I Have To Take Dad’s Place 5

Hello Everyone, I am Niyar Borah back with my love life with my mom. Thanks for your valuable feedbacks and so much of love. If anyone missed my previous experiences then go through them first to better understand my life.

After meeting Naznin, Swapna was in good mood. She was telling me about her college life. It was not so fun or exciting but her interest on sharing made me listen to her. From her words I came to know that, Naznin was mom's best friend although naznin was junior. Mom told me about Naznin's love story. She was in love with a senior named Arpan Saikia. Her parents rejected the idea of their marriage as Arpan is Hindu. Atlast they both eloped and married at local temple. Naznin's family and society disowned her. They both started their family taking love as main bond but unfortunately their marriage failed. Naznin's family created a hovoc in their life and threatened Arpan's life. After struggling for sometime he gave up and returned to his house. Naznin's life never became the same, She remained single and a heart full of hate for Arpan and her family. After listning to mom's words I became sad. Like my swapna Naznin also faced hardship. Swapna and Naznin seems like two faces of same coin, Rejected and betrayed by love of their life.

Mom said to me
Mom: hunny, I am fortunate to have you. I thank god everyday for giving me you but Naz was not that lucky. She was all alone. Sometimes she cry on phone remembering her past.
Mom's words hit me on hard, she was hugging me and I was playing with her hair. Her hair is silky smooth and it smelling of jasmine flower. I was lying on my back and she was putting her head on my chest by wrapping her arms around my shoulder.
Me: she should have remarried, She is young and beautiful……anyone will be happy to marry her.
Mom: Sweetie, Society don't work as you like. You respect women therefore you understand pain of women but everyone is not like you. She tried every thing to fall in love again and get married but with every person she met she was disappointed more. It seem all her dates want to get laid only, they are not for committed relationships. They wanted a night full of crazy fuck. Slowly she stopped dating and gave up on her love life. So you see, everyone is not like as I am.

Mom's words were emotional and sad. It is hard reality of Indian society, every man crave for sex but they want a untouched girl to marry. No one seems to be interested in widows or divorcees.
Mom: I fell very sorry poor Naz. In her whole life she was lonely, she had a dream of having a family. A loving husband and two kids, she told me earlier about her dream. Dream of being someone's love of life. To have a man to cuddle, to live for. All her dreams shattered away by that coward Arpan.
Me: Don't worry hunny, we will together find her a partner. That will be my gratitude towards her for helping me having you.
Mom blushed , her chicks became red. She rubbed her nails on my bare chest. Earlier she used to keep her finger nails short and plain but after we married she started to grow her nails and colour it in Red. With thin and long fingers her Red nails completely looks awesome. I grabbed her fingers and kissed them and started to suck them. Mom smiled to me and whispered into my ear.

Mom: Sweetie, so you like my fingers naa.
Me: Yes mom, They are awesome. So beautiful……..It is making me hot. I love your fingers. I love every part of you………. They all are beautiful.
Mom blushed again and hide her face between my chest. In a small hardly audible voice she asked me.
Mom: Which part of me you love most?
Me: Guess it sweetie.
She looked at me and smiled. Pointing to her boobs she asked me.
Mom: My boobs…………… I am 100% sure. It will be my boobs. You always love to touch them and suck them.
Me: wrong …….By a big margin. I love them but not the most.
Mom was surprised by my answer but a naughty smile came to her lips. She pointed towards her Pussy and asked me.
Mom: It will be my lower lips then………………….I know you men always find women pussy beautiful.
I just smiled to her and shake my head for no. She then pointed towards her ass and asked me.
Mom: Don't lie to me, You love my butt……….. you forced me to try anal. It is sure…………..my ass.

I again shake my head for no…………. She said to me.

