Mom and son set off by a stuck cabinet door

The snowflakes fell thick, to the point where Justin could only see a few dozen feet into the distance. He ran a cold, ungloved hand through his hair, brushing white powder and ice off, and tried to walk a little faster. The snow was up to his knees even on the plowed section of the sidewalk, and his feet sank into it as though it were freezing cold sand.

The day had been a long one, and Justin was tired. His school vacation had been filled with more work than play, ever since his boss at the pizzeria started relying on him to cover for an employee on a trip.

And I’m stuck back here at home, overworked and barely sleeping.

Justin’s dad was on vacation. Both of his twin sisters were on vacation. Most of his friends were on vacation. Everyone was on vacation, except for him and his mom.

“I’m home.” Justin dusted snow off his jeans the best as he could and forcefully kicked his shoes off.

“I’m so glad. I was starting to get worried.”

Emily, Justin’s mother, glided into the living room. She had medium length chestnut brown hair, and it was fluffy and loose, as though she’d taken a shower and carefully blow-dried it afterward.

The robe she was wearing supported the idea, though the red and black garment wasn’t the sort a woman would normally pick straight out of the bath. It clung to her tiny frame in interesting ways, showcasing the cleavage of her large, shapely breasts. With each step she took, her bare legs stretched out underneath the bottom hem, giving Justin tantalizing flashes of thigh.

I thought I was going to be alone for this vacation. Having Mom here is torture.

“Hey,” said Justin. “Sorry, I had to work late tonight. The pizza place was swamped with orders and one of the dishwashers didn’t show up.”

“You are covered in snow!” His mom let out a gasp and began running her hands through his hair, and along his neck. “You poor thing!”

Her hands pulled his jacket open with gentle, yet supremely confident motions, and Emily slipped both her arms around him as she pulled it off. It put her body in close contact with Justin’s, which was hard for him to ignore in a number of ways.

Emily was one of those women that most men only ever got to see through computer monitors or during wet dreams. She was in her mid-thirties, and somehow, almost magically, still growing into her beauty. Every year that went by only added to the amount of sex appeal she could muster with a simple smile or a lingering look.

Justin noticed it less through his own eyes and more through the comments and questions he’d had to endure from practically everyone in his life. His friends were always curious about her, and would ask questions ranging from her favorite type of flower to the color of her panties.

Even Justin’s boss, Michael, routinely asked him probing questions about her. Sometimes Michael would even try to invite himself over for dinner when it was just the two of them at home, as he had earlier that night.

“I’m fine, Mom,” said Justin. He flashed a smile and attempted to push forward out of the entryway and into the living room.

“You are not fine, young man.” She set her hands on his chest and flashed him a concerned frown. When she looked at him like that, Justin felt as though he had to do whatever she said. And lately, that was becoming more and more of a problem.

Why is she so touchy feely all the time? I’m 18, and I’m not a little kid anymore.

Emily ran her hands down he son’s chest slowly, dropping to her knees as she did. Justin took a step back, or rather, he tried to. The door was behind him and his back pushed up against it, leaving him no room to escape.

“Your jeans are practically caked in snow!” His mom smiled up at him innocently. “Let me brush it off for you…”

“Mom!” Justin shook his head, but she was already brushing her soft hands across his jeans. “It’s fine, really. I can do it!”

Does she even realize what she’s doing? Her hands are only inches away from my…

Justin’s jaw dropped open as he felt his mom’s hand rub across his crotch. His cock was already half erect from seeing her wardrobe choice for the night, and now it was well on its way to being a full-blown erection. He stared down at her, getting a down blouse view of her breasts that was on the verge of being indecent.

Emily didn’t seem to notice or realize what she was doing. Her hand brushed the inside of Justin’s legs, and then along his shins, and then meandered back up to his crotch. She let her fingers trace slow lines across his hard cock, and even through his jeans, it was almost enough to make Justin cum on the spot.

“There we go! All done!” She smiled up at him and hopped to her feet, rubbing her hand across her robe and fixing her hair as she did. “See, isn’t that better? Your jeans would be soaked if you didn’t get that off.”

Justin opened his mouth and then closed it. He blinked a couple of times, avoiding eye contact as best as he could as his face began to heat up and turn a deep scarlet.

She’s torturing me, and she has no idea that she’s doing it… does she?

