Working Out with Mom

“Mom, judging by how you looked yesterday, I’m sure you’ll be a real knockout with whatever you’re planning to wear.”

“Thank you. And none of this would be possible without your help. I tried on the outfits in the store fitting room and I could hardly recognize myself. Your dad is in for a real treat.”

There was yet another suggestive tone in her voice, and for reasons unknown, I couldn’t help but feel excited over the matter. Especially as she stood there looking so good.

“I’m sure he is,” I replied, feeling something take possession of me. “Speaking of which…how about a second opinion? You know, maybe you could model it for me and I’ll give you my thoughts on which one dad might prefer. I mean, I’ve already seen parts of you so it won’t be that weird.”

She put her hands on her hips and gave me a stern motherly look which only she could give.

“Didn’t I say to never bring that up again?”

Immediately I worked my charm. “I know you did. But you were only referring to what you showed me in the garage. This has absolutely nothing to do with that. And as far as I’m concerned, this is a completely different topic altogether.”

“Oh, you’re such a smart ass. But I can’t really blame you for that since I’m the same way. Turn around, I’ll let you know when I’m ready.”

I followed her order and turned to face the hallway, listening attentively to the sounds of her undressing. My heart raced and my imagination ran wild listening to each article of her clothing hit the bed as she threw it, and as she pulled her new outfit out of the shopping bag and slipped it on.

“Okay, I’m ready,” she said hesitantly.

When I turned to look, I was amazed by what I saw. My classy and respectable stood in nothing but a skimpy negligee which mainly served to cover her breasts and crotch. It was the most that I had ever seen of her body, and I took full advantage of it; with my eyes quickly roaming through her bare feet, her athletic thighs, her mid-section that was covered by a see-through fabric, and her bare upper shoulders and arms.

Her hands went back on her hips, but this time her face had a proud smile.

“So what do you think?”

“I think you look absolutely stunning. Dad couldn’t be a luckier guy tonight. Seriously mom, you look fantastic. And as far as I’m concerned, you could compete with any lingerie model out there.”

“Doubtful, but thanks,” she replied with a newfound confidence. “Like I said, I owe it all to you.”

She playfully raised her arms to flex her biceps, the same way that a bodybuilder would. And once she was done with that, she lifted the bottom part of her negligee and did the same thing with her thighs; leaning each leg forward, one at a time, and flexing them for me.

“Your body and legs look stunning. Those squats really paid off.”

“They sure did,” she replied proudly. “Speaking of which, the show’s over. Let me switch to my workout clothes and I’ll meet you downstairs for even more of those squats.”

“Sure…but before that, what about the other outfit?” I asked.

“That one isn’t for you. It’s see-through.”

Please wait…

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