Mom: Lier, Boobs, Pussy and Ass………These are the three things men love most in women. If not these then what is it?
Me: You face……. I love your face the most. It is reminds me how wonderful you are. Your face is the most beautiful thing in this world because it reminds me I am looking at the most beautiful lady of this world, my mom. Your deep eyes have an attraction and I can't resist them. Your Lips always ask me to kiss it. When you shy, you look like heaven on earth.

By saying this I kissed her forehead and nose. She closed her eyes and offered me her lips. Her lips were vibrating and dry. It is asking me to kiss it deep. I caught her hairs with my left hand and grabbed her back with my right hand. Slowly placed my lips on hers. Taking her lower lips in between my lips and sucked them. Mom placed her arm around me and grabbed me. Then she opened her mouth and welcomed my probing lips.

After some time she broke the kiss and with a sad face informed me.
Mom: Hunny, I don't want to disappoint you but I am bleeding down their. So not today.
I looked at her eyes, she was making a sad face and her eyes are pleading me.
Me: It is just kissing mom, don't worry I am not disappointed with you. I just want to kiss my sexy lady.
Mom: You always start with kiss and it is the perfect time to stop. Otherwise after some time you will not listen to me.
I just smiled listing her words and nodded my head for yes. Hugged her and pull her towards me.
Me: Good Night , Swapna.
She kissed my forehead and said to me
Mom: Good Night Hubby.

Next morning then I wake up mom was in towel and she was seating in front dressing table. She dried her hairs as she was combing her hairs, I was looking her from bed. When our eyes met she smiled and blew a kiss towards me………and said “Good Morning” I acted like grabbing it and wished her “ Good Morning”. Then she put on her innerwear and her saree. She placed nearly 10 glass bangles in each hand. She came towards me grabbing her sindoor box. She asked me to put it in between her hairs.
Mom: You always wake up late…….. I always wished to put it by my husband. Today is the chance for me.
I just smiled to her words and taking a pinch of sindoor from the box smeared it in between her head.( In Hindu custom, married women need to wear a pinch of sindoor in her forehead in between parting of hairs). She kissed me on lips and ran away towards kitchen saying “ freshen Up sleepyhead………..Your wife is waiting for her morning kiss”. I just smiled to her words and thought, marrying mom was my most correct decision ever. Nobody loves a man more than his mom. If turned wife, she will be the most romantic and caring wife ever known. She never cared about her happiness but always stood first for my happiness. I thanked god for giving me mom and prayed for her happiness.
When I came out of bathroom, mom was on dining table waiting for me. She had already kept my clothes and accessories on bed. After dressing I had my breakfast. While eating she was asking me to came home early as she was filling little tired. I asked about stock of pads and she replied in affirmative. After breakfast she came towards me and putting hands behind back she offered me her lips. I kissed on her lips lightly and hugging her kissed her earlobe and said to her

Me: take care my queen, I will return early.
She gave me the most beautiful smile and noded. At office, Naznin greeted me with a smile and asked me to meet her at her cabin. Other office staffs were surprised seeing her behaviour towards me. sudden change in her behaviour was point to be notice for them.
Naz requested me to take my seat said
Naznin: So Niyar, that was a great evening yesterday. I enjoyed your company and happy to see swapna Ba (Ba stands for elder sister in Assamese) happy in life. She suffered too much in life, now she is living her dream life. She always wished for a caring and loving husband, who will love her whole heartly. I am happy she find him in you. Keep up your good work.
Me: Thanks Naznin, Thanks for your contribution in my life. I appreciate your efforts to bring us together.
She acknowledge my gratitude and noded her head. She was wearing white saree with black dots in it. With her black blouse and open shoulder length hair she was looking stunning. She always wear kajol somewhat darkly and with that smoky black eyes and red lips, She was looking awesome. She noticed me looking at her eyes, she blushed and smiled.
Naznin: Hey, Stop looking at me. You have a more beautiful lady at your home.

