Matt and his mom find Europe to be more than just a vacation


The smile on my mother’s face stretched from ear to ear as she dropped the two airline tickets on the table and waited for my reaction.

Having just finished my sophomore year of college, I have to admit that the last thing I thought about doing for the summer was going to Europe with my 35-year-old mother. Sure, she was my best friend and I loved her to death, but I was really looking forward to hanging around Chicago and spending my free summer months with friends.

“Well,” she said, still smiling. “What do you say, Matty? Want to travel the world with your mom?”

I sat stunned for a bit, before warming to the idea a bit. Who couldn’t use a couple weeks in Europe, right?

“How long would we be gone?” I asked.

“As long as we want,” she giddily replied. They’re open-ended tickets. I figured we could see how we liked it and go from there.”

Then, the coy begging began. “Don’t you want to spend some time with me?”

Not able to resist her playful pout, I relented. “Okay, I’m in.”

My mother became pregnant with me when she was just 15-years-old. Not exactly her life’s plan. My father, who was a couple of years older stuck by her and promised to take care of her the best he could. The only problem was that they were teenagers, and they definitely weren’t in love. Not even a little.

By the time I was a ten years old, their marriage was in complete shambles. My father, while very successful in business, was never home and seemed to have ‘family’ just below ‘drinking buddies’ on his list of priorities. My mother, who had given up her dreams of college to raise me, was lonely. Then, in a cruel twist of fate, my father died in a car accident just before I graduated high school, and she was left without a career and without a man to call her own. Aside from me, that is.

One thing my father did right was leaving my mom well taken care of. At the time of his passing, he had left my mother everything in his will—millions of dollars in total. He may not have been a much of a husband, but at least he left her financially set. That financial stability is what prompted my mother to offer to pay for our trek to Europe. Who was I to complain?

“So, we’ll fly into Amsterdam,” she said, as she traced her finger across a map. “Then, I’ve reserved a suite in Copenhagen for a week. I figure explore the city for a bit and just go where our hearts desire from there.”

“Sounds good to me!” I said.

Who was I to argue? Besides, the excitement in her voice was all I needed to hear. She had been alone for the past two years while I was away at college, so she had more than earned her share of some family time.

Within two weeks, our bags were packed and we were boarding our plane for what was sure to be a long flight. My seat was next to the window, and my mother’s was right next to mine. Thankfully, there wasn’t anyone else in our row, so we had a little room to stretch out.

Once in the air, I put on my headphones to watch a movie, while my mother stretched out a bit to catch some winks. As she rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes, I couldn’t help but notice her legs as they popped out from her dress.

My mother was still relatively young at 35, but I was still shocked at how amazing they looked—very well-defined without a bit of fat or cellulite. She’d later tell me that she had started working out with a trainer while I was at school. It was definitely making an impact.

When we arrived in Amsterdam, it was late and we were both wiped out from the flight. We decided to find a hotel and crash for the night before making our way to Copenhagen the next day. We found a hotel not far from the airport and got a room. When we walked in the room, however, there was a problem. Only one queen-sized bed. My mother called down to the desk to see if they could find another room with two beds, but the staff person told her they didn’t have any such rooms left.

“It’s alright, Mom,” I said. “I can just sleep on the floor. No big deal.”

“No you won’t,” she said, shaking her head. “I won’t have you getting a tight neck from a bad night’s sleep on our first night here. We can share the bed. It’s not the end of the world.”

I was fine with that scenario, if she was. As I got ready for bed, mom hopped in the shower to freshen up after a long day. By the time the shower turned off, I was in bed nearly asleep. She came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel. I pretended to be asleep as she walked to her suitcase opposite the bed. Her back was to me, but I could make out the shape of her upper body and ass pretty well. I have to admit, I was blown away. She looked amazing.

Then, it happened. She bent over a bit to reach into her bag and the towel lifted up just enough for me to see her pussy from behind. It was a perfect mound with two well-tucked lips.

My cock immediately began to grow in my boxers. I closed my eyes again as she whirled around to see if I was awake. When she turned back around I opened my eyes to see her drop the towel. She stood naked while pulling out an over-sized t-shirt and sliding it over her body.

I only saw my mother nude for a second, but she was the living embodiment of perfection. Her skin was tan and smooth. Her ass was tight and round, but not too big. While I didn’t get a good view of her breasts, I could tell they were a nice handful without being overly large. How could this be the woman who gave birth to me 20 years ago?

She crawled into bed and turned off the lights, but I couldn’t have been more awake, my cock now at full size in my boxers.

Within minutes, I could hear her breathing become deeper and knew she was asleep. I looked over at this sleeping beauty, wearing nothing but a t-shirt, and my thoughts went to a place they’d never been before. She rolled over on her side facing me, and when she did her t-shirt slid up just enough so that I could see a small patch of pubic hair just above her pussy.

