Mom and son find treasure and pleasure in the Attic

Mom and son find treasure and pleasure in the attic.

It was on the tenth day of his grandfather’s demise that the last of the relatives who had come to attend the funeral left Raj and his mother Kala alone in their small abode. It was difficult for them to get used to the fact that the old man was not prying upon them anymore. Since Raj lost his father 9 years ago, his grandfather kept a hawk’s eye on them and now it was difficult for them to digest the fact that he was no more.

Having lived under his nose for 9 years it came as a big relief that at last they were not under his scanner. On one hand he felt free and on the other he was troubled as he had to take care of his mother. Though he was 19 years it was a huge responsibility on him to look after his mother with what little resources he had in hand. Having a strong feeling that he could manage, he felt relieved.

As evening dawned, his mother Kala looking at the stairs leading to the attic said. ‘Why don’t we go up and have a look.’

‘Yes Mom,’ he replied as he was keen to climb the stairs which he had not dared even to look at in the past 9 years. It was only his grandfather who used to climb up once in a while.

The anxiety grew as we started climbing and the moment he reached the top a heap of old furniture and wooden boxes greeted his vision. On closer scrutiny he found many such boxes scattered here and there. Pointing to one such box ‘it belonged to your father,’ said his Mom.

On opening it he found some books, some old newspapers and some documents which at that moment did not catch his eyes. Kala becoming emotional asked him to fetch a broom and as he brought it she went on cleaning the Attic. While she was dusting he opened a few boxes and made a scrutiny of all the items. Apart from a few pieces of bronze he could not find anything of any value.

Later when he saw his mother struggling to lift some furniture he helped her. Together as they set a few things in that cramped space he got closer to her. At that moment he could not understand what it was but the sensations on being close to his mother felt different. He went out of his way to help her and after straining for an hour ‘let’s continue it tomorrow,’ said his mother.

The next day he kept hinting on the pending work but as they had guests coming and going, they could hardly find time till evening. Finally when they went up the attic he took the initiative and helped Mom tidying up most of the things. He was so excited to work alongside her in the cramped space that when his Mom called it a day, he felt bad. Then again looking at the pending work it brought cheer to his face.

Next morning, as there were less visitors they spent the whole afternoon in the attic and during this period whenever he got close to his mother he felt the warmth of her body and this gave birth to new sensations. It became difficult for him to fathom that he could have such sensations from being close to his mother. He could have understood if it were another woman, but to have such sensations on being close to his mother was unimaginable. The more he tried to shake it out of his mind the more he got obsessed to it.

It took them three days to set things in order and on the fourth evening they sat together to make an inventory. Opening one of the boxes belonging to his grandfather his eyes fell upon a cover and on opening it he was surprised to see some stamped documents. On closer scrutiny he found them to be some property papers. When he asked Mom whether GF had any property her brain was totally blank. She could not recall either her husband or her father-in-law talk about the property. She even had a doubt as to whether her husband knew about it. Her husband was totally under GF’s spell and was not man enough to stand up and speak to him. So he could not have known about any property.

“Do you think he has spoken to anyone regarding this property?” Raj asked his Mom.

‘No I don’t think he would have let anyone know about it.’

‘Is there anyone in our family who can give us some information?” he asked.

Thinking for a while she shook her head and said. “I doubt as he seldom discussed any matter with any family member.”

“Fine, is there anyone in the family who can claim this to be their property?” He questioned her.

After thinking for a while she said. “Nobody from the family I know of.”

“Ah! That’s good. Mom, do you think he could have left a will?” He asked.

“Why don’t we search his papers?” Kala replied.

They started opening the boxes. Raj felt excited sitting beside his mother and on many occasions leaned upon her, then suddenly thinking it was wrong he did pull back. This continued for some time and when it got dark they came down.

The next morning after having a re-check Raj said, “Mom, I don’t think he has not left any will.”

