Loosing my virginity

Hey I am Huma. I am 25 years old girl from India. I am 5ft 5 brown skin black hair fit body. 32 bb 28 36 ( I know my ass is a bit big). It is a. Seven year old incident. When I was in school I used to go to my grandparents house for my summer vacations all

My brother sisters and cousins would come to the big mansion and we used to have a lot of fun. I was the eldest cousin.

It was a hot summer day all the young people insisted me to come and play hide and seek with them. My grandparents had a hot young servant Amjad he came to join us to Play with us.

He was dark skinned handsome guy. I knew him since I was young and had a bit of frankness with him. Amjad asked me to come and hide with him. He took me to the roof it was dark and scary and I was really scared at the roof I started to shiver due to fear. He pushed me towards him and kissed my forehead and placed me on his lap

He said
‘ huma don’t be afraid I am with you’ and placed a kiss on my cheek
I replied
‘ Amjad it’s dark and scary here ‘
While I was saying it he started kissing my neck And right after it started sucking on my lips I started to respond back and started sucking his lips and putting my tongue in his mouth. I could feel his cock getting hard.
Amjad said
‘ you are a real randi(slut)

And he started to fondle with my breast and started to be wild. After that he stood up I was sitting on floor on my knees and opened his trouser and got his black 7 inch thick cock out and started rubbing it on my lips. I started to kiss it and after that he made me suck it. His cock was hitting back of my throat as he fucked it rough and wild till he cummed all over my face and hair. He took my hand and took me to store which was near the roof and made me strip and started kissing and bitting my nipples giving sweet pain to me. I was going crazy I was very wet after that he placed his tip of cock and started to push his cock in me slowly. It was the most painful experience as his cock was stretching me open. I requested him to stop but he never heard me he spurted a huge load all over my belly.

As he cummed we could hear all the kids looking for us. He ordered me to quickly wear my clothes and leave. I still to this date remember me coming down with cum on my cheek and a younger cousin of my asking what it is and in my stupidness I told him paint.

That was my first sex experience

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