Super busty dragoness finds ultra hot alien futa dominatrix


Bright neon lights stretched out into the distance as far as the eye could see, a labyrinth of clubs, shops and bars laid out on jet black granite. Twinkling signs, the sound of clinking glasses, laughing, , moaning…

Several heavily armoured guards patrolled the main roads either side of the glorious bay, there to keep the peace. Those who broke the bays rules would be ejected without mercy. No littering, no public fucking, no fighting or drug use. The bay's image was top priority and it was no surprise- It worked.

The clubs on the bay front had a premium price, their walkways were often solid metal, bright red and amber lights shining from underneath, the soft pounding of bass and stab of synths from within would leak out momentarily as new guests would arrive, joining the serpentine queues that stretched deep into the bay.

But for many, the clubs were only a distraction. The bay was the main attraction.

They would stride out onto that perfect black sand, warm and soft under foot and kept immaculately clean, the odd diamond grain distributed perfectly through-out the midnight sand glimmered with perfect clarity and every handful of sand was like holding a cup full of the night sky. Crystal water lapped at the sand and bay walls, gentle, crisp and refreshing. The sun hung crooked in the sky, never fully rising or setting, kept in a limbo of dusk and dawn. The dawn time was a embracing, warm amber, casting great beams of light through the fluffy clouds. Dusk time was a serene medley of hazy red and calming lilac, forming beautiful intricate patterns in the sky.

To stand at the mouth of the bay and watch over the obsidian sands, colour saturated sky and endless ocean was nothing short of absolutely breathtaking, no matter dusk or dawn.

This was no family location though, Brimstone Bay was built for those of any background to come and let loose. Although public acts of deviousness would not be tolerated, the many thousands of hotels, clubs and bars were built to foster it. Those wanting to get their rocks off in the bay would only be a short walk away from it…

But Sadie wasn't after any old club… She wanted the best that Brimstone Bay had to offer. She was here for an experience, her gut had told her to come here, something was calling her. Someone wanted her, she knew it. Her distinctive white eyes caught sight of the place.


A great, towering monolith of a building, stabbing into the skyline like an obsidian cutlass. Tinted windows, sharp steel and glimmering signs made up the bulk of the blade like design, above the main entrance, a series of black and silver pillars stood like the spokes of a crown, with each of them having a great, eye-like blood orange orb at its very tip.

The huge neon sign shifted from demon red to heretic purple, written like a statement to the universe- A warning as much as it was an advertisement. Its doors were taller and wider than the others on the bay, made for accommodating Striders who were a rare sight in general. As it was bay front, it used an air-lock like approach to the doors, to prevent its thumping bass from disturbing the beach, but it could be felt underfoot as you approached, even through heavy boots.

Approaching SOULPHUR had Sadie trembling with excitement. She was a strider class dragoness, 8,5ft tall with brilliant white skin, an over curvaceous figure that was barely contained within her black, skin tight and buckled outfit, caught somewhere between a dress and trench coat. Her boots clopped on the floor as she strode forward, towering above the rest of the queue, her abundance of breast acting like a social plough, shunting people away from her as they afraid of getting smacked by the behemoth things.

Her ears twitched, long and bat-like with wisps of soft black fur on their very tips, similar to the long black hair that reached down her back and often tickled her between the shoulder blades, she could feel the music from within, almost like it was talking to her, urging her to come closer. She had felt the pull of the bay from sectors away but here, it was intense, it had deep hooks that clawed at her desires and needs.

The queue moved quickly under the hazy lilac glow of the sky, to her concern though, all of them were turned away. From a circular, bunker-like opening on the ceiling on the entrance, an armoured camera would scan the potential customer before flashing red as their entry was denied.

No one knew exactly what the entry requirement was, gossip was rich in the queue, everyone had their ideas. Each new hopeful would walk up, wait a second and turn away, hopes dashed.

Some would flex their muscles, others would bat their eye lashes and playfully pluck a button or two on their silken shirts, a few would pull out a fat handful of cash and wave it at the camera but all met the same red rejection.

The chatter of the queue were drowned out by the whispers of SOULPHUR, she swore the orbs above the entrance turned to face her, but a second look confirmed they hadn't changed position at all.

But Sadie felt like she'd been chosen already, something in her gut urged her on towards the grand entrance.

But maybe that was just what SOULPHUR did?

Her thoughts shifted, in the blink of an eye, she was at the entrance.