Double-checking to see she was asleep, I pulled down the sheet, slid down my boxers down and released my hard-on. I took all eight inches of my now-hard cock in my hand as I stared across the bed at my beautiful mother. I began to stroke up and down as I gazed upon her pussy lips. I knew it was wrong, but I pictured what they must feel like, taste like.

Within moments, the thoughts started to make my head—and my cock—tingle. I was close to coming, but just then my mother started to stir in her sleep, causing me to dive back under the sheets. I rolled over onto my side embarrassed by what I had been doing, and even more so, what I had been thinking.

The next morning, we went down to breakfast and things seemed normal. No matter how guilty I felt. My mother asked me how I slept, and I lied and said I had slept great. In between sips of coffee, I noticed a smile cross her face.

“What?” I said.

“Well, I’m surprised you could sleep at all with that huge hard-on you had,” she snarked.

Seeing the embarrassment on my face, she immediately tried to put me at ease.

“Don’t be embarrassed. If anything, you should be proud. I’ve never seen or been with one quite that big. Not to speak ill of the dead, but your father wasn’t exactly packing a missile down there.”

With those words, the mood definitely lightened. I was happy that she didn’t seem upset by what I had done the night before. It would’ve made for one hell of a long trip otherwise.

We drove to Copenhagen later that day and checked into our hotel. My mom had reserved a giant two bedroom suite with a full kitchen and living room. Our windows looked out across a divide at a fancy apartment complex. I thanked my mom for renting us such a nice place to stay for the week, and she joked that you can’t take your money with you when you die. Thank god she thought that way.

We decided to go to a small diner by our hotel for dinner, as we were both still a little jet-lagged and weary from our travels. We ate a small dinner, then decided to have a coffee at a coffee joint across the street.

The coffee shop was dimly lit with only a few people sitting at tables near a stage with a man playing corny songs on his guitar. My mom and I gabbed each other’s ears off about anything and everything. After a while I forgot we were even related. It felt like I was on a date or out with a friend.

At one point, my mother asked me if I was dating anyone. I told her I tried not to carry on any relationships after the school year ended, especially since I was coming home Chicago for the summer.

“That’s smart,” she said. “You’re too handsome to be tied down by some college girl anyway.”

I blushed and deflected her compliments.

“And with what you’ve got down there,” she said, looking at my crotch. “Something tells me you won’t have trouble making your next girl happy anyway.”

We sat in silence for a second before she excused herself and went to wait in line for the ladies room. As I stared at her standing against the wall in the back of the dark shop, I felt strange. I didn’t see my mother. Instead, I saw a beautiful, funny, intelligent single woman who I enjoyed being around. Sure, I knew that having these thoughts was wrong, but it didn’t change the facts. Something was happening.

Without thinking, I rose to my feet and walked over to where she was standing and stood in front of her.

She looked at me and said “Hi, honey…”

Before another word could escape her mouth, I leaned in and planted my lips upon hers. At first, her mouth and body recoiled a bit from me, her eyes wide open in surprise at what was happening. Then, as if in a dream, she relaxed, put her arms over my shoulders and pulled my lips back to hers for a long, deep kiss. Her lips tasted like coffee, and her soft tongue danced with mine. I put my hands on her hips and pulled our bodies closer together.

Just then, the woman occupying the bathroom came out, saw us making out like teenagers, and laughed approvingly. The laugh broke us out of our kiss. My mother collected herself, told me to pay the bill and went into the restroom. Once she came back to the table, we decided to head back to our hotel.

The short walk was awkwardly silent. What had I done? Had I just ruined the most important relationship I have by going to a place no mother and son should go. I cursed myself the entire way back.

Once we walked into the suite, my mother shyly hugged me goodnight and went into her bedroom. I went into my bedroom and collapsed on the bed disgusted with myself.

After a while, I gathered myself, got ready for bed and crawled under the sheets. Problem was, I couldn’t sleep. Instead, I just lay in bed replaying our kiss and wondering what came next. At about 1:30 a.m., I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to talk to my mother to see if she was as disgusted with me as I was with myself.

I walked across the suite to her bedroom and noticed that the door was cracked open. At home, she had always closed her door shut tight when she went to bed, but I figured maybe she had just forgotten. As I walked into her bedroom, I could vaguely see a silhouette of her on her back in the bed through the little light that was coming in the window.

I walked over to the side of the bed and could see her eyes closed in sleep. I couldn’t help but marvel at her beauty once more as she lay still sleeping. It was too much for me to handle. I knelt beside her bed, pulled off her covers to see that she was wearing nothing but a t-shirt and white lace panties.

