Family member is a nymphomaniac

‘Where did they go?’ Alan asked when they brought the drinks over.

‘Probably to the loo,’ Jonjo said innocently.

‘Ha! Can’t hold his . He only went a few minutes ago.’

Mark returned first, looking slightly flushed. Caroline stayed a little longer as she wiped her vagina dry before touching up her face, appearing several minutes later looking composed. Within the hour she had also taken Alan into the same cubicle and the same position. He was slightly better than his mate and lasted longer as he brought her off once more, but he was still not on par with her son. The thought that Jonjo had pimped for her, sent a shiver through her , and what she wanted now was to get him home.

With being the driver, Caroline only had soft drinks. As she drove towards home at the end of the afternoon, she questioned Jonjo.

‘Did that excite you? Knowing that your were shagging me?’

He turned to her, looking earnest. ‘I can get plenty more like that. Can you get the ?’

She turned her head briefly to look at him. ‘Was he pulling her leg?’ She wondered.

‘I’m hazarding a guess that you, in turn, have passed the gene onto me. Sex is all I ever think about, every day, every night. The more deviant the sex, the more it arouses me. The thought of those two you was . I want to return the compliment. Find me a woman and I will her while you are there.’

Caroline could feel Jonjo watching her closely. The thought of watching her son fuck another woman was certainly something that had an appeal. Maybe in more ways than one. She wondered if he could somehow read her thoughts as seconds later, he asked.

‘Have you ever been to bed with another woman…… You know…… Fucking?’

Surprisingly, she felt no embarrassment as she nodded her head. ‘I’m sure I can find you a woman, but they will not be young ones. I can’t say that I know many of your age.’

‘I don’t want girls of my age. I can get plenty of them myself. Women of your age are a little more difficult; most of them are .’

His next comment left her stunned. ‘I wonder where you got the gene from because it is obvious to me that we are similar. Was it nan or gramps?’ He paused for a second as he turned and stared out of the windscreen.

‘I’ve wondered what it may be like to shag your mum. She isn’t bad for a woman of her age. Do you think she is like us?’

Caroline had to concentrate; too many thoughts were suddenly swirling around inside her head. She had always thought of herself as a one-off; she had never considered that one of her could be like her. Growing up, neither of them had ever given her the impression that they were anything other than happily married. The thought of Jonjo fucking her mother was both distasteful and thrilling at the same time; distasteful because, again, for the first time in her life, it made her feel jealous.

Suddenly, she was also faced with another thought. The last few days had been so hectic that it had never entered her head.

She had been hoping that his exam results would be good enough to get him into university; now she realised that if he did well, it would take him away from her again. The very thought sent a shiver of fear through her as she suddenly hoped he would fail miserably.

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