Lockdown, I Fucked My Daughter

Being a dad is a pretty tough job, the stresses and strains of bringing up kids can be overwhelming and my teenager had always been a handful. Going through high school it was clear to me that Rachael was an exceptionally clever kid and she would need a lot of money spent on her in the form of private tutors for all of her subjects. As early as ten or eleven her ability far outpaced everyone in her class and even her entire grade and I was rarely able to help her with her homework anymore. She had to change high schools twice before she hit eighteen because every time she went to a smarter one she would soon outpace everyone and eventually need another new high school.

Now she was in her final year and soon she would be ready for her dream of Harvard or Stanford, and I just hoped all the scholarships she would win, would pay her way because I was fast becoming broke with all her educational needs. However, with all the trouble her genius created, I was still proud of her. How couldn't I be, she was a model student, respected in every school she'd attended, and destined to enrol in one of the countries finest colleges. Yet now there was a whole new problem. Ever since she turned eighteen and was legally allowed to have sex, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop thinking about fucking her.

I knew it was crazy, but I just couldn't get her out of my head. Her mom had walked out on us years back, and ever since I'd pretty much devoted my entire life to Rachaels every need, and I guess over that time I had entirely forgotten about my own. I hadn't had a girlfriend in years, and I hadn't had sex since my wife left me. Sharing the house with a beautiful teenage girl had turned into the ultimate temptation of desire.

Rachael would almost always walk around the house as she'd always done, semi-naked, covered in nothing more than a tiny towel, or in just her underwear. Hell, I'd even seen her topless a half dozen times since she'd turned eighteen, and she just didn't care. I guess because I was her dad she didn't realise what it was doing to me.

It was when the started, and we were pushed together twenty-four-seven, that I guess my innocent little girl started to realise her dear daddy was not just her . At one time I'd been a husband, and husbands have certain needs from their wives. Now that I and she were in lockdown together, I started to feel that she was tempting me more and more, maybe even toying with me.

“What do you think of this?” Racheal asked me, she'd just finished her shower and came downstairs to the living room with nothing more on than a skimpy towel hung around her beautiful breasts. Her breasts had filled out and now she was eighteen and her body was amazing. With the tiny towel riding up over her ass she might as well have been naked.

“What?” I said, my eyes glued on the tv, watching an old sports game. Turning and seeing her almost naked again I didn't know what to say. I never chastised her, so I guess I just sat, jaw dropped, as she plunked herself down beside me on the sofa.

“These earrings daddy. I got them before the lockdown but didn't get a chance to wear them. Aren't they cute?” She asked immediately jumping up and giving a quick twirl to show off how they danced with the movement. Big silver jangly bracelet style earrings.

“They look great,” I mustered. I wasn't able to keep my eyes on the earrings, because as she twirled, the towel lifted up, and I couldn't help but see her fully naked ass and hairless vagina, as it floated up and around.

“Really? Do you really like them too?” She asked. She looked amazing, much shorter than me at six-foot, her a little over five-five. She was still pretty tiny even though she was all grown up, but her body was closing in on a woman's body now. On glimpsing her vagina, I was surprised that she didn't have any pubic hair yet! Maybe she shaved down there, I thought to myself. Maybe she liked it that way.

“Were you looking at my ass dad?” She asked without a care for my embarrassment.

“You have nothing on but a tiny towel and you just span around showing me it, how could I not look,” I admitted.

“And my pussy. You looked at my pussy too didn't you?” She smiled and joked.

Hell, she was just as brazen and impudent as always. Kids! I thought.

“You should put some clothes on before you come down here, and stop walking around the house like you were still ten years old. You're eighteen now Rachael, you should act like it.” I told her, the slightest sternness to my tone.

“But you liked it didn't you daddy?” She said smiling, toying with me. “Didn't you?” She said, now pulling at my cheek jokingly, trying to make me laugh.

She always liked to play games. It was impossible to admit that I liked what I'd seen. She was my daughter, how could I?