The camera popped out of its armoured slot and lined her up within its lens.

A small, toothy grin washed over Sadie's face as she stared into the jet black optics.

The camera flashed green, the tinted glass ahead of her changed shade as well, a green hue filling the doors and they slowly parted with a quiet hiss. Behind her, the queue went deathly silent in anticipation, their jaws dropping as, finally, someone got into SOULPHUR.

Sadie stepped forward, the fresh air of the bay mixed with humid spice of SOULPHUR's interior, in the airlock, she felt the pulse of loud music more cleanly, vibrating through her toes in an almost teasing fashion.

The door closed behind her and the innards of SOULPHUR revealed themselves in their mystical glory.

In front, a single pole stood from floor to impressively tall ceiling on a stage, glossy and smooth. The walls and floors were a deep reflective black, with an impressive use of back lighting to produce an intoxicating cocktail of sweeping colours. Several large booths and seating areas lined the room, with a large bar across across one wall, all lit up and decorated as the rest was.

Around the grand room, laid a small number of completely incapacitated guests, lain slumped over booths, chairs and furniture. They were naked, slathered in warm looking orange slime and all struggling to get their breath back. None of them spoke or even turned to face her as she entered, they were all too preoccupied with recovering from… whatever happened to them.

The pulse of the music and the smell hit Sadie like a wall, her felt warm and fuzzy, the bass buzzed deeply within her chest and the spice in the air filled her lungs like a hug from the inside.

At the impressive looking bar, a single drone bartender stood, but he simply pointed across the room as Sadie looked over, towards a massive onyx set of carved double doors, just aside from the stripper pole.

She wasted no time and strode across the room, feeling warmth build across her body and within her loins.

She knew she was wanted.

Her journey led her up a set of intimidating stairs lit by hanging lanterns, each step was black and smooth and more importantly, Strider sized. A roamer would have struggled to ascend but a Critter would have had to have clambered like it was an assault course. It posed yet more questions in her mind but she pressed forward and it revealed another impressively large space, this one a little darker than the main room. Directly ahead, leaning on a huge desk, stood a ruby red figure, the same height as Sadie and staring at her with wicked eyes.

She was an impressive looking creature, fiery eyes, black sclera and a eruption of blood red jelly dreadlocks from the back of her head. Perfectly glossy skin reflected the light around her in shimmering, brilliant fashion. Her body was thick, strong and plump, with huge breasts and hips, contained neatly within a gothic and intimidating suit, clinging closely to her form. Like a ruby in an inferno, she stood smouldering and strong. Around her forehead, a crown of ashen carapace framed her face, curving and sharp.

The walls of the room were electronic displays and initially, they danced with simulated flames but suddenly darkened to nothing, leaving just the piercing glare of the one other occupant visible. Her pupils had a brilliant white halo lining them, it was like two burning stars staring at you across the room.

“Good evening, traveller” She called out, flicking her hand out, flame erupting over it and coating her glistening skin. “Welcome to my playground. I sense a hunger within you.”

“You sensed correctly.” Sadie grinned. “Do you have a menu I could browse or a list of activities I could partake in?” Her words were accompanied by a cheeky twist of her hips.

“Mhm.” The figure laughed and slowly strode forward. “You're playful. I like that.”

Sadie's tongue poked between the white lips of her muzzle and she noticed a distinct, heavy looking bulge on the figures pelvis, pressing tightly against the latex-like fabric of her outfit. The rumble of the speakers was muffled in this room, but still buzzed through Sadie's body in a tantalizing fashion, almost like the bass was trying to undress her.

“Let's go over this quickly so the fun can begin. SOULPHUR is not a club, it is my private estate. You have been allowed entry because I want to fuck you. My name is Moltezz but you will not utter it to anyone outside of this building, if anyone asks what the inside of SOULPHUR is like, you will tell them that they must come to experience it themselves and not a single word more.”

Moltezz stood a few in front of Sadie, only lit up by the flames dancing over her hand.

“If you agree to those terms, and agree to be my toy, your-body-my-bread for the next few days, you may stay and enjoy free drinks, food and a rest at the bar before you depart.”

The walls flickered on all around her, floor to ceiling height bright white letters appeared in bold fashion reading:


“Last chance to walk out that door, Sadie.” Moltezz grinned. “But we both know you're going nowhere.”

