The MLM Conference Rapist

Baronne MLM conference (m/f, i/r, n/c)

Standard Disclaimer!
This is a fictional story intended for Adults only!

The annual Baronne Multi-Level Networking Marketing (MLN) conference was happening in the Bahamas as usual. All the usual Baronne pyramid experts would be there showering fake praise on the people who had made them the most money and suckering in the people who had paid to attend. The business had become a multi-million dollar money making scheme.

Naturally, with this being the busiest gathering in the Baronne calendar, the majority of Consultants were from other countries throughout Europe and beyond. The event would hold over 2,000 guests and nearly 800 new Consultants who had been suckered into thinking they’d joined a glamourous and quick money opportunity. Most of the guests were single with only the most senior and trusted Consultants (NVP’s / VP’s, RVP’s etc.) travelling as couples or families. It was attended mostly women who had left loved ones behind at home under orders “it’s all Baronne business” “he’ll be bored”. They tended to group together in regional groups from the areas they’d been recruited. All the attendees were looking forward to the life of leisure and being catered to for the next week. The staff at the resort, however, knew they would have a week of hard work ahead catering to all the demands make upon them by the spoilt and demanding senior Baronne “NVP’s etc.” who ran the conference and their “businesses” like a well-oiled cult.

One hotel staff member was anxiously waiting for the event guests, anxious to see all the beautiful women, especially the beautiful white women arrive. Having worked for the hotel chain for over 15 years, Leroy had obtained the position that he had always desired, now basically in charge of the guest service and maid service. With this new position, he had all the information that was essential for him to accomplish his goals, that being to satisfy his lust for soft white flesh. He just loved the feel of a beautiful white woman struggling in his arms as he took her by force.

Over the years, he had raped several women in resorts while working in placements. He’d heard of the Baronne conference from one of his hotel drinking buddies and also knew of a few women whose lives had been ruined by these people.

Most of the women he’d raped were too ashamed to tell the people they had travelled with of being raped especially with the pics and vids her took of them. They could not identify him, never getting a glimpse of him, thanks to his mask or the pitch-black areas he’d carefully selected where he had dragged them into. Only one rape had been reported but the international law and the risk of bad press for the resort prevailed and the crime basically went without any investigation, especially with the raped beauty leaving the country shortly after it happened.

As the attendees started to register and check in, Leroy would search out for the beautiful women that caught his fancy. He would hear the front of house staff greet the young beauties, taking note of their room numbers. He was a meticulous planner, always making notes in a file on his mobile device as to the beauty’s description and of course her room number. By the time all the conference attendees registered, he looked through his notes and smiled. He had made notes on nearly twenty women who made his cock twitch. On this occasion, he’d noticed a married girl who looked too young to be in a senior position but who’d been particularly arrogant and overly confident. She was part of the Baronne team from Scotland in the United Kingdom. She was a short blonde with a great pair of tits and nice ass. Mostly all the Baronne girls took care of themselves like this. He name was Emily and she was greeted like royalty by her group of Scottish “friends”. She turned out to be the daughter of the highest earners in the country and due to this was something of a celebrity. Leroy knew he had missed some beauties when he had been busy with the others and would add them to his list of potentials but this group were of particular interest. Their regional accents were so seductive. He licked his lips, wondering just how many of these beauties he would be able to sate his lust upon.

With his basic duties being to oversee the staff, he had a lot of spare time when he so desired. One aspect of the new position gave him knowledge of any vacant rooms, his master key giving him access to all the rooms on resort. The few vacant rooms would be in the interior of the hotel as all outer rooms were preferential ones and all taken. He loved the inner rooms, for with not so many guests, it would be safer once the door was closed. He would make sure the curtains were drawn and beds turned down by staff earlier in the evening too. That would mean that the victim would be unable to identify using witnesses him unless she got to see him before he got her into the room. He definitely did not want to get caught, did not want to have the beauty’s husband or travel companion to come walking in at the wrong time, thus he did not want to take the chance of making his move on the beauty in her own room even if she had an inner room.

That first day was quite hectic and the conference attendees were cozy together, not leaving any opportunity to getting the young beauty alone. That evening, Leroy sat in his bed circling the rooms where the beautiful women were located and the rooms that were not occupied. With most of the resort’s rooms filled, he would have to eliminate half of the beauties on his list. He studied the layout on which of the remaining beauties were located near a vacant room, making them the more ideal prospect. Still, from this point on it would be by pure chance that he would come upon the beauty in a vulnerable time when her hubby or boyfriend was occupied elsewhere.

The second day of the event was one of frustration for Leroy, unsuccessful in all three times that he had seen an opportunity to have his fun with any of his beautiful prey. On each occasion, other attendees happened along the corridor where the beauty’s room was located, making it impossible for him to achieve his goal. On one of the occasions, he was just about to grab the beautiful bitch when another couple rounded the corner into that same corridor, allowing the young beauty to escape his clutches. He had been tempted to go right in there after the couple passed out of sight but that would allow his victim to identify him in the light, forcing him to give up the chase.

The next evening, Leroy focused in on and observed his first rape plaything, the young blonde Emily. She was headed into the casino after a long meal and serval glasses of wine, she seemed relaxed and was happy with all the attention she’d been heaped on her. Checking up on casino staff was Leroy’s excuse for being in there as he continued to watch the lovely beauty. Emily is married as evidenced by her large diamond ring and wedding band adoring her finger. She was a beautiful blonde, in her early 30’s, with trim white legs. Leroy’s cock twitched in his pants at the thought of getting between her sexy white legs.

Emily and Brad Steele were taking the event to celebrate their 10th anniversary. They were still very much in love after going with each other from their time in university. They now had two children, a boy and a girl, ages 5 and 3 respectively. Emily’s parents were caring for the children to maintain their image as “great family people” for the evening. At the age of 32, Emily’s beauty had men’s heads turning whenever she passed. She had kept her trim figure, weighing a trim 115 lbs., standing at 5’2″ in height. Professionally, Emily enjoyed her celebrity status while Brad was moving up in the banking business.

