Skype sex with staf fin lockdown time

Hello all this is me once again narrating a story which happened few days back . as you all must have read how my staff shilpa shah and I had fun as lockdown time I was very eager to see her as days passed only some text msg or pic from het that also on my she belongs to a very conservative gujju family I also few days back I send her a msg to call me .she replied she will try as going out is not much .

I said I need to see her she replied she will try as she too is eager to see all.i told her to install skpe app in hee mobile so that once we hv video chatting etc it can be deleted she agreed I told her to take her cell wen she is going for bath and set angle so that no time waste.

She understood and ded exactly as told.i told her to buzz me once she sets up her camera so that exact position can be marked.she agreed and next day morning by 12 she pinned me in wats up video calling.i was very happy she set the camera and asked me I set it’s fine and told her to mark it and disconnected I aas Happy i could see her today normal girl no hair style etc.but was good I was waiting for her to download and call me. Daily i used to wait .atlast one day I gt a missed call from her no I ded not understand so waited thought she is trying to call me but cannot call so waited .within few minutes i gt a video skpe call ring… AaaaaAaa very happy to see that call .I received it there I could see my lady girl love in her bathroom she first said putting fingers on her lips that no talks only view I agreed she asked me wat I said do as I say first shown me ur full body

She ded rolling the camera on full body she was in nity so cannot view her figure.then once it came face to face I put my finger in my lips and G. Lips to lips kiss which she reciprocated .we both smiled at each other the tap was open to show her people that she is having bath .we had no time to waste max was 20 mnts .

So I said to remove her nighty from top and slowly down not from head and throw it down she kept the camera down and started undressing as said the nighty fell down and loo o could see a pair of slim fair beautiful sexy legs .cannot express myself as seeing face to face and seeing in video call is thrilling as we get more excited and frustrated and do my hands went into my tool and slowly I started shacking it she understood it and laughed and asked wat next I said open ur chaddi slowly it was black floral printed looking old she felt bad I said its ok be natural and then told her to slowly zoom on her chuth so that I can kiss it and lick she ded that mast black hair then after few minutes she raises her mobile and next I told her to turn the camera to turn show her gand which is small in size fair again told her to zoom and I licked and kissed it as it’s my hot favorite.

Then after that slowly towards her upper body there I saw her small fair breast inside her white colour bra again zoomed and so mentally sucked licked and she also cooperated like pressing her tits as if it’s going inside my mouth ooooo wat a fun it was .then again with her eyes she asked wat next I said start pouring water she started I slowly started tickling my tool she smiled and winked and said go ahead an idea cane to me I said u also do the same she said no as it will pain I said no try she got excited and slowly proceded towards her chuth and she started tickling within few seconds I could see her excitement she went mad and we both were mastrubating together a unique way .

Both excited to fullest I could see her happiness and before me she reached climax.and showed me and I signalled her to see mine and she started and saw myself cumming so happy to see this and all smiling .although it was distance sex we both enjoyed .later she showed me her full bath and wiping and wearing her dress this time it was a red bra and white chaddi and a top and plaza(pant type ). I said super love she was happy then waived each other bye.

After this I was lost as first time was taking advantage of technology.laree we exchanged sms and both liked this and she now wants me also to hv bath wen she has. Ooooo wat a srxy experience.hope readers liked this .do post your comments and wait for my new lockdown story

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