Getting Drunk with Sister

It is indeed wrong to have sex with a close relative but sometimes circumstances lead you to that. I am Twister a 25 year old from Dhaka working as a mechanic in an industrial firm. After passing twelweth I went to another city for learning skills. I returned back to family after two years. As for my family My real mother died when I was 8. My dad had remarried and gave me a step-mother who then gave me a step-. Name of my step-mother is Flow and she is 38. Name of my step-sister is Lajjah and she is a student of 10th standard. I looked at her as my real little sister till last year.

At that time, youth has just begun to form in her body. We were close to each other and I never thought wrong about her. One day we were eating fish at dinner. Suddenly a part of fish bone got struck in her throat. As she choked mom tried to give her water but I quickly put her head to side. I put my finger in her throat and slapped her chest. She just vomited it out. She became normal and my parents appriciated me. She thanked me with a red face. Later I remembered how her mango seize breasts felt in my hand. I realised that her breasts have gone through adolescence to the stage of youth. Inside the house she didn't wear a bra, and her breasts would tremble in beautiful rhythm. They were small but looked large due to her delicate body and slim waist. She is very open to me and our relationship is good. I suffered from guilt but I could not stay away without watching them. One of the reasons was she herself as when talking to me, she would stand close to me and would look happy.

Another day, our parents went out to another city for attending a marriage. My sister and I were left alone at home. In the evening it started to rain. I have to admit that I was in habit of tasting secretly. I used to keep a bottle of wine hidden in my room for occadional warm up. That day I started sipping wine Because of rain and absence of parents. Meanwhile, I saw Lajjah coming up and shouting that cloths she put for drying on roof are getting wet. She wanted me to help her in collecting them. I came out of my room and followed her to roof. To our bad luck cloths were wet already. We collected them and laid them down on a cot inside the top most shelter. After a couple of rounds in open we got soaked. I saw that her dress was stuck on her body due to wetness in rain, her braless breasts, belly and a panty were visible under the dress.

My room was near to roof so she came with me in my room and started drying her hairs with my towel. As she started rubbing her hair with a towel, I kept looking at her body charms. Suddenly she saw the bottle of wine on the side table and was shocked. I was caught red handed so I admitted that I take it occasionally to warm up in cold nights. I requested her to keep it a secret. She was in a naughty mood so she said she want to taste it too as she was feeling cold. I had little choice. We sat down on bed and I prepared two drinks for us. I wanted her to just taste but she asked for more. After two drinkes Lajjah became intoxicated. She laughed for no reason.

-Why are you laughing?
-Why are you looking at me
-Just appreciating your beauty
– You never told me that I am beatiful
– Your smile is so beautiful
– Hee hee hee
– Your eyes too
– And?
– Hair
– And?
– please say more bhai
– Your lips, Your hand, and arm
(She hides her face with shame)
– And?
-Your everything is beautiful
– Hee hee hee
– Why are you laughing?
– Have you seen all of me?
– No, but understandably
– What is understood
– I can tell if you don't mind
– No, you can tell me everything. I have given you all the rights
– So, tell you what?
– You said nothing about my ass, right?
– it is hidden inside the panty
– Do you want to see it

I was shocked but it was an opportunity of life time. We have to take our dresses off as they were wet. I was sure that she was fully ready to get fucked.

– If you can take your dress off, I will take mine off
– Hee hee hee … good idea
– please! Do not tell anyone!
– Oh bhai, why would I tell anyone…

As I dropped my dress, my cock came out erect in the open air. It was raining outside and a storm of lust was building in us inside. I was watching my sister getting undressed. She took shirt and shalwar off by herself but asked me to help her in taking her panty down. She was more beautiful then my imagination. I was awestruck by looking at her sweet breasts.

– I can say that I never saw such shapely thighs and hips before
– and what is inside
– will you allow me a look?
– I am all yours, look as much as you can

She laid herself down on my bed and opened her legs. Before looking inside I gently moved my lips under her ear and said, I love you. I opened her legs and kissed soft crack of her cunt. Her body shivered despite wine.