In a lust-fueled daze, I moved down to the end of the bed, knelt by her feet and began to move up onto the bed between her legs. By the time my head reached the height of her thighs, I decided I couldn’t hold back. I leaned in and placed a small kiss on her thigh, then another. I couldn’t tell if she was awake or asleep, but she stirred a little and her legs parted just enough for my kisses to move to her inner thigh.

I continued to kiss my way up her legs until I reached the point where her skin met her panties. I paused for a second, looked up at her closed eyes and decided to go for it. I curled my fingers gently around the waistband of her panties and started to pull them down.

Before I could even get them halfway down, her ass lifted up to help me pull them down further. Her eyes remained closed, but she obviously was at least somewhat awake.

I pulled her panties over her feet and threw them to the floor. By the time I turned my focus back to her, her legs were spread open and her feet and knees had drawn up to give me an amazing view of her pussy.

I didn’t wait a moment longer. I moved my face between her legs and touched my tongue to the bottom of her pink slit. Her body jerked just a little at the touch, then relaxed. I slowly and lightly moved my tongue from the bottom of her lips up to the top, pausing on her clit. She was dripping wet and tasted even better than I imagined.

I stopped for a second to take in what was happening when I heard, “Don’t stop, Matty. Please don’t stop.”

Armed with the permission I needed, I dove back in with my tongue, alternating between long slow drags and quick twirls on her clit. Her body tensed and thrashed with each different touch of my tongue.

In a moment of daring, I focused the tip of my tongue on her clit, while I slid a finger into her warm, wet entrance. She jerked back and forth as my finger entered, exited and entered her again. After a few minutes of this, her legs tensed around my head and she shuttered with an orgasm that nearly broke my neck.

Remembering that past girlfriends were typically super sensitive to touch after a big orgasm, I simply laid between my mother’s legs, my head resting on her stomach.

After a minute, I heard a whisper in the dark. “More.”

With those words, I perked up and began kissing my way up her stomach, moving her t-shirt up her body as I went. When I reached her breasts, the shirt caught on her hard nipples. She pulled the t-shirt off the rest of the way, while I hovered above her breasts. I took one of her nipples in my mouth and rolled it on my tongue. I sucked and nibbled it gently, while I squeezed her other breast. She cooed with joy, whispering “yes, yes” into the air.

As I began to kiss my way up towards her neck, her legs coiled up so that her feet were at my waist. Her toes looped around the waistband of my boxers so that as I moved up her body more, they simultaneously pulled down my boxers. In a light-hearted moment, the head of my rock-hard cock caught on the waistband, stopping the removal of the boxers cold. We looked at each other and laughed.

I now hovered directly over her, face to face. She reached her hand down between our bodies, gently wrapped it around my throbbing cock, and whispered, “I want this inside of me now.”

Something about those words both exhilarated me and frightened me. I asked if she was sure, and she nodded her head.

“Don’t worry,” she said. “I’m on the pill.”

I knew this was true, since she told me years earlier that, unlike many other women, it helped her keep her period less uncomfortable.

I reached down and guided the head of my cock to the slick entrance of her pussy. She jumped a bit at the touch, but then spread her legs a bit more to allow me easier access. I pushed myself into her just about two inches and stopped. I looked down at her and she bit her lower lip. I then pulled out a tiny bit and pushed a little further in. Within three more of these movements, I was all the way inside of her.

Mom let out a muffled scream when I was fully inside her, but it was a scream of pleasure, not pain. I leaned in and kissed her deeply on the lips as I began to move into her over and over again. Her body moved perfectly with mine, her hands clawing at my back as I drove into her incredible pussy. I couldn’t believe we were doing something so taboo, but that only made me want it more.

Our pace quickened and our bodies started to glisten with sweat from our movements. We fucked as if our bodies were wired for one another. After a while, I started to get a little light-headed and knew that I was close to climaxing. I looked down at her and uttered, “I’m gonna cum.”

Right then, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled “Yes, baby! Do it!”

No sooner had those words left her mouth than I pushed one final time into her and exploded deep inside of her. Her legs held me inside her and she giggled when she felt each new jet of cum coat the inside of her warm, wet pussy.

I collapsed on top of her, both of us exhausted and spent. I rolled off her body, and we both just lay next to one another catching our breath. I’m not sure how on earth it happened, but I fell asleep before I even knew what had hit me. Maybe it was the jet lag, or maybe it was the fact that I had just had the best fuck of my life. Either way, I was a content sleeper that night.

I woke around 9 a.m. the next morning in an empty bed. In the new light of day, I wasn’t quite sure what to think about the night before. I didn’t necessarily regret it, but I wasn’t sure what to think about it either.

There was a note on my mother’s pillow that said, “Got hungry. Went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast.” I jumped in the shower quickly, got dressed and went down to meet her. To say I was famished would be an understatement. I saw her sitting at a corner table drinking coffee and looking at a newspaper.