“Yes and now what do we do with these?” She asked holding the papers.

“We may have to consult some lawyer in town, shall we go Mom?” He asked.

“How can I, I don’t have a proper dress.”

“I will buy you a saree Mom,” he said and as she looked at him with concern “we will pawn some of those bronze items,” Raj said.As Kala nodded Raj felt excited and before she could change her mind he went out of the house.

Next morning as Kala came out wearing the new saree, Raj could not hide his joy. He instantly blurted out ‘Mom you looks so pretty,’ and kept stealing glances at her during the journey. It was when they reached the town that his mother nuzzled close to him on finding so many people scrambling in the crowded streets.

Holding her hand and supporting her they made their way to the Lawyers office and as they sat side by side in the cramped office waiting for their turn Raj felt exuberant to feel the warmth of her body.

Later on having met the lawyer their joy knew no bounds as the papers they were holding were of a prominent land and by today’s value it would fetch them an amount which they could not have dreamt of.

Excited by the virtue of becoming rich in a day they hurried back home and started searching for another part of the paper pertaining to the property in the attic. It was here that Raj took undue advantage of being close to his Mom. He kept brushing her body every now and then and at times even slipped his hand over her. Finally when they got hold of the papers Raj hugged his mother in his arms and showering kisses on her face cried out “Mom we have found the papers.” Kala’s joy knew no bounds, wrapping her arms around him she swayed in his arms.

While Raj had hugged his mother on the spur of the moment it was Kala’s body which had responded to his embrace and hugged him strongly and did not let go until Raj moved out of her arms.

Coming out of the embrace while Raj was excited to see her blushing face it was Kala who felt bad. She could understand what had taken over her and why she had reacted like that. Shaking the image out of her mind and slipping her arm on his waist she flashed a smile at him.

That smile conveyed thousand meanings and Raj could not have asked for more.

The next week saw Raj shuttling from one office to another getting all the paper work done. He used to come home late in the night and run away the next morning after collecting a few bronze pieces. Kala was a mute spectator to all this.

One evening Raj came home carrying a few parcels and keeping them aside he said. ‘Mom tomorrow we may have to go to town again.’

‘Is it necessary that I should come along,’ asked Kala raising her eyebrows.

‘Yes Mom you have to sign a few documents,’ replied her son enthusiastically and handing over the parcels he went out again.

Kala was troubled to see him leave and on opening the parcels she was surprised to see a few undergarments along with a saree. Hugging the garments, ‘so this is the reason for him to runaway she thought.’ Then trying them on and finding them fit her body wondered how he was able to pick them up.

Next morning she spent a lot of time dressing up. After draping the saree she had to struggle to see how it looked on her as the small mirror she held was so little help. It was here she regretted on not having a full length mirror.

Stepping out and facing her son she felt bad on not finding the desired effect on him and when she said tried to step out she stood her ground when she heard ‘Mom why don’t you comb your hair.’ Those words made her stand rooted at the door as she had totally forgotten about it. Taking a deep breath and finding enough courage she turned and facing him ‘why don’t you do it for me,’ she said boldly.

Those words were music for his ears and by the time he could return fetching a comb he saw his Mom sitting on a stool. Coming to kneel behind her he held her lush silky hair and toying her hair to his heart’s content ran the comb through them, all the time feeling its silkiness. Kala let him have his way as this brought much relief to her troubled mind.

Running the comb through her hair his hands had a field day caressing her forehead and her earlobes and on one such occasion seeing a few strands of grey hair ‘Mom you need to dye your hair,’ he said.

‘Why should I at this age,’ she replied.

‘Mom, how old are you?’ he asked.

‘May be 38 but why do you ask?’

‘At 38 nobody starts getting grey hair Mom,’ he replied.

‘If someone else was in my position then you ought to have searched for black hair,’ she replied.

‘I can understand what hardship you have faced Mom,’ he said bending down and planting a kiss on her forehead.

