Fucking My Hot Stepmom

I'm 19 years old and a freshman in . I was on the wrestling team in high school and helped them win the state championship. I got a scholarship and was now on the college wrestling team. I'm 6'1″, 197 pounds, and since I lift weights every day, I have a well-defined chest, six-pack abs, and large muscled arms, biceps and legs. I have short blond hair and blue eyes. I also sport an 8-inch cock with a 2-inch girth.

When I was 16, my mother was killed in a car crash. The loss was devastating to me. I loved , and we were very close. My dad had a stressful job that kept him busy all the time. He would leave the house at 7:00 am each morning and usually wouldn't come home until 7:00 pm at night or later. He would also have to go out of town fairly often. Because of that, he never went to any of my Little League games when I was a kid, or to any of my wrestling matches when I was in high school. My mom took me to all of my games and went to all of my wrestling matches. She was the one to teach me how to drive, and she helped me out with my homework. We could talk about anything, and if I asked for advice about girls, she was always willing to help.

When my mom was killed, my dad's brother, my Uncle Paul, who was a successful lawyer, sued the other driver and we won a large settlement. We also got my mom's insurance money. I thought that my dad would quit work or at least slow down, since he was now very well off financially. To my surprise and great disappointment, he actually started working even more. I really couldn't hold that against him. Maybe that was just his way of coping.

One day my dad came home earlier than he ever had before, and he seemed to be in a good mood. He asked me if we could talk, and of course I said yes. He asked me if I was going to be busy the following night, and I told him I had wrestling practice, then I was going to hit the weight room for an hour, but I should be home before six.

He said he wanted me to meet someone, and he asked me to call the local steakhouse and order three ribeye steaks with lobster tails and a salad and have them deliver it. He said he would be home by seven and he wanted to have dinner right after he got home. He then started opening cabinets and asked me if we had any wine.

“I don't know, dad. You know I don't drink, so I've never looked.”

He finally found a bottle of red wine, and he said, “This won't last long. I'll buy another bottle on my way home tomorrow.” He took three wine glasses out of the cabinet, washed them, and set them upside down on a kitchen towel to dry. He then sat down at the kitchen table and asked me to sit with him.

“Son, I know I haven't been the best father in the world, and I want to apologize for that. I put my job before my family while I worked hard to get ahead. Well, it finally paid off. I was promoted to vice president of the company today.”

I said, “Congratulations, dad!”

“Well, that's not all the good news. The reason I wanted to make sure you would be available for dinner is because I want you to meet my fiancé.”

You could have knocked me over with a feather. I was shocked! My dad hadn't even dated in the three years since my mom had died, and now he was telling me he was engaged! I found it hard to believe he had found the time to meet someone. After I had gotten over the initial shock, I said, “Well, I guess congratulations are in order. How did you meet her?”

“She's the Sales Manager for our Houston office. Or at least she was. I convinced her to come here to work for me.”

“So, how long have you been seeing her?”

“About three months. I can't wait for you to meet her. I know you will like her.”

“Wow, Dad! Three months and you have already asked her to marry you?”

He had a big grin on his face as he answered, “Yeah, well, I guess most people would consider that a little fast, you included, apparently. But we really hit it off, and I just thought, why wait?”

“Well, Dad, I'm happy for you, and I'm glad you finally found someone after all this time. I'm going to bed, but I'll take care of dinner and see you tomorrow night. Good night, Dad.”

The steak house delivered our meal right on time. I got out of my jeans and T-shirt, took a , and put on a pair of black slacks with a black faux silk T-shirt that was very form fitting. It really showed off my chest and arm muscles. I went downstairs and set the table.

Dad came home right on time. He had a big smile on his face as he said, “John, I'd like for you to meet my fiancé, Heather. Heather, this is my son, John.”

I could not believe my eyes when I looked at the woman my dad introduced me to. My dad was 39 years old, and this woman looked like she was about 25! I later learned she was 31. She was just as tall as my dad, which was 5'8″, and she was about 125 pounds. She had light brown hair, blue eyes, and what I guessed to be 36 C cup with a very nice ass. She was wearing a black dress that showed a lot of cleavage. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. The dress stopped about 3 inches above her knees, allowing me to admire her beautiful, shapely legs. To top it off, she had a beautiful smile. My first thought was, “My god! She looks like a porn star!” and my second thought was, “What in the hell does she see in my dad?”

Before I could even compose myself, Heather remarked, “My god Harry! You didn't tell me your son was a body builder! He could put Arnold Schwarzenegger to shame!”

Dad laughed and answered, “Yes, he definitely has a more impressive body than his old dad, but, as far as I know, he's not a bodybuilder. He's been wrestling since high school, and I guess his coach pushes him to lift weights to improve his strength. Right, son?”

