Comic Con left me cumming on and on

“Oh god – don’t – don’t fucking stop” I say as I’m so close to having an orgasm. I put my hands on his muscular bare chest, trying to balance myself as I furiously bounce up & down on his hard cock, which is tearing me apart from inside.

“I’m about to – ” I don’t get a chance to finish my sentence as he grabs my neck with one hand and keeps the other on my boobs, squeezing them roughly, pinching my nipples. I try to hold his hand, trying to free my throat, but I don’t even have any strength to do something. I’m practically his toy at the moment who’s at his mercy. That when it hits me and I scream, as I just have my 4th orgasm. I try to breathe, but his grip on my neck is strong.

The whole world seems to fade away and the next thing I know, I’m just lying as a lifeless corpse on the top of him. I feel his strong hands playing with my hair and him saying something. But I don’t seem to recover from this bliss anytime soon, so I do the only thing I can. I close my eyes and just hope that I’ll be able to see tomorrow, “How did I even get here” I ask myself and drift into the land of unconsciousness.

One week earlier…

“Dad please, can we go to the comic con this year?” I hear my 8-year old asking his father.

“No Jerry, you know I’m busy this weekend and I don’t even like that event.” My husband replies to our son, basically making him go in his room in anger. How do I know? Because I heard him slam the door behind him.

A little introduction about myself and my family, I’m Sharlene, 35-year old Asian mom. I’m 5ft 9 inches in height and weight around 64kgs. I do regular gym and have a great physique that can make almost every head turn. I have brown hair that length just a little bit below my shoulders, medium size boobs and a great bubbly ass, that practically bounces with my every step. My husband Josh, 36-year old was a normal guy with a decent that job that paid more than well. Josh provided his family with a nice life, so we never had to worry about money. Coming to my son, who’s one request made me the cock hungry slut I’m today. He’s 8-years old and just like many children from his age group, he too like comic books, games and anime.

Let’s continue the story…

I finish cooking dinner and sit across my husband on the dining table, “You really should go with him honey. You know how much he loves comic books and it’s the first ever time he has requested you something.”

He takes a bite of his food and says, “I know dear. I do feel bad for saying no to him. But work at the office is really important. If I could, I would’ve taken him.” After eating a minute in silence, he looks up and says, “Why don’t you take him? You’re a comic book lover yourself and you don’t go out as much as I do. I think it’d be a great idea.”

I look at him in surprise and say, “I might be a stay at home mom, but I also have work to do. I take care of food, laundry, bills, dishes and practically the entire apartment.”

He holds his hands up in defense and says, “That’s not what I meant. Look I didn’t know how to bring this up in front of Jerry, but the company is sending me on an international business trip for 4 days and I’ll be leaving this Friday.”

“What, 4 days? You didn’t think it’s important for me & Jerry to know?

“That’s why I’m asking you to take him. He’s only 8-years old and wants to be at an event. I can arrange a 4-day trip for you guys and you can enjoy your little getaway from this routine life as well.”

“Look it sounds nice. But who says I’m looking for a getaway, I want my family to be together at a time like this.”

“Look hon, it’s only 4 days. You’ll be back before you even realize and after that, we can go for a nice dinner and Jerry will love it too.”

I look down at my plate and think about everything. It’s true that I need a little getaway and this sounded like a perfect opportunity, but I also wanted my husband to be with me. Then I realize that he’s right, Jerry really wants to be at this event, so I agree with him and do the dishes after dinner. I dress myself in a see-through nighty, with a red bikini underneath and wore a soft satin robe above everything. I go into Jerry’s room and give him the good news. He jumps up & down and hugs me tightly. However, I don’t tell him the part about Josh going on a trip. I go back to my room and sleep, not knowing how fast the couple of days go by and Thursday arrived. We all just had dinner and Josh was reading Jerry a story so he sleeps quickly. I was once again in my regular nighty and went to my room to sleep. Since I was tired I slept before I even knew it.

At midnight, I felt a pair of hands grabbing me, but I ignored it thinking I must be imagining it. But when suddenly that pair of hands pulled my panty down in a single attempt, I got conscious. Before I could even react to the situation, I was turned around with my face buried in the pillow and my hands were behind my back, being held single handedly by that man. As he buried my face in the pillow and held my hands, he came near my ear and said, “Shhhhhhhh” and kept a knife on my face. I knew if I moved even a little bit, I’ll be as good as dead, so instead of moving, I just let that man do anything he wanted. He just removed his pants and thrusted inside me in one go. Although I should’ve been hurting in my pussy, I didn’t feel much of his dick. Then after 5 minutes, he just came inside me and fell aside, where Josh was supposed to be sleeping. I quickly got up and saw it was Josh who has just fucked me and was tired.