“Uh… thanks.” Justin hunched over slightly in an attempt to minimize the visibility of his hard on as he walked through the living room and toward the stairs.

“Dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes,” said Emily. “I’ll call you down for it.”

“Gotcha!” said Justin. He took the stairs two at a time, walked into his room, and almost slammed the door shut behind him. His cock throbbed, and he knew it was because of her, his own mother.


No amount of deep breathing was enough to calm Justin down. He paced his bedroom, biting back his frustration and arousal as much as he could. It wasn’t enough, and the painful bulge poking out against his jeans acted as though it had its own vote to cast.

It’s not my fault! She’s gorgeous! If she wasn’t my mother, I’d…

Justin shook his head, trying to dispel the line of thinking that his primal, mammalian instincts were leading him down. He sat down in front of his computer and opened up his web browser.

It was abundantly clear that if he didn’t take care of himself, the vacation was going to be long, hard, and torturous. So Justin did what any hormonal 18-year-old would, under the circumstances, and typed in the web address of his favorite porn site.

I can’t believe I’m doing this right now. Mom is still awake, and we’re eating dinner soon.

His body wasn’t on the same wavelength as his rational mind, and one hand began browsing through videos while the fingers of the other freed his cock from his jeans. Justin was young, tall for his age, and in relatively good shape. And in the back of his head, he felt slightly jilted at the fact that he had to find release at his own hands, rather than having a girlfriend to turn to.

Justin clicked through a few videos at random before one caught his eye. The woman in it was gorgeous, older than the man she was with, and reminded him of someone very close to him.

She has the same hair color and a similar body type to my mom. Does that matter?

He chewed on his lip and tried to summon the willpower to find something to watch that didn’t make him feel so guilty. His hand moved with a mind of its own, slowly stroking up and down as he watched the woman in the video taking care of the young man with her mouth.



Justin’s first reaction was to stand up, and he painfully bumped his knees on the underside of the desk. Moans were coming from the speaker, and it took him a moment to get the video muted. His hands flew down to his jeans and he managed to get them buttoned with only a split second to spare as the door opened, and his mother walked in.

“What were you watching, honey?” she asked. “I heard some weird noises from behind the door.”

“It was, uh, just a movie.” Justin was still breathing heavily. Strangely, having her in his room did almost nothing to kill his arousal. If anything, it amplified it, throwing an illicit monkey wrench in the form of his goddess of a mother into his plans to get off.

“Huh,” said Emily. “Maybe we should watch it together after dinner?”

She walked over to Justin’s desk and sat down on the edge of it, crossing her legs so that one of her feet came to rest on the inside of her son’s thigh. The smile on her face was devious, and she leaned forward in a way that unintentionally enhanced her cleavage for Justin’s benefit.

“No!” said Justin. “I don’t think you’d like it. It was long and hard to get into!”

“You’d be surprised at what I like,” said his mom. “Long and hard doesn’t sound bad at all. We could curl up together, and watch it, and just enjoy ourselves.”

She had on a pair of long, colorful socks, and let her foot slowly run up Justin’s thigh. It traced a line over his achingly hard cock and he had to stifle a moan. Sweat was beading on his forehead, and it was almost impossible for him to think, let alone talk.

“M-maybe,” he finally managed.

“You’d enjoy it, Justin,” whispered his mom. “I promise you that. We would have such a good time, watching the movie.”

Emily slipped off the desk, moving her foot back to the ground and leaning forward over her son in the chair. Her breasts practically begged to be fondled and freed, and she let them dangle right at eye level.

“What do you say, sweetie?” His mom’s hand ran up his thigh, drawing closer, and closer.

A timer went off from downstairs in the kitchen. Justin blinked, feeling like he’d just snapped out of a trance. His mom smiled at him, leaned her face in dangerously close to his, and planted a soft kiss on his cheek after a moment of consideration.

“Dinner’s ready,” she said. “I’ll be waiting for you downstairs.”

Emily pulled away from him and left the room. Justin took several deep breaths and just sat there, confused and aroused beyond reasonable measure.


Compared to the rest of the evening, dinner was a relatively calm affair. Justin let himself zone out and talk about work, and it was easy enough to stay distracted while reminiscing on the annoyances of the day out loud.

His mother worked as an administrator at the hospital, and Justin did his best to keep her share of the conversation focused on the mundane aspects of her day, as well. She smiled at him politely from across the table, but Justin could sense a hint of something hungrier and more dangerous behind it.