I was still staring at my soon-to-be , and probably had my mouth hanging open. Luckily, I got the gist of their conversation and managed to answer, “Uh, yeah. I'm on the wrestling team, and the coach really encourages weight training.”

Heather smiled and asked, “What are you majoring in at college?”

“Kinesiology. I hope to become a physical , and then, hopefully, a personal trainer. I will probably get a certification as a massage therapist at some point, too.”

Heather was still smiling as she commented, “Wow. That could be a real perk, having a masseur in the house.”

I knew I had been ogling Heather ever since she walked through the door. I had to do something to keep from staring at her tits, so I poured some wine into everyone's glass. I had already set the table and placed the food on the plates. I said, “Heather, I wasn't sure how you liked your steak, so I ordered them medium well for everyone.”

“That's fine, hon. I'm not hard to please.”

I noticed she still had that crooked smile and I thought, “I wonder if she intended for that remark to have a double meaning? I definitely wanted to find out how hard I had to be to please her.”

We had a great meal and really good conversation. I don't really drink, but I nursed a glass of wine. Dad and Heather drank the bottle of wine he had found in our kitchen cabinet, and then they drank the one he had bought on the way home. They were feeling no pain when they went to bed.

I had trouble getting to sleep. I lay in my bed for a long time, nude and on top of my sheets. I thought about Heather and imagined what her body looked like under that short dress she was wearing. I got a raging hard on and started stroking my dick. I was wondering if I might ever get a chance to her. I hated to think that I would do that to my dad, but I decided that if I ever got the chance, I definitely would. I had a fantasy that I would sneak in his bedroom after he went to work, find Heather lying in the bed nude, and I would get in the bed with her and fuck her. Obviously, I wasn't thinking straight, because I forgot that she worked with my dad. They both left the house the next morning and went to work together while I was still sleeping. So much for my fantasy.

I got up, showered, and headed to school. I had trouble concentrating because I kept thinking about fucking Heather.

Heather and my dad soon settled into a routine. They came home every evening around 6 o'clock, changed into comfortable clothes, and then we had dinner together which included some nice conversations. Dad was smiling a lot and he carried on interesting conversations that also included a little humor. If you asked me to describe my dad, the word humorous would never come to mind. And, as I mentioned before, he was a workaholic. Just the fact that he was coming home before seven was a huge change in his lifestyle.

After dinner, we would watch TV, and after the 10 o'clock news, we would go to bed. The first week Heather was in our house, I listened to see if I could hear them fucking. I couldn't. Either they were very quiet, or dad wasn't getting any.

The second week Heather was in our house, dad announced that he had to go on another business trip. “Make sure you take care of Heather while I'm gone. You two seem to get along, so that makes me feel a little better about going on this trip without her.”

I tried not to smile and instead I took on a serious tone when I asked, “Why isn't Heather going with you?”

“Well, son, Heather is in a different department and the meeting I'm going to doesn't require her to be there.”

“Oh, ok. I'll make sure to help with dinner and the dishes every night. I'm sure we'll be ok.”

I'm pretty sure I caught a smile on Heather's face.

The next morning, I took dad to the airport in my car, and Heather took my dad's car to work. She had already left by the time I got back home, so I microwaved a frozen waffle and drank a cup of coffee before heading to school. After wrestling practice and my workout, I took a shower and headed home. Heather was already there when I walked into the kitchen.

“Hey! Do you have any idea what you want for dinner?”

“Let's go pick up some Chinese.”

After dinner, we went in the living room and watched some TV. After surfing the channels, we settled on an old black & white movie. I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, and Heather had changed into shorts and a T-shirt, too. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. I noticed her very pert nipples poking through the material.

I tried not to stare, but I couldn't help admiring her beautiful, toned legs and those perfect tits. When I looked at her face, she was smiling. I smiled back and said, “What?”

She answered, “Is that for me?”

I watched her eyes move downward, and I realized I had a hard on. I said, “Well, my dad did say to take care of you while he was gone, so if you want it, then yes, it's for you.”

She leaned over and gave me a deep kiss that curled my toes. Then she said, “Let's go to your bed.”

She didn't have to tell me twice. I stood up, took her hand, and led her down the hall to my room. When we got there, I closed my door and locked it. I knew no one else was home, but better safe than sorry. As soon as we were inside, she lifted her T-shirt over her head, allowing me to finally see her beautiful tits. Without hesitating, I reached one hand out to feel her left breast, rubbed my thumb over her hard nipple, and then bent forward to take it in my mouth. As soon as I started sucking, she began to moan. She put her hand on the back of my head and drew me closer. After I had sucked both of her nipples, she reached down and unfastened my shorts and then pulled them down. When my very hard eight-inch cock sprang up, she took it in her hand and started slowly stroking it. She said, “I've been waiting all week to see this. I just knew it would be big. I hope you have staying power because I need to get fucked, bad!”