“Are you out of your fucking mind? I literally thought someone broke in and I was going to die tonight.” I yelled at him in a low voice.

He just laughed and replied me, “Sorry honey, you know how horny I become sometimes and you’ll be leaving tomorrow. I thought about trying something new.”

“Trying something new, my foot. What if I would’ve gotten a scratch on my face. You know what, it doesn’t matter, I’m going to take a shower and sleep in Jerry’s room”

I stormed off in Jerry’s room and slept with him that night. When I woke up and went out of the room, I found a note on dining table that said: Hey sweetie, sorry for last night. I made you breakfast before leaving and don’t worry about me, I’ll return on Monday.

I felt a gut punch that Josh had to leave and I had fought with him before he left. However, I pulled myself together and woke Jerry up. After we both had breakfast, we left for airport. When our flight landed, I called a cab and reached the hotel. Since comic con was about to start tomorrow, I decided to go for a walk and have some lunch. We decided to go to a local subway for lunch.

“If this isn’t the real_devil_693 I presume” an unknown voice said to Jerry.

Jerry smiled and asked, “Only if this is Noob_Master_693”

Why did that name sounded so familiar? Suddenly I remember, when Jerry used to play too much of Fortnite, he had made a friend who was much older to him. Since Jerry was a little boy, I made sure that this guy didn’t ask for any personal information from him. I even video chatted with him on discord to make sure he knows his limits. Once I was 100% sure that he is a decent guy, I stopped coming in between them and let them play their game. But what was he doing here and why couldn’t I remember his name?

Jerry ran toward that guy and hugged him, “Jason I knew you’d show up. How are you?”

Jason smiled and replied, “I’m good little buddy. How have you been? Still improving your building skills?”

“They’re much better than last time. I can even defeat you this time.”

“I’d love to play with you someday again, but you know I have a real job too.”

Now I remember him perfectly, that 21-year old boy in front of me was Jason. Someone Jerry accidently friended after a match and since then they’ve been almost inseparable, whenever they play. Well, that was the case until last year, when Jason said to Jerry that he’s quitting gaming and focusing on his real life. I still remember that night when Jerry cried because Jason said he’s going to stop gaming. When Jerry slept that night, I talked alone with Jason and he explained me that his new job was really tough and barely left any time for him gaming. I understood what he was saying and thanked him for being a good friend to Jerry.

Jason got up and said to me, “Good afternoon Mrs. Green”

I politely replied, “Good afternoon to you too Jason. You here for comic con too?”

“Guilty as charged. I finally had some free time after working so hard. Who knows, I might even start gaming again.”

“Well that would be lovely. So, have you been working out?” I closed my eyes in horror as soon as I realized what have I just asked, but before I could correct my mistake he immediately laughed and said, “Thank you for noticing and yes I have been working out. You look really great yourself. So, where’s Mr. Green?”

“Well Josh isn’t here, so it’s just me & Jerry this time.”

Before I could ask something else, Jerry jumped in between and asked, “Where are you staying Jason?”

Instead of feeling awkward, he said, “Hotel Atlantis, room 2345.”

“Really? We’re living in the same hotel, room 2340.”

“Wow, that’s nice. Maybe we should go for a swim tomorrow -”

He looked at me and said, “ – if that’s okay with you Mrs. Green?”

I didn’t say much, as I knew Jason personally and gave him the permission to take Jerry with him, only on one condition that I’ll go with them too.

We had lunch together that afternoon and after that Jerry & I went our separate ways as Jason had somethings to take care of. At the end of the day Jerry was so tired that I had to carry him to our room. When I kept him on the bed, he seemed to wake up a little bit and said that he’s hungry. I ordered room service for him, but he slept again before eating. I took a look at myself and decided to go to the hotel bar. Because Jerry was sleeping, it was fine and even if he woke up he was having his phone and food with him. I changed my clothes and went to the hotel bar. When I reached there, I expected it to be filled with a huge amount of people, but it was only a few.

I didn’t mind it much and got to the bartender to order my drink. To my surprise, when I reached to order my drink, Jason also came beside me and gave me a pat on my shoulder. He said, “Good evening Mrs. Green. I must say I’m surprised to see you drinking.”