‘No you can never understand,’ she replied shaking her head.

‘I will see that you forget everything Mom,’ he said pleating her loose hair.

‘So very kind of you, now shall we go?’ she asked struggling to bring a smile on her face and as she stood up he said ‘you look charming Mom,’ which brought a genuine smile on her face.

Soon they boarded a bus and as they traversed some distance it started getting crowded. Sitting by her side and feeling the warmth of her body Raj had a jolly ride and as they got down in town, Kala held his arm for support. Feeling elated they walked up to the Lawyer’s office.

Anxiously they waited in the lawyer’s office and once they finished signing up the documents they heaved a sigh of relief when the lawyer announced that the property belonged to them now. Further their joy knew no bounds when the lawyer informed that a party was willing to buy their land.

Both Raj and Kala felt as if the whole world belonged to them when the lawyer quoted the price. He further went on to say that if they are interested in selling he was willing to pay advance amount right away.

On having deal being finalized and on having received the payment as they got up to leave, the lawyer came forward and asked his driver to drop them at their place.

Sitting huddled in the car both of them did not utter a word until they reached home and as they entered and shut the door ‘what shall we do with this cash?’ asked Raj.

Looking at the stairs and smiling ‘no place is safer than the attic,’ she said.

Holding the currency he scrambled up the stairs and on depositing in a wooden box and handing the key to his mother ‘Mom, this is all yours,’ he said.

Floored by his actions and his words Kala hugged her son and planting kisses on his cheeks ‘what would I do with all this money,’ she replied.

‘As you are the beneficiary of the property it belongs to you keep it,’ he insisted and as a reluctant Kala agreed pressing the key in her hand he felt elated.

Seeing his face brimming with joy Kala cupped it in both hands and drawing closer kissed him hard on his cheek.

Being kissed passionately Raj blushed and Kala seeing his face turn crimson ‘you look so cute that I feel like kissing you again,’ she said.

‘And I would consider myself fortunate,’ he replied.

Seeing him act and speak like an adult ‘when did my son grow up? I was under the impression that he was still a kid,’ she said.

‘Don’t forget that I am nineteen years old Mom,’ he said holding her in his arms.

‘Yes I know you are nineteen and that’s the reason I asked you to take charge of the money,’ replied Kala.

‘No Mom, I will take it from you whenever I want,’ said Raj.

‘What if I don’t give you any?’ she teased.

‘Then I may have to steal the keys from you,’ he said drawing her closer.

Placing the key inside her blouse ‘how would you steal them?’ she asked.

Seeing her hide the key ‘then I may have to devise a plan to pull it out from its hiding place,’ he put the words softly in her ear.

‘And what would be your plan?’ she asked in the same tone.

‘Why should I reveal it you,’ he replied.

‘Am I not your mother, can you not reveal it to me,’ she asked.

‘Yes I will, I intend to bribe her,’ he said.

‘Bribe her with what?’ she asked.

Caressing her scalp and holding a few strands of grey hair ‘these need to be dyed and also you may need lots of appliances,’ he replied.

‘Appliances, what would I do with them?’

‘You need them as you would be stepping into a different world,’ he replied.

Excited by his words ‘does my son plan to take me into a new world?’ she asked.

‘Yes a world where you may not have to lift a finger to get things done,’ he replied.

Hearing those words she was in a trance. She was reminiscing the early days when on getting married she had come to this house. She recalled how her husband could not even touch her fearing his father. He used to tremble whenever his father was inside the house and at nights when the old man used to cough he used to grasp her with fear. She could not recall when her husband had taken her in his arms last.

She recalled the twenty odd years she had spent in that house. From early in the morning to late in the night she was virtually a slave of the old man. She shivered recalling the hardship she had to face when Raj was young. Now as her son was talking of a new world she found it hard to be believe that such a world exists.

Shaking the past memories out of her mind ‘I don’t know what you are talking about,’ she replied.