I helped her take her shorts off. She wasn't wearing panties, and I briefly admired her small patch of blond pubic hair above her pussy. I gently pushed her back toward my bed, and when the back of her knees made contact, she fell back onto the bed with her legs wide open. I dropped to my knees and started lapping at her pussy. When I licked her clit, she screamed out, “Oh fuck yes! Eat my pussy baby. I can't tell you how long it's been since someone ate my pussy.”

“Well, if this is something you enjoy, I would be happy to eat you anytime you want me to. Just let me know.”

After I ate her through her first orgasm, I moved up between her legs, ran my cock up and down her wet pussy lips a few times, and then pushed my cock in as far as it would go. She screamed out, “Shit! Damn that feels good. I love your cock. Fuck me, baby. Fuck me hard.”

I suddenly realized there was no way she had been fucking my dad. She was definitely a screamer, and I'm sure I would have heard something if they had been fucking. Well, there was time to think about that later. Right now, I just wanted to concentrate on fucking this beautiful woman. I really wanted to last, but she said she wanted it hard, so I kept thrusting in and out as hard as I could. She was loving it judging by the way she was lifting her ass up to meet each thrust. I stopped counting the number of times she came. I lasted longer than I thought I would, but I finally felt my nuts boiling and tightening up. After a few more thrusts, I yelled out, “I'm gonna cum!”

She answered, “Yes, baby. Cum in momma.”

I blew a massive load in her pussy and then collapsed off to the side so I wouldn't crush her. She put her hand behind my head and pulled me in for another hot kiss. When she broke the kiss, she looked into my eyes with her sparkling blue eyes and said, “Fuck, John. I have been thinking about what it would be like to have you fuck me, but I never imagined it would be that good. You fucked the shit out of me!”

“Heather, I have been fantasizing about fucking you since the first time I saw you. I have to admit, it was as good as I thought it would be. You mentioned staying power. I can be ready to go again in a New York minute, but if you would like to take a shower first, that's ok with me. In fact, if you're up for it, I've always wanted to fuck in the shower.”

She smiled again and said, “You mean you've never fucked someone in the shower?”

“Nope. Just never got the chance.”

“Well then, let's go. You're in for a treat.”

We walked in the bathroom and got in the shower together. We took our time soaping each other up and then rinsing all the soap off. My dick was hard as a steel pipe at that point, so I pushed her against the wall, stuck two fingers inside her pussy, just to make sure she was lubricated, and then I stuck my dick in and started slowly pumping. I just checked off another item on my bucket list.

I started fingering her juicy cunt again and she came while I was fingering her. I dropped to my knees and started licking the juices from her pussy. I licked her to another orgasm, and I stood up so I could fuck her again. She had another idea. She quickly got on her knees, took my steel-hard cock in her hand, and then put it in her mouth. She licked it and sucked it for a minute before I started fucking her mouth. I put my hand behind her head and started pumping in and out. She was sucking me so hard I couldn't hold back a second longer. I blasted several large loads of cum in her mouth which she quickly swallowed. We rinsed the soap off each other and dried each other off before going to the living room.

We were in the living room watching TV when I couldn't keep quiet anymore. There was something bugging the hell out of me, and I had to confront her. “Heather, something is bothering me, and I think we need to talk about it. I don't drink, and I don't smoke, and I damn sure don't do drugs, but I do have an addiction. I'm addicted to you. I fantasized about fucking you from the first time I saw you. Now that we have fucked, there's no way I will be able to give it up. What's going to happen with us after my dad gets back home? There's no way we can sneak into my room for a quickie when he's here, because, in case you haven't noticed, you're not the quietest lover in the world. A couple of times, you screamed so loud I thought the neighbors could hear you!”

She smiled at me and took my hand. “John, I have a secret to tell you. We don't have to sneak around. Your dad knows I was going to have sex with you, and he's ok with it.”

O.K., I wasn't expecting that. I said, “Please explain what's going on here. Why would my dad be ok with you having sex with me? That doesn't make any sense.”