“What can I say? I may have plenty of more surprises under my sleeve.” I really don’t know why did I say that? Since this morning, I have been feeling something strange and it only happens when Jason’s around.

“Well then, first two rounds are on me. Let’s see if you have some endurance too.”

His words send a spark inside me and I put my game face to show him that I’m no chicken. We sit beside each other and Jason orders some shots. Both of us drank them like they’re plain water. Then in the next round, he orders whisky and still we drink it like nothing. The game continues for a couple of minutes and he orders two burgers & fries along with a side of virgin for us. I give him a play smile and say, “I didn’t say I was giving up so soon.” He replies me, “Who said anything about giving up. But I’m sure that this much of raw alcohol isn’t good for our system. So, would you like to accompany me?” I don’t argue with him and start to eat the burger.

I don’t realize since how much time we’ve been eating and talking like people who know each other since a long time. Somehow I really feel comfortable around this guy and he seems to know me completely. We finish drinking and this time I buy an entire bottle of the strongest alcohol in the bar. His eyes go wide and I joke, “You can still back out, if this is too much for you.” He laughs and says, “We’ll see who is game and who’s chicken.” We had another 4 rounds and this time the alcohol really kicked in. The music in the bar suddenly felt low and I kind of liked it.

Out of nowhere Jason stood up and offered me a hand as he said, “Would you like to dance with me beautiful lady?” My mind couldn’t work at the moment and before I know it, I stood up as well we moved to the dance floor. Without asking for my permission, Jason smoothly took me in his arms and we began to dance as a couple. It was at that moment, I could feel how tall he is than me, his muscular arms, that chiseled jaw, the strong back. My body felt like it’s being moved on it’s own and I couldn’t do anything but watch, as this hunk of a man moves my body according to his will.

I was finally able to move my body when I stood up on my toes and whispered to him, “Would you like to get back to the game or should I consider this you yielding?” He gave me a playful smile and whispered, “I’ll be the one winning Sharlene, when I defeat you.” With that he freed himself from our position and headed back to the bar. We continued with the next two drinks and I was already feeling dizzy. The last glass of drink was in front of us, but I couldn’t even grab it, because my vision had already stopped helping me. Jason drank his last drink and I finally said, “Fuck me, I lost.” He kept a hand on my back and said, “You did well. But next time, take a look at your competition.” He kissed my cheek after he said that. I replied, “I know this is probable awkward, but since we’re on the same floor, can you help me walk?”

He kept one my arms on his shoulder and instantly carried me like I weight almost nothing. I gasped and tried to reason with him, but before I could even say a thing, he instructed me to keep quiet. I just closed my eyes and gave him my room key. He said something to me but I don’t even remember what it was. He unlocked the room and said, “Where should I put you?” I just pointed a finger to the bed and he gently kept me there.

I turned my face to see Jerry, but I was shocked because he wasn’t on the bed. I tried to get up and look for him, but Jason just got on top of me and pinned me down, by holding my hands above my head. I shook my head, but he grabbed my face and kissed my lips. The alcohol really had its effect on me, because I remember that kiss was all it took to make me lose control. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him deeper in the kiss. When he pulled back from the kiss I said, “Jason please don’t. I – I’m married.”

It’s like my words didn’t even reach him, because the next thing I know, he removed my mini jeans and my long-sleeved crop top. I just got a glimpse of his gorgeous naked body and even dizzy, I could see that huge dick, ready to pound me. He spread my legs and took a hold of me by my waist, pulling me closer. Just as he pushed his cock’s head in my tight pussy, I practically screamed and got on my elbows to take a look. That only gave him more confidence, because instead of slowing down, he kept pushing and I was just begging him to stop. Once he was completely in, I could feel him just staying there and not moving at all. Perhaps he was letting me get used to his size.

After my ragged breathing stated to calm down, he began pulling out and only when his head was in me, he thrusted again, harder this time and within one single push he was inside me completely. A loud moan escaped from my lips and tears began flowing through my eyes, taking my eyeliner with them. This time Jason was completely furious, he kept slamming into me as there is no tomorrow and all I could do was moan underneath him. One of his hands was exploring my body, while the other was holding me in place. I was moaning so much that I didn’t even realize that I was about to cum. “I – I – I’m close.” I said and he kept pounding me. Just then an orgasm as strong as a storm, took me instantly and it felt like a never ending one. I was still being brutally used by Jason for his pleasure and soon I felt his cock twitch inside me. Without warning he came so deep inside me, I didn’t know that place even existed.