Her words made me embarrassed for my action. I looked at floor. I was afraid she will be hurt with my action but nothing happened. She just smiled towards me and said to me
Naznin: Don't fill embarrassed, it is natural to look at beautiful woman and I don't mind you looking at me.
What? What the hell…….she is trying to say. Is she trying to flirt with me? I just noded my head and asked her about today's site visit. She asked me to visit nearest two sites for inspection purposes and submit the report to her. She just smiling when I left her. I was confused whole time. Her reaction towards me making it hard for me to concentrate on works but my assistant Lovleena Saikia helped me doing it smoothly. She is very efficient with Database analysis, I left whole work on her relaxed for some time, calculating my situation in home and office. Evening time texted me and asked me to bring her sanitary pads. She always use Sofy and remind me to bring it. I remembered her kiss in morning and smiled.
Lovleena: What is the matter sir, You are smiling alone.
Her words interrupted my thinking and I just said to her.
Me: Nothing, Just remembering some moments.
Lovleena: Sir, you have achieved near impossible task.
Me: And what's that?
Lovleena: You made that bitch calm, she was a constant pain in the ass.

She refered to Naznin, everybody knows about her bitchy behaviour towards employees and it seems they were fed up of her. I did not reply to her. It is not safe to discuss about boss with juniors, she may be a boot licker.
Evening as asked submitted my report to Naznin and returned to home. Mom was laying on sofa and watching some daily serials. She asked me to sit and gone kitchen for tea. I was watching mom's serial, its playing “Shakti”, story of a Man and transgender wife love story. I was listing to dialogues of the drama. Mom came with tea and asked about my day. I gave her pads and some groceries I brought.
Me: Hunny, when you started to watch daily soaps?
Mom: After I left my job, I pass my time watching them. Besides this serial has a strong story. Dialogue and acting is great. So emotional and romantic.

I smiled to her words and teased her
Me: So, it is the source of this much change in you. Your way of dressing is also gift of this show.
Mom: somewhat, I learned from the soap to express my love for you. How much I love you.

I finished my tea and kissed her fingers, Kissed our wedding ring. I asked her to relax as I will cook dinner tonight. She looked at me lovingly and came to me and kissed my chest and said in a low voice.
Mom: I love you, hunny. You are man of my dream. You know how to make me feel special.
I asked her to watch her serial and I will cook dinner after bath. She smiled and noded to my words.

During cooking dinner I asked mom what will she eat and she asked for mutton curry. Mom loves mutton curry specially with a lot of butter in it. At dinner table mom said to me.
Me: Hunny, can you take leave for tomorrow.
I looked at her and she was directly looking at me. I looked at her with questioning face.
Mom: I have some shopping to do and I need to visit parlour.
I noded my head for yes and smiled looking at her. Her eyes glittered revealing her happiness. After completing our dinner I called naznin and asked for leave, she happily accepted it. Swapna came to me wearing a blood red nighty. It was made of net material, as nighty was transparent I can she her red innerwears. I was watching a movie seating on sofa. She placed her head on my lap and started to watch the movie. She grabbed my right hand and placed it on her breasts and pressed it lightly. I pressed them softly and she was releasing low audible moans. Slowly mom was rubbing my dick and massaging it softly. She lowered my short and placed her palm around my dick. She was stroking it slowly and with long strokes. With every stroke I was arousal increasing, in addition her moans also adding fuel to my arousal. She adjusted her head and placed her beautiful lips around my dick. Her soft and juicy lips were mind blowing, she was rubbing her tongue on my dick in circular motion. Then she took the whole dick in her mouth and gagged. Her passion for blowjob and technique of doing it closing me near climax. After some minutes of pleasurable heaven I erupted my cum in her mouth. She was took last drop of cum in her mouth and swallowed it. She looked in my eyes and licked her lips with her tongue. Some drops of cum was dipping from her chin, she collected them with finger and licked it. Her Face is perfect blend of innocence and lust. Her face was all sticky with my cum, She smiled looking at me closed her eyes. I lowered my face to kiss her but she stopped me doing so.

