Sister fears incest

“I love you, Brad. You know that. Good night.”

Her scent lingered as I watched her walk back to the bedroom, thinking she must have felt the hard-on I sported because of her. If she did, she gave no sign. Try as I might, I could not shake the sexual need I had felt for her earlier. Jenna’s bum swayed lightly as she walked and the sight of her made my shaft jerk. I realized that from that day on, no matter if I tried to deny my feelings, I would not be able to help looking at my in a sexual way. My hard-on was all the proof I needed. And, probably, all the proof Jenna needed of my deviant sexual desire for her.

That night, I masturbated thinking of Jenna. I couldn’t help thinking of her as I sought my release.

Saturday morning. We had breakfast and tried to act as normally as possible but there was strain in our manners, perhaps unavoidably. In the afternoon, we went for a walk in the park nearby and we fed some ducks.

On Saturday evening, we watched one of my DVDs, an action comedy. I had changed to a T-shirt and tennis shorts, Jenna wore a short nightshirt she kept at my place and her legs were bare, like mine. We sat comfortably on the couch in our usual movie position, close to each other, our legs touching on the coffee table and often entwined or rubbing. I could smell her perfume faintly. This was no different from what we usually did as we watched movies together but, on that Saturday night, I had not expected Jenna to sit close to me and, even less so, to twirl her shapely, beautiful legs all around mine as she now did. It was not long before I had a huge hard-on and, while I tried to hide it by untangling my legs from hers, Jenna give no indication that she had noticed.

Well, the bulge just would not go away. When I got up for some beer, Jenna noticed it right away.

“I’m sorry, Brad, I’m not trying to be a smart ass but I can’t help seeing your problem. I hope you find a woman soon to help you out.”

I could see my sister was trying to make light of the situation since she could hardly ignore what was happening to me. When I came back with our beers, I sat a bit further away from her and we remained apart until the movie’s end. I turned off the TV, we kissed good night and went to our rooms. Jenna slept in the spare bedroom, as usual. I went to my own bedroom but sleep was long in coming and I finally had to masturbate to thoughts of my sister before I could sleep.

Jenna went back home after lunch on Sunday. Things seemed fine between us and she said she would be back the following Friday before supper. With a quick light kiss on my cheek, she was gone. I began missing that wonderful woman, my sister, right away. I could not believe the change in what I felt for Jenna. Only three days before, she had been… just my sister. I loved her very much but, other than that, nothing had been special about our relationship and I had never consciously entertained lascivious thoughts about her. What was happening to me?

On Tuesday night, around eleven, I called her. I just had to do so. She had been asleep but said it was all right. I asked if I could speak to her frankly and, after some hesitation, she said yes. I supposed she had guessed what I wanted to talk about because she asked me not to say anything that would embarrass her.

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