After he stopped, I tried to make sense of the situation and tried to get up and say something. But my entire body had been left paralyzed and my brain wasn’t even working. I don’t even remember passing out that night. Next morning, I woke up with a huge gasp and quickly see Jerry beside my bed. I take a look at myself and I’m wearing a bathrobe with nothing underneath. I took my head in my hands and think to myself, “Did I really sleep with Jason last night or it was all a dream?” I hurry to the bathroom and untie my robe, taking a good look at myself. I don’t see any cum stains near my pussy and ass, neither any hand prints on my waist. I sigh in relief thinking that last night was just a dream, still I wanted to get a confirmation from Jason himself. I decide to take a bath and talk with him later.

I lie down in the bathtub filled with hot water and try to relax myself from the hangover from last night. I never should’ve drank that much alcohol. As I’m lying there, I close my eyes and think about last night’s dream, about how passionately I was kissed in a long time, how he manhandled me in the way I love, his huge hands on my abs, him using me for his pleasure and dumping his load in me without my consent. I don’t realize but this entire time, I’ve been fingering myself and hoping that this dream was real and I was being so brutally fucked. My eyes burst open as I’ve just been hit by a train, because that was what this orgasm felt like. However, I was able to shut my mouth so that Jerry couldn’t hear me. After the orgasm subsides, I think to myself, “The slut side, that I’ve been trying to hide since my college and thought was gone with marriage, is finally surfacing and that too for a guy who is 14-years younger than me. Jesus, am I really going to be a slut again?”

After I’ve taken a bath, I step outside and see Jerry still sleeping. I remember he wants to go swimming, so I just wake him up and we go to have breakfast. After breakfast I look at time and the event still had a couple of hours to start, which gave us plenty of time. We both get in out swimsuits and depart for the pool. I wear a red macro string bikini, which obviously left nothing to the imagination. When we reached the pool, Jerry jumped in the water and many eyes jumped on me. I purposefully gave my ass an extra bounce and got in water. Not only guys, but even some girls were licking their lips. What can I say, I liked showing off my body, that is one of the reasons I worked so hard in gym.

After swimming for some time, I got out of the pool and noticed Jason at a distance, being too friendly with a hot blonde. I felt a rush of jealousy and anger inside me. Not knowing why, I approached Jason and before he could say anything, I gave him my best seductive hug, moving my hands all across his back and giving him a slap on his ass cheeks. He laughs and says, “Nice to see you too Mrs. Green, I wasn’t expecting you here at the moment.” I laugh and say, “You know me, I’m full of surprises. By the way, who’s this beautiful young woman.” I may have sounded normal, but who was I kidding, this girl really was beautiful and compared to Jason’s 6’1 frame, she was 5’11 and looked like she was a regular gym goer too.

The girl introduced herself as, “Hi, I’m Nicole, Jason’s twin sister. You must be Mrs. Green. My brother has told me a lot of nice things about you. I would love to know you better.” After finishing herself, she leaned down to hug me and as soon as we hugged she said, “Consider this you first & final warning, you slutty cougar. Keep that old pussy as far away as possible from my brother. Only I have the right to get the gorgeous body and dick. If I see you anywhere near him again, I’ll fuck the life out of you.” After she said all this, I pulled back in a shock and looked at Jason, who was smiling as if nothing has happened. I chatted with them for some time and then I realized I was going to be late for the event. Jason suggested that his sister was a comic book fan too and we all four should go together. Nicole however tried to deny it, but I convinced Jason that we should go together. She was practically shooting daggers at me with her eyes and I enjoyed it. I gave another seductive hug to Jason before I went in my room and changed.

We all met in the lobby and from there, we got in Jason’s car. The drive to the event was awkwardly quiet. Once we reached the comic con, Jerry was ecstatic and couldn’t believe he was finally here. I told him to calm down, but he didn’t listen. He wanted to go to every stall that was present there. Nicole suddenly came in between and said, she’s going to take care of Jerry. I should’ve said no, but before I could utter a word, Jason gave her a thumbs-up and they both went ahead.

Jason said he wanted to but some clothes for him & Nicole as their mementoes and asked if I could help. I replied positively and we went into the clothing section. All the clothes here had superheroes, villains and anime printed on them. I got some anime clothing for myself and Jason got the same. I decided to try them on and asked Jason to watch my stuff, as I went to trial rooms. As I was trying the clothes, there was a sudden knock on the door and as I opened the door Jason rushed in the trial room, grabbed me by my lower back and kissed me on my lips. Before I could even realize what was happening, he closed the door and slid his hand in my mini jeans, sliding a finger in my asshole.