Mom: Hunny, I mouth is full of your cum. You can't kiss me now……. Its all my property.
Then pointing towards my dick she said to me…..
Mom: Its belongs to me……..
I just noded my head for yes and kissed her…… She got up and went towards bathroom. She gave me a flying kiss and said to me
Mom: Wait for me Hunny………. I will be back soon.

After that night went without anything special, as mom was on period it is not pleasurable to play. Morning mom came to me and gave me a sweet kiss on my lips. Water drop were dripping from her hair as she had came from shower. She was holding her bathing towel tightly wrapped around her breast. Mom always prefer light pink colour bathing towel and for me her its always looked inviting. She sat on her dressing table and started to dress up. She removed her towel facing me with a naughty smile on her face she teased me. She put on Purple set of inners and her blood red nighty. In red colour she looked elegance and her appeal increased to many folds. Then she put on Sindoor and her jewellery, at last she put on her green coloured glass bangle set. She came to me and placed her palm on my forehead than she placed her wet lipsmy lips and kissed me. In whole time I was looking at her…….Her eyes were glittering. She asked me
Mom: Hunny, Why are you staring me like this? It is making me shy.
Me: I am looking at your beauty, The beauty at its perfection. You look amazing after shower.
Mom: I know, you love to watch my body but you don't need to stare at me. I have told you, You owns me………You owns the whole me. If you want to see my body just ask me………I will present myself to you. You are a amazing husband and your wife always appreciate it. I love you, my love.

I grabbed her palm and kissed it and placed it in my chest.
Me: Sweety, Feel my heartbeat. It will tell you……..How much I love you. You are my love……You are my life. I love you, Swapna.
She smiled at my words and placed her head on my chest. After some time, she got up and went towards kitchen and asked me to get freshen up. As I was on leave, I took my time to freshen up. After breakfast mom cleaned the dishes and asked me to dress up as we are going shopping. I wore my casual dress, Blue Denim and white polo. She came out wearing pink kurti. Her dress made me go blank, Kurti was a tight fit with hip sized and sleeveless style. Her white leggings is clinging to her body. She placed a semi transparent dupatta around her neck. All this time I was looking at her body, than I placed my attention towards her face. Her lips were pink and glossy……Its like inviting to be kissed. As she has placed some extra amount of sindoor………… she can be easily recognised as married lady from a distance. She came to me and closed my mouth with her hand, than grabbed my left hand and said to me.

Mom: Let's go hunny, I am not new to you. You know every curve of me. You can continue you show later.
I noded my head and picked my bike keys. She closed and locked the doors and sat on my bike. Then placed her her head on my shoulder like a loving wife will do.
Mom: Hunny, Do you like surprises?
Me: Yaa, I like surprises……specially when its from you.
Mom: You will love my surprise. She asked me to take her to tata showroom.
I instantly got her……..Mom was so innocent. I acted like excited to get to know about my surprise. At showroom, Mom gifted me a Tata Nexon Xz variant. She asked about my opinion……I was speechless. I thanked her and whispered to her.
Me: At home I will thank you properly.

She smiled to my words and blushed. Her face became red in shyness.
After formalities, I requested dealer executive to deliver it at home as we have other shopping to do. We went to a beauty parlour…..not so fancy one but with positive reputation. Mom done some hair styling and some……god knows what are the names of this procedures but she return with glowing face. Her hair were dyed to burgundy colour with some curls to its end. Her face was glowing like a full moon and noticed a new thing in her. A new pair of piercing in her ear. She already had two piercing each and it making total to three. She came to me and said to me in a ,low audible voice.
Mom: apart from this piercing I have done one more thing……….. I will show you it later.
I got shocked…….What more? She already looked ultra modern. Deep inside I know she got a new tattoo but the excitement of it killing me. Than she took me to garment shop, She asked me to choose outfits for her. I select one black colour net saree, it has some feather like styling. She liked my choice and thanked me. Playfully I pointed towards denim and a sleeveless top. She asked me…….
Mom: Hunny, Do you want to see me in this dress?

