My slutty crush

To describe myself,I was quite a shy kid and introverted, I seldomly reach out to other and I’ve been alone most of my live.

It’s was September 4, 2019 , my first day to . I came early like usual, there was no one in the classroom. While in no time the class was filled up. The class came in and we were about to start our roll call , then suddenly rush in a , she was tall(5″ 8 I guess) , had a C cup boobs , a slim hip and a nice pair of ass. She became the centre of attention as she rush in, even the teacher was dazzle in her beauty.

But than she apologize for the sudden rush in and for being late, the teacher gave her some talk and left her to sit saying he won’t punish since its the first day. Roll call was done and class were done but i couldn’t stop thinking of the girl. Her beauty trap me in loop, and it was the first day, the and i already had a on her.

The next day i thought of talking to her, I came for my class but not early as usual. Then I saw her talking with the boys of my class, there were 5 of them. She was laughing and having a chat like they’ve known for quite a while. I came to know that she was a very extroverted person, a different breed than me.

But it doesn’t stop me from talking to her, I join the chat and quite to my surprise, they were talking about their ex. A guy ask her how ex’s she had so far, and she reply with brutal honesty that she had 2 and another ask her in a sarcastic way, who was better in bed the 1st Or the 2nd. She gave a smile and said I haven’t gone to that phase.

The boys laugh it off like nothing happen and than came the teacher we depart. I quitely admire her and thought to myself that she must be a loyal and a good girl. While than like usual class ended and we departed. I was in a hurry since I had an appointment with my old so I ran off. I reach the parking lot trying to reach for a taxi but than I suddenly remember I left my umbrella in the classroom.

I thought of taking it tomorrow but my instinct took me and I went off to take my umbrella. I reach the classroom door and as I was about to open I hear a sudden sound from the next classroom. I get closer to it and it was a girl moan. I was quite curious what was going on than I took a peek through the window and I saw her (my crush) with three of the boys she was chatting earlier. It was a shocking view, she was kissing a guy and the other two were her. She was taking it from both her holes and she was loving it. It broke me at the same time I was surprised to see myself aroused.

I don’t know why I didn’t rush out immediately as I saw the scene but I stay on. She keep begging to fuck her harder (she was a ), they shift position many times , as the boys took turn taking her ass, and mouth until she nuts them off in her mouth and swallow them. I knew they were finish so I ran off. I was quite in awe the rest of the day and not being even able to sleep.

I thought to myself I shouldn’t Indulge in such things, shake things of the next morning and went to school.

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