A family finds this is not their regularly scheduled program

For a moment, in between savoring the soft feel of her lips on his, Scottie’s mind instantly reflected to her alternate version of his sister saying the same thing. He thought better than to say anything.

Hannah was the first to break the kiss.

“Alright,” she said. “I need to pee, drink some water, and shower. And you, my dear sister fucker, you absolutely should crack a window. This room reeks of sex.”

Scottie nodded, then his eyes went wide.

“Oh fuck!” he said. “What time is it?! Mom and Dad should be here any-“

Hannah put a hand on his chest.

“Relax,” she said. “It’s barely noon.”

Scottie looked out through the window seeing the sun still high in the sky.

“What? How?” he said. “I was in that place for hours.”

Hannah shrugged. “Same thing happened to me. Time moves differently there than here.”

She stood and picked up her clothes. As she turned to leave, she stopped. Hannah walked back to her brother and kissed him. It was brief, tender, and sweet.

“Thanks, little brother,” she said and left with Scottie watching her naked ass shimmy out of the room with every step.

* * *

Chapter 6: When Days Go By.

As the hours passed, their parents eventually returned from the open house with Thai take-out for the family. During dinner, Dale complained non-stop about the volatile market while Angela kept nodding and agreeing from behind her glass of wine. As for Scottie and Hannah, their shared secret led to unavoidable awkward moments, most of which caused Scottie to blush and chastise his sister with a glare. For Hannah, she just reveled in the opportunity to make him squirm.

Eventually, all members of the Miller household went to sleep, each sibling to their own room, exhausted from the day’s events. But they both shared the same thought before slumber overtook them.

How does the little black box work?

It wasn’t until the following afternoon that they were able to experiment again.

First, they sought to figure out the time differential between the other places and their world. They decided to both start a timer on their phone, then one would use the remote while the other stayed in their reality, then compare. Easy enough.

Hannah won the coin toss and volunteered to go. Scottie handed her the controller, they synchronized timers, and counted down.

“Three. Two. One.”

Hannah flickered out and was gone.

Scottie found himself pacing for the next few minutes. Then bounced a ball off the wall for a bit. Then strummed a little on his guitar.

He just started learning to juggle when she returned, flickering back into existence.

Just as he was about to say something when she interrupted him.

“Pants. Off. Now!” she demanded, then turned, dropped to all fours on the carpet and pulled her skirt over her naked ass.

Scottie found himself questioning if she left wearing the same outfit, but that concern instantly left his brain as he pushed inside her warm, tight tunnel.

Needless to say, they forgot to stop their timers.

Scottie volunteered to go next. When he returned, his dick was so hard he felt like he could punch a hole through the wall. Thankfully, Hannah was already naked and on his bed with her legs spread.

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