Having Sex With my twin Sister

We were at the dinner table and our mother was asleep. I was feeling extremely anxious because I knew our mother was very judgemental and wanted us to go down a specific path, her path. But my sister took my “I think I’m gay” more lightly. She was clear that she didn’t care and that it made sense given my distaste with some of the guys she has pointed out. She even laughed about it and asked if I even masturbated to porn, which I spilled that out too. It wasn’t until the next day, I wrote my mother a note and stuck it on her bed. It was pretty long but it basically confessed to my arousal of women and pleaded not to be disappointed or to “hate me”. Now thinking back on it, it was really insecure of me to think my mother would instantly hate me for anything I would have done, but I digress. Later that day my mother sat down and gave me a note that she wrote, stating that I could never do anything for her to look down on me, and that I should be proud of what makes me aroused. From then on I was open about being a lesbian, and felt more comfortable.

Chapter 3 – Sexual Comfortability –

Around the beginning of summer(2021), I was deep into my sexuality. At school I would outline my crushes and talk about them with my sister. I also would think about boobs, vaginas, and other feminine aspects in my free time, but most of all, I would masturbate… a lot. My sister too, also masturbated frequenty as we both never actually dated anyone, and that was evident by how horny we were. We would even sometimes text each other when mother was occupied so the other could rub one out. My sister would sometimes stall my mother and bring about a conversation downstairs just so I could reach orgasm in my room upstairs. Eventually we admitted to masturbating and sometimes watching porn to our mother, even thought she already knew… she’s wasn’t dumb lol.

Mother: “You think I don’t notice how long you’re in the bathroom for, or how long you’re in the shower for. You should give me more credit.”

We laughed it off and became more open about sex. I was a little insecure about it but weridly, Tori loved the fact we could talk about sex with our mother. It then escalated to admitting upfront that in the past hour one of us was masturbating or going to masturbate, and it was completely normal. In fact mother enjoyed the fact that we were growing up and appreciated how she was in the loop of our sexuality. The last thing she would want is for us to hide things from her or be secretive.

Chapter 4 – Open Nudity –

Me being a lesbian also didn’t make our household akward like I thought it would at first. Before I came out, my sister and I always used to undress in front of each other, and even in front of our mother. Hell, even sometimes mother would undress fully in front of us, but we didn’t think anything of it. I was surprised to see that the same was true after I came out, that our bodies were still free with each other and no one thought it weird. I guess this is a good time to describe each of our bodies. Through the numerous times I have seen my family naked, it has engraved in my mind how they look. My mother had a skinny figure with perky tits that were a bit saggy but nonetheless beautiful. She exercised often so she had some muscle on her legs and abs. But her vagina was pretty arousing. I’ve never been really aroused by my mother but her vagina encompassed my thoughts here and there when I masturbated. It was basically a large flappy vagina with stiff black hair above it. It was mildly hairy but still looked patchy. She was also a little wrinkled in the face due to old age but I always said that made her more beautiful.

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