Wife and her husband meet a handsome young man on holiday

She then stood up confidently and untied the back of her bikini top, letting it fall to the ground, she had been dying to show off her tits to him again.

“I’m going for a swim.” She said, walking towards the waters edge. She could feel his eyes on her bum as she walked slowly away from him.

She dipped her body in the cool water and turned around to look at Gio. “Come in,” she said. “It’s beautiful.

She eyed Gio up and down as he walked towards the water to join her. His big shoulders and sexy arms told her that he must look after himself physically.

She playfully splashed him to encourage him to play her flirtatious game. She yelled as he came toward her and put his under her, scooping her up in the water.

He dipped her in and picked her up again in his big arms, before putting her down next to him. Emma looked wantonly into his dark eyes as if to encourage him to kiss her.

She moved her head towards him as she realised he was responding to this and for the first time in fifteen years Emma was kissing another man.

Gio pulled her close into his body as he kissed her passionately on the mouth. The waves splashed gently against her torso as she stood there in the arms of a man she’d so openly lusted over.

Her breasts brushed against his upper abdomen as they shared their moment. Emma wanted him to take her right there and then on the shore.

A tinge of guilt passed through her as she gave a thought for her husband, but she couldn’t allow that to control her day. This is what they both wanted after all

Emma returned to the blanket and dried herself with a towel, watching as Gio cooled himself off in the water. She noticed the outline of his penis through his wet shorts as he returned to join her, this sent a wave of lust through her and she imagined seeing him naked for the first time.

She managed to take a quick selfie with her tits out on the beach to send to her husband, who was no doubt going crazy thinking about what Emma might be up to.

Carl asked her what she was up to, she replied. “Just lusting over Gio’s hot body on the beach and wondering how big his cock is!” With a winky face to accompany it.

A few miles away in the golf course Carl began to wish he was there to watch his with her new friend.

They drank some more champagne and flirted some more, when they realised that the afternoon was getting away from them.

“Fancy taking this back to the hotel?” Emma suggested, “I need a shower and someone to help me get all the sand off me.”

“What about your husband?” Asked Gio.

“He won’t be home for a while, he’s playing a full eighteen holes.” She smiled.

They headed back to the hotel, Emma and Carl had a bungalow with a private patio which was quite spacious.

The sexual tension was so strong that her hand was trembling as she stepped through the door. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on this guy.

Emma excused herself for a moment to use the bathroom, she took off her clothes, slipped into her sexy black satin robe and switched the shower on.

She returned to find Gio lying on the bed. Not to be too presumptuous he was still fully clothed, but his jaw dropped when he saw Emma in her sexy attire.

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