Holding her firmly in his arms ‘Mom you need not worry, everything will be fine,’ he said.

Nuzzling her face in the comfort zone of his broad chest ‘no I don’t know anything of the outer world, I only know you,’ she said burrowing her face deeper onto his chest.

Feeling elated by her words and taking advantage of her closeness ‘I won’t disappoint you Mom’ he said caressing her back.

‘This feels so nice Raj, I have not been comforted like this in my whole life,’ as she let out those words she kissed him again on his cheek.

‘Brace yourself Mom, tomorrow we may have to go to town again,’ he said as his hands caressed her back soothing her.

‘No I don’t want to move out of this comfort zone,’ saying it she hugged him.

‘Even I want to have you in my arms Mom,’ as he let out these words he bent down and planted a kiss on her forehead.

Feeling delighted to stay put in his arms ‘so what do you intend to buy me?’ she asked.

‘First we will buy a few saris and other essential garments,’ he said.

‘Do I have to come, can you not buy them as you did yesterday,’ she asked looking straight into his eyes.

‘I can but I want you to be by my side,’ he replied.

‘I would feel shy to accompany you to such shops,’ she said and looking up at him ‘moreover you know what to buy.’

‘Yes I can understand how you would feel,’ he said nodding his head.

‘Tell me how you were able to fetch my size,’ she asked quizzing him with her eyes.

‘I feel shy to explain Mom,’ he replied.

‘Oh! Come on who is here to listen to what you have to say,’ she insisted.

‘You have an hourglass figure Mom,’ he replied shyly.

‘What does it mean?’ she asked.

‘It’s a figure which attracts many a person,’ he blurted out.

‘Daht, don’t tell this old woman that she possesses such a figure,’ she replied.

‘You don’t know how you look Mom. With little changes in your attire and hair styles you would look absolutely charming,’ he said as his fingers deftly kept toying with her hair.

‘And do you intend to bring those changes is it?’ she asked.

‘I would love to Mom.’

‘Why, don’t I look charming now?’ she asked and as she straightened the top of her sari slipped down from her chest.

‘You do look charming Mom and even the key which you have hidden is visible now,’ he said looking at the exposed part of her bosom.

‘Now don’t you dare get any wild ideas to pull it out,’ she said smilingly.

‘Well if you don’t part with it then I might be tempted to pull it out,’ he replied.

‘From where it is lodged?’ she asked.

‘Yes from where it is lodged, provided you don’t part with it,’ he replied jokingly.

Changing the track she asked. ‘So the hourglass figure helped you in buying those garments.’

‘Yes to some extent it helped me,’ he replied.

‘And what other factors did you take into account?’ she asked.

‘I had to consider many but cannot reveal them. Tell me did they suit you,’ he enquired.

‘Yes and no,’ she replied.

‘Why, what’s wrong with them?’ he asked.

‘If I tell you will you set it right?’ she asked raising her eyebrows.

‘If it is feasible or if you want me to, I will,’ he replied.

‘You seem to have grown up overnight; yes I need your assistance.’ She replied somewhat reluctantly.

‘What’s troubling you Mom?’

‘Those straps at the back, they are hurting me,’ she replied softly.

‘May be you have hooked them wrong,’ he said.

‘Yes I may have as I have not used them earlier;’ saying it she turned and pulling the back of her blouse, ‘have a look.’

Raj felt excited when his mother lifted the blouse and revealed the straps of her bra. Seeing her bare back he felt excited and then having a closer look he said ‘need more space, can I unhook your blouse Mom?’

‘I was expecting you would say so and yes you have my permission,’ she replied.

Pleased with her response he went on unhooking her blouse and having a closer view ‘you have made a mess of it Mom,’ he said.

‘As I told you I am not used to them,’ she replied.

Taking his own time as he released the hooks he heard his mother heave a sigh of relief and setting it right ‘do you feel comfortable now,’ he asked.