The attire called for attendees’ to be in high end dresses for the women and evening suits for their male partners if they had one. That evening, before going to the casino, Emily wore the black evening dress that she brought with her, along with black nylons and 3″ black heels. She looked so elegant that even the captain came up to her to pay her a compliment. Her long shoulder length blonde hair and baby blue eyes had many men’s cock twitching in their pants at her beauty. But her elegant appearance had another admirer casing her every movement that night, hoping that she would somehow let her guard down and fall into his snare.

Leroy watched as the couple began gambling, with the husband going to the blackjack table while his beautiful wife wandered over to the slot machines. He could tell she wasn’t much of a gambler in the way and amount that she played, noticing her yawn a couple of times as she pulled the handle to the slot machine. ‘Perhaps, my fortune will change tonight!’ he hoped, just aching to sink his throbbing cock into that white beauty. Rechecking his chart of the rooms, he noted again the vacancy of the interior room just across from where the Steele’s room was situated.

Licking his lips, Leroy watched the beautiful wife give up on the slots and go over to stand by the blackjack table, standing behind her husband. After a couple of hands, when the dealer was reshuffling the cards, he saw them embrace one another and the husband giving his beautiful wife a slight wave. “He was having a great time with someone of the other husbands and shouted “see you in a few hours babe”………….. Leroy thought “Ohhhh, you stupid fool, letting such a beauty out of your sight is a crime! Heh, heh, well, a crime is soon going to be committed because of your stupidity and need to gamble!” he muttered to himself as he rushed down the hallway to the store room where he kept what he called his “fun kit”.

Leroy knew that she would be going to the elevator up four floors to her suite. Always avoiding the cameras in the lifts, he entered the staff’s stairway and quickly ran up the steps to the 4th level and exited onto the corridor between rooms. He looked around as he calmly made his way to Room 415 where Mrs. Steele’s doorway was located. He set his bag down, got out rag with chloroform on it and waited.

Everyone on the resort seemed so friendly and helpful that the Steeles’ were unaware of just how unsafe the resort really was. With the staff consisting mainly of men and women from foreign countries, plus the tourist industries paranoia towards governing crimes, it was a sanctuary for sexual deviants like Leroy. They had not watched the recent documentary on event lines and how dangerous it was, especially for a woman walking about the resort without an escort.

Exhausted from a long exciting day on the event, having taking in some sun, Emily waited for the elevator with a group of others leaving the casino. As the elevator ascended, the once crowded elevator was now empty except for her as it stopped on the 4th level. She walked down the long corridor to her room and began to look for her card key as she neared her doorway. Unable to find her card key right away, she stood and paused while facing the door as she searched through her purse. She found it and the familiar beep sound went off as he entered her room. Suddenly a large hand was clamped over her mouth and an arm closed around her and the purse she had opened, then she was pulled roughly into the room behind her and went dizzy from the chemicals in the rag.

When she awoke, the interior room was dimly lit apart from a spot light pointing to the bed and what looked like a camera set up that was obviously not there before she left for the evening. Emily shuddered in fear, the hand over her mouth preventing her from screaming and the other hand beginning to roam over her body. Then she heard the thick foreign accent of her assailant whisper in her ear “Ohhh, I’ve always dreamed of having a sweet Scottish beauty like you! Your accent is such a turn on. Tonight, you will make my dreams come true!” Then he threatened her to prevent her from screaming “Yell, pretty little miss, and you will yell no more!”, putting pressure on her throat to get the point across. He slowly removed his hand from her mouth, hearing her sob in fear as he fondled her body.

Emily sobbed uncontrollably, tears pouring from her eyes from the fear. The large hand slightly squeezing her throat kept her from moving. Meanwhile, her assailant’s other hand was busy pulling down the zipper in back of her dress. The large wet tongue slobbered at her ear, making her nauseous “You are so beautiful, Mrs. Steele! I have watched you all evening! Your husband is foolish to leave you to yourself while he gambles his money away!”

“Please …………..please leave me alone .………please, no ………….no …………my husband will be looking for me ….…….please, I’ve got some money in my purse ……. you can have it ………..take it …….. please don’t hurt me!” Emily sobbed. “Please ……….no, pleaseeeeee …………………..please don’t do this to me! Please, please ……………I beg you!” she whimpered as a hand cupped her breast, squeezing it. “Please, oh, please ……………..please don’t rape me ……………….please!” she sobbed.

Panting in fear, Emily realized that it had to be a staff member as he knew her name and especially with his foreign accent. She groaned as the majority of the staff members that she had seen were “from some African country”. She shivered at the horrible thought of being raped by a black man. She shuddered as her dress was being pushed from her shoulders, feeling it fall from her body to her feet. Then large rough hands began to roam over her breasts, feeling and squeezing them through her thin lacy bra. She felt her assailant’s hands push up at the bottom of her bra cups, pushing the material over her breasts. She moaned as her stiffened nipples were bared, tweaked, and pinched roughly.

Frozen to the spot, Emily felt her assailant’s free hand then move to the waistband of her pantyhose and panties, pushing both down at the same time to her mid-thighs. She shuddered at the hand caressed an inner thigh and began creeping up to her most private part. “Ohhhhhhh …………ohhhhhhhhhhh ………ohhh, God ……………please!” she groaned as a finger sought out her sensitive clit. “Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, pleassssssseeeeeeeee ……………….noooooooooo!” she sobbed as her body shook from the tremors stemming from the sensation caused by the rubbing of her sensitive clit. “Ahhhhhh ……….ahhhhh …………ohhhhhh!” she moaned and sobbed in humiliation as a thick black finger began to fuck in and out of her slick womanhood.