“I don't remember telling you my name…” Sadie's black tongue slithered out of her mouth and a sickening smile creased her face. “I agree. My body, your temple, Moltezz. Show me what you got.”

In a single, blinding swift motion, Moltezz flung her hand forward and a molten chain erupted from her palm, rocketing across the room and whipping around Sadie's neck, curling around and clacking together to form a collar, but the heat didn't so much as touch her skin at all despite it glowing red hot.

Sadie's bottom lip quivered as Moltezz tugged her closer, her body trembling as the anticipation within her began to show. Her eyes traced the outline of Moltezz's figure, her thick, muscular thighs pressing against her outfit tightly, the slight peak of her toned abs barely visible through the v section, the brilliant, soft and tightly packed cleavage above that.

The chain reeled in and brought the two of them face to face and Moltezz ran a clawed finger down Sadie's cheek.

“You will be compensated for any lost items and clothing at the end of our session.” Her words were followed by the tearing of fabric as her claw cut Sadie's outfit down the middle, the dragoness's milky white skin slowly unveiled and more cuts were made.

Strip by strip, cut by cut, every part of Sadie's clothes were shredded, leaving completely naked, Moltezz's eyes widened as she witnessed the true curves on her new pet…

The dragoness was heavily built with breasts that could crush a lesser man, soft and bouncy but big beyond statement. The molten mistress began to strut around, taking in all sides of the dragoness. A deliciously plump and thick rear was practically begging for something to be pushed inside it, with the dragoness purposefully raising her slender tail up so that her butt was fully exposed. Her front had a neat, slightly glistening pussy with two plump lips, sleek and tasty.

Moltezz ran a hand over one of Sadie's butt cheeks, feeling its softness and giving it a small squeeze, her fingers pressed easily into the milky skin of Sadie, with ample depth to enjoy.

“Oh my, Sadie. You may be able to handle me… that does get me excited!”

“My question is, Moltezz- do you prefer a pussy or a dick?”

Moltezz raised an eye brow, curiously.

The dragoness's pussy quickly morphed, turning dark grey and forming into an erect mass in front of the molten mistress, knitting together out of nothing, a towering cock and balls manifested, replacing the dragoness's femininity with a pecker to be proud of.

“That was impressive, Sadie. Psyonic I assume?” She pressed a finger onto the tip of Sadie's new manhood, watching the dragoness quiver. “Mhmm. Sensitive too. Unfortunately, you will not be sinking that length directly into me, pet, but we can certainly still play with it.”

She ran her fingers over the tip of Sadie's cock, slowly. Just caressing the head as if she were soothing a troubled pet, a slight dribble of pre already leaked from the tip, the milky white fluid slowly finding a path down the dark grey skin of Sadie's ample cock.

The mistress did a few more laps around her, taking in her every detail, the small bumps on her , the curves of her hips and stomach, the smooth texture of her neck and shoulders, the shape of her thighs and calves…

She stopped behind the dragoness and approached her.

Sadie felt the mistresses hands place softly but firmly on her thick hips and slowly, ran them up her back, then she pushed forward, reaching towards Sadie's titanic breasts and feeling their undersides, weighing them and squeezing them tantalisingly. She pulled her hands off and continued up the dragoness's back, feeling them up and over her shoulders, grasping her neck before running her fingers through her hair, to the base of her ears and then back down again, adding a gentle scratch this time as her fingers ran back over Sadie's form.

A harsh slap to the butt broke the relaxing tone however, as Moltezz stepped back round to Sadie's front.

“Put the dick away for now, Sadie. We will play with it later.” the mistresses eyes focused sharply on her subject, her cutting gaze like a blow torch on the skin.

The dragoness did as she was told, a brief twiddle of her fingers caused the long penis to fade away as if it never existed to begin with and soon, the dragoness's precious pussy was back, to Moltezz's subtle glee.

“I am satisfied with your proportions. We shall waste no more time.”

Moltezz pulled at her outfit, the bulge that Sadie spotted earlier was being unwrapped in front of her, the tightly fitted clothes being peeled away in mouth watering fashion. Sadie's eyes locked on it, she was already wound up, she wanted to see what Moltezz was packing.

Slowly, the behemoth was unveiled in all of its crimson, throbbing glory. Sadie's eyes widened as it was physically dragged out from under her clothes, taking several seconds to be fully revealed. Thicker than the mistresses forearm, brilliant red and longer than even Sadie's manifested dick, Moltezz's member was an absolute monster, this throbbing length was rapidly hardening and standing like a pillar of solid ruby in front of Sadie, with a slight glaze of bright orange liquid forming at the very tip of its tremendously thick head.