‘It would be better if you loosen a little more,’ she replied moving her shoulders blades and setting the cups right.

‘Is it better now?’ asked Raj adjusting them again.

‘Yes now I can breathe freely,’ she replied and turning to face him she planted a kiss on his cheek.

‘I am delighted to be of some help to you Mom,’ he said.

‘Are you going to re-hook my blouse or want it to be left open?’ she asked jokingly.

‘If I had my way I would have left it open. You have a gorgeous back Mom,’ he said drawing light circles over it and unable to resist he planted a soft kiss before re-hooking it.

‘What was that for?’ asked Kala getting excited on being kissed on her bare back.

‘I could not resist the temptation Mom, you have a gorgeous back,’ he blurted out.

Kala was thrilled by his response and wanted to say ‘let it open’ then thinking it would not be correct on her path to instigate him ‘some other time,’ she said softly.

Though she had uttered those words softly Raj was floored by them. Thinking he may get another opportunity ‘so sweet of Mom,’ he said.

Turning around and hugging him ‘it’s my son who is so sweet,’ she said and when she felt his arms go around her back cuddling her face on his chest ‘don’t you think this attic has brought us much happiness,’ she asked.

‘Yes and I look forward for more,’ saying it he hugged her warmly.

Squirming in delight on being hugged ‘is it not a fact that you want me to stay close to you,’ she asked.

‘Yes Mom, ever since we ventured into this attic I feel like being close to you and hug you’ he said as his arms tightened the hold upon her.

‘Yes I have been observing you lately and the feeling I get on being close to you is unimaginable,’ she said looking into his eyes.

Squeezing her in his arms and planting a kiss on her forehead ‘so it goes to show that both of us enjoy being close,’ he said lifting her face up and caressing her lips.

Feeling his caresses ‘do you want to . . . . . . . .?’ she asked and feeling shy did not complete the sentence.

‘Yes I want to if that is what you mean,’ saying it he touched her lips again.

‘Yes you can,’ saying it she closed her eyes and lifted her face.

Cupping her face in both hands Raj looked deep into it and when her lips started pouting he kissed them lightly.

Opening her eyes ‘Is that how you kiss,’ she said kissing him with vigour.

‘Do you think I have any experience in kissing a woman,’ saying it he locked his lip upon hers and kissed her passionately.

Coming out of the kiss ‘not bad for a beginner and you seem to learn fast,’ she said.

‘Some things come naturally when incited,’ he replied hugging her again in his arms.

On being embraced ‘you don’t seem to let me out of your arms,’ she said.

‘I love to have you in my arms and please don’t try to stop me,’ he said embracing her tightly.

‘Why should I stop you . . .,’ and before she could complete the sentence she felt his hands pull her lower body on to his and on feeling his hardness brush her thighs ‘ . . . . when it feels so heavenly,’ she said.

Delighted by her words ‘Mom why don’t we stay put in the attic tonight,’ he said.

‘Yes I don’t remember the last time when he slept here and moreover today it is quite warm,’ as she said it she hugged his whole body onto hers.

‘Oh! Mom I am so happy,’ saying it he kissed her passionately.

‘Why are you so happy? Is it because I hugged you or is it because I agreed to spend the night here?’ she asked.

‘Both! As you have agreed to spend the night then I think I would have ample opportunities to hug you,’ he said as he pushed her to the wall.

Being cornered and unable to move ‘don’t you think you are taking advantage,’ she said putting her arms around his neck and caressing it.

‘It’s for the good of both,’ saying it he slipped a hand on her back and unhooked her blouse.

Feeling him unhooking her blouse ‘and what could that be for,’ saying it she pulled his face down to her bosom.

Cuddling his face in her warmth of her bosom ‘it’s for showering love upon you,’ he replied discarding her blouse.

‘Does one shower love by undressing one’s garments,’ she asked pressing his face on her bra clad bosom.