“Good morning, sleepy head,” she teased. “You hungry?”

I returned her greeting, waved to the waiter for some coffee, and took a big breath.

“Is everything alright,” she asked.

I waited until the waiter filled my cup and left before saying “I’m fine. It’s just…um…”

I was stuttering like a fool and I knew it. I finally just stopped, looked her straight in the eye, and said, “Don’t be mad, but I’m not sure how to feel about what happened last night?”

The smile left my mother’s face and was replaced by a serious look.

“Matthew,” she said. “I understand what you’re feeling. Trust me, I was wondering the same thing too. But what happened last night, I needed that. I needed you. I understand if you regret it, but I don’t. It meant so much to me.”

I noticed her eyes were starting to water, so I took her hand to calm her.

“It meant a lot to me, too,” I said. “I just didn’t want you to think less of me. Do you understand that?”

“I do,” she said. “It’s not your everyday situation, but I don’t want to spend another minute living life the way others want me to.”

I smiled at her while we held hands across the table. She then gathered herself, smiled and said, “And by the way, I think it’s time you start calling me Lisa. I think last night earned you that right.”

“Lisa it is,” I chuckled.

Who was this woman? It wasn’t the same woman who raised me. Whoever it was, I wanted to be with her more than anything else.

With that conversation out of the way, we went about the rest of our day like typical tourists. I wasn’t sure where we stood on what could or should come in the future, but I didn’t care at the moment. We had so much fun going to museums, visiting various sites and just being with one another.

We grabbed dinner at a nice restaurant where the portions were far too small for the prices you were paying. After such a tiny dinner, I ordered a piece of cake for dessert, but mom decided against it. How she couldn’t still be hungry was beyond me, but so be it.

When we got back to the hotel, the elephant in the room popped back up. What would happen once we got back to the room? I had no idea. We got onto the elevator with an older couple and we naturally moved towards the back of the elevator to allow them room.

Leaning against the elevator wall, mom took my hand in hers. It was a small gesture, but it said a lot. The blood started rushing through my brain—as well as other parts of me.

When we got off the elevator on our floor, she led me back to our room slowly and without a word. Walking slightly in front of me, I couldn’t help but stare at her toned legs and perky ass. My cock was half erect already, and nothing had even happened.

As soon as the door to our suite closed behind me, mom twirled around and forcefully pushed me against the wall.

“Time for my dessert,” she whispered with a smile.

She slowly kneeled before me and began to unbuckle my belt. She then slowly and teasingly unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. As they dropped to the floor, she carefully pulled my boxers down and pulled out my half-erect cock. She stared at it with an erotic awe and just held it in her hand. She then lowered her mouth and kissed the smooth tip, at which point I sighed.

Next, she drew her tongue across the slit in the head, removing the drop of pre-cum that had collected. “Tasty,” is all she said.

She began to move her hand over my shaft, bringing me to full attention. Looking up at me, she coyly asked, “Can I have my dessert now?” Without hesitation, I uttered “Fuck yeah” and closed my eyes.

Mom licked her way up and down my now throbbing shaft, paying special attention to the head of my cock each time she reached it. Slurping noises filled the room as she licked me like a lollipop. Then, without warning, she took me in her mouth. First, she just took in a few inches, bobbing up and down with enthusiasm.

Then, she slid the rest of me down her throat like a pro. I had never had a woman take me all the way into her mouth and throat, and it felt amazing. She was playing my cock perfectly, and I was close to losing it.

“Do you want me to eat what you give me, Matty?” she said between slurps.

I nodded up and down so hard that I banged my head on the wall. “That’s not going to be good enough,” she scolded. “I need to hear you say it.”

“I want you to swallow my cum, Lisa!” I uttered, holding back as long as I could.

With those words, she dove back on my cock and fucked it in and out of her mouth. Not being to hold it any longer, I felt my balls tighten up as I let out a groan and released myself into her wet mouth.

When the first stream of cum hit her throat, I heard her murmur a “Mmmm” sound. This only made me cum harder. Stream after stream of thick white spunk shot into her mouth, and she swallowed it as fast as I could give it. She continued to stroke my shaft as I filled her mouth, seeming to milk every last drop of semen from my member.

She continued sucking and licking the head of my cock, long after I was spent, but all that I had to give was resting in her stomach.

Done with her task, she rose to her feet, leaned in, and began kissing me deeply. I could taste my cum on her lips and tongue, but I didn’t seem to mind. I kissed her like I have never kissed a woman before, passionately, like I was drawing breath from her body.

She began walking backwards into the living room, pulling me with her as we kissed. When we got to a plush chair next to the couch, she broke the kiss, sat in the chair, threw up her spread legs and said “Your turn, baby.”

She didn’t need to tell me twice. I knelt between her legs, ripped her panties off and starting eating her dripping snatch. She smelled of sex and let my tongue give her some of the relief she had just given me.

