Family Fun Hubby, wife and mother in law get better acquainted

They both went along with that and within a day or so we had the time in Paris fairly well thought out and we agreed we would play by ear the route through Northern France after Paris. Nick wanted to see the Normandy battlefields but after that the time was wide open.

The night before our flights was hectic. Nick seemed to be able to pack everything he was going to need within an hour. Mom and I were so undecided as to what to bring we were screaming at each other.

Nick came into the bedrooms with a tray and three glasses of single malt scotch. I had never tasted it before but had heard how upscale it is among the connoisseurs of fine whiskey so I thought I would give it a try. After all it is brewed in the distilleries of Scotland for the so called knowledgeable drinkers of the world so it must be good. Right? Mom knew all about it and was ready for our tasting.

Nick held up his glass in a toast saying he hoped our trip would be a safe one, filled with the kind of happy memories we would each cherish for the rest of our lives. Very sweet and thoughtful. He sipped his scotch but when I took a sip, my mouth was on fire. Damn, it may be upscale but it burns like hell if you aren’t used to it.

We flew into Newark to catch the flight to Paris, which didn’t leave until evening. It seems all of the flights to Europe leave the US during the evening so they can arrive in Europe around seven AM when the six-hour time difference is taken into consideration.

We did have some fun on the flight to Paris. The seating was three on each side of the plane with about five in the center section. We were on one side with Nick between us. Sometime around midnight I asked the flight attendant for a blanket. The real reason I wanted it was to cover Nick’s lap as mom were going to try and give him a little pleasure. We spread it over his lap and sure enough mom had her hand under it and on his crotch before he even knew what was happening. She had unzipped his fly and let his cock out. A few of her strokes and the blanket looked as if it were a teepee. I reached over but had a hell of a hard time getting my hand in his fly to hold his balls while mom was jacking him off. Her strokes were long and slow and it wasn’t long before he was squirming in his seat. She had saved one of the napkins from dinner and slid it under the blanket to catch the load of love juices he would soon be unloading. Sure enough, he was tossing his head from side to side and throwing his hips forward and mom just kept up her stroking. It was easy to tell when he shot his wad for he moaned loud enough for other nearby passengers to hear him. The flight attendant came up the aisle and slowed when she got to our row, looked down and saw what was happening, smiled and kept right on walking. When Nick was finished emptying his cock he reached over and tried to put one hand of his hands in our crotch. We wouldn’t let him and that drove him a little nuts. Mom and I simply kept pushing his hand away and I leaned over and whispered I would ring for the flight attendant and complain he was molesting me. Mom heard what I said and laughed so hard the people who were asleep around us quickly awoke thinking something was wrong. Mom and I were chuckling so much it was no wonder we couldn’t get to sleep on the flight.

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