What the hell happened up in my room before? It’s almost as though she was trying to mess with me, or something.

“So, what did you think?” His mom flashed him a smile as she asked the question, toying with a half full wine glass beside her plate.

“Sorry, what?” asked Justin.

“Of dinner,” she said.

“It was awesome, Mom,” he said. “You’ve outdone yourself.”

She beamed at him and stood up, collecting the plates and carrying them over to the counter. Justin stood up and briefly contemplated heading back up to his room to hide out for the night. It would be the safe, sensible option.

Safe from what, though? I think I’m just imagining things.

“The snow is really coming down tonight,” said his mom. “I think we might be stuck here for the next few days.”

“That would mean I’d have to call out of work,” said Justin. “Not that I’d mind having a day off.”

“And it means that we should curl up on the couch, and watch that movie you were talking about before.” Emily took several soft, slow steps across the carpet over to where Justin stood in the living room. He didn’t turn away, though it felt as if he probably should have.

His mom opened up her arms and pulled him into a soft hug. Justin’s mouth fell open as he felt her body press against his. She was naked underneath the robe, and her soft breasts and perfect curves had the effect of an aphrodisiac on touch. For a moment, all he could think about was how good it would feel to put all of his objections to the side and grind into her.

I can’t! And she wouldn’t let me! She’s my mother.

Emily pushed her hips forward, letting one of her legs open and glide up Justin’s side in a manner that was undeniably suggestive. Her smile managed to be innocent and devilish at the same time. Justin wanted the moment to last forever, or better yet, to lead him even further down the twisted path they were flirting with.

He pushed his crotch forward, letting his hard cock push against her. Her body felt unbelievably warm, and the movement of her slow, regular breaths sent shivers of pleasure through Justin as her chest came into contact with him.

This is so wrong! She shouldn’t feel this good, and I shouldn’t even be feeling her like this!

Emily made a soft moaning noise and brought her eyes up to meet his. Her robe had slipped open a little more, exposing her breasts up to the edge of her nipples. She continued moving her leg in tiny undulating motions, as though trying to tempt Justin into taking things even further.

“Mom,” he whispered.

Part of Justin desperately wanted to set aside things like logic, reason, and the nature of their familial bonds, and just see what happened. Justin wanted to experience all of her, all of his mother, and the thought made him feel unbelievably turned on and a little disgusted with himself. He just wanted to see how far he could take it, and find out whether she would stop him or not.

“Do you want to watch the movie, sweetie?” His mom slowly let her lips draw closer to his. She ran her hands over her breasts, as though preparing to pull the robe open and reveal herself to him.

She’s my mother!

“I… uh, I have to, uh, email somebody!” It took all of Justin’s will, but he pulled himself back. He closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath.

“Okay honey,” she said. “That’s fine.”

Justin looked over at her. She was suddenly calm, composed, and looked, well, like his mother. She’d retied the robe and wore it in a way that seemed modest and appropriate. It was almost like he was staring at a different woman from the one he’d just been hugging. She turned away from him and started loading up the dishwasher, scraping off plates and kneeling down to place them in.

“Maybe tomorrow we could, though?” asked Justin. His mother looked over at her shoulder at him and smiled.

“Yes, maybe tomorrow,” she said. “We’ll just have to wait and see.”


Justin slept surprisingly well that night. He managed to avoid thinking about everything that had happened until climbing into bed, and passed out fairly quickly.

Waking up was another story. He was dreaming about sex, and the subject of his dream was the most beautiful, desirable woman he’d ever seen in his life. Every time he looked at her face, however, she would turn away. She seemed familiar to him, but it was as though his brain intentionally short-circuited each time he tried to identify her. The name was on the tip of his tongue, and the tip of her tongue was on his…

“Honey? Are you awake?”

Justin heard his mother’s soft voice and slowly, with a great force of will, opened his eyes. He was lying on his back, and jutting up against the sheets below his stomach, like a newly formed mountain in the middle of the bed, was his aching erection. He blinked, and realized that his mom was staring at it, too.

“Mom!” Justin blushed and rolled onto his side. “Uh, good morning!”

“I just wanted to see if you were awake.” Emily glided into the room with soft steps. She’d changed into a nightgown, one that looked to be about a size too small on her, and it revealed a scandalous amount of curvaceous cleavage and naked thigh.