‘Though it’s a love of different nature I feel you would like it,’ saying it he dipped his face between her warm breasts and unclasped her bra.

‘Do you have to be so shameless as to pull out ones undergarments,’ she asked as she felt her bra being pulled out of her body.

‘In this form of love they are the main obstacles,’ as he uttered those words his eyes fell upon her naked petite breasts and caressing them ‘it’s so beautiful to feel them Mom,’ he said.

‘Does one praise ones Mom’s breasts like that,’ she asked as warm waves started erupting in her body.

‘All beautiful things are meant to be praised and if they belong to your Mom, then you are bound to praised even more,’ saying it as he took a breast in his mouth he pressed his hardness on her waist.

Feeling his hardness on her waist and having her breast in his mouth Kala’s body began to writhe in ecstasy and as she felt moistness creeping between her thighs. Biting her lips and pulling his face from her breast ‘when is all this going to stop,’ she asked.

‘Let me embrace you for a few more moments Mom,’ he said as he grasped her and pressed his hardness on her soft belly.

Feeling that in no way he was going to let her go without having accomplished his feat she started grinding her waist on his manhood and when Raj started moaning, gluing her lips on his and kissing him passionately ‘do you still need to have me in your arms?’ she asked.

‘Yes no yes no,’ repeating it he kept jabbing his hardness on her soft belly and pushing her to the wall he shot in his pants. Then it was the turn of Kala to hold him in her arms and soothe him.

It was after some time that Kala moved out of his arms and collecting her garments went down to fight out a battle more difficult than the one she had encountered in the attic. After debating all the pros and cons and neither winning or losing the battle she decided to climb up as she had given a word to her son that she would spend the night in the attic.

On climbing she saw Raj lying on mattresses reading a document and as she knelt beside him ‘Mom, look what I found,’ he said showing her the documents.

‘What are they?’ asked Kala not bothering to read them.

‘It’s a statement left behind by Grand Father informing us about the property,’ he said.

‘So the old man had thought of us,’ she said.

‘Yes and he also states that he had to guard it with all his life,’ he said.

‘Yes he did that. He neither informed his son nor his grandson about it,’ she said spilling her anger.

‘No, he goes to say that he did not inform us as there was a cult involved in it. Mom, I think the old man had old beliefs and hence did not inform us.’

‘May be,’ she said and thought for a while and unable to recap any instance. ‘Okay let his soul rest in peace,’ she said.

‘Yes rest in peace grand pa,’ he said and turning to face her ‘so now we need not bother about anyone,’ he said holding the papers.

‘Yes it is a big relief,’ she replied.

Getting excited ‘tomorrow I am going to buy the whole town Mom,’ he said.

‘Provided I give you the key,’ she replied jokingly.

Smiling at her ‘do you think you have the key?’ he asked.

Kala slipped her hand inside her blouse and pulling it out empty she looked at him.

‘Open your blouse and search thoroughly Mom,’ said Raj dangling the key in front of him.

Seeing the key in his hand ‘You pig,’ she screamed and as she lunged forward to snatch it, Raj held her and pulling her by his side ‘do you want me to put it back,’ he asked.

‘You are a swine,’ she said taking the key from him.

‘It’s fine, now why don’t you put it back where it belongs to,’ he said staring at her bosom.

‘Why should I, I will keep wherever I want to,’ she said kissing the key.

‘I was hoping I would get a chance to remove it from its hiding place,’ he said looking into her eyes.

‘Why are you so crazy, where you not . . . .. . .?’ she said.

‘Being close to you I go crazy Mom,’ he replied.

‘Then I think I should go to my room,’ she said trying to get up.

Pulling her down ‘how can you go when you have promised,’ he said.

‘What promise did I make?’ she asked making faces at him.

‘You said . . . . . . ,’ he could not reply.

‘Yes I said I would spend the night here, nothing else,’ she replied shaking her head.