I immediately rejected the idea as mom may get hurt and I said no but she insisted on that and got her two pairs of denim and tops. After some grocery shopping we had our launch at a family restaurant and returned to home. By that time, our car got delivered. Mom welcomed the car with some rituals known to her and changed to traditional assamese dress ( Chador Mekhela) and asked me to go to temple. We went to the nearby temple, priest did pooja and after that welcoming rituals got completed. Mom asked me to take her to a ride. Mom was happy and I enjoyed her happiness. We went towards nearby tea estate as to enjoy natural beauty and pass some free time. At evening I parked the car at roadside and went to a down to nature restaurant, The whole campus is full of trees and grass. It is looking like a small forest. After eating some Sinpho Tribal foods, we drove towards home. Mom was singing songs and asked me to turn of car music player………seeing her excitement I too join with her singing. Suddenly, she placed her palm on my hand in gear lever. She was rubbing it and softly pressing it. With every seconds my arousal is increasing and my dick is getting erect. As I was not getting physical intimacy from two days……..i was getting aroused faster.
Me: Hunny, What are you doing. You are making driving harder.
She looked at me and in a seductive voice said to me……..
Mom: You do your driving…..I am doing my part of driving.

As road was not busy, I let her continue. She slowly stroking my dick and simultaneously sucking and licking it wet. I was in cloud nine and after some time I exploded in her mouth. She took all the cum in her mouth and looking at my eyes swallowed it.
After reaching home, she asked me to watch TV and she changed to her black nighty. She was wearing transparent nighty and I can clearly mark red inners from it. I changed to my shorts and T-shirt and waited for her in Sofa. She handed me coffee and sat on my lap crossing her lags around my lap. She was sipping coffee and rubbing her nose on my chest. I got hold of her back and rubbing her back. Slowly she put all her weight on my chest and placed her head on my chest. I was rubbing her back suddenly she grabbed my hand and placed it on her breast. I pressed it softly, She left a small moan.

Mom: I am feeling lonely from last two days, I am in need of your love but this damm period is not ending. Hunny, do you want me today?
Me: No…..I can wait. Your health is my first priority.
Mom: I can sense, you need me………sorry I am not providing what you need.
I placed my finger on her lips and interrupted her.
Me: You always provide me what I need. I am happy with you. You are my dream women. My little angel.
I kissed her forehead and placed a small pack on her lips.
Mom: You are very to your age. You understand your woman. I love you sweetie. I am proud of you.

She left for preparing dinner, although she rejected but I provided her with helping hand. After dinner she asked me to go to bed as she will join me. I was watching TV in bedroom and she came. She went to bathroom and came to bed. She removed her nighty and wow………..oh my god! She had four tattoos on her body. A angel picture on her back, Some flower pattern on her breast and a small crown on her corner of lower abdomen. I was amazed seeing her new avatar. Her tattoos are making her looking hot……. Her body was a total invitation for great sex.
Mom: what are you looking at………… I am hot naa. I know you like tattooed girl. I have seen your PCs search history. You have liking for pierced and tattooed girls.

I was speechless…… Oh my god. What had swapna turned into. She was looking damn hot. My dick rose in excitement. I became out of control and placed my hand on her breast and pressed it.
Mom: aahh….not so tightly hunny. It is still fresh and painful.
Me: Hunny, why have you done this. It is true I like tattooed and pierced girls but it's a fantasy. I don't want you to turned into like this.
She smiled seductively and said
Mom: By this I can arouse you faster.
Me: Mom, You always make me hot……plain or tattooed. I love you.
Mom: If my tattoo has this type of effect on your body……I will go further with tattoo.

