One night changed everything for a mother and her son

“You know, Aiden, I am looking forward to the day we can talk to each other like adults.

“What are you talking about? We already do.”

“No. I don’t think so. You still get so squeamish around the topic of sex.”

“I wouldn’t say squeamish…”

“Do you not enjoy it?”


“Just answer the question, my love.”

Aiden looked at her, his eyes narrowing.

“Of course I do. Who doesn’t? But discussing it with my is…”

“… is what?”

“It’s wrong. Did you ever talk about sex with your mother?”

“Yes, absolutely. She was quite adamant that we-“

“Okay, okay. What about your dad? Grandpa.”

“… That’s different.”

“Ah! You see!”

“No! Noooo, that’s not it!” Evelyn said as she set her drink down. “I didn’t have any qualms about discussing my sex life with my father. I even used to tease him a little. But he was the one to avoid it, just like you young man. He was from a different generation. He had a more conservative mindset in regard to expressions of sexuality.”

“… So what are you trying to say?”

“That you, my son, need to loosen up. There is nothing you can tell me that would make me think less of you.”

Aiden sat in quiet contemplation swirling his glass and watched the circular motion of the amber liquid within. He lifted his glass and downed the contents.

“Fair enough. I will try.”

“Thank you.”

Aiden cleared his throat.

“So… where did you learn that trick?”


“With the pawn.”

“Oh,” she laughed. “Would you believe me if I told you I once dated a magician?”

“Get out,” Aiden said completely flabbergasted.

“Your grandfather was fuming mad. He couldn’t stand the fact that I was with an entertainer. ‘He could never support you!’ he’d said. ‘Not the kind of person you’d want for a family!’ Oh, he was so upset,” Evelyn laughed.

“That sounds like Grandpa.”

“Well, he wasn’t always so grumpy, but yes, that did fire him up.” Evelyn sighed to herself. “In retrospect, perhaps it was a fling just to stick it to him.”

“You dated him to get back at Grandpa?”

“I don’t know. Perhaps. Or maybe just wanted a little fun.” A crooked smile crossed her face. “He was a lot of fun.”

Aiden opened his mouth to reply, then chose silence. Evelyn took note.

“Care for another?” she asked as she stood, crossing the room.

“I really shouldn’t,” Aiden said. “I’ve probably had too much as is.”

He watched her walk away. There was something special about the way her hips swayed with each step. Her dress hung to her form reminding all who saw her that this wasn’t a lady, but a woman. A real woman.

“Oh pish-posh,” she said. She felt his eyes on her and the deep thrill that came with it. “I’m having another. You’re not going to let me drink alone, are you?”

She turned and leaned against the bar, posing while batting her innocent doe eyes.

Aiden sighed as he tried to keep the room level.

“Go ahead,” he said. “But I’ve never known a lady who can handle as much liquor as you.”

Being quite pleased, Evelyn turned and smiled to herself while pouring the drinks.

“Perhaps I’m not as ladylike as you think.”

She leaned forward, bending further against the counter than she knew was necessary, shifting her weight from her right and left foot. She didn’t need to look in the mirror to know where his eyes were looking.

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