Sissy husband and slut wife host poker night for six real men

Slick Rick tells me to come over and hand him the riding crop.

“27 times. That is how many times you hit your wife. If we round up, that’s thirty. With six of us here that’s 5 each. Go around the table and offer your ass and the crop to each man.”

I say “Yes, Sir” and hand the crop to Steve and bend over. Crack! My ass lights up with pain.

“Thank you, sir.”

This continues for the next 20 minutes as each man reminds me I am theirs to abuse. Connor hits me extra hard as I think he got a bit mad at me for hitting his date so readily. This continues to add to the evidence that Connor’s and Paula’s relationship is more than just lust and kink.

When I get to Derek, he has me take my five on my ass then makes me stand in front of him facing him. He hands the crop to Paula and says “left nipple 5, right nipple 5.”

Paula smiles and first reaches over and licks both my nipples. She then whips the crop around and catches my right upper chest with a hard blow.

Laughing she says, “whoops I missed.” Everyone knows she was just paying me back, and we all knew I deserved it. Derek reaches over and grabs my left nipple and roughly pinches it. “Aim there” he says as he points at my red nipple.

And Paula’s aim is dead on. She hits my nipples five times each and it hurts like a bastard. I obediently say thank you each time. I am actually grateful that Derek gave Paula the opportunity to pay me back. It will make it easier for us to have shared pain once the men leave and it is just us.

Scott is the final man with the riding crop and he does not hold back. My ass is absolutely on fire and he just keeps going past five. I am now the one crying and squeaking out my thank yous. The final count is 12. I am thankful when he finishes.

“Stay bent over bitch!” Scott is not done with me yet. I feel lube being poured down my ass. Soon after Scott roughly enters me.

He talks to me as he slowly but firmly pumps his cock in my ass.

“Remember when I first fucked your wife. I took her from you as you were celebrating your anniversary. It was supposed to be a romantic night out and a evening of sex back at that top end hotel you booked. Why don’t you tell everyone how it happened.”

“Yes, sir. It was our anniversary and we were having a drink at the hotel bar and when I left to go use the bathroom. You came over to chat up my wife.”

Scott chimed in, “I made up a bullshit story about meeting a client. But I was there to find a hot woman to . And what is better than fucking another man’s hot woman!”

“Yes sir. By the time I returned you had my wife entranced. I came back, but I wasn’t really there. Finally Paula had to go to the restroom.”

“Actually I told Paula to take a powder so I could explain to boy here that I was going to fuck his wife.” Scott emphasized his words with hard thrusts into my ass.

“I never knew that sir. But I do remember you wasted no time in telling me you were going to take Paula up to the room I booked and make her yours. I was stunned but also stupidly aroused.”

“Yes, your pants tented up so fast I almost started laughing. And what was your (thrust) response (thrust)?”

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