She pushed me and I lay on my back. She came and sit on my stomach. she grabbed my hands and placed them on her breast, Her soft breast were always mind blowing to touch. I softly pressed them and she inclined towards me. Her breast were infront of my lips and I placed my tongue on her right nipple. She shivered like an electric pulse flowed through her body. She pushed her breast in my mouth and asked me to suck them good. Her whole body was vibrating and her lips became dry. She was closing her eyes and uttering some low audible moans.Then I sat and became behind her. Grabbed her breast with my both hands and kissing her neck started to massage her breast in circular motion. She was literally jumping in excitement and clutching the bedsheet . After some minutes she left a large groan and her body became tight. Then she relaxed her muscles. I placed I palm on her vagina. It is wet as she has just climaxed and some traces of red fluid. I suddenly came to sense and realised she was on period, Playing on these days may be a risk to health and its very painful for her too. I let her go and star going towards bathroom to jerk off. Mom catches my hand and asked me.
Mom: Hunny, where are you going……are you not in mood sweetie.
Me: I am always in mood with you but as you are in period. It will be painful for you and I can't hurt you for my pleasure.
Mom: Oh…..Hunny, Why you love me so much. I have given me so much and today I want to give you something. My ass……..You have fucked it forcefully but today I want to give it willingly. I want to see you happy …….. so forget about my pain and make love to me. Your love will overflow my pain.

Mom came to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards bed and pushed me towards bed. She pulled my shorts and started to lick my dick. Her wet lips were moving with circular motion and she was massaging my balls softly. Then she left the cock and gave her attention towards my balls and sucked them good. All while she was doing erotically but her motherly love and affection can be feel with her actions. She then came in top of me and lowered her butthole on my cock. Her butthole was lubricated; she may had applied some Vaseline on it. My dick went into her butthole after some pressure applied. She lowered her face and placed her lips on mine and kissed me. I was giving slow and long strokes as I want to last this pleasurable time to some extent. She opened her lips and welcomed my probing tongue. I placed my palms on her boobs and pressing them softly. She asked me to press them hard and increase my speed. I increased my speed and force of strokes…… Her moans were passing and she was asking me to fuck her hard and more hard. She placed her fingers on her clit and was rubbing it vigorously. Suddenly her muscles tighten around my dick and she reached her climax. She was laying on my chest…..then I placed on bed and came on top of her. She opened her legs and welcomed me with a seductive smile. I placed my dick her butthole and placed pressure in it, It entered her butthole smoothly…..She released a load moan and clamped my shoulder. Then I started fucking her with long strokes. With every strokes she was releasing her moan. She grabbed the bed sheet and was reciprocating me with lifting her butt to meet my strokes. Then I increased my speed and literally I was fucking her mercilessly. She was loaning loudly and her muscles started tighten up as she closes towards her second climax. I was also reaching my climax and I want to cum with her. She clamped me putting her legs around me and digging her nails on my beck. I released jets of cum inside her asshole, She moaned loudly and her juices flowed out of her vagina. I removed my dick from her butthole and some drops of my juices came out of her butthole. I laid on my back facing ceiling. She came closer to me and I put my arm around her. She placing her right hand on my chest and said to me

Mom: Oh hunny, This was my best fuck. I really enjoyed the play. You are too good. I love you sweetie.
Me: I love you, my love. Your love always propels me to love you more. You are like a tigress on bed. You are full of energy.
Mom: Don't ever feel disappointed………In periods, you can fuck my backdoor and bring me to heaven.
Me: Oh hunny, you are so sweet. BTW, Your tattoos fuelled my performance.
She smiled to my comment shyly and said to me
Mom: I will do anything to give pleasure to you. If you want, I can proceed with tattoos and piercings further.
I hugged her and bought her closer to me and said to her
Me: No need of that…….. I love you as you are. You are already perfect, no need of modification but I will respect your choices as always.
Mom: I know that…….. I have raised a gentleman. A Man, who has great respect towards women.
I kissed her forehead and wished her goodnight.
Me: Good night, Hunny.
Mom: Good night , Sweetie.

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