After licking and finger-fucking her pussy for a few minutes, she grabbed my face and said, “Is your little friend ready for more yet?”

We both looked down at my massive erection and smiled. Mom stood up from the chair, walked over to the window, opened the shades and said “I want you to fuck me in front of the city of Copenhagen.”

The apartments across the way were peppered with lights, meaning that some were going to get a show if they happened to look out their windows.

I pulled the chair mom had just been sitting in over to the window, turned her around and bent her over the chair. I reached down and stroked my cock to full life, lining up the head with her white hot pussy lips. I dragged the tip up and down her wet lips, driving her crazy. Then, with one hand on her hip, I plunged myself into her. I didn’t bother taking it easy, but rather threw almost my entire length into her. She shuddered forward with the force of my entrance and let out a moan.

I don’t know if our neighbors were watching, but if they were, they would’ve seen me pound in and out my mother like I was in a race. She screamed as I hit spots inside her that hadn’t been hit in years, if ever. I fucked her like an animal there on that chair for 10 minutes before emptying my seed into her waiting pussy for the second time in as many nights.

With the last of my cum deposited deep inside of my mom, I slid my softening cock out of her pussy, picked her up and carried her to bed. I tucked her in and spooned her from behind. She pulled my arm over her and held my hand to her chest.

We lay for a moment in silence, until a soft “I love you” filled the air. It was followed shortly after with “I love you too, Lisa” before we both fell asleep.

The next morning I once again woke up to an empty bed. This time, however, I could hear my mom in the bathroom. I poked my head in the door to see her sprawled out in the over-sized bathtub.

“Morning,” I mumbled, slightly startling her.

“Good morning, baby,” she lovingly replied. “Care to join me?”

It took me all of about 2 seconds to get naked and join her in the hot soapy water. We sat facing each other, our legs rubbing up against one another. Leaning in, I kissed her deeply, the kind of kiss that was starting to feel way too natural. I ran my hands up her leg under the water, and it was super smooth to the touch.

“Feel nice, don’t they?” she asked. “You just missed me shaving them.”

“Don’t suppose you shaved anything else?” I coyly asked. I had never been with a woman who was completely shaved downstairs, so the question was half joke, half curiosity.

“I didn’t, but would you want me too?” she replied. She could see that I was excited by the idea, so mom reached for her razor and shaving gel, sat on the edge of the tub, and said, “Okay, but only if you help me.”

I sat up straight and my face got serious. I had never shaved a woman’s pussy, and the thought of hurting her was less than exciting.

“I don’t know,” I said. “What if I cut you by accident?”

She laughed and gestured me over. “I won’t let you hurt me. Don’t worry.”

She lathered up some of the shaving gel and spread it all over her pussy, from the lips and her inner thighs to the little mound of pubic hair above. She put the razor in my hand and guided my stroke down her inner thigh. When that stroke was done, I rinsed off the razor and made a second stroke right next to it. I continued to repeat this until we had cleaned up the area around her thighs and pussy lips. I brought the razor up to her pubic area and stopped before proceeding.

“You sure you want me to continue?” I said.

She looked at me with a grin and said, “If my lover wants it, I want it.”

Together, we removed every last hair until she was smooth as the day she was born.

“Do you like it?” she asked, ignoring the fact that I was staring intently at her newly smooth pussy.

“I think I love it,” I said. “But I need to give it a test drive.”

I pulled her out of the tub and walked her into the spacious stand-up rain shower. As how water poured over our heads, I pulled mom in close, put my hand between her legs and began to run my fingers over he now cleanly shaven pussy. Her eyes closed and her head tilted back as I rubbed her clit with my finger tips over and over. Her arousal made me hard, and she immediately took notice.

As I continued to play with her pussy, she stroked me to a full erection. Once there, she looked at me coyly and said, “So, I did something for you that you’d fantasized about. Do I get the favor returned?”

Not sure what to expect, but knowing she wouldn’t lead me astray, I said “Fair is fair.”

“Okay,” she said. “But just remember you said that.”

Then, she sat on the stone shower bench and took my hard member in her mouth. She did her usual magic tongue work until I was just about ready to pop. She could sense the throbbing in my shaft and see my balls tighten, so she looked up at me with those same devilish eyes I’d seen so many times.

Just then, she pulled my cock from her mouth and pointed it at her tits. Stream after stream of creamy white seed plastered her breasts and dripped down her stomach to her now smooth pussy. By the time I was done, her front side looked like a painting by one of those artists who throws paint against a wall.

I looked down at her smiling face and asked her if the favor had been repaid. She laughed and said, “Not until you lick it off.”

I immediately tried to back out of the deal, but she held firm.

“Fair is fair, remember?” she taunted.