She said, “Maybe I should start from the beginning. I met your dad on one of his business trips. As you know, he was the operations manager for our company. He was over all of our fifteen offices across the country. He was a pretty important guy. I was just a sales manager in our Houston office. Our office was in charge of setting up a meeting in a hotel ballroom where your dad gave a presentation. Later, I was sitting in the hotel bar when your dad walked up to me and introduced himself. He bought me a drink and we started talking. He seemed like a nice guy, so when he asked me to have dinner with him, I agreed. While we were talking, he told me about his wife dying and he told me about you. He admitted he was lonely, but he assured me he wasn't trying to get me in bed. He said he was just happy to have someone to talk to. He was really sweet, and a real gentleman.”

She continued, “A couple of months later, he had business in our Houston office again, and he took me to dinner again. Although we had a nice dinner and nice conversation, he seemed really sad. I decided to take the first step, so I asked him why he didn't try to talk me into going to bed with him. I made it clear that if he asked me, I would spend the night with him. He said he would like that, but he had to explain something to me first. I agreed to go to his hotel room with him, where we had more privacy, and he explained that he had two embarrassing problems. He said he would imagine a woman like me was probably used to being with men who were built like porn stars. He said his cock was only about 5 inches long, and that's if he could get it up. Then he explained that was the second problem he had mentioned. He said he was impotent most of the time, although he could get hard on occasion.”

“I explained that I thought he was a nice guy, and I was fond of him. I told him that sex wasn't the most important thing in a relationship. I asked him if he would like to get undressed and go to bed, and he said he would. When I got completely nude, I took his hands and let him rub my tits. Then I let him play with my pussy. I tried my best, but he remained limp. I even tried playing with him, which he seemed to like, but he just couldn't get hard.”

I was really surprised to hear that. To tell you the truth, I always had a suspicion that he was having an affair when he was out of town. But I still didn't understand why he was ok with me fucking his fiancé.

“Thanks for telling me that. I'm sorry to hear that dad has a problem like that. But why would you agree to marry him if you knew he couldn't satisfy you sexually? And why on earth would he be ok with me having sex with you?”

She explained, “Well, over several months, he kept making excuses to come to Houston, and we grew close. I would always stay with him in his hotel room, and we had our own way of having sex. I would let him play with my body, and I would play with his dick. Even though it never really got very hard, I was able to make him cum a couple of times. We eventually talked about marriage. The first time he mentioned it, he said he would ask me to marry him if he thought he could please me, but he said, if we were married, he didn't think he would be able to put up with me having an affair. I again told him that sex wasn't the most important thing, but he said he knew I would eventually go looking for someone who could satisfy me in bed. Then one day he said he thought he might have a solution that he would be ok with. He told me about you, and he said he was almost positive you would be able to keep me satisfied. I hate to admit this, but I laughed at him and told him there was no way a 19-year-old kid would be able to keep me satisfied. I admit I was wrong. In fact, you are the best lover I've ever had. Then he talked me into transferring to the main office here in Dallas. He said he would introduce me to you, let me spend some time getting to know you, and if I thought you could keep me happy, then we would go through with the marriage. When he went out of town this time, he told me it would be ok with him if I wanted to seduce you.”

I said, “Fuck, Heather. I thought you really liked me, but now I find out I'm just being used as a sex object.”

She asked, “You have a problem with that?”

“Fuck, no!”

We both laughed. I still didn't understand how this would work, though. I said, “I'm still confused. So, let's say you guys get married. Even if he's ok with his wife having sex with me, I'm not sure I would feel right about doing that to him. And, like I said, you're a screamer, and I just can't imagine him lying in bed and listening to me giving you orgasms when he knows he can't do it himself. I mean, I don't have a problem fucking you all day, every day, when he's out of town, but I'm not sure I would be comfortable with him in the house.”

“Oh, John, you don't give me enough credit. Don't you think I have thought about that? I already found a solution. I bought a high end set of noise-cancelling earphones. It has a remote that will allow him to listen to music CDs, or he can watch TV. He can also tune all sound out so no matter how loud I scream, he won't be able to hear me. Does that set your mind at ease?”

I replied, “Oh, wow! I saw those headphones in the mall. I wanted to buy them so I could watch porn with the sound up without anyone being able to hear it. They were expensive as hell.” I paused and thought about it for a minute before continuing, “Yeah, I think that might work. I want to talk to him when he gets home though, to make sure he's 100 percent on board with this arrangement. I don't want to do anything to hurt him.”

She said, “Oh, John. You're really sweet and caring. It makes me happy to know you care about your dad's feelings like that. I can assure you he's ok with us. It was his idea, after all, and we have discussed it in detail. But, to satisfy your concerns, we will talk to him when he gets home next week.”

Every night after dinner we would watch TV while sitting on the sofa. We would very seldom wear any clothes, and I couldn't resist playing with her tits. That would lead to her playing with my cock, which would lead to her giving me a blowjob, which would lead to me eating her pussy, which would lead to us fucking our brains out until we were exhausted, and then we would go to bed.