I legit screamed in the kiss, but the rooms were empty, so fortunately nobody heard it. He pulled back from the kiss and I asked between my breaths, “What…the fuck…was that.” Jason gave me a cocky smirk and said, “This is what your body has been begging for, since I gave you a taste of it last night.” I suddenly realized what he’s saying and said, “Last night wasn’t a dream?” He laughed on my face and replied, “I always knew I was a great fuck, but didn’t know I was that great. No, last night wasn’t a dream. I planned on going two more rounds, but you practically passed out after you came.” After saying that, he swiftly removed my top & bra and started sucking my boobs.

I covered my mouth and suppressed my moans while saying, “Jason, I’m married. I have a son. Please don’t.” I struggled trying to take his mouth away from my boobs. I may have liked teasing him this morning, but I really didn’t want my inner slut to surface. That’s a part of life I’ve left behind and wanted to stay it like that. But the force this man was sucking my boobs with, made me feel currents running in my body. Oh Josh, why didn’t you come with me.

Jason started moving upwards and bit my neck, giving me huge hickeys. I finally pulled him away and tried covering myself, but it was a vain attempt. Because the very next moment, he removed his clothes, pushing me on my knees and the next thing I know is that I was face to face with his 9-inch cock, which was standing at its full might. He took a hold of my hair and softly said, “Open your mouth Sharlene, listen to your body.”

He knew what my body wanted, no what my body needed and what it needed was this dick in either of my slut holes. I opened my mouth and without letting me even get a lick of his purple head, he forced himself in me. Oh god, that thickness, that force and that unprecedented size were all choking me. I felt his dick hitting the back of my throat and not letting me breathe at all.

My eyes weren’t even open at that point and I was just letting him use my mouth for his cock. Tears took my eyeliner with them, making me look like a real whore who lives to fuck and maybe that’s what I was going to become again. I had to hold his thighs and push back with force so my mouth was free and I could breathe.

But only after two seconds of letting me breathe, he violated my mouth again and this time I could feel him in a rush. Oh god, no, he was going to cum in me again. I knew there’s no point in trying to free myself, so I just tried to suck him as deep as possible, for not letting his cum fall on me. I looked up at him and saw him clicking a picture. My eyes went wide and before I had time to think…he shot his huge load in me. I drank as fast as I could, but this man seemed like he didn’t cum in ages. His load kept coming in hot ropes inside me and after I finally finished it, he took another picture of me, panting underneath him.

He pulled me up by my hair and said, “You aren’t done yet slut.” He made me stand with the support of the wall and threw my bottoms. I was now completely naked, trying to cover my pussy and protect whatever dignity I have left. He took my arms in one swift and exposed my body. I was crying and begging him to leave me, even promising to not tell anyone. But this man was on a mission and it was to own me. He put his mouth on my pussy and suddenly a large muffled moan left my whore mouth.

This guy was sucking me. Something my husband never does, even though he likes to try new things. It’s been a lifetime since I experienced a good oral, but fuck this guy knew how to eat pussy and used all his skills on me. It required both my hands to cover my mouth, because at this point I couldn’t even control myself anymore.

My animal instincts took over me and I felt my fingers in his soft hair, guiding his face in my pussy. He surprised me by biting my fingers and made me squeal in pleasure. He then pushed two fingers in me, once in my ass and the other playing with my pussy whilst he licked it. Fuck I didn’t want this onslaught to be over, I need more of it, I need it daily. I immediately lost control and burst into an orgasm. My pussy kept leaking and Jason didn’t let a drop go to waste. As a matter of fact, he drank everything without thinking.

The moment I felt it was over, he got up and kissed me so passionately, I was about to pass out. I tasted myself in the kiss when he bit my tongue. Once it was completed, I fell on the ground, sitting on my legs. He sat beside me and my head fell on his shoulders. He took my hands and gave me a packet of wipes as he said, “Wipe your face, you look like a whore.” He left me after that and after I wiped my face, I checked time and saw we were going for almost 40 minutes.

I didn’t find him once I stepped outside and thought it’s for the best. But once I got back with Jerry & Nicole, I saw him standing with them, giving a victorious smile to me. He was victorious indeed, because of what he did to me and just the thought of what he could do to me the remaining time I’m here, made me wet, angry and terrified. I needed to do something permanent about this.