Leroy had quickly slipped out of his clothing in the brief time he had while awaiting his prey, making his attack with only his briefs on. “Reach back with your hands and slip them in! You will have the special honor of being the first Scottish beauty of sampling this fine African manhood! Now reach back with your hands to see what I have for you!” he growled, squeezing her throat tightly to show he meant business.

Shaking in fear, Emily reached back with both hands till her fingers came into contact with the thin fabric of his briefs. Nervously, she forced herself to let her fingers slip into the elastic waistband, forced herself to reach down into the briefs of her assailant. She gasped loudly as her fingers touched a hot fleshy bar of an unbelievable size, larger than she ever dreamt possible. She shuddered as she forced herself to grasp his thick cock. ‘Ohhhhh, God …………….it’s so biggggggg ……….it’ll kill me! Maybe he’ll be satisfied if I bring him off with my hands!’ she prayed as she squeezed her fingers around the meaty shaft, pumping it with her fists. She began pumping harder and faster, wanting him to satisfy his lust right then and there, hoping desperately that then she could escape her horrible fate.

Leroys camera was catching this and he smirked as he felt her soft hands jerking at his big boner but he knew exactly what her intentions were. There was no denying the pleasure of feeling the soft hands pulling at this cock, but Leroy prided himself with his control and staying power. ‘We’ll see who gets off first, my sweet Scottish beauty!’ he mused as he began flicking her clit faster and faster, delving his raping finger into her nest deeper and deeper.

Emily pleaded with her attacker “Please …………..please let me go ………..please, I won’t tell anyone! Don’t rape me ……………please don’t rape me! Please, don’t ……………..I could get pregnant!” But the constant rubbing of her sensitive clit as the thick finger plunged in and out of her wet slit, she couldn’t stop the urge to squeeze her thighs together around the groping hand, her cunt muscles squeezing upon the invading finger. “Oh, oooohhhhh ……nooooo ………noooooooo” she moaned loudly as her body betrayed her, shuddering in an unwanted climax. Never had she reached a climax in such a manner, nor with any man other than her husband. As her body shuddered in response to the climax coursing through her body, the hand at her throat slipped down to flick at her stiff nipples, bringing more unwanted stimulation.

“Okay, bitch! Kick off your heels and don’t get any bright ideas on trying to spike me with’em!” Leroy hissed as his hand again clamped tightly against her throat. He felt her shaking in fear as she stepped onto her fallen dress, then with one thud followed by another, her heels had been kicked off. With that, knowing the exact layout of the interior room, darkness did not hinder him in dragging the sobbing woman to the bed. Holding her with one hand, his other roughly pulled down her panties and pantyhose off her legs. Then her thin bra was stripped from her, leaving her totally naked at this point.

Emily sobbed and pleaded “Please ………….please let me go …………….please don’t rape me! Please …………I love my husband! Please …………..please don’t hurt me! Don’t rape me, please ………….I don’t want to get pregnant!” She began crying as the attacker’s hands were now fondling her breasts, flicking her stiffened nipples, bringing unwanted stimulation to her body. Then the added horror of the situation flashed through her mind ‘Oh, God! I had wanted Brad to get me pregnant on our anniversary event ……I can’t let this black man rape me ………..I can’t get pregnant by him!’

“Oh, nooooo ………..………..nooooooooooooo!” she moaned as the huge muscular frame descended upon her, forcing itself between her legs. “Please ………….oh, please …………..please, please let me go …………….please don’t rape me! Please …………I beg you …………..please, please don’t hurt me!” she whimpered in fear.

Feeling the thick blunt shaft part her moist slit, she could do nothing to escape this vicious rape, knowing from the size of his cock that it would surely tear her apart. The pain of the initial intrusion was so great that she forced herself to spread her legs wider in order to ease the pain. “Noooooooo ……..ohhhhhhh …….ohhhhhh ……………..ohhh, please ……………….please don’t …………..argghhhhhhhhhhhh!” Emily screamed as the cock plunged into her tight channel. Then her rapist began to stab into her, deeper and deeper, till it plunged all the way into her fertile womb. “Oh, my God ……….oh ……oh ……oh ……oh ……oh ……..oh, no ………oh, nooooooo …………………oh, Godddddddddddd, nooooo!” she screamed as her body betrayed her, her legs crossing over to wrap themselves around her rapist and arching up into his now spurting cock.

An hour after abducting the sweet Scottish beauty, Leroy got into his clothing. He then pulled out a huge knife from his bag. “Look into the camera and say whats written on that paper beside you or else. And smile when you do”. Emily then defeatedly put a smile on her face and said “Hi I’m Emily Steele and that was my first big black cock experience. Hope you enjoyed the scene” Leroy said “Good! Now, I will edit this and keep it for my collection. I’ll have it look like you were part of a fake rape scene. Any whispers and it gets put on the web”. He then packed up his camera after two blinding flashes went off, capturing the beautiful woman naked in her soiled disgrace. He leaned over the sobbing woman, licking her inner ear, whispering “Nothing better than a big African cock, huh, my sweet Scottish beauty! I have your address and phone number, Mrs. Steele! Perhaps I will visit one day! I will give you a call then so you can again sample some prime African cock!” Being sure his back was to her as he opened the door, he soon disappeared, leaving the beauty sobbing in the now darkened room.

Sobbing from her ordeal, Emily stumbled about the room and located the light switch. She looked at the clock on the desk and realized that it was over an hour since she had started her ordeal. She shivered, knowing she would be unable to tell her husband that she had been violated, raped by a big black man in the room across from theirs. Sitting there, thinking what she would do, she then slowly staggered over to the shower.