Not wanting to break my word, I dropped to my knees, laid her back on the stone bench, and leaned over her. Normally, the recognizable scent of cum would’ve turned me off, but the vision of her body covered in my cum was having the opposite effect.

I dashed my tongue over one of her nipples, removing a few drops of white juice. It tasted salty, but not as bad as I imagined. This removed the inhibition from my brain, eased my mind a bit.

I used my tongue to clean my cum off of both of her tits and her stomach. I knew that my loads were usually huge, but I had no idea how huge. I slurped every drop as if I would never eat again. My mom was enjoying the view of me licking the mess I’d made off her body, so much so that she made me stop to kiss her so she could taste my juices.

Once I had cleaned off her torso, I followed the trail of my load down to her pussy. I licked it clean, giving it a little extra attention after I was done. All the while, I stroked my cock back to life. My little snack had made me horny as hell.

I lifted up her sticky body by cupping my hands on her ask cheeks and carrying her over to the running water. As the water rained down on us, she wrapped her legs around me tight.

“It’s time to give that smooth pussy of yours a real test,” I said.

“You sure you have any left for me, baby?” she teased.

Without a word, I lifted her up a bit, positioned my cock below her pussy, and lowered her down.

The luck of Irish was on my side, as I slid into her perfectly on the first try. Her tight, smooth pussy rode up and down on my pole for a about ten minutes before I started to lose control again.

She could see the strain on my face and said, “Tell me I’m yours, baby.”

“You’re mine,” I replied.

“Tell me you’ll never leave me,” she followed.

“I’ll never leave you,” I uttered. “You, your pussy, every inch of you is mine forever.”

She put her head back and screamed “Yes!” I couldn’t tell it was an orgasmic scream, or a scream of joy that at what I had said. It didn’t matter, and both were true for me. I pumped another load deep inside her, and then we washed ourselves clean.

As the day went on, mom and I both noticed that we were acting more and more like a couple in public. We held hands constantly, kissed each other whenever the moment struck and behaved like we were a new couple.

Being in a foreign country where no one knew us as mother and son helped. We didn’t feel inhibited by others’ morals and could just be ourselves with one another. It was obvious that if we hadn’t already, we were definitely falling in love.

We ended up at a jazz club later that night, per my mom’s suggestion. The place was dimly lit, and for whatever devious intentions, she instructed the hostess to seat us in a booth in the back. We had a couple of cocktails, kissed, talked and just basically enjoyed being together.

When the lights lowered even more for the main act, mom’s true intentions came to light. As the music filled the room, she unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock. Between the low lights, the table in front of us and our location in the back of the room, it was a pretty safe bet that no one could see. All the same, I was more than a little nervous.

Despite my anxiety, mom was able to bring my eight-inch friend to life with only a few strokes. As I continued to look for unexpected visitors, mom casually spit in her hand and began massaging my cock expertly.

As her hand slid up and down the length of my shaft, she leaned over and said, “When you’re ready to pop, just squeeze my leg.” I didn’t say a word, but she could tell I understood.

The danger of the situation was thrilling, and I felt myself losing it. I reached down to her thigh and squeezed.

As if she was a well-oiled machine, her head dipped down to my lap so fast I could barely see it happen. She wrapped her lips around my tip of my cock just as cum began streaming from it. She gobbled up every drop and was back sitting upright in no time flat. You would’ve never guessed anything out of the ordinary had happened if you hadn’t watched carefully. I must’ve looked stunned, because she couldn’t stop laughing at my expression.

That night when we crawled into bed, mom stopped me before I kissed her and said, “Will you make love to me?”

Not really registering what she had said, I nodded and leaned in to kiss her again.

She stopped me again with a tender look on her face and said, “I don’t mean ‘fuck,’ Matty,” she said. “I mean, really make love to me.”

I understood exactly what she meant. Everything to this point had been amazing, but make no mistake, we had been fucking like animals. What she wanted was to truly be together the way only two people in love can be together. I wanted it too.

That night we made love for the first time. It was passionate, erotic and tender, all at the same time. We touched each other in new ways, saw ourselves in each other’s eyes and gave ourselves completely to the moment. After, we slept in each other’s arms the entire night.

The next day, we were walking in a park not far from our hotel, when we decided to sit on a bench by the playground. We watched as children chased one another and played throughout the various slides, swings and mazes. Then, mom turned to face me. I could tell she was searching for the words, but couldn’t find them.

“What is it?” I asked her, putting her hand in mine.

“You know that I had you when I was very young, right?” she said. “Well, between that and the fact that I was in an unhappy marriage for so many years, the thought of having another baby was the furthest thing from my mind.”

“I know that,” I said. “It’s been hard for you all these years.”

“Well,” she said while looking down at her lap. “This last week has made me realize that I can feel love again. I know that because I’ve fallen in love with you.”