‘But I thought spending the night with you would be something different,’ he replied.

‘What do you mean by something different?’ she asked moving closer.

‘Like having you in my arms,’ he replied.

‘You had me in your arms, did you not?’ she asked smiling at him.

‘Yes I had you in my arms and what’s wrong if I feel like having you again,’ he said.

‘Yes you can but you may have to restrict your hands, think about it,’ she said.

‘Did you not allow me to undo your blouse,’ he replied.

‘That’s because my bra malfunctioned.’

‘Now I want to see if it fits you as I intend to buy you some more,’ he said pulling her close.

‘Is it because of that or do you have any dirty ideas?’ she asked.

‘First let me have a look and as far as any dirty ideas are concerned we will come to it later,’ saying it he started undoing her blouse.

‘You have become smarter than a guy of your age,’ she said feeling elated by his act.

‘It’s the circumstances which has brought changes Mom,’ he said and as he pulled out her blouse ‘they seem to look prettier now’ he said eyeing her breasts.

‘You are not supposed to look at them and moreover I did not ask for your comments,’ she replied.

‘How can I buy you a bra without studying what’s going to be behind them?’ he asked.

‘As if you don’t know what size I wear.’

‘Size yes I do know. I am trying to gauge what texture and what design would suit these beautiful orbs,’ he said as he undid her bra.

‘You are a wicked person,’ she said as her bra was pulled out.

Denuding her breasts and feasting his eyes on their shape, their size and the brownish erect nipples ‘no bra would enhance their beauty Mom and don’t you think it would be better if they are left naked,’ he said.

‘And have you ogling at them all day long, no’ she replied and before he could utter a word ‘if you have finished can I dress up,’ she enquired.

‘How can you when neither I have touched nor kissed them,’ he said cupping her small breasts in both hands. Then caressing them softly and tweaking her nipple ‘will you not hug me Mom,’ he asked.

‘So you are not going to let me go unless I hug you,’ saying it she moved closer and putting her arms around him and drawing him closer she hugged him.

‘Yes I have been craving to hug you all along,’ he replied holding her in his arms.

‘Why, had you not had me in your arms earlier?’ she asked.

‘Yes but to have you in my arms lying down on bed is different,’ he said pulling her up on top of him.

‘Why what difference does it make? Isn’t it the same me and the same you,’ she said getting excited on lying on top of him.

‘It makes a world of difference and the difference is there for you to take note of,’ he said pulling her lower body on to his hardness.

‘Why do you men have to be so mean? Can you not propose in a better way?’ she asked lying fully on top of him and snuggling his hardness beneath her belly.

‘Had I asked you point blank would you have accepted?’ he asked grasping her in both hands and kissing her passionately.

‘Should you not have tried,’ and thinking for a moment she said. ‘Even if I had said no it would have had a different meaning.’

‘Then shall I take your answer as yes now,’ he asked caressing her lips.

‘When you have not asked me how can you jump to conclusion,’ she replied biting his finger.

Pushing his finger deep into her mouth ‘is it necessary I should ask such a question. Can you not understand why he is knocking at your door?’ he asked pressing his erectness on her soft hot belly.

‘How should I know what that dirty fellows intentions are?’ she replied.

‘Now you call him dirty but when he starts pleasuring you, your words fail to praise him,’ he said as he started tugging her sari.

‘It seems you don’t understand what I say. Did I not say that if we say no it means yes and vice versa,’ she replied.

‘So dirty means lovable and if it is so why don’t you shower some love on him,’ he asked pulling out her sari.

‘What do you think I have been doing? Have I not nuzzled him on the warmest, softest part of my body? If this is not like showering love then I don’t know what it can be,’ she replied.

‘Yes you have showered some love and I think he has gone crazy,’ he said as he started pushing down her slip.

‘Is that why he is throbbing?’ she asked biting his earlobe.