“Don't be silly,” I said laughing and smiling, her face giving away what I was truly thinking.

“You liked it. You liked it.” She repeated like a little kid. “Daddy liked my pussy. Daddy liked my pussy.” She sung, making me break out in roars of laughter. I couldn't believe that this was happening. My daughter singing about her dad seeing her pussy. This lockdown sure was crazy, and was now leading to some extreme crazy goings-on in the home.

“It's ok daddy. I know all about men now.” She winked at me.

“What the…have you gotten yourself a boyfriend? You know you need to concentrate on your studies more than ever now.” I said seriously.

“Ha!” She exclaimed. “No silly. I just watched some things on the internet. Some things that guys watch. Guys like you daddy.” She teased.

“I don't…” I tried to hit back before she cut me off.

“Oh! Don't you daddy? You have heard about Internet browser history haven't you?” She asked smiling broadly.

“Oh shit!” I thought. Remembering the kind of things I had watched recently.

“I got bored because of the lockdown and did some detective work on the computer and do you know what I found daddy?” She asked, a devious tone to her voice? “You do, don't you daddy?”

Holy shit! I thought. I knew exactly what I'd been watching most of the time we'd been in lockdown together. As the words left her lips my face turned a deep shade of red.

“Don't you remember ‘Daddy does daughter'? That was a good one.” She said, a brazen smile creeping across her face. “Or how about ‘Lockdown love – Daddy takes daughters' virginity.' I really loved that one. Especially the part where the daddy ate out his daughters' hairless pussy.'” She said, naughtily winking at me. I guess that's what led me to shaving mine.” She laughed.

Holy crap! How embarrassing was this? Not only had my daughter watched the pornos I had been watching, but it was porn about dads fucking their daughters. But worse than that, to tease me to the extreme, she had shaved off her pubic hair and set me up with this tiny towel and earrings twirl thing, just to make me look a fool.

“But maybe my favourite video of all, and I think it was yours too daddy, was that one where the daughter looked exactly like me.” She laughed. “Oh hang on, I forgot you watched about five movies with that same girl in didn't you? And every one of them had a different guy pretending to be her daddy. I especially loved that part in one, where, to come on to her daddy, she slowly loosened her towel and let it drop, revealing her naked body to him.” She said, her hands moving up to the top of her own towel, teasing that she was about to do the same thing with hers.

“Don't you dare,” I said, as her hand grabbed the towel and she started to unfasten it from around her breasts.

“What will you do if I let it drop daddy? Take me over your knee and spank me? And then spunk in me?” She replied now unable to stop laughing.

“Don't you dare,” I repeated, not knowing what else I could do.

But there was no stopping her. Something had gotten into her, and she was going to do it anyway. As if in slow motion, the towel slowly dropped from around her breasts revealing their ample shape, her tiny soft young breasts and nipples. Then, as the towel fell further, it fell past her stomach and belly-button, until finally revealing her clean-shaven teenage pussy and then her slim athletic legs.

“OMG!” I thought. What was she thinking? She was my daughter. I was her dad. What was she planning to happen next?

“Do you like what you see daddy?” She asked, standing stark naked in front of me.

“Rachael, cover yourself up. Now!” I demanded.

“Or what?” She said stubbornly.

What could I do? It was a long time since I'd spanked her, and that would be the wrong move right now. But hell, that was what she wanted! Did she really want me to spank her? She was eighteen and my daughter. Should I give her what she wanted?

“I will spank you Rachael if you don't put something on.” I threatened. Surely she would pull out of this practical joke before it went too far. She had to have a line somewhere. I just needed to figure out where it was.

“Do it.” She snapped back, acting like she had when she was a kid. It was that game kids play when they want something really bad.

Now I stood up, out of my chair. If she were going to give in, now would be the time.

“Rachael!” I warned her, my tone stern.

Slowly she leaned down to pick up the towel. It seemed to be working, I had found the line. Any minute now she would break out in laughter and say, “fooled you.” But instead of wrapping the towel back around her naked breasts, she threw it across the room.