My heart jumping at hearing what I’d hoped was true, I smiled and said “I love you too.”

“I think I knew that,” she started. “But there’s more. You know that I’ve been on the pill this entire time. Well, I used up the last one in my prescription yesterday, and I’ve decided I’m not going to start a new set.”

Not knowing how to react, a confused look rushed over my face.

“More than anything in this world, I want to have a baby with you,” she said. “I know how that me being your mother makes everything very confusing and complicated, so I’ll understand if you don’t feel or want the same thing. But if you don’t, and we continue to make love, you’ll need to use a condom from now on. It’s up to you, but I bought a box at the store today just in case. Either way, you know I love you, right?”

“I do,” I said.

I hugged her and held her in my arms for what seemed like hours in that park. As the sun started to set, though, we decided it was time to head back to our suite. When we got back to the suite, I asked mom if she wanted to go get dinner or order room service. Emotionally drained, she politely declined and said she was going to turn in early.

Confused by my feelings, I decided to go down to the hotel bar for a drink. I sat staring at my beer for an hour, thinking about all that had happened and all that she had said. I knew I loved her, but starting a family together and spending the rest of my life with my mother? It all seemed so far-fetched and crazy. I had never felt so conflicted in my life.

When I returned to the suite, it was deathly quiet. I walked to my mother’s room and knocked on the door lightly.

“Lisa,” I whispered. “Are you awake?”

Mom turned over and looked at me, obviously not having been able to sleep. As I walked closer, I could see she was crying.

“Please don’t cry,” I whispered, wiping a tear from her eye. “You know I love you too, right?”

She nodded and feigned a smile. I leaned in and kissed her lips softly. The moment our lips met, I felt as though everything was clear. I leaned in and kissed her again, this time a little more deeply. She could feel there was more to that kiss and kissed me back.

I lay down next to her and continued to kiss her lovingly. After a minute, my mother reached down and pulled my shirt up over my head. Within moments, we had stripped one another of every last piece of clothing and were rolling on the bed skin against skin.

I kissed my way down her neck and took her nipple in my mouth. At the same time, my hand moved between her legs to feel that her smooth pussy was already soaking wet. In one swift motion, I moved myself between her legs and spread them with my knees. I looked at her with love in my eyes and kissed her deeply.

“I’ll grab a condom,” she said, reaching to pull open the nightstand drawer. I grabbed her hand and pulled it back between us.

“Not tonight,” I whispered. “Not ever again.”

When she heard the words, her eyes brightened. She smiled and pulled me to her for a deep kiss. It was almost hard to breath, we were so entwined.

Her legs spread further apart, begging for my cock to find its home. It didn’t take me long to find a warm, wet pussy waiting to be filled.

As the tip of my member touched her entrance, she immediately pushed her hips up to meet me. By this time, my mom’s pussy was used to taking me in fully, and I slid in easily. I felt her pussy walls grip my entire length as I entered her. She was going to grip me as best she could for as long as she could.

Over the course of the past few days, we had fucked plenty of times. We had even made love. But the feeling of making love for the purpose of making a baby was something I could hardly fathom. As I looked down at my lover, I realized what all the fuss was about. This love thing was powerful.

I was moving with purpose into her waiting warmth, when all of the sudden she rolled over on top of me and began riding me. I liked how she took over, and I sensed it was because her being on top put her in control, making it harder for me to have second thoughts. As she rode my throbbing cock, my mom pulled my hands up to her breasts, squeezing them with me. I pinched her nipples while she intensely moved on top of me, her moans filling the room.

It felt perfect to have her on top of me, and I didn’t want it to end. She leaned herself down to me and kissed me hard, her tongue jousting with mine for a few second. Then, she broke the kiss and asked, “Are you sure you want this?”

I looked at my mom as I had never looked at her before and said, “I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life.” Those words brought a giant smile to her face. She sat back up and began riding me harder than ever.

The intensity of it all started to get to me, and I felt myself slipping. Like a psychic, she sensed her baby boy turned lover was at his end.

“Fill me up, Matty!” she yelled. “Give me your baby.”

Then, it happened. With the force of an atomic bomb, I erupted into her. Streams of my best swimmers shot deep into her waiting womb looking for their target.

Just the very possibility of making my mother pregnant gave me the extra energy I needed to keep pumping out jet after jet of warm seed into her until my balls were entirely drained. Even better, her pussy gripped my shaft and milked it hard. Her grip never let up until every last one of my boys was where it belonged and my cock began to go soft. She collapsed on my chest and rested for a moment.

After five minutes, she rolled off to my side, her head on my chest, her arm and leg draped over me.

“You don’t regret it, do you?” she whispered nervously. “This could change everything.”

I titled her face up to mine and said, “The only thing I’ll ever regret is if I can’t give you the baby we both want.”