“I’m awake,” said Justin. “Well, I mean, I’m in the process of waking up.”

“It snowed last night,” said his mom. “A lot. I’m afraid to open the door! It’s almost up to the height of the first-floor windows.”

“Huh,” said Justin. “I guess we’ll be staying inside today, after all.”

“I guess so.” Emily smiled and sat down on his bed. One of her hands came to rest on Justin’s side, and then slowly began to glide down across his inner leg. Justin frowned.

It’s like she doesn’t even know what she’s doing. This is torture!

“Is there anything you need, sweetie, before I make breakfast?” asked his mom. “Anything at all?”

Her hand drew even closer to his cock. Justin almost couldn’t believe that she hadn’t noticed it. She stopped with the curve of her thumb pushed up against the base of it and began to hum a song he remembered from his childhood.

If she closed her fingers, she’d have my cock in her hand through the sheets!

“Oh…” Justin let out a soft moan and tried to think. “Mom…”

She leaned over him, letting her cleavage hang in front of his face.

“Do you need something, honey?”

One of her fingers brushed against Justin’s cock, and in his hyper aroused state, that was all it took. He let out a gasp and felt a shockwave of illicit pleasure course through him as he lost control. Cum sprayed out into his sheets in forceful, erratic spurts. The hot, stickiness of the mess he’d made immediately filled Justin with a deep sense of shame and regret.

The orgasm was powerful, but spoiled by the lack of real contact. But it was still something that had happened, something he now had to live with, and something potent enough to leave him speechless. He stared at his mom with his mouth open in a shocked, slack-jawed expression.

She didn’t even notice, or so it seemed. Emily ran a hand through her son’s hair and then stood up, walking over to the door, her hips swaying from side to side as she did.

“Breakfast will be ready soon,” she said. “We’ll have to do everything we can to enjoy the next couple of days. It will just be the two of us.”

Justin nodded slowly. His mom left, and he slammed his head back into his pillow, cringing at what he’d just done and feeling like a disgusting pervert.

“This can’t be happening…” he muttered. “What the hell is wrong with me?”

He took a shower, washing his body clean and wishing he could do the same for his mind. Justin rationalized away the incident the best he could. He’d been having a sex dream, his mom had woken him up, and it had been an accident.

It wasn’t her fault, it wasn’t my fault, it just happened. She was wearing that stupid sexy nightgown, and she was on my bed.

As he thought about how she’d looked, and how soft her hand had felt, his cock started to harden again. Justin glared down at it and began to feel the type of frustration that only a horny teenage male at the mercy of off limits temptation can truly understand.

He dried himself off, roughly scrubbing his erection in hopes that he could convince it to go back into hibernation. It didn’t, and after Justin had thrown on a t-shirt and some sweatpants, he cursed down at his conspicuous bulge.

Justin walked downstairs, hobbling over slightly in a futile attempt to reduce the visibility of his excited state. His mother was finishing up at the stove, scooping eggs and bacon onto a plate. She’d put on an apron over her nightgown, and it accentuated her already noticeable features.

“Here you go honey.” She smiled at him, dropped a slice of buttered toast on the plate to complete the arrangement, and then passed it to him. Justin smiled back at her and felt a small part of him relax inside.

She’s still my mom, and things are still normal between this. It’s me and my hormones that are making things weird, not her.

“Thanks, mom,” he said.

“Is there any hot water left? I need to take a shower, too.”

“There should be.”

His mother nodded and headed upstairs. Justin sat down at the kitchen table and ate his meal slowly. He even started to calm down a little. There was snow outside for him to shovel, which would keep him busy and out of the house, and he could play video games in his room if things started to get weird again.

The shower started running upstairs. Justin finished his food and brought his plate over to the sink. He’d just begun to gather up his winter outerwear when he heard his mom’s voice from the bathroom.

“Justin? There’s no towel in here, can you grab me one?”

“Yeah, sure thing mom.”

He headed for the linen closet, grabbed a towel, and then went upstairs. He hesitated for a second before opening the door.

“Justin?” called his mom.

He took a deep breath, and opened the door a crack.


Steam spilled out from the bathroom, completely obscuring Justin’s view. He slipped his arm through to drop the towel, and then opened the door a little wider.

I can’t see anything. I guess there’s no harm in me bringing it up to the shower curtain.

Justin slipped through the door. The bathroom wasn’t that large, and he walked toward the bathroom with small, cautious steps. He’d just started to reach for where he thought the curtain was when he walked into a head on collision with his naked mother.