Looking into the mirror, she blinked back the tears, trying to make herself presentable so she could return to her room. Emily touched up her hair and make-up, then searched about for her panties but they were nowhere to be found. Her bra had been torn and the clasp broken, rendering it useless as she stuffed it into her purse out of sight of her husband. Her black pantyhose were also shredded and they too was put out of sight. She could only hope that Brad did not notice the change in her appearance.

She slipped into the shower and hooked her fingers into her beaten ad sore pussy to fork out whatever semen she could and got out and got ready for bed. Not wanting to answer any questions and be put on the spot, she thought it best she cover all aspects. “Oh, honey, I’m feeling a bit sick so went to bed early. She was so happy that Brad just smiled and kissed her head, but she shivered when he held her in his arms, feeling unworthy to be held by him. She blinked back tears, realizing that probably her rapist had been fucking her while her husband was having fun in the casino.

The following day was one of total frustration for Leroy, with two unsuspecting beauties narrowly escaping his evil clutches and what he had in store for them. Saved by other attendees that just happened to be walking by at that very instant when he was about to make his move. That night, all he could do was to dream of the beauties that had gotten away and the pleasures he had obtained from the one that failed to get away the day before.

The next afternoon, with his first rape going unreported, Leroy smacked his lips as he watched one of his potential preys lying in the lounge chair on the upper deck. She was one gorgeous brunette, stacked to the hilt with ivory white skin that was absolutely flawless. He noticed all the guys stealing peeks at her, wishing he was that guy whom she was with. Leroy gazed upon the young beauty as she lay back to catch the rays, clad only in a skimpy two piece pink bikini. ‘Ohhhhh, she would certainly be an ideal one to fuck! Mmmmmm, she’d sure put up a good fight to stop me from getting my big African cock into her beautiful body!’ he pondered.

Looking at his notes and charts, this young beauty had her room on the sixth floor near mid-resort, the room being registered to a Mr. & Mrs. Alan McNair. He noticed a green dot in the corner of the special section then checked the index for the significance of that dot. He smiled upon learning that the green dot signified a couple just married and celebrating their honeymoon. The only vacant room near hers was between the elevator and Room 638 where she stayed. ‘This would not be as easy as last night! But will she leave her husband and go to her room alone?’ he wondered. His cock was twitching madly in his pants, desperately wanting to sample his very first red-haired beauty.

Below from where he was standing, the McNairs held hands as they lounged side by side. It was the perfect honeymoon event for them. The wedding had gone off without a hitch and they were madly in love with each other, ever since they began dating in their senior year in high school. Having gone to college, graduated together, they both had good jobs with her starting to climb the Baronne tree and could look forward to the perfect marriage. The first four days of the event had been absolutely heaven for the newlyweds, spending their entire time fine-dining at the resort’s main restaurants but most of the time in their room making real fine lovemaking.

With the heat from the sun rising, Amanda knew she could not take too much direct sun or she’d have a bad burn. Not wanting her husband to have to curtail his enjoyment on the lounge chair, she told him to stay and get all the sun he wanted, telling him she was going to change then take a look at the pictures in the art gallery. She knew that would be fine with Alan as he never did enjoy looking at paintings. They agreed to meet back at the room in a couple hours so they could then dine at the French restaurant.

Leroy’s mouth began to water upon watching the young beauty begin to collect her purse and towel. He began to edge his way to the doorway just in hopes that his wish was to be answered. He watched as she slipped into her sandals and bent over to kiss her husband goodbye, then put the towel over her shoulders as she began to make her way through the uneven line of lounge chairs surrounding the pool. Hoping that his prey would be headed to her room, he had to time it right and quickly made his way down the staff’s stairway.

Grabbing a few newly folded towels stored at each level of the passenger decks, he laid them out on his arm, then waited near the elevator doors. When the ‘beep’ of the elevator sounded to indicate it would be stopping on the 6th floor, followed by the sound of the doors opening, he began walking down to the vacant room. He held his left arm out wide, towels draped over his arm, making it seem to anyone behind him that he was merely taking towels to a guest’s room.

As the elevator was descending to the 6th level, Amanda couldn’t repress her smile knowing the two men in the elevator were stealing glances at her body as they stood next to their spouses. Stepping out of the elevator, she could feel those eyes glued to her tight ass. ‘Sorry, guys, but this little butt is now spoken for! Eat your hearts out!’ she thought quietly as he turned the corner to make her way to her room. She knew her figure had always attracted men and those two men were no exception, still she couldn’t help but to flaunt it a bit while in her bikini.

Keeping a constant distance of about 10 feet ahead of the unsuspecting young bride, Leroy turned a bit to open the room door but not to give a profile view to the woman behind him. As he opened the door to the room, he let a towel slip from his arm to prevent the door from closing. At that moment, the young beauty was just in the process of walking past him. Seconds later, he had her mouth covered and was dragging her backwards into the inner room and into pitch darkness once the door slammed shut.

Feeling a shudder course through the beauty’s body as he held her tightly to him, he bent down to nuzzle then nip at her left ear. “Are you enjoying your honeymoon event, Mrs. McNair? A thoughtful husband would never leave his precious bride alone, not even for a second! He should be worried about his beautiful little bride and protecting her at all times! You never know what can happen on a big resort like this! Someone might even try to take his bride captive in a deserted room so he can have her sample some prime African meat!” he taunted the struggling bride.

Amanda was in a panic, struggling with all her might, trying to hit back at him and to scratch his arms. Having lost her sandals in the struggle, she tried kicking back at him but it had not effect. She felt herself being dragged back further, then turned and pushed forward to land on the bed with her assailant covering her. The hand covering her mouth smothered out any noise from her. ‘Oh, no ……….no ………no …….oh, God!’ her mind said as she felt her bikini bottom being ripped from her. She shivered in disbelief as the top of her bikini immediately followed.