Reaching down and stroking my cock and balls softly, my mother looked back up at me and said, “Something tells me there’s plenty more where that came from. Nobody said you only get one try.”

Over the course of the next month, the two of us traveled to Berlin, Paris, Brussels, making love every night. We walked through the streets of Europe’s bustling cities like the happiest couple on the planet, and we just might have been. Then, one night over dinner at a beachside resort in Barcelona, we sat staring at each other, both having something to say but being nervous say it.

We both began to talk at the same time, which made us both laugh.

“You go first,” she said.

I moved my chair closer to hers, cleared my throat and spilled what was on my mind. “This last month has meant more to me than you know. You’ve opened my eyes to a whole new world, and it all works because of you. People who know us from before we came here will never understand, but I love you and can never picture life without you. So, I was thinking we should settle down here in Europe and make a home for ourselves here. But only if you’ll be my wife.”

With that, I pulled out an engagement ring I bought in Paris and held it in front of her. She put her hands over her mouth, immediately began crying and said, “Yes, yes, yes.” She leaned in and kissed me, barely being able to contain herself.

I slid the ring on her finger, and she stared at it in disbelief. She leaned in again, kissed me and said, “I cannot wait to start our life. We’ll all be so happy together.”

“All?” I replied. “Is there someone else I should know about?”

Before I could finish my question, she placed a pregnancy test in my hand. As I noticed the plus sign on the indicator, she said, “Just your daughter or son.”

I jumped up took her in my arms and began shouting.

“I’m going to be a dad!” I yelled, as other diners began clapping and laughing at the scene I was making.

After dinner, we ran back to our villa. I kicked open the door and carried my fiance and mother of my baby into the room and set her on the bed.

Her hands were unbuttoning my shorts in no time flat. She pulled my half-erect cock out of my boxers and took it in her mouth. Her mouth felt as good as ever, but just when I got hard, she stopped.

She looked up at me with a devilish grin on her face and said, “Now that we’re engaged and I’m carrying your baby, you’re not going to get bored with me, are you?”

I laughed at the thought and told her she had nothing to worry about

“Just to be safe,” she said, reaching for a plastic bottle by the bed. “I thought we could try something to keep you guessing.”

Out of the bottle and into her hands squirted a hearty helping of lube. I could hardly believe my eyes as she coated my erect member with the slick stuff. She made sure to cover every inch of my cock, before handing me the bottle, sliding out of her dress, and turning around on all fours on the bed.

“Your turn,” she laughed.

Still a little taken aback, but extremely turned on, I began applying liberal amounts of lube to her tight, puckered asshole. I’d played with her ass before – a finger here or there – but never considered sticking my dick in there. Until now, that is.

Once I had her as lubed up as I could get her, I asked her “Are you sure about this?”

She said she was sure, so I moved the head of my dick to the tighter of her holes. I eased the head of my cock in just enough to break the barrier, which sent her jutting forward.

“Relax,” I said. “It won’t work if you tense up.”

With that, I tried pushing just the tip into her rear entrance. This time she stayed relaxed I was able to push myself in a couple of inches. I stopped where I was, squirted more lube onto my cock and around her asshole, and proceeded to gently pull back and push in a little further.

After about five minutes, my mother had loosened up and I was able to go about three quarters of the way in without problem. I could tell it hurt her, but she also seemed to be getting off on the sensation.

Her ass was so tight around my cock that I felt like I was fucking a virgin pussy all over again. The sensation was amazing, and I couldn’t help but lose it.

“I’m going to come!” I yelled.

“Yes, baby!” she screamed back at me. “Pump that cum in my ass! Every drop!”

I cut loose a load that rivaled any other I had ever experienced. I could feel my cum collecting in her ass right by the tip of my twitching cock. When I slid myself out of her, my cock was covered in a mixture of lube and cum.

I went to the bathroom to wash off my cock, and it was still hard as a rock. For some reason, it didn’t go soft after being in her ass. I cleaned it thoroughly, walked back out into the bedroom.

“Looks like you’ve still got a little left in the tank, huh?” she said giddily. “Guess the baby will just have to deal with a few more of your swimmers tonight.”

I jumped into bed and began fucking my mom like she wasn’t already pregnant. It was just the beginning of our life together, and we were as hot as ever.

Years later, Mom (Lisa, as I have to remember to call her now) and I settled down in Copenhagen as ex-pats. What better place to raise our family than where it all started. I finished college online and found a job working for a Danish bank. With all the money from my father’s will, I didn’t really need to work, but I wanted to support my family.

We put some of mom’s money towards a big house with plenty of bedrooms. With two little ones already running around, and another one on the way, we decided we’d need all the space we could get. Sure, the two of us still fuck like rabbits, but what we have now is so much better than I ever imagined it could be.

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