“Ooh!” She let out a squeal that sounded just as surprised as Justin felt. She wavered, losing her balance slightly, and then fell forward against him.

“Whoa!” Justin’s foot caught as he tried to step away from her and he fell backward onto his butt. His mom fell on top of him, and for a moment, neither of them said anything.

She’s naked, and she’s on top of me. This can’t be happening.

Justin reached his hand up and felt it touch something soft, wet, and heavenly. He couldn’t see anything, but it didn’t take much mental calculus to figure out that he was groping his mother’s breast.

“Oh,” she whispered. “Sorry about that, sweetie.”

She made no move to climb off of her son. Justin’s cock was rock hard in an instant, as though he’d thrown the lever on a drawbridge. He squeezed his mom’s breast and felt her plant a soft, warm kiss on the side of his neck.

Justin felt like a possessed man. He pushed his hips upward, his aching cock searching for a new home through the fabric of his boxers and sweatpants. One of his hands reached around and took hold of one of his mom’s soft, perfectly shaped buttocks.

Emily, for her part, didn’t do anything to stop it. Her body was still dripping wet, and it almost seemed as though she was using Justin to dry off. She rubbed herself along him, parting her thighs and jiggling her breasts against his chest and face.

Justin’s hands moved with a mind f their own. He pulled his sweatpants down as much as he could, freeing his erection and letting it press against his mom’s stomach. She let out a sharp gasp, and a bit of an awareness of reality and what was happening came back to him.

She’s my mother! I can’t do this!

The steam began to settle, and Justin could see her face again. His mom met his eyes and slowly licked her lips. Justin started to turn his gaze down on her naked body, and in an instant, the situation felt real again.

“Whoops!” said his mother. “That was quite the fall!”

She hopped back up to her feet and pulled the towel around her in a single sweeping movement. Justin sat up, staring down at himself. He was wet from where his mom had made contact with him, and painfully excited.

“Well…” He pulled himself to his feet. “There’s the towel. I should head out now.”

His mother smiled mischievously at him.

“Of course, honey,” she said.

It was several seconds before Justin’s legs began to work again, and another few after that for him to drag his feet out the door. He closed the door softly behind him, wanting nothing more than to take one last peek at her, and headed down the hallway.


Justin had a plan and did everything he could to stick to it. It was simple enough. He’d wanted to do as much video gaming as he could over the vacation, anyway. With too much snow outside for him to make his shift at work, it was the obvious way to spend the day.

And it’s safe. No shame in playing video games.

There were a lot of people online. He tried to focus as much as he could on playing well and keeping his team alive. It was almost impossible for him to concentrate, given the circumstances. His cock screamed for attention, and thoughts of his mother were never far from his mind.

“Justin?” his mother called, from downstairs. “Can you help me with something?”

“I… I’m in the middle of a match, mom.”

“Please? It will only take a second.”

Justin didn’t say anything. The last thing that he wanted, by far, was to put himself in close proximity to his mother again. But he also knew that there was no way he could avoid her, or whatever was happening between the two of them, forever.

“I’ll give you a reward afterward, sweetie,” called his mother, her voice light and sweet.

Justin exited the match, set the controller down, and headed downstairs.

I’ll just see what she wants and then head back up to my room.

His cock was rock hard by the time he reached the bottom step. Emily was in the kitchen, standing in front of one of the cabinets. She was wearing another tiny robe, and as she turned to look over her shoulder at Justin, the front billowed open, giving him the briefest glimpse of one of her breasts.

“The child lock is stuck on the bottom cabinet,” said his mom. “Can you help me get it open?”

She smiled at him and then pulled at the cabinet door in front of her to demonstrate what she meant. The child lock was caught on the inner lip of the cabinet, preventing the door from opening more than an inch. His mom pulled the door and slammed it shut a few times, trying to slip it free.

“Sure, let me give it a try.” Justin took a deep, calming breath, and walked over to the cabinet. His mother stepped aside, standing close enough to him for Justin to be able to feel her body heat, and smell the scent of the shampoo she’d been using in the shower.

He pulled with all his strength, but the door resisted with the stubborn insistence of a mule wearing lead boots. After a couple of seconds, he let go of the handle and took a step back.

“It won’t open,” he said.