Pinned to the bed, all Amanda could was to shiver in fright, unable to fight against her superior opponent. Tears welled and flowed from her eyes, muffled sobs wracking her body, then she felt a hand caressing her inner thigh. She heard her assailant with the heavy accent advise her not to scream or she’d never see her husband again. She shuddered as the hand moved up, touching her where only her husband had ever touched her. Another follow-up threat from her assailant and suddenly the hand over her mouth was removed, but she was so frightened that she broke up into sobs.

With both hands, Leroy caressed her tender young flesh, excited at the thought of possessing this beauty with the brunette hair. He hand seen her ivory white skin and now he felt how soft she was, anxious to bred this young bride. He loved the way she squirmed as he played with her breast, pinching her stiffening nipples while his other hand cupped her furry mound, a finger rubbing her sensitive clit. Then to taunt the young newlywed, Leroy whispered in her ear “I have a late wedding present for the beautiful little bride! Something I’m sure she has never had yet! Yes, my precious bride, you will have a ‘real’ man today!”

Scooting up a bit, Leroy moved his throbbing cock into place, rubbing his oozing and pulsing cockhead at the bride’s slick pussy lips. He pushed forward, forcing his thick cockhead into her tight opening, enjoying her cry of anguish. Again and again he pushed forward, but only another inch of progress was made into the sobbing beauty. He grasped her hips tightly, getting ready to slam himself forward into her.

“Ohhhh, please ……no, pleaseeeee ………………….it hurts ………………it hurts ……………….please nooooooooo ……….it’s too big!” she pleaded. Amanda could only sob in humiliation as the agony continued, the awful pain between her legs hurting so badly. ‘Oh, God! What can I tell John? Oh, he’ll never want to even touch me ever again, not when he learns that I’ve been raped by a black man. Oh, God, he told me my skimpy bikini was too sexy! He might even blame me for leading this man on!’ she worried.

Grasping her firmly by her hips, Leroy lifted her up a bit, then slammed forward with a brutal thrust. “Aieeeeeeeeeee ………………..arrrrrggggggh ……………….noooooo ………nooooooooo ohhhhhhhhh…….noooooooo!” came the moans from the sobbing beauty. Her moans of pain were like music to his ears. He loved nothing better than hearing a young beauty moan in pain as he stuck her like a pig. Only half way in at this point, he withdrew a bit and slammed forward with all his might. “Arrrrghhhhhhh ……………please …………..oh, please ………..stop ………..stop!” sobbed the beautiful young wife. Leroy laughed for his cock was now fully imbedded into her, knowing she never before experienced a cock so long and thick as his. He rubbed his finger up against her sensitive slit as he began to fuck in and out of her.

Never before had Amanda been taken in this position, she couldn’t phantom what was overcoming her feelings. “Oh ……..oh ……….ohhhhhhh …………..ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she moaned as the thick finger was driving her out of her mind. “Ohhhhhhhh ………………oh, Goddddddd ………….ohhhhh ……….nooooooooooo, what’s happening! Oh, God, I’m cummingggggg!” she gasped in her posh Scottish accent, her muscles now squeezing her thighs onto the thick raping shaft. With this mind shattering orgasm, she collapsed forward and blacked out for a moment.

She awoke a moment later in a panic, pinned to the bed with her heavy assailant still upon her, cock buried to the hilt. As the body above her began to rock upon her, monstrous cock sliding in and out of her, she sobbed as her body unconsciously reacted and caused her to fuck back onto the long thick cock. “Oh, God! Oh, my God! Oh …………oh ………………..oh ……………noooooo!” she groaned. Feeling the thick cock begin to pulse and throb madly within her, the consequences of this horrible mating was too much to contemplate. “Oh, God …………….no! No …….please, no ………! Don’t! Don’t cum in me ………….please! Please …………you’ll get me pregnant!” she pleaded.

“Ohhhhh, my dear Mrs. McNair! You should be ashamed of yourself, cumming on another man’s cock while you’re on your honeymoon event! Gonna make you cream again, sugar!” Leroy taunted, fucking into her again and again. Fingering the stiff clit as he pumped into her, he knew he had the little bitch right where he wanted her, feeling her body quiver as she did when her prior orgasm struck. Hearing her loud groans, he knew she was cumming again on his thick shaft. Grasping her trim hips, he buried his long black cock into her tender body, taunting her further “Is the honeymoon couple planning to start their family on this event? “No!!!!! Please! I’ll swallow everything you give me. Just not in me please” With that comment, Leroy coouldny resist the offer of invading her willing mouth. He took out his phone, took a few pictures of his beautiful prize and set it to video. “Make this convincing or my load is in your womb” He stood as Amanda got on her knees and buried his cock into what appeared to be a hungry mouth. Amanda was a pro. She worked his cock like a pornstar. It wasn’t long before Leyroy could feel his cum churning and then he unleashed his potent seed into her hungry mouth. Amanda struggled with the amount and the taste. You could tell she was repulsed and a withdrew Leroys cock as it spurted twice more into her face. All caught on HD phone quality.

An hour later, the beautiful Mrs. Amanda McNair sobbed as she sat on the bed. Her bathing suit, she tied the torn garments together, just so it would hold up on her till she made it to her room. Her thighs ached from being stretched so widely, her cunt felt as if it had been badly torn from the brutal fucking. After he had fucked her from behind, her rapist had turned her over onto her back and had a second run at her, again making her swallow his seed. ‘God, why did I have to respond to that evil man the way I did!’ she sobbed, recalling how she had wrapped her arms and legs around her rapist, begging him to make her cum again. She shuddered, remembering two bright flashes of light as she lay wide spread upon the bed and her rapist telling her he’d call her when he came to Scotland one day.

The event was only a day out from its conclusion and Leroy’s plans for additional conquests were all thwarted in one way or another. There had been several opportunities but each time other attendees happened along, leaving him totally frustrated in the empty room. So many young innocent beauties did not know just how close they had come from being raped and ravished. With the cozy couples on their last day on the event, things were bleak for Leroy to notch another conquest to his belt, with all the beauties he had earmarked not leaving the side of their escort.