– Your cunt is very beautiful. Pink. It's a little wet.
– I'm in a lot of trouble. Will you hug me a little?
– Why not, Come on

Then I hugged her to my chest. She continues to hug my body. I found her lips and filled them with kisses. Lajjah also responded strongly to my kisses. We keep sucking on each other's lips like crazy. Due to many days of hunger, my hand went to her chest. I touched her left breast with my right hand. Soft as a fluffy rubber, no bra, no shirt. I continue to rub the breast with my right hand. Then I pressed both breasts with both hands. There is little hanging, that has multiplied her beauty. I lowered my face and smelled her breast.

– You like these
– They are very soft, it feels good to hold. Can I kiss
– Not one, but kiss a lot

I touched the light brown nipple of the breast with the tip of my tongue. My sister trembled terribly. I saw the boot getting stiff. I took the stem in my mouth without delay. Then I started sucking like crazy. How long right breast, how long left breast, I sucked two breasts like this for a long time.

– brother, from today you are not my brother but lover.
– All right, I agree
– Hee hee hee, you're so naughty. You bit me.
– I'll bite more, I'll eat more. I am hungry. Let's mate.
– I'm scared
– Fear of what
-I heard it pains a lot
-Who says
– I heard from friends
– Dont worry, I'll do it slowly
– Why are you so eager, you monster?
– For you
– Crazy
– Look, at me, I am not big
-Oma !!!! Is it so big ??? I can't, please. Dont scare me
– Come on, See how comfortable it will be. You hold it in your hand, the fear will go away
– Why so hard?
-How will it to enter if not hard
– It hurts when such a hard thing enters.
– Your hole is bigger than that. You will see
– No, mine is too small
– Not small, it's like rubber. It will grow up when I will enter. Come closer, open a bit.
-Slow Bhai slow please
– bhai again?
– Hee hee, then what should I call

I let the head of my cock slip in. She looked at it by raising her head.

– Call anything. Look, the head is soft, I entered the head first. Now Open your golden door a little
-Hey? The head is in? It didn't hurt, hee hee hee
– see wetness increasing as my cock touched. Now you will get less pain.
– Yes, I noticed the wetness. You get wet as soon as you start getting anything there.
-Then let my cock enter princess. Feel comfortable?
– Looks like I'm very comfortable with you.
– Now let me put a little more pressure?
-Give it
-Ahhhhh I am getting in
-Oooo… no it hurts, no more
– A little more.
– Oh, oh, oh, I can't
– Yes, you can
– Why does it hurt so much? You're bursting. Not today, please please.
– It's hard to get in and out of a cunt halfway. Take a minute. For the first time!
– Well, we don't have condoms !! (Defeat)
-So !!
-Take out all of it
-Keep it for a while, I will throw my goods out
– No please, if I get pregnant, it will be a big scandel. Bring a condom, I'll let you in again
– Well, don't stop, don't be afraid.
After a minute I took the penis out of her vagina. I came out and spread the goods on the bed. She looked at my cock in amazement.

After some time, I cleaned my cock and Lajja decided to clean herself. I put a dry dress on me and pulled out an umbrella. “Where are you going?” She asked.
I told her that I was going out to bring some food. “I know you are going to buy condoms.”

I went to market and tried to buy condoms from a new drug store as I didn't want to get recognised. I picked one pack but as soon as I reached to counter, I saw a neighbor standing there. He saw the pack in my hand.
-Hey Twister, what for
-A friend getting married today, he assigned me the job

He looked at my brand and suggested me to buy a better brand. I followed his advise and returned home after buying sandwiches and wine also. Lajjah was on ground floor now and wearing a new dress. Still she was without a bra, which meant she was ready to continue the fun. By now Hunger replaced sex. Together we ate sandwiches and sipped some more wine. She started getting more and more frank.

– You brought the thing
– Yes. In my pocket
– Savage beast. Want to fuck his innocent sister
– Dont call the love, a fuck, I don't see you as a sister.
– Who says love?
– So what
– Animal need
– how cute

I grabbed her by the neck, caressed her cheek and started kissing her. She enjoyed it by closing her eyes. Our tongues started licking each other. I took her shirt off gently and put my hand on one of her breasts. I started to press one and suck another. I untied her Shalwar in one pull and she didn't say anything. I inserted a finger in her cunt and found it very wet.

After this I put her on the bed. The thing named coyness was gone from her eyes and she was looking like a hungry prostitute. I also took off my dress and put my lips on her pussy. She too pushed my head and applied the pussy on my lips. A minute later we turned into 69 and started sucking each othet genitals.

