Wife fucks her ex while husband watches

Breaking our kiss I watched as Chris took his time fucking my , long slow strokes, stopping occasionally and moving his hips only, really enjoying the opportunity to fuck Jolene. I was leaning against the chair watching as my wife wrapped her legs around her ex-husband and met each of his thrusts with her own. They fucked slowly and deliberately for quite some time before they began really getting into it. Chris was holding himself above my wife as he began rapidly pounding his cock into her pussy, grunting with each stroke until his ass clenched and he dropped his second load into my wife. Jolene’s rapid breathing and continued moaning of “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.” continued as she had another orgasm beneath her ex-husband. Chris was spent as he pulled his soft cock from my wife’s pussy. I was a little surprised as Chris kissed his way down her flat stomach to her cum filled pussy and began licking and sucking her very sloppy cum filled pussy. Jolene was rubbing his head with her fingers and moaning as she turned to me and asked if Chris could spend the night. My cock was getting hard again watching my wife enjoy herself and her ex-husband. Who was I to say no?

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