Family Obligations

A muffled moan slipped between my fingers as she leaned into her , her breasts mashing against Nikki’s firm breasts as she kissed her. A fiery jolt of excitement burst between my legs and I felt the wetness building in my pussy as I watched kissing passionately, hints of tongues playing between their lips. Already I could feel my aroused labia rubbing against wet cotton. Erica slipped one arm around her mother’s shoulders and then turned to look back the way she had come. Both were grinning and talking to someone. My mind raced with a million thoughts — wondering what the hell I had stumbled onto here — Erica and Nikki acting like lovers. I wondered where Erica’s dad was. The possibilities send more shivers of naughty delight coursing through my body.

Erica crooked a finger at someone and again, there was the suggestion of movement by shadows and then my walked into the room — naked as the day he was born, sporting an erection that preceded his entrance by several inches! I felt my head begin to spin and I reached out and touched the wood siding of the house to steady myself. Part of me ached to run away and not see anymore, but part of me — the dominant part kept me rooted in place, scarcely believing my eyes as I watched the spectacle unfolding before me.

Jonny approached his mother and sister, pausing as his mother, after sitting her wine glass on a nearby end table, reached out and wrapped her hand around his cock. A shiver went through my boyfriend’s body as his mother slowly began to stroke his cock. Nikki looked up into her son’s eyes and even from where I knelt, hidden, I could see a gleam of excitement and lust shining in her eyes. Subtly, she pulled him a step closer, gently Jonny as she brought the head of his erect penis close to her mouth.

Nikki glanced back at her , an evil grin on her face, before returning her gaze to her son’s face and saying something to him. Jonny responded by reaching out and stroking his mother’s long hair, his hand intertwining in her straw-colored tresses and pulling her head towards him until her lips brushed his cock. Nikki’s tongue flicked out to lick at her son’s swollen cock head and she must have licked it, caused she grinned happily up at him and then her lips parted and she took him into her mouth.

I could see Jonny’s ass cheeks clench and tighten as he lifted himself up on his toes as his mother began to suck on his cock. Erica, still kneeling, leaned in and ran her hand over her ‘s chest, pausing to rub and pinch his pebble hard nipples. I clamped my mouth closed to stifle a sudden moan erupting from my throat as an explosion of unexpected pleasure rifled through my body. I don’t know what shocked me more — seeing my boyfriend’s mother giving him a or the fact I was near orgasm from excitement because of it.

I knew this was wrong…perverted…sick and I should have been super-pissed off. That was my man’s cock in there and his mother had no business seeing it, let alone wrapping her luscious lips around it and sucking him off. I didn’t jump up and start screaming or throwing things. I didn’t flee in horror or anger and being betrayed. Instead, I discovered that somehow, without even thinking about it, my hand was already beneath the waistband of my sweat pants and had shoved my panties aside and was rubbing my sopping . I trembled not from fury, but with lust as I watched the incestuous action in front of me.

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