Affair With The Bengali – The last fuck Conclusion

Thanks a lot for the feedback and email guys. I understand some of you were not happy with the second part stating it ended abruptly. And some of you praised both My stories.

I am very happy that you guys are communicating and sharing with Me on what you like/dislike about My real life stories.
If you have not read the earlier parts, please do give a read and do read this part since this is the final part of the series. But a disclaimer must be there, that this final part might have emotional moments as well and not just sex.

Second Part: Sumaiyya First TIme With a Bengali
First Part: Sumaiyya First TIme With a Bengali

Without wasting much of your time, I am Qureshi let Me start the final part of the series.Please pardon Me if I make any small mistakes.

I was around 25 , Roy was in his early 40s . We were having an amazing sex life and a perfect affair. I will be honest I had serious feelings for Roy. Thanks to the scoundrel Roy's expertise

My breasts became pretty big and also were in good shape. Meanwhile, I also started gymming and young trainers tried to flirt with Me, lol. I loved gymming but I hated following diet. I loved Calcutta Biryani, Mutton Chaap, Mutton Korma O My God – they were equally orgasmic as My scoundrel lover's fucking(probably more). Out of curiosity I also had beef few times and pork twice(despite being a ) but honestly speaking, I never became a fan of beef or pork.If you have read the second part you know Me and Roy had made a deal that I would not be eating beef and he would not be eating pork. But then we both cancelled the deal and he started having pork and I also had both.Sorry for breaking the mood but I thought maybe I should be brutally honest while narrating My incidents.

Roy and Me, there was hardly any place where we didn't make out. I loved him and Me doing pda in restaurants – cafes and in many places. Sometimes some police also caught us but I was dam safe with Roy – he had connections in the right places and was bloody rich.

He loved carrying Me in his arms and just destroyed My pussy standing. He loved doggy position and I simply enjoyed with him.There was hardly any position Me and Roy did not try. Roy loved experimenting new positions and I cooperated.Garage,bedroom,kitchen,roof there was hardly any place where we didn't have sex. I still remember how I gave Roy a wonderful blowjob below the table in a restaurant and had his cum on My lips. The waiter came and I still had some cum on My lips. I simply complimented the waiter saying the pasta was delicious, when the waiter was staring at Me. I was least bothered and the fun part is that restaurant was actually a luxury Bengali restaurant haha. The Bengali Scoundrel Roy loved doing anal and I hated that but somehow I loved feeling that he enjoys it so much with Me. He was a kinky man. We went to the bathroom for showers together and he enjoyed showering from My pee and also bathed Me in his pee. He wanted to drink My pee and wanted Me to drink his pee but I simply refused.But if you ask Me what My favorite position was I will have to say I loved him penetrating Me in the missionary position(not exactly missionary but the usual one). That was My favorite. I also did ride him and he enjoyed much but I loved Roy when he got on top of Me and crossed My legs around his back or around his shoulders and simply pounded Me like the beast he was. I loved him in that position, sweat dripping from his shoulders. I loved the scene. I will be honest here, Roy was My first love I did find him wonderful. Strong like a bull, pampered Me and treated Me like a princess, he was powerful rich with the right sources with all his old money as well as new money and was also a perfect gentleman. I loved to be with him. I knew I had no future with him but still loved the feeling. I was a bit jealous of his wife , but was also happy for him having such a beautiful typical Bengali caring housewife.

Me and Roy had sex sometimes with protection sometimes not. Honestly, I did not care since I loved him and I loved him getting inside Me without protection.

Some of you might think if I loved him so much why do I call him scoundrel. Will be revealing the same in this part.
As time progressed, Roy was giving Me less time and often weeks passed and we did not have sex. I knew Roy – he can leave meals for one or two days but he cannot leave a week without fucking Me. I stated asking him and he informed he had some legal issues regarding business. But then a month passed and I felt something must be going. At the same time I also started feeling uneasy. I started vomiting. I was worried. I tried reaching out to Roy but his phone was busy. I went to office and suddenly we had a group plan made to a distant restaurant. I was in no mood but since Roy wasn't there as well so I agreed to the plan for the team outing. To My utter surprise , I found Roy was leaving that restaurant. I was sad, angry and so many emotions ran through My mind . I was broken. I already had tensions that I might be pregnant wit Roy's child. Within 30 mins of the outing, I went back to My flat. I cried a lot but then decided I have to know what is going on. I took out information of some private detectives and contacted one asif sheikh and asked him to follow Roy. He promised Me to give Me information about Roy in a week. Meanwhile, I went to the doctor and thankfully I was not pregnant. It was just some weakness issue. Ok Folks, so the truth is while I was content that I wasn't pregnant but somewhere I also wanted to bear Roy's child since I really loved him.

A Week Passed

Asif came to Me with real photographs not the phone ones(At that time, there were no such hi tech smartphones). I was shocked to hear the facts. Roy was dating a 23 year old newly wed girl who was wife of some of his client. The client was too old and the woman was just a trophy wife for him. Let Me name the girl puja as of now. She was not at all pretty but had a somewhat good figure .I was dam angry. I felt disgusted , I was angry, I was sad.I was low on balance and a large amount of fees was left of asif. I was angry on Roy and wanted to take revenge on him.
Me:(holding asif's thighs)I currently don't have enough money. Can you come tonight to My place I will give you the money and smiled naughtily.
Asif took a breadth and agreed joyfully.