“I want it, mistress.” Sadie fell to her knees and opened her maw wide, staring up at Moltezz. Her black, flexible tongue rolled out of her maw and hung loosely, like the worlds most slippery welcome mat, complete with “tread on me” eyes that stared at the thick meat with nothing but utter desire.

“This is what I like about you, Sadie. You know what you want.”

The walls lit up again with fake fire, but the heat in the room was as real as the huge manhood that stood in front of Sadie. In the dancing LED flames, Sadie felt a rough hand grab a handful of her hair and pull her waiting maw towards the behemoth.

Her soft, wet, slippery tongue slid down the length of the meat, coating its significant underside with saliva as her mouth approached its head, placing a gentle kiss on its tip. Her hands felt down to the mistresses weighty balls, she had three fat nuts hanging under the immense shaft, each was heavy and soft in Sadie's hands.

“Feel free to squeeze them, you won't hurt me.” Moltezz sighed in pleasure, grinning with delight as the dragoness got to work on her titanic piece.

A wet hot mouth on a massive bit of meat, Sadie stared up at Moltezz's molten halo eyes as she sunk down onto her cock, coating it with her saliva and inhaling the mistresses sweet scent deeply. Her head bobbed up and down slowly as she began to work its immense length, each inch more succulent than the last, the trio of heavy balls hung in an almost threatening manner, ready to empty their significant payload at any moment.

A pleased purr rumbled through the dragoness's mouth as her own desire grew, her hungry pussy ached for this monster and as she reached down to pleasure herself a little, the mistress seized her hair tightly.

“Absolutely not. Your focus is me.” Moltezz snapped, pulling the dragoness face further into her cock.

Sadie merely purred again, placing both her hands onto the shaft and working it in rhythm with her blowjob, smooth scales rolling up and down the ruby meat with care. Her pace was relentless as the hot meat was driven into her throat, causing it to bulge out with every push.

Suddenly, the mistress yanked her cock free with a loud pop, its length dripping thick with Sadie's saliva.

“Very good Sadie. Lets try something else. Those breasts are too wonderful to not enjoy.”

Several thick chains descended from the ceiling, guided by Moltezz and they wrapped around the dragoness's limbs and tail, pulling her off the floor. She was left suspended horizontally in the air, her massive breasts hanging down, dark grey thick nipples pointed at the floor.

The chains pulled her up high, above Moltezz, her nipples just within mouths reach and below, Moltezz's razor sharp fangs inched out from behind her glossy lips as a wicked grin creased her face.

“Look at these. You could be considered corrupted with a rack like this!” Her hands began to feel up the sides of the gigantic , softly at first. She slowly sunk her fingers into the softness, groping with slowly increasing intensity, from loving squeezes to hungry grips. She pinched at the dragoness's nipples, prompting a sharp but pleased gasp and focused on a single one. Her hands gripped either side of the tit and she placed her hot maw onto its nipple, lapping at it to begin with.

“So soft, so welcoming.” Moltezz sighed, latching tightly onto Sadie's nipple and drawing it deep into her mouth. Sadie moaned loudly above, her loveless snatch wet and beginning to drip as it hungered for the monster below.

Moltezz's hands worked the massive breast in rhythm, rubbing it up and down and squeezing it all over like a massive stress toy, the mistress was relentless with the nipple in her mouth, sucking on it lovingly and closely watching the dragoness above twitch and moan.

The alien growled loudly into the nipple and broke her hold on it, lowering Sadie down on the chains so that she now hung horizontally at the mistress's pelvis. Another chain was flung around the huge hanging tits and pulled them together tightly, forming a huge vertical cleavage of supple, white, fuckable breast.

Without wasting a second, she drove her rock mammoth dick into the cleavage, growling loudly in pleasure as she felt her meat encompassed by Sadie's super soft gigantic tits. She held onto Sadie's hair again, preventing her from rocking too much as she enjoyed the silky, near endless depths of Sadie's tits.

She watched closely as the dick parted the cleavage and was swiftly eaten up, slowly pulling it out to enjoy the silky sensation. This chained up tit fuck went on for several minutes as Moltezz enjoyed herself, lubed up by Sadie's saliva and a gathering of amber goo that was coating the mistress's massive dick.

