Sister fears incest

“I can relate to these two. I can’t say I particularly miss having a girlfriend but the lack of sex is killing me. How about you?”

Jenna turned to me, clearly startled, her face slowly turning red.

“Just what do you have in mind, Brad?”

She seemed flustered and I realized my question had not been exactly tactful.

“Well, I haven’t had sex since Carol left and it’s driving me bonkers, I just wondered if you were having a hard time of it too, that’s what. You’ve been alone for months too, like me… Well, for my part, I’m getting fed up having to masturbate all the time, I mean, I so need a woman’s touching me it’s driving me up a wall.”

Jenna was looking at me with a strange look in her eyes.

“You can’t expect me to help, Brad, you’re my . You’d better not start thinking of me for sex, I hate to even think about what you’re suggesting. Where did that come from?”

My appeared almost in tears and I realized I had seriously blundered.

“Sorry girl, I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me. Please excuse me, there was no good reason to say what I said, it won’t happen again, ever.”

Suddenly ashamed, I reached for Jenna. For a moment, I thought she would draw away from me but she remained as she was and let me put my arms around her and I rested my head against hers. Our parents had died some years ago, we were alone now and I was ready to do anything to avoid spoiling the great relationship I had with my kid sister.

“There, there, don’t worry, I’ll never say things like this to you again, I made a mistake and didn’t think things through, I was a fool to imagine you’d respond to my stupid feelings and, you know, it’s the , really, that I’ve seriously thought about you in that way.”

Jenna nuzzled her nose against my neck and I tightened my arms around her in response.

“I don’t know what came over me, I think the story in that movie got me thinking things. About my needs and, as I watched the film, I got the idea in my head that you must probably feel the same I do. Guys seem to have needs all the time and girls less so, maybe that’s why, but I won’t make the same mistake again, please forget what I tried with you just now.”

Jenna raised her head and kissed my cheek.

“It’s okay, Brad, I understand. I forgive you, what happened, happened, that’s all, we’ll just have to stop thinking about it, forget it’s ever happened.”

She kissed me again then drew away from me and stretched her arms, yawning.

“Will you put me up for the night?”

Jenna had slept over several times in the past, even if her house was not far away. We found comfort in being together and I was glad that she had asked to stay the night. We had to smooth things over and this being Friday evening, we did not have to work the next day so it was kind of natural to have her around for the whole weekend.

Jenna did not wait for my permission, sure it would be granted. She got up, stretched again and walked toward the second bedroom, the one she always used. Reaching it, she turned around and came to me. I got up and opened my arms. She pressed against me, got up on her toes and kissed my lips briefly.

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