Leroy sighed in disappointment with everything going wrong since the fifth day out. Now the guests had basically vacated their rooms and were waiting in the lounge areas to await their departing times. Leroy stared at one beauty with light brown hair, like the color of honey, a beauty he had spotted that very first day. A beauty that he had to scratch from the list of potentials due to the location of her room and the lack of vacancies in the nearby area. He had seen her several times, looking so elegant in her evening dresses and so sexy in her two piece yellow bikini. Today she was dressed in a light summer dress, with 3” beige heels as she prepared for departure. His cock twitched as he observed her long sexy white legs, wishing he could have had a chance to sample her lovely charms.

Married for eight years, Megan and Peter Anderson had put in for vacation with their employers once they had heard of the inaugural event. Now at the age of 36, they had a nice home and things were looking rosy for them. It was like living a dream going to the Bahamas each year. This event offered them the perfect opportunity to achieve their dream. They did not have any children as yet, hoping soon if not now to start their family as they both were secure in good paying jobs.

Then as fortune would have it, luck would suddenly fall upon Leroy as he observed the beauty look down at her arm in a panic. She had discovered that she had misplaced a bracelet that she taken off in the room. Then the couple listened as the loudspeaker announced their color code for departure, advising them as to where to proceed for their luggage. Edging closer to the couple, he heard the young wife tell her husband to go ahead and look for their luggage while she went back to the room for her lost bracelet.

Quickly making his way out of the lounge and to the staff’s stairway, Leroy ran down the stairs to where the young wife was headed. Opening the door to the corridor, he observed a staff member with a clean-up cart about to get set up. Going up to the Porter, Leroy advised him that there was to be a change today and he was to work from the forward end. As the Porter pushed his cart around the corner, the ‘ping’ of the elevator stopping on that floor sounded. Running to the far end and turning the corner, he hid and waited for the unsuspecting beauty to approach.

Hearing the approaching footsteps and the jiggling of the door handle, Leroy then stepped around the corner as the young beauty had just opened the heavy room door. Before she could flick the light switch, he had pushed her into the dark room and had clasped his hand over her mouth. As her husband would be expecting to meet her down on the dock, it would have to be a quick fuck. But after being disappointed the past couple of days, he would not last very long anyway, once his cock was surrounded by her tight pussy lips.

Hearing the gruff voice threatening her, Megan sobbed in fear, feeling a large hand crawling up under her dress. “Oh, please ……………..please, don’t!” she pleaded as she felt her panties being pulled down over her hips, feeling the wispy garment slide down to her knees and then fall onto her heels. Feeling a fumbling behind her followed by the opening of a zipper, she struggled and pleaded “Pleaseeeee ………..oh, please …………stop ………………stop! “Please …………please ……..I’m married …………..please, I want to remain true to my husband ….………please, no, nooooooo! Stop! Stop!”

Megan was shoved up against the wall, feeling her assailant lifting her up a bit, then she felt the prodding bulb at her entrance. Suddenly she was slammed hard against the wall, the heavy body behind her lunging hard into her. “Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee …………………….ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ………………argggggggggggggg!” she groaned loudly as her rapist rammed himself forcibly into her tight slit. “Oh, pleaseee ………..pleaseeeeee ……………….oh, God …….it hurts …………………hurtssssss so baddddddd!” she cried out in agony, sobbing at this horrible rape. “Oh Godddd ……………… me …….ahhhhhhhh …………noooooooooo!” she whimpered as the cock pushed deeper into her.

“Oh …….oh ……..oh ………noooooooo!” she groaned as the invading cock began to saw in and out of her. Then a thick finger found its way again to her sensitive clit, causing her to moan as her cunt muscles contracted around the raping shaft, her glands involuntarily secreting her slick love juices around the thick shaft. With the large hands firmly on her hips, the man began fucking her at jackhammer speed, intent on breaking her apart. “Oh, God …………….nooooo ……………..ahhhhhh ………..nooooo!” she moaned as her body went into convulsions.

Feeling the lovely beauty reach her peak on his cock, Leroy shoved his cock into the hilt, then began to spurt out his hot jism. He leaned down to nipple at her ear “You are exactly what I read about in magazines about Scottish women! You are a true Scottish Lass! Now you can tell your husband that you have sampled a true African cock! Tell him how a big black buck ‘ruined’ you!”. “Now, get yourself showered and straighten yourself out bitch”. She entered the bathroom and turned on the shower. With that, he left the sobbing woman in the bathroom and made his way to his own room. Leroy found his cock was twitching again. He then got a rush of inspiration, he picked out his camera bag and quickly gathered a slutty sex costume he’d stolen from a previous conquest.

The room 2 down from the Andersons was vacant. He set both his still and video cameras up and rushed back knowing Megan would be in the shower or still sobbing on the bed. “Bingo! She was just out the shower but still in the bathroom”. She heard the door open “Honey is that you?” she said bravely as if nothing had happened. She poked her head out and within a few seconds was unconscious from the chemicals in my rag.

Ten minutes later, he watched as his latest victim slowly wake up. She was now sitting on the bed of the new room in a black pvc/latex sex costume consisting of stockings, suspenders, and a corset and wearing a “cum slut” collar and a ball gag Leroy had bought himself together with the black dildo that was standing proudly on the bedside. She came round quickly and tried to scream though the gag. Leroy then told he the scenario. “You will smile, you will repeat what I tell you and if you do all that you will go on with your world…ok?” She nodded and sobbed. He then removed her gag. Her phone went off and flashed “Emily Steele”. I couldn’t believe it. Leroy instructed her to come to her room, tied Amanda to the bed and put her gag back in. Leroy then turned the radio on and left and went back to Amandas room pushing the service cart in as he did. Leroy tidied up and fixed the room and then waited for Emily. Emily knocked and Leroy answered in a flash dragging her in and muffling her screams as she passed out. He then loaded her into the service cart and pushed her out concealed behind the carts curtain.

