Indian Family, Son marries mother and sister

Indian Family, Son marries mother and , It was 15 years ago my mom and dad had been separated, my dad had left my mom when she was 23, saying he was going for a business meeting and never returned, all she had got was a letter saying he was sorry and he was not happy with her. The event left my mom in charge of her two kids, my sister, Uma, a year older than me, now at 19, a shapely young woman, full of joy and life, a perfect figure you might say, a 36-24-36, and myself, Raja, at 18 just out of junior college, well built, very fiercely protective of the two women at home after seeing Mom go through the tears as we grew up, I always wanted to make sure no one dared to take advantage of them.

My mom, Rukmini, was a dynamic woman, who inspite of having two young kids to support started her own small business and in a short time became successful enough to give us kids a comfortable living, and all this she managed from a little shed she rented near our home.

My Mom, was very attractive, keeping herself fit, as this helped her business, people always like a business person who takes care of themselves, thinking their products would also be as well taken care of as themselves. Of course this also led to men ogle at her and as a kid I found this very strange. When people asked about my father, this would leave me angry and my sister in tears. Mom would then comfort us saying she would take care of us better than any man in her life would and decided she would not entertain any proposals from any men and just devote herself to us. She did a great job raising us, both of us very independent in our thinking.

After finishing my matriculation, at 16, I started helping out mom and mom was glad as she needed the help, my sister was more content with her make-up and thinking about boys. She really did not care much about her studies and mom made up her mind to get her married and asked her if would like to be married. My sister was happy and rather glad to quit her studies and be with a man. After making sure, she was not in love with anyone, she started searching a groom for her. This was really a tiresome exercise as the one question we could never answer was “Where is the father?”. Mom would wind up in tears and I would end up getting angry and would yell and walk away. I ended up consoling mom, saying that she made us better than anyone with both parents would have. Mom would listen to this and smile and rest her head on my shoulders thanking me. My sister, understanding that she was, told mom, she should not worry about all these things and there will be someone who will marry her (my sister) inspite of all these odds. “There are good people in this world” she would console my mom and asked her to stop.

My sister, had felt bad throughout this whole ordeal, even though the guys had never really rejected her, it was more like the parents who cared about it than the boys. My sister and me both decided, that mom should get married, after all, she was only 38 and she looked very young and there was no shortage of well to do men who wanted to marry mom. We needed to get mom to talk about this and make her feel that we are comfortable now that we were all grown up and having a man in her life would not threaten us. So we asked mom and started talking to her.

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