‘Lodged in the comfort zone of the most gorgeous woman if he does throb where do you think he would’ he said pushing her slip down her thighs.

‘When he is so comfortably lodged then why are you pulling my slip,’ she asked as hot waves lashed through her body.

‘It’s the turn of my dirty eyes,’ he said.

‘Why, have they not seen what a woman has down there?’ she asked biting her lips.

‘No and they have even failed to visualize how it would look like,’ he replied as his hands slipped under her panties.

Recapping his life spent in that small village which does not even have power ‘yes how can they have,’ she uttered softly.

Taking it as a cue he put her down and kneeling beside ‘I can’t believe I am going to feast my eyes upon it,’ he said.

‘And I don’t know what has made me allow you to,’ she said and then thinking of the miserable life she had she found no wrong in allowing him.

Bending down and staring at her exquisite shapely thighs and the dark panties snuggled between them ‘one ought to have two pairs of eyes to feast upon them Mom,’ saying it he placed his hand between her warm thighs and caressed them.

Feeling his hand creep up her thighs Kala’s body started convulsing and biting her lips she criss-crossed her thighs stopping his hand from gaining access to her privates.

Seeing her body writhe in pleasure he spread her thighs and creeping his hand up touched the very spot which was stained with her juices and as his mother’s body convulsed taking hold of her panties he drew them down and was spellbound looking at the pinkish moist lips nuzzled amidst dark forest.

‘So finally your eyes have been rewarded,’ she said as her body convulsed with pleasure.

Placing a finger between her lips and drawing a line ‘if you would fold your legs then I may be able to see it in its full splendour,’ he replied coming to kneel between her thighs.

‘What more is there to look which you eyes have not seen?’ she asked as she complied with his request.

‘There’s lot more and you ought to be a man to understand it,’ he replied as his eyes kept staring at the exciting view of her pink cunt lips surrounded by a lush black forest.

‘Do you plan to spend the whole night staring at it?’ she asked.

‘I would have if there were no better options,’ saying it he moved up and taking hold of her in his arms he glued his lips on hers and kissed her wildly.

Coming out of his kiss ‘I think it would have been better if I had not questioned you,’ she said looking deep into his eyes.

‘Mom it’s getting difficult for me to stop now,’ he said as he devoured her lips again.

‘Yes and I have no complaints,’ she said reciprocating his kisses.

As she was busy kissing Raj pulled his pants out and placing his hardness on her body started grinding it on her warm cushioned waist.

Feeling his naked cock on her waist ‘do you know what you are doing?’ she asked holding him tight in her arms.

‘No, I have no idea. I have been carried away by the sheer pleasure of lying naked upon you’ he said poking his hardness haphazardly on her waist.

‘Go down a little,’ she hissed softly.

Repositioning as he tried again he felt elated when his hardness slipped into her wet opening and grabbing her body in both hands he started sweating.

Feeling his heart beat faster and seeing him sweat profusely ‘cool down, ease down,’ she said holding him in his arms and when it became normal ‘now slowly keep pushing it in and out.’

Raj did as he was told. He kept pushing it in and out of her warm moist opening and on getting control of it, he accelerating his moves.

Kala was on cloud nine. Having his rigid hardness pleasuring her she was unable to control her desires. Holding him tightly she urged him to accelerate his moves and as Raj gained momentum crying out his name ‘yes do it, pound it harder,’ she cried out on having had a huge orgasm.

Raj continued ramming his hardness inside her and when he heard his Mom scream out with pleasure he intensified his pounding and feeling her warm muscles tighten around him and feeling it hit the base he unloaded his cum deep inside her and lay upon her totally exhausted.

Holding him in her arms and soothing him with kisses ‘do you know what you have done?’ she asked and as Raj shook his head ‘you have just fucked your Mom,’ she said gluing her lips upon his.

And when he asked ‘is it the end of the road,’ holding him tightly in her arms ‘it’s just the beginning,’ she replied.

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