When I approached them, he acted normally around Jerry and I decided to deal with the situation later. We went through the event and once it was late evening, we decided to dine in the hotel only. Once we got in the car, Jerry & Nicole fell asleep in the backseat and I was again alone with him.

He too saw them sleeping and said, “After putting Jerry to bed, come in my room, alone.” I got furious, but still replied in a low voice, “You have no right to order me around like a slut you own. Nobody is going to know, what happened here and that’s it. I’ll be catching the next flight tomorrow and leave this place.”

He just calmly said, “Then I’ll make sure, your whore pics reach your husband before you reach home.” Then he showed me Josh’s personal phone number and mail address. Fuck, he must’ve taken them from my phone the night before. I said, “You can’t do that. After what you’ve done, haven’t you had enough.”

He proudly said, “Not even close. In fact, it’s just the beginning. If you want those pics to stay with me forever, do as I say or good luck for the rest of your life.”

That sentence triggered something in me and I grabbed his t-shirt and said, “I am not a whore. I am a wife, a faithful wife and a mother. I’m not going to be ordered around by an arrogant self-centered bastard.”

He just kept driving and said, “Then let’s see how your husband reacts on your trustworthiness. I’m not going to repeat myself. After dinner, drop Jerry to bed and come in my room, I’ll even make sure that Nicole isn’t there either.”

This time I kept my mouth shut and the rest of the drive was done in silence. After we all had dinner at the hotel, I put Jerry to bed. I went to the bathroom and took a look at my reflection. Was I really a slut again in my life? Should I really go in that boy’s room so that he could fuck me? Am I really faithful to Josh anymore? Another 10 questions like these kept popping in my mind, but I realized there was no use of this. If I didn’t go in his room, he’s going to destroy my marriage. So I gather my courage, taking a spare room key with me I start walking toward his room.

With ever step I took, my heart and my breath started to feel heavy, as I was willingly going to cheat on Josh. As I finally rang the bell, Jason opened the door in a boxer shorts and wearing nothing else other than that. My god, he wasn’t only hungry, instead he was famished to fuck me. I maintain my composure and enter his room with the thought of reasoning with him in dropping the idea.

As he closed the door behind us, I immediately raised a hand in front of him and said, “Jason stop. I’ve done some thinking and I’ve came to a conclusion that I can’t do what you’re asking for. I’m married and I’m faithful to my husband. What happened last night was a mistake and I’m hoping we could talk like adults and put it behind us. I can give you any other thing for settlement if you want. But I can’t sleep with you.”

He waited patiently for me to complete and after I said my piece, he took a breath and calmly said, “Sharlene, I appreciate you saying all that, trust me I do. But the thing is, I don’t just like you, I’m obsessed with you. I’m obsessed with you since the day I saw you on my screen and been wanting to fuck you ever since.”

I couldn’t believe his words and before I could even say something, he said, “I thought about it just being something that’ll go away with time, or if I fuck enough Asian woman I’ll be over you. But the truth is, the more Asian women I fucked, the more I thought about you.” He started coming towards me and I kept moving back, but he was persistent and said, “I’m going to fuck you so hard tonight, the you won’t even remember your name tomorrow.”

I was about to open the door and rush to my room, but he grabbed my wrist and threw me on the bed. My heart was eating fast and a million things were rushing in my mind. He got completely naked and got on top of me, kissing me, softly moving his hands all over my body, inside my clothes, exploring me and making my body crave him.

He pulled back from the kiss and I saw the lust, desire and need for me in his eyes. Oh god, I don’t remember anyone desiring me that much in his life, not even Josh. Without wasting any more time, he tore my clothes in an instant and started playing with my tits, while saying, “Oh fuck Sharlene, your tits are perfect, they’re beautiful. I’ve always wanted to fuck them. Hold them in position for me.”

I find no point in defying him, considering my position and just held my tits for him. He started moving his cock through my tits and god that felt good. He was pumping in me as he has won a conquest and finally conquered me. Who could deny that, the woman he desired for a good part of his life, was finally under him, being fucked mercilessly. I felt myself getting so high on in the moment that I stated fingering myself and god that felt good. My eyes were rolled back and I stopped resisting, just focusing on the pleasure we both were in and living the moment.

After a good amount of time, he started grunting and I also felt pressure building inside me. My mouth hung open and he noticed I was close too. I looked at him and he just kept smiling, knowing that he has finally won and all the barriers were broken by me. Then it hit me, I squirted my juices all across my thighs and made a real mess of the bedsheet. As he was about to finish, he held my mouth open and I understood the signal. I wrapped my slut hole around his cock and started blowing him. His orgasm hit like a truck at the back of my throat and I just couldn’t get enough of that cum. I drank like a cum thirsty slut and kept milking him till the last drop.

