The next week, I packed my things to take with me on a camping trip with my teacher and class. It was more of a club, as it was the Ecology program but I digress.
Iris: Ok love you, call me when you get there, and check up from time to time.
Me: I’ll be fine, I love you too. I’ll call you when we get there.
On the bus there, me and my two friends, George and Samuel, were together as we always were in class. They were my two oldest friends, but specifically George as I knew him longer. He was a average height, hespanic boy just like me but what made us similar was our dark humor, playfulness, and especially sex drive. Like me, he was a sexual devient thinker and if you can recall, he was infact the one who made the jokes about sexually engaging in a sleeping woman. This is why I wanted to go on this trip.
The campsite we stayed at wasn’t too bad, but wasn’t the greatest either. Come nightfall, me and the boys would hop in a tent and go to sleep, except Samuel would get in a lot later as he was a part of the night time scavenger group. Yes you heard that right… The point is, it was just me and George, and this is where I would talk about the devient things of sex. I didn’t explicitly say what I wanted to do, nor did I say anything about what I did do, but in a joking but slightly serious manner, I brought up the conversation of somnophilia.
Me: Hey you why do you always say having sex while a person is sleep is pretty cool. How would someone even do that?
George: Well one, I say it as a joke you know, but I have thought about and heard stories of it being done. It’s just that… no one ever does it right. The reason for drugging someone is not to get caught but still people get caught.
Me: Yea getting caught kinda defeats the purpose haha. But how does one even pull it off successfully. You would have to be in a position to drug them, comit the act, and make sure no trace of sex was even possible. How would you even pull that off?
George: You’d be surprised man, some people wake up and the only way they know they were drugged and used is if they are in a different place and tampered with. If you were to do something like that, you have to be smart. You know the MAIN problem with all these people who do these acts, they’re not smart. They go off of impulses and sexual desire, so much so that they can’t control themselves in the act. You have to be controlled, otherwise you’ll fumble and mess up your life.
He was right, I had to keep the same mindset when going into this. I had to think like him at the moment of execution, otherwise I’ll fail.
Me: But, is it really moral to have sex with someone who is unconcious and unaware.
George: It is but, morals are subjective. If someone is of age, is socially experienced, and is attractive enough, they might get the girl they want. But, in a lot of other cases, normal people are likely not to get their crushes, let alone do the things they want with them. I see it like this. If someone is unaware of what you’re doing, is not negatively affected, and no trace of any event is evident, a person can accomplish whatever act they want to unfold to them. At the end of the day, they will go on to live their lives like nothing happened, while you keep the secret of what you did, and most importantly, you also get to go on with your life as normal.