in order to move my ass into position for Doug. I felt him come up behind me, and place his hand on my back. He arranged his knees between my legs, and Ren's, and then I felt the head of his dick pushing against my ass.

A harder push shoved me against Ren's chest, and then, I felt a sharp burning pain as the head of Doug's thick cock slid into my ass. He paused a moment, allowing me to adjust to his presence, before easing the rest of his cock deep within my ass. As he sunk himself to the hilt in my ass I moaned and writhed against Ren, loving the full feeling.

With two cocks buried deep in my body I had never felt so full. Slowly, I began to push my hips against Ren, and as I had hoped, the boys went along with me. Our movements were slow at first, as we learned the rhythms of each other's bodies. Then we began to move faster and faster, thrusting together.

I could feel their dicks rubbing against each other with the only the thin membrane of my body separating them, and knew that the guys had to be as aroused as I was if not more so, and that it wouldn't take long for us all.

Sure enough, I soon heard Doug begin to make a harsh, grunting noise. He thrust into me hard and I felt his warm jizm shoot into my ass. After spurting his load, he collapsed across my back, smashing my body into Ren's. My clit ground against Ren's pelvis, and I felt myself sliding over the edge.

“Oh, yeah, yeah,” I moaned as I felt myself cum, my muscles clenching tight around Ren's cock.

My orgasm was enough to send him over the edge too. I felt his body tighten, then buck beneath me before he unleashed a load of cum into my waiting pussy.

Doug was the first to move, rolling off of me, and heading down the hall to the bathroom. I couldn't do much but slump against Ren as orgasmic tremors continued to wrack my body.

Ren gathered me in his arms and rolled, bringing me with him so that we both lay on our sides. Gently he placed a kiss on my forehead as we clung together on the floor.

“That was incredible,” he whispered.

It was all I could do to nod, I was so tired and sated.

I knew that things would change as a result of this night. I didn't know how, but I figured I would deal with that in the morning. For now I was content to let Ren hold me, and roll me in the comforter.

***In the end, as I'd suspected, that night changed things. Doug and I soon broke up, but remained friends. He stood up with Ren as best man at our wedding.***

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