Seductress neighbor needs a willing virgin to transform

~~~ Present Day ~~~

“C’mon, man! I need this! Her text says…”

“I know what it says,” I told my friend. “Tommy showed me his phone when he did this.”

“So you fucking did it for Tommy but you won’t do it for me?!”

“What? Fine!” I said, finally giving in.

“Thanks, man! I owe you, dude! Seriously!”

I went to my closet and got the fluorescent orange paracord down from the shelf. I didn’t even bother to put it away in the garage anymore. I’d lost count of how many of my classmates had tied me up with it. I handed the bundle of thin rope to him.

I was wearing sports shorts and a T-shirt – nothing constrictive – that would work. I’d mistakenly worn jeans or denim shorts once or twice. That had quickly gotten uncomfortable.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

I thought back to that very — Remi.

Remi had stayed the night for his 18th birthday. I had turned 18 two days after started. I was the oldest in our class. We played video games until the wee hours of the morning – and then slept in. I must have slept hard that night. I had woken up when the door of my bedroom closed and the lock clicked.

I found myself tied to my chair – with my friend (Remi) and my (Lilith) staring at me.

Lilith had moved into the house over the summer.

She was gorgeous – ungodly hot. That first day of school, she was instantly lusted-after by every male in our class – and hated by every female.

I felt sorry for her, honestly. Who wanted to start a new school the last year before graduation?!

Lilith was undeniably fuckable. If I had not already promised myself that I was waiting for marriage, I would have joined the queue to ask her out.

The guys were pissed; they said she was playing cat and mouse with them. Personally, I thought they were just upset because she didn’t immediately swoon when they flexed their muscles or their intellects. One thing was certain; she wouldn’t fuck anybody who wasn’t 18.

She talked to me now and then – both at school and when we happened to run into each other outside. I did my best to treat her like I treated the rest of the girls in our class.

I don’t know how many times I started to head out the door and discovered that she was leaving the house to run or walk as well. When I saw her, I usually turned around and headed back inside.

Her jogging outfit always looked like it was painted on. Her body was tight in all of the right places; it was also firm and round in all the (other) right places. Trying to follow Lilith (as she walked or jogged) was a matter of taking your life into your own hands. Not only were YOU distracted by all of her parts moving JUST right – but so was every other male on the streets and the sidewalks. It was positively unsafe!

We were a month into the school year when Remi stayed the night and I had my of watching my hot-ass neighbor use my friend as a stage-prop to provide me with a live porn-show.

~~~ Present Day ~~~

As Johnny lashed my wrists and ankles to my gaming chair, I noticed his phone lying on the bed next to me. I couldn’t resist looking down at the text message on this screen.

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