My dick hardened as I thought about all the possibilities. I was going to get another work-out for sure.
Mom was in fact not pleased when we got home. Dinner was on the table and Dad went up to pack as soon as he was done eating. The twins apparently had not been pre-briefed on Dad’s trip and they were very upset until it was revealed that Dad would fly home to attend the graduation. I could see their gears turning on the sexual possibilities.
The twins and Mom and I turned out at the front door to kiss and hug Dad as he left. He assured the girls that he would be at the graduation and he flapped his ticket so everyone would know he had it. We watched from the door as Dad drove away. Mom closed the door and turned off the porch light. It was dark as Dad left the driveway and we retreated to the family room and I turned on a table lamp at the end of the sofa.
We sat down to watch TV. The twins and I kept looking at each other in anticipation, but Mom was still pissed-off at Dad. She clearly wasn’t seeing the good with the bad. June and Julie had got into their terry-cloth robes after dinner and now they were sitting on the love-seat adjacent to me to my right. Mom sat to my left on the sofa. Julie was teasing me by easing her legs apart giving me brief glimpses of her sex. June had apparently gotten interested in whatever was on the TV and she was oblivious to Julie’s antics. Mom sat with her arms crossed under her boobs and her head hunched down into her neck with a sulk on her face. She was facing the TV but staring off into space. The air was blue and no one dared to start a conversation.
Julie broke June’s concentration on the TV show as she leaned over and whispered something to her. June smiled and nodded and they pushed themselves to their feet and walked in front of us heading for their room. Mom didn’t even register that they had left. She just stared off into space. I turned my body to face her. I studied her posture and the angry countenance on her face. There was no way I was going to risk her ire by interrupting her.
Several minutes later, the twins returned wearing their graduation caps and gowns. They had even put on high-heel stilettos that they planned to wear tomorrow. Their caps were canted perfectly on their heads. The caps and gowns were bright white. The tassels hanging from their caps were fire-engine red. The school colors; red and white. My gown, last year, had been red with a white tassel.
They stood side-by-side in front of Mom. She broke her reverie and forced a smile at the sight of her baby girls in their graduation gowns. She looked down at the floor and said, “You make me feel so old. Three beautiful children all grown up and ready to leave the nest.”
I said, “Mom, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life.” Mom forced another smile and looked at me. She pursed her lips and sent me an air-kiss and mouthed the words, ‘thank you’.
Tears burst from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. She muttered, “I wish your Dad thought so. I’m pretty sure he has someone else. She’s probably young and beautiful.”