“That’s why I called out down here.” His mother closed the already short distance between them and set a hand on his chest. “Maybe… we could try together?”

There was a hint of something in her words that said more than anything else could. Justin felt the temperature of the room skyrocket and tried to keep his emotions in check as he faced his gorgeous, barely clothed mother.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll be in front,” she said. “You grab onto me, and pull. Just pull as hard as you can, and really give it everything you have.”

Justin felt an excited shiver run up his spine.

This is a bad idea!

“Is there any way you can make do without getting it open?” he asked.

Emily shook her head slowly and shifted so that her breasts were jutting out, defying the robe to keep them held in and tempting Justin’s eyes.

“I need what’s inside, Justin,” she said. “For something I’m cooking.”

“But…” He winced, feeling the aching pain of his cock fighting for dominance of his mind. “I just don’t know if it would work.”

“I think it will get the cabinet open,” his mom whispered. “Sometimes you just have to go for it, and worry about what works and what doesn’t later.”

Justin met her eye for a second and then looked away, breathing out hard as though fighting for oxygen against the tide of tension.

I’m making a mountain out of a molehill. It’ll be fine.

He nodded, and she flashed him a doting, motherly smile. She turned toward the cabinet, slowly leaned over, and gripped the handle tight in her hands.

She managed to keep that air of motherly elegance and poise about her, even as the robe slipped up her thighs, exposing the bottom edge of her beautiful buttocks. She smiled at Justin and nodded to the cabinet.

“Just grab onto my waist and give it your all.”

Justin felt as though time was moving at the speed of molasses. He took one step forward, and then another, and then slowly brought his hands to rest on either side of his mother’s waist. His cock was threatening to spear a hole through his boxers and sweat pants.

He leaned forward and the tip of his bulge accidentally grazed his mom’s butt. It felt like he’d probed the pleasure equivalent of a hot stove, tingles of lust coursing through his erection from the point of contact.

“Make sure you’re tight against me,” she whispered. “Just push right up as close as you can get.”

Her voice had a slight, almost undetectable waver of it. Justin did as she said, pushing his hard erection against her soft butt. It felt incredible, even though admitting it to himself brought on a wave of guilt and shame.

God, this is so weird. How the hell did I end up here?

“Ooh,” said his mom. “Get ready, sweetie. We’ll both pull on 3.”

Justin pushed in a little closer, grinding his cock against his mom’s ass. She seemed to quiver slightly, tightening her thighs and buttocks. His hands ran across her stomach over the robe, and it took every ounce of willpower he had to keep from pawing at her breasts.

“One,” said his mom.

Justin’s hips pressed into her again, letting his cock mash into her in a lewd, undeniably horny manner. He couldn’t stop himself from letting out a low, primal moan. He wanted more and hated himself for it.

“Two.” Her voice was quiet, shaky, and undeniably aroused. She arched her back slightly and Justin realized that her robe had fallen almost completely open. He let his hands slide up to her breasts and slowly humped against her from behind, too turned on to think about or judge himself for what he was doing. She had a perfect butt, and she seemed as eager to push it against him as he was to thrust into it.

“Three!” The word escaped his mother’s lips in a horny, breathless whisper. She pulled hard on the cabinet’s handle and Justin pulled hard against her. His bulge slipped into the gap between her thighs and he felt his mom squeeze her legs together in response.

The cabinet still didn’t open. His mom kept up the pretense of pulling on the handle for only a moment. Justin pushed forward against her and she had to put her hands on the countertop to steady herself. He hesitated for an instant, and then continued pumping into her.

I can’t stop! It feels too good!

She didn’t say anything, not even as Justin’s thrusting intensified. The silence, along with the still stuck cabinet, gave him all the pretense he needed. His hands roamed across his mom as his cock pushed against her hot, soft butt. She was still pushing back, responding to her son’s uncontrolled, horny assault.

It went on for a minute, if not longer. They were both getting sweaty, their bodies hot and in close contact. Justin’s mind was in a fog of lust, and his heart pounded against the inside of his chest. His cock was harder than it had ever been in his entire life, the tip of it wet with precum.

He was barely aware of what he was doing. His hands moved with a mind of their own, pulling his mother’s robe open until it slipped off her shoulders, falling first to her waist, and then the ground. Justin blinked, shocked by the result of his actions. His mom was still moving against him, her now naked butt pushing against the bulge in his sweatpants.

