Having Sex With my twin Sister

She was obviously feeling sometype of pleasure from me touching her in her sleep, and that scared me. In my mind, she could wake up at any moment if I kept on massaging her vagina and I did not want to get caught with my hand inside her underwear. At that point I thought to myself, why am I doing this. I can just go to the bathroom and rub one out myself, rather than potentially get caught by my sister as I fondled her genitals in her sleep. I wanted to touch her, and kiss her, lick her genitals, suck on her clit, and suck on her nipples, but it wasn’t possible and I shouldn’t even be attempting this at all. At that point I got really disappointed in myself and lifted my hand from her pants. I unwrapped my hands from her and turned around. What am I doing I thought. I should just continue as normal and not make things weird. I was still aroused but then just decided that it was better to just go to sleep. About a minute later, as I’m trying to go to sleep and forget about what I just did, I am IMMEDIATELY shot with fear from what I’m about the hear next.

Tori: Why did you stop?

I was speechless. I couldn’t even respond back, so I just layed there, facing away from her.

Tori: Well… Jules (nickname for me)

I didn’t say a word. All of a sudden, I could feel Tori move and knew she sat up straight. A second later I sat up and turned around to look at her.

Me: Tori… I’m so -so -so sorry. I should have asked you and I shouldn’t have touched you without asking. I was just really horny and curious to know what another girl felt like. I’m really sorry.

Tori looked at me with a huge grin on her face while I was shot with terror of getting introuble.

Me: Are you going to tell mother?

Tori: Woah woah, it’s alright, I would never tell your mother to get you in trouble. You know you could have just asked me if you wanted to feel for me.

Me: I know I know, I was just afraid that because you were straight I would make you feel uncomfortable and things would be awkward between us.

Tori: No never. I mean I love being open with our sexual dires and I would have let you touch me if you really wanted to. I mean wouldn’t you let me touch you if I wanted too?

Me: Yea i would. So… how long were you awake for.

Tori: All of it… and I felt all of it.

Me: yea im sorry

Tori: You don’t have to say sorry, I didn’t say it was a bad thing. if it makes you feel any better I actually kinda liked it. It felt nice.

Me: Well I’m glad we’re still cool and I love you.

Tori: Love you too. But you know mother is still out, and we could… finish what we started.

Me: For real. I’m in.

Tori: Ok then, let’s do it. [said with laughter]

We both laughed and then sat upright in the bed. We were about to do what I always lusted for, and what I’ve been fantasizing, having sex.

Chapter 10 – Climax –

We both grinned at each other and took off the covers. I was especially grinning out of nerves and excitement. We were on the upright, directed towards the TV, but turned and tilted our bodies to face each other. We leaned up against the bed wall and went in close.

Please wait…

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