Sex with my neighbour aunt

Hi.. I’m Ravi from Hyderabad. Athletic build with fair look. I don’t want to waste time on my introduction..Now coming in to the story..the heroine is my neighbour aunty.

Her name is Aruna (not real name) fair looking and with mind blowing assets. Her husband was died few year’s ago. She was living with her two children. As she is my neighbour and also relative (means my uncle wife) I visit her house regularly. I had lust over her but not dared to move forward as I don’t know how she will react. Many times I masturbated by dreaming her in my bathroom. But my efforts were going on to occupy her beauty and made her my bed partner.

One day I went to her house in afternoon hours, no one is there.. her children went to school. Now the real story’begins. I am watching some x vedios in my mobile phone. She came near me and asked what you are watching…all of sudden I hide my phone in my short pocket. She forceibly put his hand in my short pocket even I resisted. She touched my erected dick, but anyway she took over my phone from my pocket with a naughty simle. Then I got courage and again hold her hand tightly and tried to take my phone
.Like this we both have a cute quarrel by touching eachother.

During this quarrel I caught her breasts accidentally at that time really I’m on cloud nine. She also not resisted more over she was trying to hide my phone. Nw I hope it’s a positive sign from her side. I didn’t remove my hands from her breast and trying to squeeze softly. She was also slowly responding and asked me abt wt I was watching..I told her I will show you practically. She replied ahaa… And smiled. I hold her bra and teared I can’t wait anymore..I suck her nipples madley..she holding my head very tightly and pressings it over her boobs. After sucking slowey started kissing from her neck below the ear she was enjoying.

I removed her saree and moved towards her navel and kissing she was slightly moaning l kissed and sucked all over her body. Later she took my head and put it near her pusy…

I smelled her pussy and get toxicant like a drunken person started sucking her pussy like a hungry guy… She was massaging my Dick and moaning loudly. She put my Dick in her mouth…

We both came in 69 position and started sucking like mad dogs. After few minutes she cummed over my face and I cummed in her mouth..she swalloed it

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