He ran his hands across her silky soft flesh, feeling a massive wave of shame sweep over him. What the hell had he just done? How was he going to explain any of it to her? He let one of his hands cup at the bottom of one of her breasts, feeling more embarrassed and confused than he ever had before in his life.

“Ooh, sweetie,” whispered his mother. “My robe…”

He heard her let out a tiny, surprisingly girlish giggle. She slipped her fingers into Justin’s sweatpants and pulled down with hard, deliberate movements. Justin’s cock snapped free, and it was only then that he realized what was happening. He blinked, still horny, and felt the tip of his erection rubbing against something, hot, wet, and incredibly inviting.

“Mom…” Justin eased forward, feeling his mother’s body shiver with delight as he pressed into her. Logic and reason mounted one final, desperate assault on his senses, and he pulled back slightly, shaking his head.

“It’s okay, honey,” whispered his mom. “It’s okay.”

“…You’re my mother,” he said, slowly. “This is…”

His mom pushed back, rubbing her velvety folds across his shaft. She looked over her shoulder at him, biting her bottom lip and wiggling her butt. Justin pushed forward, still shocked by what he, by what they, were in the process of doing.

The tip of his cock slid inside his mother’s hot, tight cunt. She let out a soft moan and rubbed her hand along Justin’s thigh, pausing to squeeze his knee. She’d done that throughout his life, ever since he’d been a little boy, to reassure him.

Justin groaned, all of his shame and confusion feeding the flames of his horny, illicit lust. He sheathed his cock further inside his mother’s tight, wet pussy. She flicked her hair out of her face as she turned to meet his eye, smiling. It was such a motherly expression that for a moment, Justin had another surge of doubt. Of horror, even.

She’s my mom! What the hell am I doing?

“What is it, sweetie?” she said, her voice soft and sweet. “Don’t be shy. You can say it.”

“This is… wrong,” said Justin. “Mom, we can’t be doing this.”

Even as he spoke, his hands found their way to his mom’s waist, and his hips regained their back and forth motion. He slowly slid his rod in and out, feeling the soft, velvety tightness of her wet hole, and the burning heat of her body.

“It’s okay,” she said. “I’m just taking care of you, honey. These things happen…”

Justin pumped into her faster, the accumulated arousal from the past couple of days suddenly overcoming the mental dam holding it back. He groped at his mom’s breasts and thrust into her with enough energy to make the counter shake.

His mother let out tiny little breaths each time he pushed in. Her hands were anchored against the countertop, but Justin’s enthusiasm slid her forward across it until she was bent forward at a rakish angle.

“Oh god!” Justin kissed his mom’s neck, inhaling her sweet, clean scent. “Mom!”

That’s right. She’s my mom.

He was fucking her with the kind of passion that can only come from conflicting drives and emotions, the kind that most people are lucky if they experience once or twice in their life. And it felt incredible, like eating the forbidden fruit and having all other tastes ruined for him.

The whole kitchen creaked each time Justin pushed forward. Every thrust gave him a burst of illicit pleasure, along with a cute, high pitched squeal from his mom. It was as though every element of the taboo coupling was working to push it forward, toward its inevitable climax.

His mom slipped against the counter and knocked a coffee cup to the floor. It didn’t shatter, but the sound of it landing gave Justin a reality check. He blinked, coming back to the moment and feeling almost too ashamed to continue. He hesitated at the end of a thrust, and his mom immediately took charge.

She pushed him back slightly and turned around, giving him a clear view of her naked body for the first time. She was perfect, and practically flaunted her trim waist, big breasts, and the sultry, seductive look in her eyes. She was also smiling at him gently, a smile that told him to go ahead, that it was okay, even though the two of them were veering off the beaten path into something scary and new.

With a single crook of her finger, his mother invited him back into her. She hopped up on the counter, putting her at the perfect level for her son to fuck her from the front. She guided Justin’s cock into her, helping him along with the next step into incestual depravity, like a good mother should.

He was close, and because of that, he started slowly, with smooth, loving thrusts. His mother kissed him on the neck, and then the cheek, and then the lips. Justin flicked his tongue out to meet hers, tasting the sweet nectar of her kiss, and continued to fuck her slowly on the counter.

Justin kissed the nape of her neck and then her nipple. He sucked gently on one of them, letting his tongue draw hot, wet patterns across it. His mom moaned and wrapped her legs around him, locking him into the embrace.