* * * * * * * *

The following Friday, my dad called and asked if I could pick him up at the airport at 3:00 pm. I told him I would be glad to. I pulled up outside baggage claim just as he was coming out the door. We chatted on the way home. I asked how his trip had gone, and he said it was good, as well as productive. He asked me if I had gotten to know Heather a little better while he was gone. I think I blushed when I answered, “Yes, we got to know each other really well. She is an intelligent woman and a good conversationalist. I can see why you asked her to marry you.”

He smiled and said, “I'm glad to hear that. I was really hoping you two would hit it off. And speaking of marriage, you are going to be my best man, right?”

“Nothing would please me more, Dad.” I was thinking, “The bride already knows who the BEST man is,” but I didn't say that.

I asked, “When's the wedding anyway?”

“We really haven't set a date yet. I wanted to wait until I knew you two were going to hit it off. I guess we can discuss it this weekend.”

I helped Heather in the kitchen making a nice dinner for the three of us. As usual, we had a nice conversation. Dad said the Phoenix office was a mess and he would probably have to make some personnel changes. Then he said, “Heather, John said you two hit it off while I was gone. I was really glad to hear that. He asked me when we were planning to get married, and I told him we had been waiting to make sure you guys would get along. I don't see any reason to wait. Let's look at the calendar and look at dates. Then we need to pick a location and make sure it's available on the dates we pick. I asked John to be my best man. Do you have someone in mind to be your maid of honor?”

Heather answered, “I haven't given it a lot of thought, but I would probably ask my , Cindy. She's my sister's daughter.” Then she looked at me and said, “I think you will really like her. She's 19, but people say we look like twins. Can I trust you with her? I know there's a tradition where the best man nails the maid of honor on the wedding night.”

I looked back and forth from her to my dad and back to her. I said, “I'm shocked, and a little bit offended that you would ask me that. I am the epitomy of virtue.”

We all had a laugh, which lightened the mood enough for Heather to start our difficult conversation. “Harry, I want you to know, John was only half kidding when he said that. I had a long talk with him, and I explained our arrangement. I actually had to convince him that it was alright for us to have sex. He said he didn't want to hurt you. When I explained what you had told me, he reluctantly agreed. And as for your concern that I would need someone who could keep me satisfied, I can assure you that he fits the bill. We can keep this in house, and I can't imagine why I would ever need to stray. I am perfectly happy with our arrangement, but I think John may still have some concerns.”

I said, “Dad, I want to thank you for allowing me to have sex with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. It is a college 's dream come true. But I just want to be absolutely positive that you are really ok with this. I hope you know I would never do anything to hurt you.”

My dad looked like he was going to cry, but he didn't. Instead, he said, “Thank you, son. I can't tell you how much that means to me. That just reinforces my decision to let you become a surrogate husband for Heather, and to give her what I can't. I want to make this perfectly clear. I want to make sure Heather is satisfied, and I want you to be the one to keep her satisfied. I thought about this long and hard, no pun intended, and I'm absolutely sure of my decision. You won't be hurting me. You will be helping me.”

Well, that was settled. I was convinced my dad was ok with me fucking his soon to be wife, so if he was happy, I was happy. I couldn't imagine going a week without fucking Heather. I really was addicted to her.

The first night my dad was home, Heather slept with him in his bed. She didn't come in my room, and I hadn't expected her to. The next morning, we had breakfast together and then I went to class. After my classes, I had wrestling practice, I lifted weights, then I took a shower and went home.

When dad and Heather got home, we had dinner, watched TV, and went to bed. Dad and Heather again went to the master bedroom, and I went to my room. I was lying nude on top of my sheets when I heard a light knock, and then Heather came into my room. She was wearing a see-through shorty nightgown which made my dick instantly hard. She smiled and got on my bed where she gave me one of her toe-curling kisses. She said, “Your dad's asleep, but I made sure he was wearing his new headphones. I'll make you a deal. If you eat my pussy, I promise to pay you back with a nice blowjob.”

Well, who the hell could pass up a deal like that? I moved down between her legs and started lapping. She was cumming in record time. After she had cum three times and thoroughly soaked my face, she traded places with me and sucked my dick until I had filled her mouth with cum. Of course, she swallowed it all down. After a short rest to catch my breath, I rolled on top of her, and we had a very pleasant, slow fuck. While I was pumping my cock in and out of her, she said, “Guess what?”

I said, “What?”

“I was telling your dad that you were a very good lover, and he never had to worry about me straying. He seemed pleased with that. But then he asked if I thought he might be able to watch sometime.”