Sadie's sex addled brain rattled with every strong thrust into her tits, the power, the strength, the slicked up titan of a cock that was using her tits like a personal fuck hole was deeply pleasurable on a mental level, but her pussy ached for attention, jealous of the rhythmic power-fucking that her tits was currently enjoying.

Moltezz's legs went stiff and she stopped, her breathing heavy.

“No. You deserve better than that. I want you to feel my warmth inside you.” She pulled her dick free and breathed out slowly, calming herself. “You've been a wonderful pet. You will be rewarded.”

The mistress wandered around to the back of Sadie, pulling her tail up and fully exposing her rear. Two huge, white, plump butt cheeks with a button asshole placed between them and a dripping, hungry slit below it, several thick strands of clear goo hanging from it now as it desired a meaty filling.

Her height adjusted slightly to place her pussy at perfect height and Sadie bit her lip as she felt the mistress rub her fingers against the damp pussy.

“Do you want to feel good, Sadie?”

She felt two fingers slip inside her, teasing her, playing with her nerves and sending enjoyable pangs through her limbs.

“Lets prepare you for this.”

Moltezz kneeled and shoved her face into Sadie's hot pussy, sealing her mouth around it and driving her tongue into her, reaching around her legs and grabbing handfuls of her ass, spreading it wide and kneading it deeply.

Sadie hung in her restraints, pleasure filling her body as Moltezz ate her out, her tongue lapping at the dragoness's silken pussy with an expert edge, a strong orgasm rippled through her, making her clench her muscles across her form as her clit was sucked on and her ass cheeks spread wide by the alien's strong claws.

Upon feeling the dragoness's pleasure waves fade, the alien came off her clunge and stood again, rubbing her fingers against the sopping wet nethers and pushing her digits in again.

“As sweet as i'd imagined when I saw you arrive at the bay. Rest assured, I'll have my face down there more, Sadie.” She grinned wide, licking the juices off her lips and face. “But now, we have a main course to entertain.”

A couple more fingers were pushed into her, it was a much tighter fit but the mistress didn't relent. She began to push her hand back and forth, slick and wet. Sadie moaned loudly, her tongue hung out of her mouth as heat and pressure built. It was so much at first, she felt packed to the brim already, but slowly, she accustomed to the alien's heavy hand, pushing deep into her slicked up fuck hole.

“I think that's enough teasing. Time you got what you came for.” Moltezz smirked, readying the tip of her cock against Sadie's dripping pussy.

Slowly and with great care, Moltezz pushed the fat red tip of her cock into Sadie, watching with glee as it parted her neat lips with unstoppable power and immediately stretched her out, Moltezz hummed with delight as Sadie gasped loudly and bit her lip, wiggling in the chains as the beast behind her made short work of the initial penetration.

Inch by inch, she sunk the monstrous cock into the dragoness. Sadie would swear she was as full as she could be, yet more ruby cock disappeared into her, causing a visible bulge on her stomach where her body deformed to accommodate the absurd tool. The mistress gripped onto the girls hips tightly, her fingers sinking into the cushioned fuck handles nicely and steadying the dragoness further as there was yet more dick to go.

Soon, all Sadie could feel was that immense cock inside her, it swallowed her every sense, forcibly snapping her attention up, she felt like nothing more than a warm fuck-hole to the beast and it was everything she wanted, after what felt like an eternity in learning about her own capacity, she felt the bump of Moltezz's hips colliding with her own.

“Oh well done, Sadie. Its been a long time since I've been able to bottom out in anyone. Look at that! From tip to hilt, completely buried in your hole. Perfect.” The mistress breathed in deeply, inhaling the scent of the room and lovingly rubbing the dragoness's huge white ass, savouring the moment.

She began to retract her dick, inch by inch again, the entire length lubed by a combination of Sadie's saliva and the mistress's own lube goo. Sadie quivered and her eyes rolled back- this was just the first thrust! And yet, she was already in heaven. Moltezz felt impossibly big. She was already huge but something about this made her feel even bigger, like her dick was taking up every possible bit of space her body had. The feeling of that huge thing rubbing against her was just-

She quivered again, legs shaking in their chains, pleasure rippled through her, hard.

“You just lay there and be a good, warm cunt for me, Sadie. Good girl…”

Moltezz began her rhythmic fucking. It was slow and purposeful at the beginning, dragging her fat cock out to the tip and pushing it back in, ensuring every inch, every movement was felt. She hit every spot there was to hit, cascading ecstasy struck them both over and over again.