“Spank me, daddy.” She whispered.

A mixture of shock, surprise and fatherly instinct came over me all at once. Sometimes as a child, she had stepped over the line and got a spanking, and now she had done that again.

In the heat of the moment, forgetting that she was now eighteen, I picked her up, grabbing her around her naked waist, pulling her down onto the sofa as I sat back down, and started to spank her naked ass as hard as I could. After a few moments her butt cheeks had become red, her legs waving in the air, pain flickering through them with every lashing from the palm of my hand. Coming to my senses, I stopped.

“Now, are you going to put on some clothes?” I asked her. Turning her face to me I could see the tears welling up in her eyes. But before I could start to apologise, as I realised what I'd done, she snapped back her answer.

“Not until you spunk in my pussy.” She said adamantly.

Now I was whipped in a fire even more, and without thinking, I proceeded to meet her on this next level where she challenged me.

“Ok, you naughty little girl.” I snapped. “If that's what you want. That's what you'll get.” I said, lifting her off my knee, and bending her over the sofa. Standing up behind her I unbuckled my belt and slipped it out of my jeans.

“But first, I'm gonna whip your ass with this,” I said, showing her the leather belt wrapped around my hand. Now I'd moved this game to my level. See how she liked that.

“Do it.” She said, turning her head away from me.

Expecting her to finally give in, I was caught a little off guard. I'd thrown down my challenge and she willingly accepted it. Almost in jest, she reared her ass a little further outwards, closer to my waiting, belted hand. Lifting it, I now used the belt to spank her. As the leather slapped against her naked bottom it left a bright red line across her ass. As the belt stung her, she let out a loud painful scream.

“How did you like that?” I laughed.

“I could hardly feel it.” She said turning her head backwards toward me, the tears in her eyes, betraying her.

“If it didn't hurt then I can give you more, and harder.”

“Give it to me. Give me everything you've got.” She wept through her tears.

As I continued reigning down the punishment from my belt, the sexual excitement rose within me, the feeling of exploiting my daughter like this made me so wanton for her. My cock was harder now than it had been in years and I knew, inside my jeans, it must be wet already.

Seeing that she wanted me to give in, I threw down the belt and took her back over my knee and began spanking her naked bottom with my hand. Every time my skin touched hers, turning it redder with every strike, my desire for her grew stronger. Without realising it, with every spank, my hand wandered lower and lower until it was spanking, not her ass, but her pussy. Realising where my hand now was, I noticed how wet she was.

“Oh, so you like this do you?” I said, grabbing her under her chin and turning her head so that her eyes met mine.

“Yes.” She whimpered.

“Are you ready for this to stop? Are you ready to put some clothes on now?” I asked. My words a means allowing me to move to the next level. A level we shouldn't approach, but clearly, we both wanted to now, and there was no stopping us.

Unable to manage any more words through the pleasure and pain as I continued to spank her wet pussy, she simply shook her head to say no.

“Well, young lady. If you really want me to spunk inside you I will.” I said, my hand grabbing her chin, my eyes affixed to hers. Now she nodded, yes, almost begging me to do it.

Standing up I unzipped my jeans and slid them off. Then I pulled my shirt over my head and finally took off my boxers to reveal my hard wet cock. All the while, Rachael looking on hungrily.

“Well, young lady. What you want, and what you get, are two very different things I'm afraid.” I said, grabbing her hair and pulling her around to face my wet cock, now level with her face.

“If you want to get what you want, first, you are going to have to earn it,” I said. My hands grabbing her hair either side of her head, ready to pull her mouth onto my dripping dick.

“Now are you ready to be a good girl and get your clothes on?” I asked. Without hesitation, she defiantly shook her head, no. As my cock slid into my daughter's mouth, and the warm wetness of it covered my hard shaft, the sheer ecstasy of it filled my body. Her eyes like a young doe's looking up at me as she sucked on my cock, guzzling me, allowing me to fuck deep into her mouth hole with all my might. Fucking into her deeper and harder she began to choke and gag. Taking my cock out of her mouth I asked her again.