Leroy then called down to reception and told her the room occupant has said to tell the husbands of Emily and Amanda that they’d gone into town together.

Leroy then pushed the cart down to the room and entered. Amanda was struggling to get free but stopped. Leroy then explained that he had Emily. Seeing as she was “lucky” enough to be dressed for it, she was going to dominate Emily or he’d have it the other way round. Amanda realized it was futile to resist and removed her collar tying it round Emily’s neck and spreading her friend on the bed. Emily was in a white summer dress with a black bikini underneath. The white dress was discarded, and the bikini remained. The collar matched perfectly. Emily was still passed out so I instructed Amanda to start using the black dildo on her friend. Weirdly, she did this without any threats. The camera rolling, she rubbed it up and down her friends pussy and slipped in the tip. Emily looked like she simply had her eyes shut in lust. It was perfect. Just then Emily awoke confused. She moaned and initially loved the sensations then looked down at Amanda working the big dildo in and out of her pussy. “ What? What the fuck?…….. Megan?” To leroys surprise, Megan did exactly as she was told, she rammed the dildo up to its fake balls and reached up to grasp her friends’ tits. “Do as you are told and lets get this over with”. She then watched as Leroy walked towards her with his huge cock and stuffed it in her mouth. “Mmmmmm Megan, you obedient whore.” Growled Leroy. He reached out and grabbed Emily by the hair “Get up and work my cock like Megan you fucking whore. And call me master” ……… she was slapped by Leroy and responded “yyyyyessss Master”. The women worked on his cock like Pros. Both taking turns to suck as the other work the balls. Megan took occasional delight in rubbing her friends now audibly wet cunt. “Bend over the on the bed Emily. You too Megan” ordered Leroy. Both went to the bed. Leroy grabbed Megan’s head and pushed it into towards the rear of Emily. “get that nose of yours into her ass and lick her pussy and shit hole bitch”. Megan appeared to actually want this and got to work munching on her friend and mentors posh private holes. Leroy got behind Megan and to her shock coated his cock with her juices and then spat on her ass hole before inching his black pole in her ass “arrrrggghhhh fuck! Noooooo…….fuck……..” then it was half in and Leroy started to piston it in and out and pushed her head back into Emilys crack. Emilys face was on its side on the bed. He hands in fists gripping the pillows “fuuuuuuuuck Meg…………fuck ……. I’mmm mmmmm cummmmmming” she wailed out. The bed suddenly became awash with what looked like piss as she squirted out onto her friends face. “You fucking dirty bitch Emily” Megan screamed in shock. “Master? Let her have a fucking shot of that cock”………….. “Oh Megan, shes had it already but it’s time to fill her again. Emily? Get up here and clean Megans ass off my cock” He laughed and he swore Megan smiled. As she did, Megan grabbed her haired and forced her face up and down gagging her as she did. “Now, time for you to return the favour to Megan” …………”yyyyess Master” Emily whimpered as he bent over and tentatively started to lap at her now almost no longer friends rear. “Oh fuccccckkk Em. Eat me, lick my cunt and ass. Put a finger in my holes”.
“Please Master, take my ass instead begged Emily. I don’t want to get pregnant and my cunt is slimy at the moment so its too risky. Please” Leroy couldn’t believe this. He actually obliged and fudged in his cock to her tight ass. “mmmmmmmm bittttch” Leroy growled as he started the old in and out routine. The sight of this blonde reluctant lesbian show was really starting to get him near the edge. Megan had come already and was shouting abusive orders at Emily, who was now ramming the dildo into Megans pussy while flicking her tongue on her ass…….. “cummmmmmming aggggain” moaned Megan. This was too much……. Leroy started to feel his balls boiling…….”get up Megan. Hold her still” and before Emily knew it, Megan was up and pinning her to the bed as ordered. Leroy had just started to release when her pulled out of Emily’s ass and shot a jet on her cunt, he then lunged forward and using a mix of his own potent seed and Emilys oh so slimy cunt rammed womb deep in one go…….. “arrrrrrgggggh fuck” he triumphantly exclaimed as jet after thick jet pulsed from his cock. “Nooooooooooooo Godddddd nooooooo” wailed a defeated Emily. Leroy stayed in this position and Megan stroked her now friend again’s hair. “It’s over now. We did it”

Leroy instructed them both to get in the shower and tidy themselves up. He then gathered his things and left the room before they got out.

Both girls swore to each other that they couldn’t and wouldn’t say anything to anyone about what happened but spent their last days trying to figure out which of their hotel staff it was who had video and photographic evidence of them acting like whores. Evidence that if edited could potentially ruin them. They never did work that out….well only when they were in resort anyway.

12 months later, the local Baronne conference was happening again but this time in Las Vegas. Leroy had edited his pics and shared his adventures with his Jamaican friends who couldn’t believe their friends ability to control the women they saw in front of them.

Leroy had a surprise. He’d managed some time off work and arranged for an afternoons use of penthouse suite of one of the hotel chains venues in Vegas.

Leroy had sent stills of his pics to his Scottish victims and told each of them to bring one of their most obedient and willing new team members (they were like a cult sometimes) with them to Vegas to the directed room and to expect to act like hostesses. They were to travel alone to this one without the distraction of husbands. All agreed with the new girls taking a bit of company persuasion.

Leroy smiled at the scene taking place before him. It had paid off well to work so hard and befriend senior execs of the hotel chain. In exchange for favors, the Manager had arranged for this plush penthouse suite at a nominal price. Thus, the Manager was invited to the party as Leroy planned to continue such events that afternoon. Some of his friends were to work as waiters but were told to join in when the time was right.