I got back home and I literally cried for hours. Roy already had a wife and I was bearing the pain. But I compromised with the pain thinking she is his wife and it is ok. I mean at that time, Bengali men somehow used to have an arranged marriage with Bengali women of same caste of their parents' choice despite dating another woman. I was ok with that.But how can I be ok with some new woman in Roy's life. Puja is just another third grade woman who married someone just for his money and was sleeping with some other man.I know people might feel even I am a gold digger but that is not the case friends. I literally had true feelings for Roy.

I feel when it comes to marriage, Bengali women are much more liberal than Bengali men. Bengali men are ok dating women from another community but when time comes for marriage they can't fight with their parents. But yes, things have changed a lot nowadays I do see a lot of Bengali men having wives from different communities. I so wish I had a happy ending with Roy.
Sorry for boring you guys. let Me come back to the main story.
That night asif came to My place I dressed in a revealing dress and I in a seductive tone asked.
Me: I don't have enough cash. DO you take payment in cash.
asif: (grinning) I do and came fast to Me and started kissing Me.
I replied him by kissing ferociously. I don't know it was nothing like that which I had with Roy. It was so mechanical. Asif was fair and stereo typically had a better face but built wise he was no way near Roy. But anyway, it didn't matter for Me. Maybe the best hunk of the world would have come to Me and it would be still same to Me. But I had to have sex to pay his fees.So I pushed him on the bed and started slowly opening his shirt.I opened his trousers as well . Then I opened My top and asif tried to squeeze My boobs. I felt so guilty and bad. I felt so terrible that I started crying. I thought asif would create a scene but thankfully he got startled.
Asif: Hey Sumaiyya, (stammering) no issues it is ok if you are not comfortable.
Me:I am sorry. I love Roy a lot. I don't have enough money now and I wanted to take revenge on Roy because of which I offered you this. I promise I will pay you the full amount next month after I get My salary.
The next thing which asif said was so distasteful. I felt like puking.
Asif: Ok No Worries. But as a muslim, Sumaiyya I must say you should not be having an affair with a Hindu. They are like this . They have no character , they have no morals. They are into alcohol and drugs and what not.Bla Bla Bla and random racism.
I was so disgusted hearing all of this but I just said yes yes I know I will mend My ways. I took the photographs of Roy and puja. I paid him rest of his fees the next month. Asif did try to contact Me few more times but later I changed My ohone number and also residence.

I thought of confronting Roy and breaking up with him.

I called Roy one find Wednesday and said I have something serious to discuss with Roy. I took that day as a leave. I decided to make Roy vulnerable and dump him.We met at a hotel.
Me:Do you know what you have done with Me.
Roy:Please don't create a suspense Sumi. Tell Me.
Me:I am going to be mother of your child Roy. I am pregnant.
I wanted to know his reaction. I was sure he would simply be scared. But instead Roy was elated and screamed in joy.
Roy:Baby I can't say how happy I am baby. You don't need to worry. I will arrange everything. I will buy you a flat and will be with you baby. I love you.

I always wanted to hear this from Roy seriously but certainly not now. Even i was confused.
Roy held Me by My waist and started kissing Me crazily. And somehow I could not resist Myself. I simply could not resist when started making Me love. My body was so much accustomed to Roy's touches I loved him playing with My body. Every touch of him was so special for Me. I got mad the way he made love to Me.
We were kissing madly but soon I realized My intentions. I opened his clothes. He wanted to tear My clothes away but I didn't allow him to. He opened My clothes bit Me but was far more careful than other times.

Me:Bite Me you dog. Eat Me. Eat Me like the slut I am.
Roy:I will baby. I will take you to the seventh heaven.
Roy was much gentler today.

But when he was inside Me he did pound Me very hard. There was too much noise in every thrust of his. But we fucked only in missionary normal basic position all the four times we had sex. He was tired as fuck. I did not sleep. I put the pictures of him and puja on the bed. Kept a note = “Thankfully I aborted the child the day I saw you with puja in hotel xyz. I told him a lie just to make him feel bad. I am breaking up with you”
I could have given a detailed description but this is a sex stories site and not a sob stories site lol. So shortening things up, he left puja came to Me, apologized wanted to patch up with Me. After three months I just let him know that I never aborted his child and would have never done that no matter he was with that slut wife of his client. He became ill and for a year he became alcoholic stayed in a rehabilitation center and stuff. I felt bad for him and also for Myself since I loved him and wanted to be with him. But I was hurt and My self respect didn't allow Me to be with him despite being deeply in love with him. It is true I have had sex with many after Roy but never have I ever loved anyone like the way I loved Roy. In fact I never had any boyfriend either. Roy was My first and last love till date but I never accepted him back despite his multiple efforts. I do have his contact number he calls Me sometimes but only small talks. Ok even I have called Roy sometimes. Let Me end this story and I am sorry if I have bored you but this was very close to My hear My 6-7 years relationship ended like this. Ha Ha.

Let Me know how you found My life experiences. Connect with Me @[email protected]. I have created an instagram account where I will share links of My favorite sex stories. You can follow My page and directly connect there. I might reply with a delay but I would certainly reply. I would love if you shared My stories with your friends.
Instagram Id-> sumaiyyaq01

Please don't be disrespectful while mailing/messaging Me. I am a human and have emotions. Please be respectful. I would love connecting to My readers

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