She began to pick up a little speed, not much, but enough to begin shaking the chains, sending ripples through Sadie's huge white ass when their bumped. A dick that big was difficult to move quickly and had to be done expertly, but soon enough, Moltezz's trio of fat, cum loaded nuts were swinging back and forth, eager to dump their significant payload deep within Sadie's curves.

Over and over, the fat cock stretched the dragoness out to her very limit, her nether lips parted wide, stomach bulging, slicked up and made to cum harder than anything in her life. Several leg shaking orgasms shuddered through her, each one taking the wind out of her lungs but her body cried for more and to her endless delight, more she received.

“Good girl. Who's my tasty little dragoness?” Moltezz leaned over her, nibbling on her ear.

The orgasm that followed was more intense, like the words were guiding the waves of pleasure to different parts of her body.

Sadie grunted loudly in response, it was all she could muster, the giant cock deep in her pussy was robbing her of higher brain function. Moltezz gripped her hips a little tighter and sped the pace up more, the long, tip to hilt thrusts were milking every nerve the dragoness had, her gigantic tits were rocking back and forth, the chain binding them together fell off, clattering to the floor and allowed the soft orbs to bounce free, rocked vigorously by the molten mistress's loud, heavy fucking.

Behind her, Moltezz stared down at her ensnared prize with nothing but complete lust and glee, she had held her seed for as long as possible but now, the urge was about to break the dam that barely held it back.

She shoved her thumb straight into Sadie's button asshole and clamped the rest of her fingers onto an asscheek, the second hand grabbed a handful of Sadie's hair, pulling it back and causing a loud groan from the dragoness as she felt the surge in strength from the mistress.

“You've been such a good pet so far, time for your ultimate reward.”

Moltezz grunted loudly and began to piston her fat cock in and out of the dragoness with tremendous force, much faster than before. This was no longer a strategic milking of the pets pleasure centre, it was now an animalistic, raw fuck, with the intention of spilling several litres of thick orange cum into the girls insides.

The pair panted together, the room filled with the sound of heavy, repeated, wet slaps and sharp inhales. Moltezz got faster again, her fat nuts rocking back and forth. She let go of the girls ass and tore at her own outfit, ripping at her top until one of own massive breasts was exposed to the hot air of the chamber, squeezing one of her bright orange nipples and kneading the breast as her climax built.

“Fuck- i'm gonna fill you to the brim, you perfect little whore!”

“Do it!” Sadie managed to vocalise through the panting and moaning.

Moltezz slapped her hips against the dragoness with a room shaking roar, pushing every inch she had into the girl and felt pleasure overwhelm her. Her cock pulsed deep within Sadie and a torrent of bright orange seed erupted from it.

Sadie felt a blistering, scolding heat within her, for just a second, but it soothed and cooled to a deeply enjoyable, filling warmth. She felt her insides fill and expand, heavy and used. Her stomach bulged outwards again and another world shaking orgasm flooded her body as Moltezz continued to hold onto her tightly, keeping the girl's pussy pinned against her.

The warmth kept coming, more ooze filled her until her belly was fat and round with gloriously warm fluid. It made her feel relaxed, contented and completely used, like a good pet.

Slowly, Moltezz retracted her cock, inch by inch once again, it was completely covered in orange goo and copious amounts of it spilled out and over the floor with a loud splash as she finally pulled herself free of her new pet.

Sadie hung heavy in the chains, her belly soft and tremendously full, her ass slightly red and sore from the heavy pounding it had just endured. Her mind peaceful and empty, only able to contemplate the litres upon litres of warm goo inside her. There was no stress or upset here, only pleasure and warmth, and it was deployed by the gallon. Her legs would quiver every now and again, aftershocks from their performance.

Moltezz strode around to the front of Sadie, pressing the sopping wet, monstrously thick cock against Sadie's face, who rubbed against it, her tongue darting out of her mouth to wrap around it, sinking through the slime to get to the ruby surface of it.

“Oh my, such a good plaything. I'll be keeping you for as long as I can get away with!”the mistress grinned, deeply satisfied with their coupling. “That's round one done. Lets see if your ass can handle me next…”

A menacing cackle escaped Moltezz's maw and the two met eyes. Sadie just couldn't wait for more…

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