Looking about the room, he observed his friends enjoying themselves. All the black male faces had wide smiles as they crowded into groups, all centering their attention to one of the three “hostesses” there to serve them. All those muscular black bodies crowding around, trying to make small talk with the beautiful hostess near them, thinking how it’d feel to make love to such a lovely white beauty. Each of his friends had paid $500 to attend. Having advised the paying members of his group that they could have a full refund if they left within the first hour of the gala affair, he knew no one would be seeking a refund. He smiled, with 30 paying guests to the party, he’d net out at least $10,000 after expenses.

Surveying the room, Leroy smiled to see that the beautiful hostesses were really turning the men on. The hostesses had showed up right on time, an hour before the party was to begin. He had told them how excited the men were to meet them, how he had learned that none of them ever had enjoyed the pleasure of being in the arms of a lovely white beauty. It pleased him to see a big smile on each of the beauty’s faces upon hearing that.

He saw the three women doing their best to entice the men, each holding her champagne glass in her left hand. Champagne that had a little something extra in it to ‘loosen them up”. Leroy saw they were getting the paying male guets hotter by the minute. He had let them know that he had advised the men that all their hostesses were married women, married to some white boy! “Nothing turns on a black man than getting in the pants of a white beauty, especially one married to some white boy!” he had told them. With the drink held in the left hand, he could see that each lovely hostess was flashing her sparkling diamond and wedding band, wanting them to get excited at the thought that they would soon be bedding a white boy’s prized possession.

With the drinks flowing and the party underway, it was time for Leroy to draw the names of the first lucky winners. Upon calling a name, a yell of joy came from the lucky winner and a moment later, he was being escorted by a hostess into one of the three bedrooms. Moments later, all three bedrooms were occupied by the lucky winners. Once all the names were called, then they could go for seconds with the hostess of their choice. Of course, they’d have to put their names on the list and wait their turn.

By midnight, to keep the anxious men happy and the lines down, two to three men were entering a bedroom at the same time to be serviced by that lovely hostess. This party would continue on till early the next morning, allowing time for the staff to make it back to the resort before the duty bell.

The next day, the three main hostesses were sitting at the penthouse’s dining table as room service had brought up a fabulous lunch for them. The host of the party had seen to it that they were treated like queens. Champagne was being poured for them as lunch began with appetizers. Each of the new hostess was caught by surprise when handed an envelope. Opening the envelope, each found ten $100 bills in it. They had only been introduced to one another the night before, just before the guests arrived, thus none of them knew how each had come to be involved in the prior night’s event. As they chatted, they found that they had so much in common and enjoyed making the new friend.

One thing they each knew about each other, without discussing it, was that they each loved being fucked by big black cocks. As they chatted, then it became obvious in the connection they each had that had led them to attend the gala affair. The common link was that each had been a passenger on the inaugural event in the Bahamas.

Once that common link was established, they looked at one another, each hesitant to say or ask what was on their minds. There was absolute silence for a few moments. Then the silence was finally broken..

“Emily ………Megan ………….did Leroy call you three months ago when the resort was booked prior to its second event?” asked Amanda McNair. Seeing Emily and Megan nod their heads, Amanda went on “He ……..he called me at my home! He WhatsApp’d me pics of what we did. He didn’t threaten me or attempt to blackmail me! He merely asked me if I ………if I wanted more of his ………his prime African cock …………like what he gave me on the event resort! That if I wanted more, I should meet him at the room he had in this hotel. I …..I lied to my husband, telling him some girlfriends were going to be busier with work this time, that I was going shopping with them and we’d spend the night at a hotel”

“My God! I met Leroy for lunch that Saturday, right here in the hotel! Then I spent the rest of the day and night in bed being fucked out of my mind by him! The way he went at me, I would have sworn he hadn’t had a woman in weeks!” exclaimed Megan. “I used the same lie as you did Amanda, telling my husband I was going out shopping with friends and spending the night the city! I …..I even wanted to spend Sunday with him but he made me leave in the early morning, saying he had an appointment!” she advised.

“Guess I was responsible for that, Megan said Emily! He met me downstairs in the restaurant for the champagne brunch that’s served on Sundays! Needless to say, like both of you, I spent the rest of the day on my back getting well fucked by Leroy! I used the same excuse of meeting friends to go shopping. But I couldn’t spend the night as I has to call home.

Once it was established that all three of them had done the exact same thing, they began feasting on their fine meal and poured more champagne. They had become fast friends with so much in common, laughing together as they listened to each other’s exploits with Leroy. Then they began to compare notes on the men who had attended the gala affair. Each of them had lost count of the number of men that had visited their bedrooms that evening.

There had been one fellow that they all remembered distinctly, the huge 350 lb black giant who had sampled each of their wares at some point in the night, remembering how big his cock was and how brutal he was in using it. “God, he had me literally climbing the walls when he shoved that big cock of his up my ass! I found out that his nickname with the staff was ‘Tiny’!” exclaimed Megan, getting a laughter in response from her new friends. “He sure shagged the hell out of me! I tried to get my legs around him but that was physically impossible!” laughed Emily. “I guess I got off easy then!” Amanda advised, adding “His was the first number drawn for me and his fantasy had always been to have a white gal get down on her knees and blow him! I was choking on his load when he pulled his cock out and blasted it right in my face! On his second visit to see me, he fucked me doggie style while I blew one of his friends! ”

When the women were alone in the kitchen to do the clean up, the conversation excitedly went to the next event departure. With the last gala affair drawing such a crowd and considering the success of it, the women concluded that word would spread and the next event would surely increase by a large percentage if not double. “My gosh! I was all fucked out by the time they left in the morning! What’s going to happen if the crowd doubles?” said a worried Amanda. “Well, remember that there’s been two events since ours! I’m sure Leroy has been busy ‘recruiting’ new hostesses for the next affair!” advised Emily.

End of Story.

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