“Now are you ready to be a good girl?” I asked. But again, she shook her head defiantly and instead opened her mouth wider for me to insert my thick manhood deeper into her girlish throat. Ignoring her retching and gagging noises, and her fights for breath, I continued to plough into her mouth, my cock, with each thrust, closer to ejaculating my hot cum into her teenage throat. Her face now covered in her spit mixed with my pre-cum, I pushed my manhood as deep as I could into her throat as I came, ejaculating down into her throat. As I did so, I watched her choke, breathless, her hands now clenching harder on my ass cheeks as she fought for air. As the last drops of cum left my cock I pulled myself out of her, letting her sink down to the sofa, gasping for air.

“I guess now you'll want to go get your clothes on like a good girl.” I laughed at her as her breasts heaved below, straining for breath.

“No!” She mustered with the tiny air she must have had remaining in her tiny lungs.

Now I was ready to give her what she wanted. Pulling her up into a sitting position on the sofa, bent down, I levelled my cock with her virgin pussy and slid myself into her. As I did so her legs slid apart allowing me to slide deeper inside her. Now, all the way inside her, her legs closed around my waist as I began to fuck my daughters tight pussy.

Fucking her harder and harder, her slim arms clutched around my neck, she reached out her lips to mine and began kissing me deeply as my cock fucked inside her. My hands feeling her breasts, I occasionally bent my neck down to kiss, and lick at them too, my daughter kissing my head as I did.

“Oh, daddy. I'm gonna cum.” She whispered into my ear. As her body began to tremble with her building climax, I withdrew my cock, denying her the orgasm she so desperately wanted.

“Please don't stop daddy.” She begged me.

“Tell me what you want,” I said, toying with her.

“I want you to fuck me.” She begged. As the words left her lips I re-entered her, and began fucking her deeply again, her convulsions returning as I brought her closer to climax again.

“Oh yes!” She screamed, “I'm gonna cum.”

Again I pulled my cock out of her and rolled over to her side. Her body convulsing almost as if she was in orgasm.

“Why did you stop?” She asked desperately.

Without answering, I simply kissed her deeply and passionately, before entering her pussy again, yet this time with my tongue. My head bobbing up and down as my tongue flicked in and out of her tiny tight tunnel, I fingered her clit, rolling it and rubbing it, bringing her closer again, to the orgasm, she was desperate for. Feeling the volcano within her rising again, and ready to erupt in my mouth, again, I left her begging for more.

“Now are you going to put some clothes on, young lady?” I asked her again. Now she realised her need to do as I had told her. Because if she didn't, she wouldn't get what she wanted.

“Yes, I will. I promise. Just spunk inside me daddy please.” If you do it I'll put my clothes on and be a good girl like you want.” She begged.

Without another word, I slid my cock deep inside my daughters wet pussy and fucked her as hard as I could.

“Oh daddy, yes. Fuck me, daddy. Fuck my pussy. You own it now daddy. You own my pussy. Fill it up with your warm cum. Please! Fill me up, daddy.” She demanded, writhing in ecstasy.

Pounding her young pussy, my cock entering the home run, the last few poundings into her hole, screaming together, we reached the heavenly state and climaxed together.

Collapsing on top of her exhausted, she hugged me in her arms.

“Daddy,” Rachael asked. My cock still hard inside her. Do you promise to fuck me like this for as long as the lockdown continues?” She smiled. “I'll let you fuck me in your bed. On the kitchen table. On the kitchen floor. On the washing machine. In the shower. I'm sure we can think of a new place every time.” She smiled.

“Oh! And if this lockdown lasts for more than a month or more. I'll even let you fuck me in the ass. Deal?” She asked.

“Deal,” I said. Now this lockdown didn't feel so bad after all.

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