The Great Sen Family : 15

For the next half an hour that was the only thing that she could think about. It was ridiculous, it was stupid, and worse, it was dangerous. There were lots of reasons why it should not happen, all of them were sensible. But she dismissed all of them. If her wasn’t up to it, then his Son could take his place.

She then did the housework with a satisfied smile on her face. It had been a problem, a big one, but she now had a solution to it. She’ll seduce her….. yes, her will be going to her. She was confident that he’d want to, but as time went by she started to have doubts. When it got to midday, those doubts were becoming serious.

It was time to think about it again, and this time, in more detail.

She was already forty-eight years old, and without wanting to boast, she could say with confidence that she was still attractive. All those yrs of hard working as a maid at Odisa was helped her to keep her figure in shape.

She was a little busty, but not outrageously so, and she knew from her experiences that she had a bottom that men adore. She had a good , but what about her face? Her full lips and sparkling brown eyes were it’s best feature. She’d been told by lots of her friends that she was beautiful, so she must be!

That self-analysis had cheered her up. She was a hot , so why would her say ‘No’ to her?

However, was that confidence justified?

Probhaboti could hold her own against any woman of her own age, but it seemed Rahim liked more….. women with five or six yrs older than his age. His Soma was a typical example of that. She was convinced at last….. feeling her stepson was attracted to her….. he must be attracted to her….. noticing his several attempts of checking her movements

Probhaboti then started picturing her DIL Soma… she has a body type that’s similar to her. But Soma got a prettier face, with a perfect nose….. however her lips were juicier and eyes were more sparkling than her DIL.

She was pleased to examine her body in her bedroom mirror….. she didn’t have many wrinkles, but she sighed when she remembered that her DIL Soma had none of those. And even though her boobs looked good, from the cleavage that was now being displayed, it was obvious that they weren’t as firm as her DIL. And reluctantly, she’d had to admit to a of extra pounds around her waist.

Probhaboti didn’t want to cry, and she did her best to hold the tears back, but now they were running down her cheeks. Her DIL whom her stepson liked most was twenty-six years than herself, and that would be the decisive factor for her about choosing Soma rather than her.

But she was a born-fighter. As she wiped the tears away with the back of her hand, she was determined to find a way to win him. Then she smiled, there was an ace that she could play as she made her firm decision.

The extra twenty-six years that she had, weren’t necessarily a disadvantage. Yes, she had extra twenty-six years of experiences. In that time she’d learnt how to flirt…. and how to be seductive….. how to use all of her womanly charms to entice a man.

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