“Justin,” she whispered. He responded with a hard thrust and felt his newly found control vanish in a puff of arousal and lust.

Justin pulled his mom off the counter and held her in his arms like a sex doll, thrusting up into her with every inch of his cock. She was a petite woman, and he felt a shiver go through her as he handled her with his strong, muscular arms. It was primal and base, like a caveman taking an attractive mate through physical strength and domination.

Can we really be doing this? Can it really feel this good?

Justin lowered her down to the kitchen floor. He needed to finish the job. He needed to wreck her pussy, to fuck her in a way that expressed every facet of the strange, conflicting emotions he was feeling at the moment.

“Mom!” Justin began to thrust into her, fast and hard. The kitchen floor was cold, and his mom’s body was a furnace in comparison. He slammed into her, letting his cock prod and probe.

“Sweetheart!” His mom’s chest heaved up and down, and her breasts jiggled in delightful little circles. She ran a hand through his hair, and Justin fucked her even faster.

Their bodies slapped together, creating an illicit rhythm as their flesh met and parted. Justin realized he was moaning through gritted teeth. His mom was moaning too, each one slightly higher in pitch than the last. He could sense her orgasm approaching, and realized that he was right there with her.

Both of them let out an unintelligible shout of ecstasy as they reached their limit and shared in each other’s orgasms. Justin’s cock seized with pleasure, blasting his hot, sticky seed deep inside his mother’s pussy. Her cunt clenched around the base of his erection, sucking it in and holding it tight, as if it was trying to play for keeps.

Justin buried his head against his mom’s neck and collapsed on top of her, exhausted. She ran her hand through his hair and rubbed his back. The sound of her breathing, calm and steady, was the most relaxing thing he’d ever heard.

From behind them, the cupboard door made a noise and slipped open. Justin began to chuckle, and as his mother joined in, they both broke out into loud, infectious laughter.


Neither of them said a word for the next few minutes. Emily stood up first, gathering herself into her robe and wordlessly disappearing upstairs. Justin finally found himself unable to avoid the inevitable deluge of thoughts and self-aware judgments.

I’ve gone off the deep end. I’ll never come back from this.

He rushed up to his room. The shower was running in the bathroom, and he walked by it quickly, keeping his eyes on the floor. He closed the door behind him and sat down on his bed, completely and utterly confused.

It had felt amazing. That single fact was what Justin kept coming back to. He wanted to deny it, but deep in his bones, he found himself unable to. The sex had felt incredible, like getting a glimpse of another world, a world filled with evil temptation and blissful corruption.

I can never do that again. I have to bury the memory, forget it ever happened.

He leaned back on his bed. In his mind’s eye, he could still see his mom’s naked body, her perfect skin, big breasts, and the way her cheeks had been slightly flushed. Justin bit his lip until it threatened to split open and buried his face in his pillow.

“Justin?” His mom’s voice came from outside his door. “Are you okay?”

The door opened before he could answer, and his mom walked into the room. Justin couldn’t even make an attempt to look at her.

“Hey,” she said, sitting down next to him on the bed. “Justin…”

He finally sat up. She was wearing a baggy sweatshirt, one of his, in fact, along with black yoga pants. She had a small towel wrapped around her hair. It was a proper outfit, at least in comparison to how she’d been dressed in the kitchen before, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Mom,” he said. “I don’t know what just happened.”

He shook his head and met her eye. She was smiling, and her face was filled with love, compassion, and concern.

“I don’t either,” she said. “I’m a grown adult, and I don’t always understand what’s going on, or why things happen. Especially when it comes to sex.”

She bowed her head slightly. Justin knew what she was going to say, but for some reason, he needed to hear it out loud.

“I love you, Justin,” she whispered. “As a son. And even if things get confusing, or weird, or completely out of control between us, I’ll still love you.”

“I love you too, mom.”

His mother smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

“See? Was that so hard?” She stood up from the bed and started walking toward the door. “I’m going to hold off on cooking until later tonight, for dinner. Any requests?”

Justin shook his head and swallowed.

“Anything is fine by me,” he said.”

“Great.” She smiled at him one last time and then opened the door. “Oh, and one more thing?”


His mother’s eyes twinkled with delicious mischief.

“Let’s curl up on the couch tonight, drink some wine, and find a fun movie to watch.” She brought her hand to her lips and blew him a kiss. Justin felt it land on his mouth.


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