When everything was over, he fell beside me and said, “So, how do you think we did?” I was at a loss of words, thinking I just cheated on Josh, but still happy because this guy knows how to treat a real slut and give her what she needs. I just replied, “I think that was the most amazing tit fuck I’ve given someone.” He proudly said, “I know I’m great. Now get ready for another round. We’ll be going all night.” I stared at him in shock and said, “I would love that. Been a while since I’ve been fucked like a real slut.” I started stroking his dick and he immediately got hard for me. He wasted no time and got on top of me, taking me bare back.

He pushed himself in a single thrust and before I could scream, he shut my mouth with his palm. He was wasting no time and only had one objective: making me cum all night. All of my muffled screaming looked like it was turning him on even more, because he was looking like a man possessed and I was loving it. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck to make him go deeper. He understood me and I could now feel his balls hitting my asshole and his cock hitting the end of my pussy.

He went for a significantly long time and I felt my body giving up. My eyes were rolling back and my limbs seemed to be giving up. My grip around his waist and neck gave up and I felt my limbs falling on my either side. At that moment, Jason slapped me tightly and my eyes jerked open with a moan escaping my lips. He said, “I didn’t give you permission to pass out yet bitch.” I received another slap and he said, “Get back in the position.” I got back in the position and this time, he pinched my nipples and squeezed my boobs so hard, it left a handprint.

He laughed at me and said, “Now that’s a good fuck toy. Remember, this is my territory, not even your good for nothing husband is allowed, understood?” I just nodded my head in a yes, but he slapped me again and said, “Don’t just nod, say yes.” I did what he asked and he just smiled.

Now I was getting on the edge and he seemed to be knowing it. He put some strands of hair out of my face and held my chin, making me look up at him, as he said, “Now cum for me slut.” I couldn’t even argue about me not being close, because he knew that I was holding back and trying to make him cum instead. But now, I couldn’t, I couldn’t hold it back and my crashing climax finally got me. He kissed me for the entire time until my climax subsided and then laid beside me.

After a minute or some, I took a hold of my breath and said, “How come you didn’t climax?” He just chuckled and said, “Tonight I just want to see, how big of a cum slut I can make you. I want to explore your boundaries. Something clearly your husband can’t do.” I got taken aback by that and said, “Don’t talk about him like that. He loves me.” He turned towards me and said, “Yet here you are, being used by a guy who’s 14-years younger than you. Still scared to admit that I’m better?” I didn’t reply him and kept staring at the ceiling thinking about what he said.

I got up and said, “Take me to the bathroom please.” He said, “Can’t you walk?” I sarcastically said, “Does it look like I can walk after that?” He again chuckled and took me to the bathroom. After we peed, he was taking me back to the bed for another round. This time instead of keeping me down gently, he threw me on the bed, with my face down. He immediately got behind me and took a hold of my ass cheeks, kneading them and separating them.

I moaned in pleasure and acceptance as he played with them. I also received some slaps on them as he said, “Looks like it’ll be fun to fuck your last hole.” My eyes shot open as I realized we were about to have anal. I tried to get on my elbows and look behind my shoulder to tell him to stop, but he just spread my cheeks and put 2 fingers in my asshole. I felt pain in my asshole and I tried to say, “Jason – ahhhh – not there – uhhhnnnn – please – oh fuck.” He took my pleading as a victory as he twisted his fingers inside me stretching my hole for his dick, slapping my inner walls.

I fell from my elbows and straight down on the bed with my face hitting the pillows. Jason took my hands behind my back and made my face stay in the pillow. I was practically screaming and moaning, but he… he was enjoying to fuck the woman of his dreams. All my lifetime with Josh, I thought my sex life was going to be just plain vanilla sex, but in the past 48 hours, I’ve had more adventure than my entire married life.

I suddenly felt him withdrawing his fingers, which gave me a chance to relax down and breathe. He also let my hands go and I as I got a chance to look back, my jaw dropped open. He was lubricating his cock. He was about to fuck the hole which I never thought would ever be fucked by anyone. I tried to turn around, but as he saw me move, he pulled my legs, spreading them and holding me in place, “You really thought after all this, I’d have mercy on you. Well, you thought wrong. Now get ready, that’s a good ass.”

