Gangbang in a new city

I am a 22 year old girl, who just finished college and started working. I am genetically lucky that i gain weight evenly on my breasts and hips with a slim 24 inch waist, though I never workout. Being in sales role, it requires me to travel frequently and work on weekends. After the meetings I generally go to my hotel room and video chat with my boyfriend but that day I was very stressed out and wanted to go out for a drink, since it was Saturday. I didn't pack any party wear so I thought of buying something from the store downstairs. I got a red tube top and skirt. My eyes then fell on a beautiful set of black lace lingerie – a strapless bralette and thongs, and I bought it also.

When I came back to my room and put on my new dress, I realized that the skirt was too short that even if I been slightly I am going to show off my thongs. But, I was in no mood for shopping. I went to the nearest pub and I could already see men gazing at me on my way there. I straight up hit the bar for tequila when Jason,the guy I had a meeting earlier that afternoon came from behind and offered to buy me a drink. After I had two shots, I realized that there were around 6 guys that surrounded me,Jason told they were his friends from basketball and introduced me to them.I thought Jason was hot but his friends were hotter.

We started drinking a lot and my head started spinning. When I told Jason, he told he will drop me off at my hotel and they will leave. I only remember walking upto the parking area, got into the car and fell asleep.

I felt cold water on my face and someone slapping me. When I opened my eyes, I found my hands cuffed to a bed. Jason's friend Shane told me what a sexy birth I was and couldn't stop thinking of me from the moment he saw me in bar

I started shouting Jason's name. He came to me slapped my boobs and asked me to shut up and be nice to the guys. Apparently, Jason lost a bet with his last time and he was to throw a party where they found me. His friends asked me instead. When I started shouting, one guy gagged my mouth with a cloth, they pulled my tube tob down and started pinching my nipples. Jason removed my handcuff and carried me to the living room where there were around 10 guys. Seeing me all the guys rushed towards me. One of them started fingering me. When I tried to fight back, my legs were tightly held and my nipples were pinched harder. I gave up and stopped fighting back. The guy who was fingering me came in front of me, removed my gag and shoved his dick in my mouth. I could feel it getting larger in my mouth. The other guys removed their pants and started stroking their dicks. I loved the attention I was getting. While sucking one cock, I grabbed another and started stroking it. Someone pushed my head so hard that the entire 7 inch cock was in my mouth and I almost licked his balls. I felt his hot cum inside my mouth and swallowed every bit of it.

They loved me. Another guy took the place immediately when Jason put his cock in my . He started ramming so hard that I couldn't control and had my first orgasm of the night.jason also came at the same time

Later, they carried me to bed and started fucking in with one dick in each hand. One guy started playing with my tiny butthole. He used the cum dripping from my pussy and made it wet. I asked him to stop but he suddenly put his hard cock in there. I shouted with pain when Jason again put his cock in my mouth and slapped me. They were continuously slapping my ass and enjoyed when I twitched with pain. I don't remember how many cum loads I have taken but the fucking stopped only at 6 AM in the morning. I couldn't move with the pain. One guy washed the cum off my body and hair. He tucked me in the comforter.

When I almost fell asleep, he removed his pants and put his dick in my mouth. He made a call to his friends and told about me. By the time this guy is finished, his friends arrived. They were not the same as the guys earlier. They came to me and bit my nipples so hard. They even had a whip. They whipped me so hardly even if I listened to whatever they told. I kept on sucking their cocks and took them in my pussy. After each of them took their turn, I was taken to a table, where they tied me up.

I was all red and cum dripping from all my holes. They got some and put them in my pussy while biting my nipples and whipping my ass

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