Dad shaves daughters pussy

I am a divorced dad of a beautiful  daughter that I see when she has the time which is not very often. I just figure that she is a sophomore in high school and i let her do her thing. She answers my texts and my calls so I know that she loves her ole … Read more

Family Adventure – Family opens up to a new level of love

As the summer of my daughter Leslie’s 21st birthday approached, she started giving subtle hints about taking a cruise to celebrate. Leslie is a beautiful young lady standing five foot six inches tall with short brown hair that just touches her shoulders. She has a cute figure just like my wife and probably has a … Read more

Mom and dad

When i turned 13 i had been living with my granny for the last 3 years. My mom and dad only came around every now and then. So i was surprised when i came home from school to find them sitting in the living room. My granny tells me that they will be staying a … Read more

Daddy satisfies everyone including new neighbors

Saturdays at our house were usually filled with “to do lists” for each of us. Things we couldn’t or didn’t get done during the week, for whatever reason. (Read prev story) When I opened my eyes from a blissful night’s sleep, my mind flooded with all the sexual events that I had taken part in … Read more

Daughter satisfies daddy – Part 3 – Daddy satisfies again and mom pitches in to help

Daddy satisfies again and mom pitches in to help.. (Read prev story Daughter satisfies daddy – Part 1 and Daughter satisfies daddy – Part 2).. Let me bring you up to date on last night, after the family shower. So after our one hour shower, which was the most wonderful experience of my life as … Read more

Daughter satisfies daddy – Part 2

Around noon, mom walked in the front door to the house. I was in the family room aimlessly watching the television. There was nothing on the tube, except reruns, so I was suffering through. As mom walked through the family room, she dropped her luggage and dropped in the recliner. (Read prev story – Daughter … Read more

Daddy begins

My parents were alcoholics and they got drunk and argued nightly till one or both would pass out. It was a every weekend thing. On this particular weekend my sister went to stay the weekend with a friend. As usual my parents got drunk and argued loudly waken me up. I could hear my dad … Read more

Fucking by my dad – Part 2

I woke rather early as the sun still wasn’t up yet. My father was passed out next to me in a drunken coma. (Read prec story Fucking by my dad ) Breathing heavily and smelling of gin. I lay next to him still trying to get a grip on what had occurred only a few … Read more

Fucking by my dad

There is no better feeling than waking up on that first day of summer vacation. Being a sixteen year old girl on the California coast, you live for these days. As I hop out of bed the first thought that enters my mind is catching a wave. I go in the bathroom to brush my … Read more

Becoming baddy’s

I’m a 18 year old virgin, I get accepted in to a lot of College, but don’t know which one to pick. i want to give my cherry ( as the girls call it ) to my dad. It’s just me and my dad, mom leave us when I was 10, My dad is the … Read more

Touched for the first time

Here’s something I wrote recently for an erotic literature site…true story, I had to change my age from 13 to 18 because of site rules, but other than that its all word for word…let me know what you think.Dad was a big hunk of a guy. Old school handsome and sexy. He was already in … Read more

My Daughter

I am 35 and my daughter. I never saw my daughter with lust until then. She is my only daughter. My wife had to leave out of town to take care of her sick mother, as my daughter had school she stayed with me. By then it was a week since my wife was away … Read more