I actually stopped fucking her and looked into her eyes. I said, “Are you shitting me? It's not enough that he knows I'm fucking his soon-to-be wife, but now he wants to be a cuckold, too?”

“That's what he said. What do you think?”

I resumed my stroking and said, “I don't know. I need to think about that.”

Then she said, “Oh, guess what?”

“Heather, I'm not sure I can take any more surprises. I'm trying to concentrate on fucking you.”

“You don't have to worry about concentrating too much. You are doing an excellent job.”

“Thank you. OK, what's the surprise?”

“I talked to Cindy today. You know, my niece? She agreed to be my maid of honor and she's looking forward to meeting you.”

I answered, “That's great. I'm looking forward to meeting her, too.”

“I think you'll like her. You're both the same age, and in the same year in college. You should have a lot in common.”

I couldn't help myself. I asked, “Oh, really? Is she fucking you, too?”

Heather smiled and answered, “You never know!”

* * * * * * * *

The next few weeks were hectic. Heather and my dad had picked a date and found a venue. Then they agreed to the list of people they would invite. Nothing changed between Heather and me. She still came to my room almost every night and we fucked for hours. My dad seemed happy, and he continued to go out of town on business trips. We fucked a lot more while he was out of town. Oh, and once or twice a month, he would watch us. The first time it happened, I was a little uncomfortable, but as I watched him, he had a big grin on his face as he played with his limp dick. I finally came to the conclusion he really was ok with me fucking his soon-to-be wife.

The week before the wedding, Heather asked me to go to the airport to pick up her niece, Cindy. I argued that she should go with me because I had never met her and wouldn't recognize her. Heather said, “Oh, you'll recognize her. I told you, she looks just like me, only younger.”

I parked in the short-term parking garage and went to baggage claim. I watched the people walking to the baggage carousel in search of their luggage, and I spotted a stunning young lady who did, in fact, look just like Heather. She was wearing cut-off jeans shorts and a T-shirt. I walked up behind her, and as she reached for her suitcase, I leaned over and snagged it off the carousel. When she turned around to see who was taking her suitcase, I said, “You must be Cindy. I'm John. I hope Heather told you I was picking you up.”

She looked me up and down, and then smiled. “Hi, John. It's nice to meet you. Heather told me to look for an Adonis, but I thought she was kidding. I'm not keeping you from the gym, am I?”

I love a girl with a sense of humor. I chuckled, and said, “No, I already got a couple of hours in this morning.” She gave me another big smile before I led her to my car. I have a red Camaro, so when I held the passenger door for her, I got an eye-full of beautiful, smooth thigh as she slid onto her seat.

“I was told to pick you up, but I just realized I don't know where you're staying. Am I supposed to take you to our house, or are you staying in a hotel?”

She said she was staying in the hotel where the wedding was being held, but Heather told her to come to our house to have dinner with us, so I drove her home. As we drove home, we chatted about our lives and school. I couldn't believe it when I discovered she was studying to become a physical therapist, the same as me. I also couldn't believe what a smoking hot body she had. I had a hard on all the way home.

When we got home, I offered her a drink, and we set on the living room sofa, chatting about our interests in the physical therapy field. Heather and my dad came home about twenty minutes later, and we had a nice prime rib dinner.

We were in the living room talking and getting to know each other when Cindy yawned, so I offered to drive her to her hotel. When we arrived, I let her check in and then I carried her suitcase to her room. When we got there, Cindy said, “I'm not sure what they have in the mini bar, but I'm sure I can find something. Why don't you come in for a nightcap?” She opened the door, and I took her suitcase inside. She found the mini-fridge, and when she bent over to see what was inside, I got an instant hard on. That ass was fine!

She said, “There's a small bottle of Jack Daniels, and a vodka, two cans of beer, and two Cokes. What can I offer you?”

I told her I didn't drink, and I wasn't thirsty, but I would like to talk some more to get to know her better. She sat on the edge of the bed and patted the spot next to her, so I sat down next to her. She said, “I'm an open book. What would you like to know?”

“Well, since you're going to be my date for the wedding, do you like to dance? Because I'm not a very good dancer.”

She smiled and answered, “That's not a problem. I'm sure we can fake it. Everyone will be by then anyway. Now, can I ask you a question?”

I answered, “Of course you can. Like you said, I'm an open book.”

“You're not gay, are you?”

“No, I'm definitely not gay. Why do you ask?”

“Well, I've heard that a lot of guys who get into the physical therapy field are gay because it gives them an excuse to handle men's bodies. I don't know if that's true or not, but I was just hoping you weren't gay.”

Well, that got my attention. I asked, “Why were you hoping I wasn't gay?”