– I don't want this in mouth … somewhere else

She slipped my cock out. I put a condom on and she looked with interest. Then I set my barata on her pussy and gave a little push. Lajjah yelled “Oh Maa” but the voice didn't come out much as I closed her lips by kissing. And my growing erection pierced her young cunt and went inside and got stuck. She managed to free her mouth from me.

She : please, get it out.
Me: are you in pain still?
She: Yours is so big that I am out of breath.
Me: At first everyone is like this, then it gets better.
She : can you put it in pairs.

I took out the cock for a while and put it again with light pressure. The pussy of the young girl was very tight so I felt very good. After doing this for a while, I took a step in pairs with full force, this time half of the growth went inside her hymen. She cried And began to squirm in pain. I stayed like that for a while. The blood was coming out. Without her realizing it, I wiped it with a cloth. Then I started tapping slowly. Her eyes are watering. But on the other hand I started to fuck her without meditating, I took out the barata along the mouth of the guda and gave another step in pairs. This time the barata became tight inside the whole guda.

As she moaned, I took her lips in my mouth and started sucking and sucking and tapping in pairs. I pushed the lump of cock in the pussy.

She : you are fucking your sister, are you not ashamed
Me : I know this but my organ have no mind

Unheard of her, I struck a blow again, and broken into the sister's pussy. She buried her nails on my back and said while groaning with pain.

She : Ah… Bainchod… Will you tear me apart?

I smiled and started drinking her boobs. After a few seconds she was relieved and she lifted the ass and gestured. I pulled out the cock and gave it to her. This time, the entire cock had gone inside her pussy.

– uh uh uh uh … iss isss
– No more giggling
– Ahhh I am going to die
– are you listening the sounds of your cunt
– Singing, due to good weather

Fucking started happening. Her breathing became thicker and thicker. The presure on my cock was increading. Some twenty minutes later I left my goods in her pussy. After fucking, I opened the condom and poured the goods on her chest. We both got tired. I lay down near her and caressed her chest. she giggled and We started again with some rest. I fucked her twice more that night. After spending a night with her my cock started to hurt. I was happy that our parents came back.

I failed to find another opportunity and thought that whatever we did was due to intoxication. Whenever we met in presence of parents, she behaved normal. Then came a Sunday. It was morning and I wanted to rest more. Suddenly I felt her weight over my body. She was not heavy but a weight is weight. I opened my eyes and surprised to see her.

– What are you doing here
– just checking how much you missed me
– get up as parents are in home
– father gone to meet a friend and mom gone to market
– l love you Lajjah but what we did was a mistake
– You don't want to share your wine with me
– You can take wine but I was referring to sex
– what? Never heard about it
– come on

She was hugging me and rubbing me and despite my sober talk I was getting an erection. Rolling her hips back and forth she ran her hands on my chest. I squeezed her hips and kissed her. I reached for my condom and she got up a little to allow me to lower my dress and put a condom on my cock.

– will you allow ne to ride you like a jockey
– OK but without a saddle

She dropped her dress and sat down on my belly. I pointed my cock to her pussy and she scotted forward on her knees. Very slowly she lowered her body on my hard phallus. As her moist pussy swallowed the head of my cock both of us moaned jointly. Despite having a lubricated condom my entry in her cunt was not smooth. I moved my hands to her hips and she moved her hands to my shoulders. In this position she took my entire cock in her cunt. She started moving her body up and down on me, first slowly and then faster. Soon she left my shoulders and sat fully on my cock. It was a great sensation to see her do most of her fucking by herself. I lasted longer then her because she fell down on my chest soon and started sobbing. She kept sitting on me during my climax as she knew, I was wearing a condom. As I cooled down she poked me on my hairy chest.

– I think you deserve a good breakfast now
– and you deserve a little taste of wine
– Get dressed and go down, its in the kitchen

I brought my wine bottle out and handed it to her. I went down to eat something. On return I was shocked to see her sleeping. I called her name but there was no response from her. Was she faking her sleep? She was sleeping naked and it was a big turn on for me. Instead of waking her up, I took some wine and then I put another condom on my cock.

– wake up or get ready to get fucked in your butt

Slowly she turned in sleep and lay down on her belly. Her hips were up and legs open. I let my cock slip in her asshole. Her shitbox was not as wet as her pissbox but it was warmer.

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