He tried thrusted in my asshole in one stroke like earlier, but he couldn’t. it was just so tight. He tried to do it again but slow. His head went in and moan came out of my lips. “Jason please stop, it’s hurting, I can’t… I haven’t done it before.” He responded by pulling my hair and slapping my face, “I don’t think you have a say here slut, just do what I say, or you might not even see tomorrow. Think about Jerry waking up in his room, only to find out, his mother dead the night before.”

What the fuck did I just hear? This man was ready to kill me if I didn’t comply. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into? Why did I even left my room in the first place? Now, he started pushing harder in my asshole and a couple of inches went inside. I couldn’t even beg him to go slow after his last warning. I just thought of surviving and my body accepted his dick. I clenched the bedsheets, screaming in pain as he was fucking my ass and playing with my body.

I was only praying to god, to anyone who would listen, that I just want to stay alive. Tears started falling from my eyes as I thought about Jerry losing me forever, but what could I even do? I was just being fucked by a kid, because I wanted to play flirt with him and now I don’t even know what’s about to happen next.

As I was thinking about all this, my body stated convulsing and I felt a pressure being built again. Fuck I was about to cum again. I was really a mess, a whore, a bitch and everything I thought I was done with in life. But fuck, here I was cumming on a stranger’s cock, like a fucktoy I have been in college. He took my hair and pulled me towards him, slapping the shit out of my face. I legit thought I was done, but my orgasm hit me at that point. I screamed and he just kept pounding harder and harder, as this was his last fuck ever.

He finally pulled out and I let me breathe. I touched my face and all that slapping was really hurting it now. I wiped my tears and thought about leaving, as he was lying beside me. I gather whatever strength I had remaining and tried to get out from the bed. As I set my feet down, Jason yanked me back and kissed my lips. I pushed against his chest, but it was useless. “Where do you think, you’re going slut? The final round is still remaining.” I just cried at that point and said, “Please…please I just want to live. Please let me go, I beg you. I won’t say anything to anyone, I promise.”

He kept a finger on my lips, shushing me and said, “Here’s the deal honey: Fuck me one last round, I’ll have another orgasm then I’ll let you go to your sexless miserable life that you crave. Now nod your head in a yes and ride me.” I nodded my head in a yes and went on top of him, straddling him. He pulled me down, kissing me for some time. I was surprised with the gentleness in the kiss and my body responded by kissing him back. I used my remaining life force and took his cock in my pussy. It slid in with so much ease, I thought that it’s made for him.

I started bouncing at a slow pace for a few minutes at first, but as my pussy was so wet at that point, I then started to bounce a little faster. I kept bouncing and bouncing as my life was at stake and as a matter of fact, it actually was. Jason then started to work with me and thrust his cock up. It seemed to be working because I felt him touching me in the back again. Oh god, even though I was about to die, it felt amazing. We kept going for a good amount of time and then I was about to finish, but I tried to hold back. That strategy did work for some time, but even after 5 minutes later, he showed no sign of cumming.

“Oh god – don’t – don’t fucking stop” I say as I’m so close to having an orgasm. I put my hands on his muscular bare chest, trying to balance myself as I furiously bounce up & down on his hard cock, which is tearing me apart from inside. “I’m about to – ” I don’t get a chance to finish my sentence as he grabs my neck with one hand and keeps the other on my boobs, squeezing them roughly, pinching my nipples. I try to hold his hand, trying to free my throat, but I don’t even have any strength to do something. I’m practically his toy at the moment who’s at his mercy. That when it hits me and I scream, as I just have my 4th orgasm. I try to breathe, but his grip on my neck is strong. The whole world seems to fade away and the next thing I know, I’m just lying as a lifeless corpse on the top of him. I feel his strong hands playing with my hair and him saying something. But I don’t seem to recover from this bliss anytime soon, so I do the only thing I can. I close my eyes and just hope that I’ll be able to see tomorrow.

Next morning…

I woke up at the sound which seems like to be someone’s moaning. I turn around and see Jason slowly and lovingly fucking his… own sister Nicole. Unlike last night, where he fucked me like a sextoy, he was fucking her with gentleness, love and care for her. He was also kissing her in between and practically, he was making love to her. But how and why would he fuck his own sister. Just then Nicole had her eyes on me and with a smile, she had orgasm. Jason fell off of her and in between me & Nicole. He kissed my lips and said, “Good morning sunshine. I take it you have a good sleep.” I had so many questions about what was going on here. I promise to answer everything in the next part.

To be continued…

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