“Because I've been admiring your body since I first saw you, and I was hoping to get to see more of it.”

Without answering, I lifted my T-shirt over my head and threw it on the floor. Then I took my shoes off and when I had tossed them over to join my shirt, I dropped my pants. I looked at her with a smile on my face, and said, “Your turn.”

She looked me up and down, smiled, and said, “Do you have any place you need to be in the morning?”

“Nope! I don't have any plans.”

She took her T-shirt off and said, “Good. We can order breakfast when we wake up.”

She shed the rest of her clothes and I dropped my briefs. She smiled and said, “Fuck! I am so glad you're not gay.”

She pulled the covers off, and I joined her on the bed. I pulled her to me and gave her a deep tongue kiss. I couldn't believe how much she reminded me of Heather. She not only looked like her, she even kissed like her. We kissed for a while, and I played with her tits. Her nipples had become rock hard. I guided her down on her back, and then I moved down until I could put my head between her legs.

I placed my thumbs on each side of her mound and slid them down until I was able to part her lips. I ran my tongue up her slit from the bottom to the top until I reached her prominent clit. I was lapping her sweet pussy like it was my favorite ice cream. When I started circling her clit with my tongue, she let out a low moan and whispered, “Damn, you're good at eating pussy.” When I stuck two fingers in her dripping wet pussy and started sliding them in and out, she started moaning loudly, and then had a huge climax.

She put her hand on the back of my head and said, “As much as I'm enjoying that, I need you to put that big fat cock in me and fuck me. When we go back to your house tomorrow, I want to be walking funny.”

My face was covered in her juices when I moved up to lay next to her. When I kissed her, she said, “Ummm, I taste good. Before we are through here tonight, I want to see how you taste, too.”

“I'm looking forward to it.”

We fucked for an hour before getting up to take care of bathroom needs and drinking a bottle of water to stay hydrated. She kept her promise to suck my cock. I discovered another thing that reminded me of Heather. She was excellent at sucking a dick, and she seemed to really enjoy it.

* * * * * * * *

Even as exhausted as I had been when I finally fell asleep, I woke up at my usual time. I looked over at Cindy lying nude beside me, sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. Her perfect perky breasts were standing up proudly, displaying her prominent hard nipples. I couldn't resist. I leaned over and took one of her nipples in my mouth and started gently sucking and licking. After a minute, she stretched and moaned, “Ummm. I could get used to waking up like this every morning.”

“It would be my pleasure to wake you up like this every morning. Do you have to go back to Houston? I have a nice, comfy, queen bed that I would love to share with you.”

She leaned over and kissed me, and said, “As nice as that sounds, I have to go back home, but not for another week. Let's have some breakfast and put that thought on the back burner for now.”

We ordered a large breakfast from room service and chatted about our schoolwork and our future employment plans. I suggested we should open our own physical therapy practice after we graduated, and I told her I also wanted to get certified as a massage therapist and as a personal trainer. I tried to talk her into moving to Dallas and attending UT Southwestern, where we could both earn a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree.

“That's an interesting proposition, but I'll have to think about it. I've lived in Houston my entire life. Moving to Dallas would be a big change. Anyway, we can talk about that later. Besides, we've just met. You haven't had time to learn all of my faults.”

After breakfast, we took a shower together and got dressed. Luckily, we were in a luxury hotel, so they had a complimentary toothbrush and toothpaste. I found out Cindy had never been to Dallas, but she was a fan of the TV show “Dallas”. First, I took her to the Fort Worth Stockyards to watch the cattle drive and to walk around the shops. We had a light lunch, then I took her to the Book Depository to see where JFK had been assassinated. Then I took her to the Southfork Ranch where the TV show “Dallas” had been filmed. She was thrilled. After a full day of sight-seeing, we went back to my house to have dinner with Heather and my dad.

When we sat down at the table, Heather had a big smile on her face, and then she busted out laughing. We were all staring at her like she had gone crazy. I couldn't take it anymore, so I asked, “What's so funny?”

She controlled her laughing enough to reply, “I told you that you would like Cindy. I guess I was right since you're both still wearing the same clothes you had on yesterday!”

My dad chuckled, and said, “Cindy, I raised my son to be a gentleman. I hope he has been treating you with respect.”

She answered, “Oh, yes sir. He has been a perfect gentleman. He took me to dinner last night, and today he took me to several tourist spots. I really enjoyed it. I have never been to Dallas before.”

Heather had stopped laughing but still had a big smile on her face. She said, “I hope you don't have any plans for tomorrow. Cindy, because we have to go get you fitted for your dress, and John, you and your dad need to get fitted for your tuxedos.”

I said, “Yeah, we need to do that sort of early. I have a wrestling match at 6:00 in the evening.”

Cindy said, “Ooohhh! Can we come watch?”

After dinner, I took Cindy back to her hotel. I won't say that we fucked like animals, because we took our time and had slow, passionate sex. As much as I wanted to fuck her all night long, I told her I had to go home to sleep in my bed because I needed my energy for the wrestling match. She said she understood and then she shyly asked, “Would you mind if I came to your match tomorrow?”

“Of course not. I would love that. The only problem is, I won't be able to get away from school to come pick you up. When I get home, I'll ask Heather to come pick you up.

I easily won my match, and our team also won. I went to the locker room to take a shower and get dressed, and then walked out to meet my dad, Heather, and Cindy. When Cindy saw me, she ran to me, threw her arms around me and gave me a big kiss. I was a little embarrassed because I didn't want my teammates bugging me about who my new girlfriend was. Heather had a big smile on her face. She said, “Do we need to plan for a double wedding?”

I answered, “Hah, hah. Very funny.”

Then I looked at Cindy and said, “Not that I wouldn't marry you in a heartbeat, but I would like to finish college first.”

She punched me in the arm and said, “I know that, you big goof. I'm nowhere near being ready for marriage.”

Then dad said, “I've booked us a table at the country club for dinner. I don't know about you, but I'm starving.”

* * * * * * * *

The wedding day finally arrived. Heather made an absolutely gorgeous bride, and dad looked happier than I had ever seen him. When all the festivities were over, I drove dad and Heather to the airport for their honeymoon trip to Aruba. I then drove Cindy back to our house where I made sure to uphold the tradition of the Best Man fucking the Bride's Maid. Of course, we had already taken care of that the first time I met her. We had a nice slow fuck in my bed. I got up to go take a piss, and when I came back to bed, Cindy was crying. I wiped the tears from her face with my thumbs, then I kissed her and asked, “Hey, what's the matter? Did I do something to make you upset?”

“Yes, you did. You made me fall in love with you. I hope I don't upset you by telling you that, but I really am in love with you. We have only known each other for a week, but I truly believe you are the love of my life. I don't want to go home. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know I'm being silly, but that's just the way I feel.”

“Cindy, I feel the same way. Can you believe we've only known each other for a week? I feel like you are the woman I'm meant to be with. I'm not sure how a long-distance relationship would work, but if that's what you want, I'm willing to give it a try. But I'm really hoping you'll consider moving here and going to school with me. We have plenty of room here and I know Heather and my dad would have no problem letting you live with us.”

She said she wanted to finish her first semester, and then she would think about it. She said she would have to talk it over with her mom. I said, “You talk to your mom, and I'll have Heather call her when she gets home. I think she can convince her sister to let you come live with us. I'm sure she will convince her that we have a truly platonic relationship.”

We made love to each other until way after midnight. I got up the next morning and made a pot of coffee. I didn't feel like making breakfast, so I suggested we have a couple of cups of coffee, and then go to a café that served a really good breakfast. I had to return dad's and my tuxedos, and we had to return Cindy's dress. I asked if there was anything she would like to do, but she said she just wanted to go back to the house and relax. She was leaving the next day, so we stopped by the hotel to get her suitcase and to check out.

The next day, I took her to the airport. It broke my heart to see her crying, but I think I convinced her that I would make sure that we would see each other again soon. I told her I loved her with all my heart, and she said she felt the same way. I think watching her leave was the hardest thing I have ever done.

When dad and Heather returned, they fell back into their normal routine of going to work, coming home to dinner, watching TV, then going to bed. The first night back, Heather got me alone and said, “John, it was obvious that you fell hard for my niece, and it seems she feels the same way about you. Don't think I'm being insensitive, but I have to ask you, will you still be able to tend to my needs, or do you not want to cheat on Cindy?”

“Heather, I think I told you that first time, I'm addicted to you. I don't think I can ever stop fucking you, but I do love Cindy. I need you to do us a favor. Cindy said she would like to transfer to my school next semester and live here with us. Can you call your sister and convince her to have Cindy move in with us?”

Heather said she didn't mind talking to her sister, and she thought she would probably be able to convince her, but she asked, “What will happen to our arrangement if Cindy moves in with us. I assume she will sleep in your room.”

“Yeah, I was actually thinking about that. If she moves in, I think you and I will have to have a talk with her and explain our arrangement. Cindy is really cool and open-minded about sex. I think we will be able to convince her to let us continue. And don't worry, I have enough stamina to take care of both of you. Who knows, maybe she will want to join us sometime.”

* * * * * * * *

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